Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterators transform

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterators transform


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterators transform.


public static <F, T> Iterator<T> transform(final Iterator<F> fromIterator,
        final Function<? super F, ? extends T> function) 

Source Link


Returns an iterator that applies function to each element of fromIterator .


From source file:org.ow2.sirocco.cloudmanager.api.openstack.server.resources.nova.functions.ServerCreateToMachineCreate.java

public MachineCreate apply(ServerForCreate server) {
    MachineCreate machine = new MachineCreate();
    machine.setName(server.getName());//from  www .j  a v  a  2s.  c  o m
    machine.setDescription("Machine created with the Openstack/Sirocco API");

    String image = server.getImageRef();
    String flavor = server.getFlavorRef();

    MachineTemplate template = new MachineTemplate();

    if (image != null) {
        if (image.startsWith("http") && image.contains("/")) {
            image = image.substring(image.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
        try {
        } catch (CloudProviderException e) {
            LOG.error("Can not find machine image");
    } else {
        LOG.warn("Can not get imageRef from input create server bean");

    if (flavor != null) {
        if (flavor.startsWith("http") && flavor.contains("/")) {
            flavor = flavor.substring(flavor.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

        MachineConfiguration machineConfig = null;
        try {
        } catch (CloudProviderException e) {
            LOG.error("Can not find machine configuration");
    } else {
        // ?
        LOG.warn("Can not get flavorRef from the input create server bean");

    // openstack use the security group names where sirocco uses the UUIDs
    List groups = Lists.newArrayList(Collections2.filter(
            Lists.transform(server.getSecurityGroups(), new Function<ServerForCreate.SecurityGroup, String>() {
                public String apply(ServerForCreate.SecurityGroup input) {
                    return new SecurityGroupNameToUUID(networkManager).apply(input.getName());
            }), new Predicate<String>() {
                public boolean apply(String input) {
                    return input != null;

    if (server.getKeyName() != null) {
        Credentials credentials = new GetCredentialsByName(credentialsManager).apply(server.getKeyName());
        if (credentials != null) {
        } else {
            // should throw an exception
            LOG.warn("No credentials found for key name " + server.getKeyName());

    if (server.getNetworks() != null) {
        // Keep only the networks with UUID and the ones which are available in sirocco.
        // Other operations are not supported in sirocco.
        Iterator<ServerForCreate.Network> keep = Iterators.filter(server.getNetworks().iterator(),
                new Predicate<ServerForCreate.Network>() {
                    public boolean apply(ServerForCreate.Network input) {
                        if (input.getUuid() != null) {
                            try {
                                return true;
                            } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {
                                // TODO : Throw exception since the user specified a network which is not available
                                return false;
                        } else {
                            return false;

        Iterator<MachineTemplateNetworkInterface> out = Iterators.transform(keep,
                new Function<ServerForCreate.Network, MachineTemplateNetworkInterface>() {
                    public MachineTemplateNetworkInterface apply(ServerForCreate.Network network) {
                        MachineTemplateNetworkInterface result = new MachineTemplateNetworkInterface();
                        if (network.getUuid() != null) {
                            try {
                            } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {
                        return result;

    if (server.getUserData() != null) {

    //        template.setCredential(credentials);
    //        template.setEventLogTemplate(eventLogTemplate);
    //        template.setInitialState(state);
    //        template.setMachineConfig(config);
    //        template.setMachineImage(image);
    //        template.setNetworkInterfaces(interfaces);
    //        template.setSystemCredentialName(credentialName);
    //        template.setUserData(userData);
    //        template.setUser(user);
    //        template.setVolumes(volumes);
    //        template.setVolumeTemplates(volumeTemplates);
    //        template.setCreated(created);
    //        template.setDeleted(deleted);
    //        template.setDescription(desccription);
    //        template.setId(id);
    //        template.setIsEmbeddedInSystemTemplate(Boolean.TRUE);
    //        template.setName(name);
    //        template.setName(props);
    //        template.setProviderAssignedId(id);
    //        template.setUpdated(updated);


    if (server.getMetadata() != null && server.getMetadata().size() > 0) {

    return machine;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.messaging.json.JSONMessageFactory.java

static List<Map<String, String>> getPartitionKeyValues(final Table table, Iterator<Partition> iterator) {
    return Lists.newArrayList(Iterators.transform(iterator,
            new com.google.common.base.Function<Partition, Map<String, String>>() {
                @Override//from   www . j  av  a 2  s. c o m
                public Map<String, String> apply(@Nullable Partition partition) {
                    return getPartitionKeyValues(table, partition);

