List of usage examples for Iterables removeAll
public static boolean removeAll(Iterable<?> removeFrom, Collection<?> elementsToRemove)
From source
protected void queue(final Set<URI> files, final Collection<URI> toRemove, final Collection<URI> toAdd) { Iterables.removeAll(files, toRemove); Iterables.<URI>addAll(files, toAdd); }
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private void updateFilterApplication(DDiagramElement element, AppliedCompositeFilters filterApplication, List<CompositeFilterDescription> appliedFilters) { if (element != null && filterApplication != null && appliedFilters != null) { if (appliedFilters.isEmpty()) { element.getGraphicalFilters().remove(filterApplication); } else {// www. j a va2 Collection<CompositeFilterDescription> filterToAdd = Lists.newArrayList(appliedFilters); Iterables.removeAll(filterToAdd, filterApplication.getCompositeFilterDescriptions()); Collection<CompositeFilterDescription> filterToRemove = Lists .newArrayList(filterApplication.getCompositeFilterDescriptions()); Iterables.removeAll(filterToRemove, appliedFilters); filterApplication.getCompositeFilterDescriptions().removeAll(filterToRemove); filterApplication.getCompositeFilterDescriptions().addAll(filterToAdd); } } }
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Edge getEdge() { Edge edge = null;/*from w w w.ja va 2 s .c om*/ if (reconnectionKind == ReconnectionKind.RECONNECT_SOURCE_LITERAL) { final List<Edge> sourceEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>(reconnectionTarget.getSourceEdges()); Iterables.removeAll(sourceEdges, reconnectionTargetEdges); Predicate<Edge> notToReconnectingEdge = new Predicate<Edge>() { public boolean apply(Edge input) { return !sourceEdges.contains(input.getTarget()); } }; // For case with reconnect edge source from borderedNode to // borderedNode // when borderedNode is mapping with EReference if (sourceEdges.isEmpty() && reconnectionTarget.getElement() instanceof AbstractDNode) { AbstractDNode abstractDNode = (AbstractDNode) reconnectionTarget.getElement(); List<DNode> borderedNodes = abstractDNode.getOwnedBorderedNodes(); if (!borderedNodes.isEmpty()) { DNode borderedNode = borderedNodes.get(borderedNodes.size() - 1); Collection<EObject> inverseReferences = new EObjectQuery(borderedNode) .getInverseReferences(NotationPackage.eINSTANCE.getView_Element()); Node nodeSource = Iterables.getOnlyElement(Iterables.filter(inverseReferences, Node.class)); List<Edge> sourceEdgesOfBorderedNode = new ArrayList<Edge>(nodeSource.getSourceEdges()); edge = Iterables .getOnlyElement(Iterables.filter(sourceEdgesOfBorderedNode, notToReconnectingEdge)); } } else { edge = Iterables.getOnlyElement(Iterables.filter(sourceEdges, notToReconnectingEdge)); } } else { final List<Edge> targetEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>(reconnectionTarget.getTargetEdges()); Iterables.removeAll(targetEdges, reconnectionTargetEdges); Predicate<Edge> notFromReconnectingEdge = new Predicate<Edge>() { public boolean apply(Edge input) { return !targetEdges.contains(input.getSource()); } }; // For case with reconnect edge target from borderedNode to // borderedNode // when borderedNode is mapping with EReference if (targetEdges.isEmpty() && reconnectionTarget.getElement() instanceof AbstractDNode) { AbstractDNode abstractDNode = (AbstractDNode) reconnectionTarget.getElement(); List<DNode> borderedNodes = abstractDNode.getOwnedBorderedNodes(); if (!borderedNodes.isEmpty()) { DNode borderedNode = borderedNodes.get(borderedNodes.size() - 1); Collection<EObject> inverseReferences = new EObjectQuery(borderedNode) .getInverseReferences(NotationPackage.eINSTANCE.getView_Element()); Node nodeTarget = Iterables.getOnlyElement(Iterables.filter(inverseReferences, Node.class)); List<Edge> targetEdgesOfBorderedNode = new ArrayList<Edge>(nodeTarget.getTargetEdges()); edge = Iterables .getOnlyElement(Iterables.filter(targetEdgesOfBorderedNode, notFromReconnectingEdge)); } } else { edge = Iterables.getOnlyElement(Iterables.filter(targetEdges, notFromReconnectingEdge)); } } return edge; }
From source
