List of usage examples for Multimap put
boolean put(@Nullable K key, @Nullable V value);
From source
/** * Sets partition counts of intermediate streams participating in joins operations. *//*from w w w. j av a 2s. c o m*/ private static void setJoinedIntermediateStreamPartitions(Collection<StreamSet> joinedStreamSets) { // Map every intermediate stream to all the stream-sets it appears in Multimap<StreamEdge, StreamSet> intermediateStreamToStreamSets = HashMultimap.create(); for (StreamSet streamSet : joinedStreamSets) { for (StreamEdge streamEdge : streamSet.getStreamEdges()) { if (streamEdge.getPartitionCount() == StreamEdge.PARTITIONS_UNKNOWN) { intermediateStreamToStreamSets.put(streamEdge, streamSet); } } } Set<StreamSet> streamSets = new HashSet<>(joinedStreamSets); Set<StreamSet> processedStreamSets = new HashSet<>(); while (!streamSets.isEmpty()) { // Retrieve and remove one stream set StreamSet streamSet = streamSets.iterator().next(); streamSets.remove(streamSet); // Find any stream with set partitions in this set Optional<StreamEdge> streamWithSetPartitions = streamSet.getStreamEdges().stream() .filter(streamEdge -> streamEdge.getPartitionCount() != StreamEdge.PARTITIONS_UNKNOWN) .findAny(); if (streamWithSetPartitions.isPresent()) { // Mark this stream-set as processed since we won't need to re-examine it ever again. // It is important that we do this first before processing any intermediate streams // that may be in this stream-set. processedStreamSets.add(streamSet); // Set partitions of all intermediate streams in this set (if any) int partitions = streamWithSetPartitions.get().getPartitionCount(); for (StreamEdge streamEdge : streamSet.getStreamEdges()) { if (streamEdge.getPartitionCount() == StreamEdge.PARTITIONS_UNKNOWN) { streamEdge.setPartitionCount(partitions); // Add all unprocessed stream-sets in which this intermediate stream appears Collection<StreamSet> streamSetsIncludingIntStream = intermediateStreamToStreamSets .get(streamEdge); -> !processedStreamSets.contains(s)) .forEach(streamSets::add); } } } } }
From source
/** returns a list of {@link BrooklynTypePlanTransformer} instances for this {@link ManagementContext} * which may be able to handle the given plan; the list is sorted with highest-score transformer first */ @Beta// www .j av a 2s . co m public static List<BrooklynTypePlanTransformer> forType(ManagementContext mgmt, RegisteredType type, RegisteredTypeLoadingContext constraint) { Multimap<Double, BrooklynTypePlanTransformer> byScoreMulti = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Collection<BrooklynTypePlanTransformer> transformers = all(mgmt); for (BrooklynTypePlanTransformer transformer : transformers) { double score = transformer.scoreForType(type, constraint); if (score > 0) byScoreMulti.put(score, transformer); } Map<Double, Collection<BrooklynTypePlanTransformer>> tree = new TreeMap<Double, Collection<BrooklynTypePlanTransformer>>( byScoreMulti.asMap()); List<Collection<BrooklynTypePlanTransformer>> highestFirst = new ArrayList<Collection<BrooklynTypePlanTransformer>>( tree.values()); Collections.reverse(highestFirst); return ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.concat(highestFirst)); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Multimap<Object, Integer> gatherGCdIds(Multimap<Object, Integer> store) { // Pull all expired display lists from ref queue and add to an id multimap. SimpleContextIdReference<DisplayListDelegate> ref; while ((ref = (SimpleContextIdReference<DisplayListDelegate>) _refQueue.poll()) != null) { if (store == null) { // lazy init store = ArrayListMultimap.create(); }//from w w w . j ava2s .c om store.put(ref.getGlContext(), ref.getId()); ref.clear(); } return store; }
From source
/** * Returns the map from each {@link PCollectionNode} produced by any of the {@link ExecutableStage * stages} or {@link PTransformNode transforms} to all of the {@link ExecutableStage stages} or * {@link PTransformNode transforms} that produce it. *///from w w w .j a v a 2 s . c om private static Multimap<PCollectionNode, StageOrTransform> getProducers(QueryablePipeline pipeline, Iterable<ExecutableStage> stages, Iterable<PTransformNode> unfusedTransforms) { Multimap<PCollectionNode, StageOrTransform> pcollectionProducers = HashMultimap.create(); for (ExecutableStage stage : stages) { for (PCollectionNode output : stage.getOutputPCollections()) { pcollectionProducers.put(output, StageOrTransform.stage(stage)); } } for (PTransformNode unfused : unfusedTransforms) { for (PCollectionNode output : pipeline.getOutputPCollections(unfused)) { pcollectionProducers.put(output, StageOrTransform.transform(unfused)); } } return pcollectionProducers; }
From source
private static void insertToTraces(IQuerySpecification<?> specification, Multimap<PParameter, PParameter> traces, String parameter) { String targetName = "trace<" + parameter + ">"; PParameter var_target = new PParameter(targetName, NotationPackage.eINSTANCE.getNsURI() + "||" + NotationPackage.eINSTANCE.getItem().getName()); int positionOfParameter = specification.getPositionOfParameter(parameter); PParameter var_source = specification.getParameters().get(positionOfParameter); traces.put(var_target, var_source); }