From source file:com.netxforge.netxstudio.data.ReferenceHelper.java

public static Iterator<CDOObject> transEObjectToCDOObjects(Iterator<? extends EObject> eObjects) {
    final Function<EObject, CDOObject> cdoObjectFromEObject = new Function<EObject, CDOObject>() {
        public CDOObject apply(EObject from) {
            return (CDOObject) from;
        }// w w  w.  j  a  va 2 s  .  c  o m
    return Iterators.transform(eObjects, cdoObjectFromEObject);

From source file:org.geogit.api.plumbing.DeepMove.java

private void moveTree(final ObjectId treeId, final ObjectDatabase from, final ObjectDatabase to,
        final Set<ObjectId> metadataIds) {

    Supplier<Iterator<NodeRef>> refs = command(LsTreeOp.class).setReference(treeId.toString())

    Supplier<Iterator<Node>> nodes = Suppliers.compose(new Function<Iterator<NodeRef>, Iterator<Node>>() {

        @Override//w  w  w . ja v a 2  s. co m
        public Iterator<Node> apply(Iterator<NodeRef> input) {
            return Iterators.transform(input, new Function<NodeRef, Node>() {
                public Node apply(NodeRef input) {
                    return input.getNode();
    }, refs);

    // move all features, recursively as given by the LsTreeOp strategy
    moveObjects(from, to, nodes, metadataIds);

    // collect all subtree and bucket ids here to delete them from the origin db
    final Set<ObjectId> alltreeIds = Sets.newTreeSet();
    Predicate<RevTree> collectIds = new Predicate<RevTree>() {
        public boolean apply(RevTree input) {
            return true;

    // iterator that traverses the tree,all its subtrees, an bucket trees
    Iterator<RevTree> allSubtreesAndBuckets = new AllTrees(treeId, from);
    allSubtreesAndBuckets = Iterators.filter(allSubtreesAndBuckets, collectIds);


From source file:qdg.StaticMixedSubIdGraph.java

public Iterator<Edge> getIncidentArcIterator(Node node) {
    return Iterators.transform(new ConcatIterator<Integer>(arcLace.getOutArcIterator(((HasId) node).getId()),
            arcLace.getInArcIterator(((HasId) node).getId())), constructArc);

From source file:org.fcrepo.kernel.FedoraResourceImpl.java

public Collection<String> getModels() throws RepositoryException {
    if (isFrozen.apply(node)) {
        return newArrayList(
                Iterators.transform(property2values.apply(node.getProperty(FROZEN_MIXIN_TYPES)), value2string));
    }/* w  w  w  .  j  a v a 2s  .  c o  m*/
    return map(node.getMixinNodeTypes(), nodetype2name);

From source file:org.fcrepo.kernel.modeshape.rdf.impl.LdpContainerRdfContext.java

 * Get the member relations assert on the subject by the given node
 * @param container/*  www . j  a  va  2 s.  co m*/
 * @return
 * @throws RepositoryException
private Iterator<Triple> memberRelations(final FedoraResource container) throws RepositoryException {
    final com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node memberRelation;

    if (container.hasProperty(LDP_HAS_MEMBER_RELATION)) {
        final Property property = container.getProperty(LDP_HAS_MEMBER_RELATION);
        memberRelation = createURI(property.getString());
    } else if (container.hasType(LDP_BASIC_CONTAINER)) {
        memberRelation = LDP_MEMBER.asNode();
    } else {
        return emptyIterator();

    final String insertedContainerProperty;