protected List<IResourceDescription.Delta> internalBuild(final CancelIndicator cancelIndicator) { final ArrayList<URI> allDirty = new ArrayList<URI>(this.dirtyFiles); final HashMultimap<ProjectDescription, URI> project2dirty = HashMultimap.<ProjectDescription, URI>create(); for (final URI dirty : allDirty) { {//from w w w . j a va 2 s.c om final ProjectDescription projectManager = this.workspaceManager.getProjectManager(dirty) .getProjectDescription(); project2dirty.put(projectManager, dirty); } } final HashMultimap<ProjectDescription, URI> project2deleted = HashMultimap .<ProjectDescription, URI>create(); for (final URI deleted : this.deletedFiles) { { final ProjectDescription projectManager = this.workspaceManager.getProjectManager(deleted) .getProjectDescription(); project2deleted.put(projectManager, deleted); } } Set<ProjectDescription> _keySet = project2dirty.keySet(); Set<ProjectDescription> _keySet_1 = project2deleted.keySet(); Iterable<ProjectDescription> _plus = Iterables.<ProjectDescription>concat(_keySet, _keySet_1); final List<ProjectDescription> sortedDescriptions = this.sortByDependencies(_plus); final ArrayList<IResourceDescription.Delta> result = CollectionLiterals.<IResourceDescription.Delta>newArrayList(); for (final ProjectDescription it : sortedDescriptions) { { final ProjectManager projectManager = this.workspaceManager.getProjectManager(it.getName()); final List<URI> projectDirty = IterableExtensions.<URI>toList(project2dirty.get(it)); final List<URI> projectDeleted = IterableExtensions.<URI>toList(project2deleted.get(it)); final IncrementalBuilder.Result partialResult = projectManager.doBuild(projectDirty, projectDeleted, result, cancelIndicator); final Function1<IResourceDescription.Delta, URI> _function = (IResourceDescription.Delta it_1) -> { return it_1.getUri(); }; allDirty.addAll(ListExtensions.<IResourceDescription.Delta, URI>map( partialResult.getAffectedResources(), _function)); Iterables.removeAll(this.dirtyFiles, projectDirty); Iterables.removeAll(this.deletedFiles, projectDeleted); result.addAll(partialResult.getAffectedResources()); } } return result; }
From source
/** * Returns an ordered list of {@link IItemDescriptor}. The order of the list is either defined by the rank * in the registry or from preference if the rank has been overloaded. If any descriptor has been added or * removed since last modification of the preference, this method will merge the modification. * /*w w w . java 2s . c o m*/ * @param orderedDefaultDescriptor * List of ordered default {@link IItemDescriptor}. * @param descriptorRegistry * Registry of descriptor. * @param orderedItemPreferenceKey * Key in preferences where are stored the new order of descriptor * @return Ordered list of descriptor. * @param <T> * Descriptor type. */ private <T> List<IItemDescriptor<T>> getOrderedItems(List<IItemDescriptor<T>> orderedDefaultDescriptor, IItemRegistry<T> descriptorRegistry, String orderedItemPreferenceKey) { List<IItemDescriptor<T>> itemsDescriptor = ItemUtil.getItemsDescriptor(descriptorRegistry, orderedItemPreferenceKey, preferences); if (itemsDescriptor == null) { itemsDescriptor = orderedDefaultDescriptor; } else { HashSet<IItemDescriptor<T>> descriptorFromPrefSet = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(itemsDescriptor); HashSet<IItemDescriptor<T>> defaultDescriptorSet = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(orderedDefaultDescriptor); // Remove descriptor SetView<IItemDescriptor<T>> descriptorToRemove = Sets.difference(descriptorFromPrefSet, defaultDescriptorSet); Iterables.removeAll(itemsDescriptor, descriptorToRemove); // Add new descriptor SetView<IItemDescriptor<T>> descriptorToAdd = Sets.difference(defaultDescriptorSet, descriptorFromPrefSet); Iterables.addAll(itemsDescriptor, descriptorToAdd); } return itemsDescriptor; }
From source
