Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.samza.execution; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.samza.SamzaException; import org.apache.samza.config.Config; import org.apache.samza.config.JobConfig; import org.apache.samza.operators.StreamGraphImpl; import org.apache.samza.operators.spec.JoinOperatorSpec; import org.apache.samza.operators.spec.OperatorSpec; import org.apache.samza.system.StreamSpec; import org.apache.samza.system.SystemStream; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * The ExecutionPlanner creates the physical execution graph for the StreamGraph, and * the intermediate topics needed for the execution. */ public class ExecutionPlanner { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExecutionPlanner.class); private final Config config; private final StreamManager streamManager; public ExecutionPlanner(Config config, StreamManager streamManager) { this.config = config; this.streamManager = streamManager; } public ExecutionPlan plan(StreamGraphImpl streamGraph) throws Exception { // create physical job graph based on stream graph JobGraph jobGraph = createJobGraph(streamGraph); // fetch the external streams partition info updateExistingPartitions(jobGraph, streamManager); if (!jobGraph.getIntermediateStreamEdges().isEmpty()) { // figure out the partitions for internal streams calculatePartitions(streamGraph, jobGraph); } return jobGraph; } /** * Create the physical graph from StreamGraph */ /* package private */ JobGraph createJobGraph(StreamGraphImpl streamGraph) { JobGraph jobGraph = new JobGraph(config); Set<StreamSpec> sourceStreams = new HashSet<>(streamGraph.getInputOperators().keySet()); Set<StreamSpec> sinkStreams = new HashSet<>(streamGraph.getOutputStreams().keySet()); Set<StreamSpec> intStreams = new HashSet<>(sourceStreams); intStreams.retainAll(sinkStreams); sourceStreams.removeAll(intStreams); sinkStreams.removeAll(intStreams); // For this phase, we have a single job node for the whole dag String jobName = config.get(JobConfig.JOB_NAME()); String jobId = config.get(JobConfig.JOB_ID(), "1"); JobNode node = jobGraph.getOrCreateJobNode(jobName, jobId, streamGraph); // add sources sourceStreams.forEach(spec -> jobGraph.addSource(spec, node)); // add sinks sinkStreams.forEach(spec -> jobGraph.addSink(spec, node)); // add intermediate streams intStreams.forEach(spec -> jobGraph.addIntermediateStream(spec, node, node)); jobGraph.validate(); return jobGraph; } /** * Figure out the number of partitions of all streams */ /* package private */ void calculatePartitions(StreamGraphImpl streamGraph, JobGraph jobGraph) { // calculate the partitions for the input streams of join operators calculateJoinInputPartitions(streamGraph, jobGraph); // calculate the partitions for the rest of intermediate streams calculateIntStreamPartitions(jobGraph, config); // validate all the partitions are assigned validatePartitions(jobGraph); } /** * Fetch the partitions of source/sink streams and update the StreamEdges. * @param jobGraph {@link JobGraph} * @param streamManager the {@link StreamManager} to interface with the streams. */ /* package private */ static void updateExistingPartitions(JobGraph jobGraph, StreamManager streamManager) { Set<StreamEdge> existingStreams = new HashSet<>(); existingStreams.addAll(jobGraph.getSources()); existingStreams.addAll(jobGraph.getSinks()); Multimap<String, StreamEdge> systemToStreamEdges = HashMultimap.create(); // group the StreamEdge(s) based on the system name existingStreams.forEach(streamEdge -> { SystemStream systemStream = streamEdge.getSystemStream(); systemToStreamEdges.put(systemStream.getSystem(), streamEdge); }); for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<StreamEdge>> entry : systemToStreamEdges.asMap().entrySet()) { String systemName = entry.getKey(); Collection<StreamEdge> streamEdges = entry.getValue(); Map<String, StreamEdge> streamToStreamEdge = new HashMap<>(); // create the stream name to StreamEdge mapping for this system streamEdges.forEach( streamEdge -> streamToStreamEdge.put(streamEdge.getSystemStream().getStream(), streamEdge)); // retrieve the partition counts for the streams in this system Map<String, Integer> streamToPartitionCount = streamManager.getStreamPartitionCounts(systemName, streamToStreamEdge.keySet()); // set the partitions of a stream to its StreamEdge streamToPartitionCount.forEach((stream, partitionCount) -> { streamToStreamEdge.get(stream).setPartitionCount(partitionCount); log.debug("Partition count is {} for stream {}", partitionCount, stream); }); } } /** * Calculate the partitions for the input streams of join operators */ /* package private */ static void