From source
static void useSimpleNamesWherePossible(List<ListenerInfo> listeners) { // prepare map: simple name -> qualified names Multimap<String, String> simplePropertyNames = HashMultimap.create(); for (ListenerInfo listener : listeners) { String qualifiedName = listener.getName(); String simpleName = getSimpleName(qualifiedName); simplePropertyNames.put(simpleName, qualifiedName); }//www.j av a2 s . c o m // if simple name is unique, use it for (ListenerInfo listener : listeners) { String qualifiedName = listener.getName(); String simpleName = getSimpleName(qualifiedName); if (simplePropertyNames.get(simpleName).size() == 1) { listener.m_name = simpleName; } } }
From source
public static <ROW, LEFT, RIGHT, KEY> List<ROW> doJoin(boolean inner, List<LEFT> left, List<RIGHT> right, List<KEY> leftKeys, Function<RIGHT, KEY> rightKey, JoinEmit<ROW, LEFT, RIGHT> output) { List<ROW> result = Lists.newArrayList(); Multimap<KEY, RIGHT> rights = ArrayListMultimap.create(leftKeys.size(), 4); for (RIGHT row : right) { rights.put(rightKey.apply(row), row); }//w w w. j av a 2 s.c o m for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); ++i) { LEFT leftRow = left.get(i); KEY leftKey = leftKeys.get(i); Collection<RIGHT> match = rights.get(leftKey); if (match == null || match.isEmpty()) { if (!inner) { ROW row = output.create(); output.setLeft(row, leftRow); result.add(row); } continue; } for (RIGHT rightRow : match) { ROW row = output.create(); output.setLeft(row, leftRow); output.setRight(row, rightRow); result.add(row); } } return result; }
From source
/** * This function traverses the {@link OperatorSpec} graph to find and update mappings for all Joins reachable * from this input {@link StreamEdge}.//from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m * @param operatorSpec the {@link OperatorSpec} to traverse * @param sourceStreamEdge source {@link StreamEdge} * @param joinSpecToStreamEdges mapping from join spec to its source {@link StreamEdge}s * @param streamEdgeToJoinSpecs mapping from source {@link StreamEdge} to the join specs that consumes it * @param joinQ queue that contains joinSpecs where at least one of the input stream edge partitions is known. */ private static void findReachableJoins(OperatorSpec operatorSpec, StreamEdge sourceStreamEdge, Multimap<OperatorSpec, StreamEdge> joinSpecToStreamEdges, Multimap<StreamEdge, OperatorSpec> streamEdgeToJoinSpecs, Queue<OperatorSpec> joinQ, Set<OperatorSpec> visited) { if (operatorSpec instanceof JoinOperatorSpec) { joinSpecToStreamEdges.put(operatorSpec, sourceStreamEdge); streamEdgeToJoinSpecs.put(sourceStreamEdge, operatorSpec); if (!visited.contains(operatorSpec) && sourceStreamEdge.getPartitionCount() > 0) { // put the joins with known input partitions into the queue and mark as visited joinQ.add(operatorSpec); visited.add(operatorSpec); } } Collection<OperatorSpec> registeredOperatorSpecs = operatorSpec.getRegisteredOperatorSpecs(); for (OperatorSpec registeredOpSpec : registeredOperatorSpecs) { findReachableJoins(registeredOpSpec, sourceStreamEdge, joinSpecToStreamEdges, streamEdgeToJoinSpecs, joinQ, visited); } }
From source
private static Multimap<Class<? extends RelNode>, RelNode> getNodeTypes(RelNode rel, Class<? extends RelNode> c, RelMetadataQuery mq) {// www. j a v a2s. com final Multimap<Class<? extends RelNode>, RelNode> nodeTypeCount = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (RelNode input : rel.getInputs()) { Multimap<Class<? extends RelNode>, RelNode> partialNodeTypeCount = mq.getNodeTypes(input); if (partialNodeTypeCount == null) { return null; } nodeTypeCount.putAll(partialNodeTypeCount); } nodeTypeCount.put(c, rel); return nodeTypeCount; }
From source
@VisibleForTesting static void checkDuplicateScheme(Set<IOChannelFactoryRegistrar> registrars) { Multimap<String, IOChannelFactoryRegistrar> registrarsBySchemes = TreeMultimap .create(Ordering.<String>natural(), Ordering.arbitrary()); for (IOChannelFactoryRegistrar registrar : registrars) { registrarsBySchemes.put(registrar.getScheme(), registrar); }//from w w w .j av a 2 s. co m for (Entry<String, Collection<IOChannelFactoryRegistrar>> entry : registrarsBySchemes.asMap().entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().size() > 1) { String conflictingRegistrars = Joiner.on(", ").join(FluentIterable.from(entry.getValue()) .transform(new Function<IOChannelFactoryRegistrar, String>() { @Override public String apply(@Nonnull IOChannelFactoryRegistrar input) { return input.getClass().getName(); } }).toSortedList(Ordering.<String>natural())); throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Scheme: [%s] has conflicting registrars: [%s]", entry.getKey(), conflictingRegistrars)); } } }