    if (container.hasType(LDP_INDIRECT_CONTAINER)) {
        if (container.hasProperty(LDP_INSERTED_CONTENT_RELATION)) {
            insertedContainerProperty = container.getProperty(LDP_INSERTED_CONTENT_RELATION).getString();
        } else {
            return emptyIterator();
    } else {
        insertedContainerProperty = MEMBER_SUBJECT.getURI();

    return flatMap(container.getChildren(),
            UncheckedFunction.<FedoraResource, Iterator<Triple>>uncheck(child -> {
                final com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node childSubject = child instanceof NonRdfSourceDescription
                        ? uriFor(((NonRdfSourceDescription) child).getDescribedResource())
                        : uriFor(child);

                if (insertedContainerProperty.equals(MEMBER_SUBJECT.getURI())) {
                    return singletonIterator(create(subject(), memberRelation, childSubject));
                String insertedContentProperty = getPropertyNameFromPredicate(resource().getNode(),
                        createResource(insertedContainerProperty), null);

                if (child.hasProperty(insertedContentProperty)) {
                    // do nothing, insertedContentProperty is good

                } else if (child.hasProperty(getReferencePropertyName(insertedContentProperty))) {
                    // The insertedContentProperty is a pseudo reference property
                    insertedContentProperty = getReferencePropertyName(insertedContentProperty);

                } else {
                    // No property found!
                    return emptyIterator();

                final PropertyValueIterator values = new PropertyValueIterator(

                return Iterators.transform(values, v -> create(subject(), memberRelation,
                        new ValueConverter(session(), translator()).convert(v).asNode()));


From source file:qdg.view.MixedGraphAsBiDiGraph.java

public Iterator<Edge> getIncidentArcIterator(Node node) {
    Iterator<Edge> forwardArcs = Iterators.transform(g.getIncidentArcIterator(node), forwardEdge);
    Iterator<Edge> backwardArcs = Iterators.transform(g.getIncidentArcIterator(node), backwardEdge);
    Iterator<Edge> forwardUEdges = Iterators.transform(g.getIncidentEdgeIterator(node), forwardEdge);
    Iterator<Edge> backwardUEdges = Iterators.transform(g.getIncidentUEdgeIterator(node), backwardEdge);
    return Iterators.concat(forwardArcs, backwardArcs, forwardUEdges, backwardUEdges);

From source file:org.polymap.core.model2.store.feature.FeatureStoreUnitOfWork.java

public <T extends Entity> Collection find(Class<T> entityClass) {
    try {/*  ww w  .  j  av a 2s.  co  m*/
        // schema
        FeatureStore fs = featureSource(entityClass);
        FeatureType schema = fs.getSchema();

        // features (just IDs) 
        final FeatureCollection features = fs.getFeatures(
                new DefaultQuery(schema.getName().getLocalPart(), Filter.INCLUDE, new String[] {}));
        final Iterator<Feature> it = features.iterator();

        return new AbstractCollection<String>() {

            private LazyInit<Integer> size = new PlainLazyInit();

            public Iterator<String> iterator() {
                return Iterators.transform(it, new Function<Feature, String>() {
                    public String apply(Feature input) {
                        return input.getIdentifier().getID();

            public int size() {
                return size.get(new Supplier<Integer>() {
                    public Integer get() {
                        return features.size();

            public boolean isEmpty() {
                return size() == 0; //features.isEmpty();

            protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
                if (it != null) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ModelRuntimeException(e);

From source file:org.geogit.geotools.plumbing.ImportOp.java

 * Executes the import operation using the parameters that have been specified. Features will be
 * added to the working tree, and a new working tree will be constructed. Either {@code all} or
 * {@code table}, but not both, must be set prior to the import process.
 * /*from w  ww  .j  a  v  a 2s  .c o  m*/
 * @return RevTree the new working tree
public RevTree call() {
    if (dataStore == null) {
        throw new GeoToolsOpException(StatusCode.DATASTORE_NOT_DEFINED);

    if ((table == null || table.isEmpty()) && !(all)) {
        throw new GeoToolsOpException(StatusCode.TABLE_NOT_DEFINED);

    if (table != null && !table.isEmpty() && all) {
        throw new GeoToolsOpException(StatusCode.ALL_AND_TABLE_DEFINED);

    boolean foundTable = false;