private void printResultUpdate(final PluginOperationResult operationResult) { // Print regular result if (operationResult.getResultCode() == PluginResultCode.OK) { if (operationResult.getUpdatedPluginIds().size() == 0) { out.println("All plugins are up to date."); } else {// w ww .j a va 2 s.c o m Iterables.removeAll(operationResult.getUpdatedPluginIds(), operationResult.getErroneousPluginIds()); Iterables.removeAll(operationResult.getUpdatedPluginIds(), operationResult.getDelayedPluginIds()); if (operationResult.getDelayedPluginIds().size() > 0) { out.printf("Plugins to be updated: %s\n", StringUtil.join(operationResult.getDelayedPluginIds(), ", ")); } if (operationResult.getUpdatedPluginIds().size() > 0) { out.printf("Plugins successfully updated: %s\n", StringUtil.join(operationResult.getUpdatedPluginIds(), ", ")); } if (operationResult.getErroneousPluginIds().size() > 0) { out.printf("Failed to update %s. Try -d to get more details\n", StringUtil.join(operationResult.getErroneousPluginIds(), ", ")); } out.println(); } } else { out.println("Plugin update failed. Try -d to get more details."); out.println(); } }
From source
private Set<ISequenceEvent> getTopLevelEvents(Set<ISequenceEvent> events, Collection<ISequenceEvent> potentialParents, Set<Lifeline> coveredLifelines) { HashSet<ISequenceEvent> topLevel = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); boolean parentFrames = Iterables.size(Iterables.filter(potentialParents, AbstractFrame.class)) != 0; for (ISequenceEvent event : events) { final Range verticalRange = event.getVerticalRange(); final ISequenceEvent potentialChild = event; Predicate<ISequenceEvent> isParentOfCurrent = new Predicate<ISequenceEvent>() { public boolean apply(ISequenceEvent input) { Range inputRange = input.getVerticalRange(); boolean isParent = inputRange.includes(verticalRange); return isParent && input != potentialChild; }//from ww w.j a v a 2 s . com }; List<ISequenceEvent> parents = Lists .newArrayList(Iterables.filter(potentialParents, isParentOfCurrent)); if (parents.isEmpty()) { topLevel.add(potentialChild); } else if (potentialChild instanceof AbstractFrame && !parentFrames) { Collection<ISequenceEvent> carriers = Lists .newArrayList(getCarryingParents((AbstractFrame) potentialChild, coveredLifelines)); Iterables.removeAll(carriers, parents); if (!carriers.isEmpty()) { topLevel.add(potentialChild); } } } return topLevel; }
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/** * Removes all of the specified elements from the specified collection. * * @param collection//from ww w . j a v a2 s . co m * the collection from which the {@code elements} are to be removed. May not be <code>null</code>. * @param elements * the elements to remove from the {@code collection}. May not be <code>null</code> but may contain * <code>null</code> entries if the {@code collection} allows that. * @return <code>true</code> if the collection changed as a result of the call * @since 2.4 */ @Inline(value = "$3.$4removeAll($1, $2)", imported = Iterables.class) public static <T> boolean removeAll(Collection<T> collection, Collection<? extends T> elements) { return Iterables.removeAll(collection, elements); }
From source
/** * Removes all of the specified elements from the specified collection. * //from w w w . ja va 2 s . c o m * @param collection * the collection from which the {@code elements} are to be removed. May not be <code>null</code>. * @param elements * the elements to remove from the {@code collection}. May not be <code>null</code> but may contain * <code>null</code> entries if the {@code collection} allows that. * @return <code>true</code> if the collection changed as a result of the call * @since 2.4 */ public static <T> boolean removeAll(Collection<T> collection, Iterable<? extends T> elements) { return Iterables.removeAll(collection, newHashSet(elements)); }
From source
/** * Removes the specified tags from the specified entity. * * @param targetId the {@link Id.NamespacedId} from which to remove the specified tags * @param tagsToRemove the tags to remove *///from w w w . j ava 2 s. c o m public void removeTags(Id.NamespacedId targetId, String... tagsToRemove) { Set<String> existingTags = getTags(targetId); if (existingTags.isEmpty()) { // nothing to remove return; } Iterables.removeAll(existingTags, Arrays.asList(tagsToRemove)); // call remove metadata for tags which will delete all the existing indexes for tags of this targetId removeMetadata(targetId, TAGS_KEY); setTags(targetId, Iterables.toArray(existingTags, String.class)); }