calculateJoinInputPartitions(StreamGraphImpl streamGraph, JobGraph jobGraph) { // mapping from a source stream to all join specs reachable from it Multimap<OperatorSpec, StreamEdge> joinSpecToStreamEdges = HashMultimap.create(); // reverse mapping of the above Multimap<StreamEdge, OperatorSpec> streamEdgeToJoinSpecs = HashMultimap.create(); // A queue of joins with known input partitions Queue<OperatorSpec> joinQ = new LinkedList<>(); // The visited set keeps track of the join specs that have been already inserted in the queue before Set<OperatorSpec> visited = new HashSet<>(); streamGraph.getInputOperators().entrySet().forEach(entry -> { StreamEdge streamEdge = jobGraph.getOrCreateStreamEdge(entry.getKey()); // Traverses the StreamGraph to find and update mappings for all Joins reachable from this input StreamEdge findReachableJoins(entry.getValue(), streamEdge, joinSpecToStreamEdges, streamEdgeToJoinSpecs, joinQ, visited); }); // At this point, joinQ contains joinSpecs where at least one of the input stream edge partitions is known. while (!joinQ.isEmpty()) { OperatorSpec join = joinQ.poll(); int partitions = StreamEdge.PARTITIONS_UNKNOWN; // loop through the input streams to the join and find the partition count for (StreamEdge edge : joinSpecToStreamEdges.get(join)) { int edgePartitions = edge.getPartitionCount(); if (edgePartitions != StreamEdge.PARTITIONS_UNKNOWN) { if (partitions == StreamEdge.PARTITIONS_UNKNOWN) { //if the partition is not assigned partitions = edgePartitions; } else if (partitions != edgePartitions) { throw new SamzaException(String.format( "Unable to resolve input partitions of stream %s for join. Expected: %d, Actual: %d", edge.getFormattedSystemStream(), partitions, edgePartitions)); } } } // assign the partition count for intermediate streams for (StreamEdge edge : joinSpecToStreamEdges.get(join)) { if (edge.getPartitionCount() <= 0) { edge.setPartitionCount(partitions); // find other joins can be inferred by setting this edge for (OperatorSpec op : streamEdgeToJoinSpecs.get(edge)) { if (!visited.contains(op)) { joinQ.add(op); visited.add(op); } } } } } } /** * This function traverses the {@link OperatorSpec} graph to find and update mappings for all Joins reachable * from this input {@link StreamEdge}. * @param operatorSpec the {@link OperatorSpec} to traverse * @param sourceStreamEdge source {@link StreamEdge} * @param joinSpecToStreamEdges mapping from join spec to its source {@link StreamEdge}s * @param streamEdgeToJoinSpecs mapping from source {@link StreamEdge} to the join specs that consumes it * @param joinQ queue that contains joinSpecs where at least one of the input stream edge partitions is known. */ private static void findReachableJoins(OperatorSpec operatorSpec, StreamEdge sourceStreamEdge, Multimap<OperatorSpec, StreamEdge> joinSpecToStreamEdges, Multimap<StreamEdge, OperatorSpec> streamEdgeToJoinSpecs, Queue<OperatorSpec> joinQ, Set<OperatorSpec> visited) { if (operatorSpec instanceof JoinOperatorSpec) { joinSpecToStreamEdges.put(operatorSpec, sourceStreamEdge); streamEdgeToJoinSpecs.put(sourceStreamEdge, operatorSpec); if (!visited.contains(operatorSpec) && sourceStreamEdge.getPartitionCount() > 0) { // put the joins with known input partitions into the queue and mark as visited joinQ.add(operatorSpec); visited.add(operatorSpec); } } Collection<OperatorSpec> registeredOperatorSpecs = operatorSpec.getRegisteredOperatorSpecs(); for (OperatorSpec registeredOpSpec : registeredOperatorSpecs) { findReachableJoins(registeredOpSpec, sourceStreamEdge, joinSpecToStreamEdges, streamEdgeToJoinSpecs, joinQ, visited); } } private static void calculateIntStreamPartitions(JobGraph jobGraph, Config config) { int partitions = config.getInt(JobConfig.JOB_INTERMEDIATE_STREAM_PARTITIONS(), StreamEdge.PARTITIONS_UNKNOWN); if (partitions < 0) { // use the following simple algo to figure out the partitions // partition = MAX(MAX(Input topic partitions), MAX(Output topic partitions)) int maxInPartitions = maxPartition(jobGraph.getSources()); int maxOutPartitions = maxPartition(jobGraph.getSinks()); partitions = Math.max(maxInPartitions, maxOutPartitions); } for (StreamEdge edge : jobGraph.getIntermediateStreamEdges()) { if (edge.getPartitionCount() <= 0) { edge.setPartitionCount(partitions); } } } private static void validatePartitions(JobGraph jobGraph) { for (StreamEdge edge : jobGraph.getIntermediateStreamEdges()) { if (edge.getPartitionCount() <= 0) { throw new SamzaException(String.format("Failure to assign the partitions to Stream %s", edge.getFormattedSystemStream())); } } } /* package private */ static int maxPartition(Collection<StreamEdge> edges) { return .orElse(StreamEdge.PARTITIONS_UNKNOWN); } }