    List<Name> typeNames;
    try {
        typeNames = dataStore.getNames();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new GeoToolsOpException(StatusCode.UNABLE_TO_GET_NAMES);

    if (typeNames.size() > 1 && alter && all) {
        throw new GeoToolsOpException(StatusCode.ALTER_AND_ALL_DEFINED);

    if (alter) {
        overwrite = false;

    int tableCount = 0;
    if (destPath != null && !destPath.isEmpty()) {
        if (typeNames.size() > 1 && all) {
            if (overwrite) {
                // we delete the previous tree to honor the overwrite setting, but then turn it
                // to false. Otherwise, each table imported will overwrite the previous ones and
                // only the last one will be imported.
                try {
                    this.getWorkTree().delete(new NameImpl(destPath));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new GeoToolsOpException(e, StatusCode.UNABLE_TO_INSERT);
                overwrite = false;


    for (Name typeName : typeNames) {
        if (!all && !table.equals(typeName.toString()))

        foundTable = true;

        String tableName = String.format("%-16s", typeName.getLocalPart());
        if (typeName.getLocalPart().length() > 16) {
            tableName = tableName.substring(0, 13) + "...";
        getProgressListener().setDescription("Importing " + tableName + " (" + (all ? tableCount : 1) + "/"
                + (all ? typeNames.size() : 1) + ")... ");

        SimpleFeatureSource featureSource;
        SimpleFeatureCollection features;
        try {
            featureSource = dataStore.getFeatureSource(typeName);
            features = featureSource.getFeatures();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new GeoToolsOpException(StatusCode.UNABLE_TO_GET_FEATURES);

        final RevFeatureType featureType = RevFeatureType.build(featureSource.getSchema());

        String path;
        if (destPath == null || destPath.isEmpty()) {
            path = featureType.getName().getLocalPart();
        } else {
            path = destPath;


        ProgressListener taskProgress = subProgress(100.f / (all ? typeNames.size() : 1f));

        String refspec = Ref.WORK_HEAD + ":" + path;

        if (overwrite) {
            try {
                this.getWorkTree().delete(new NameImpl(path));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new GeoToolsOpException(e, StatusCode.UNABLE_TO_INSERT);

        final SimpleFeatureIterator featureIterator = features.features();
        Iterator<Feature> iterator = new AbstractIterator<Feature>() {
            protected Feature computeNext() {
                if (!featureIterator.hasNext()) {
                    return super.endOfData();
                return featureIterator.next();
        final String fidPrefix = featureType.getName().getLocalPart() + ".";
        iterator = Iterators.transform(iterator, new FidReplacer(fidPrefix));

        Integer collectionSize = features.size();
        if (!alter) {
            try {
                if (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    getWorkTree().insert(path, iterator, taskProgress, null, collectionSize);
                } else {
                    // No features
                    if (overwrite) {
                        getWorkTree().createTypeTree(path, featureType.type());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new GeoToolsOpException(e, StatusCode.UNABLE_TO_INSERT);
            } finally {
        } else {
            // first we modify the feature type and the existing features, if needed
            this.getWorkTree().updateTypeTree(path, featureType.type());

            Iterator<NodeRef> oldFeatures = command(LsTreeOp.class).setReference(refspec)
            Iterator<Feature> transformedIterator = transformIterator(oldFeatures, featureType);
            try {
                Integer size = features.size();
                getWorkTree().insert(path, transformedIterator, taskProgress, null, size);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new GeoToolsOpException(StatusCode.UNABLE_TO_INSERT);
            // then we add the new ones
            getWorkTree().insert(path, iterator, taskProgress, null, collectionSize);

    if (!foundTable) {
        if (all) {
            throw new GeoToolsOpException(StatusCode.NO_FEATURES_FOUND);
        } else {
            throw new GeoToolsOpException(StatusCode.TABLE_NOT_FOUND);
    return getWorkTree().getTree();