Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 THALES GLOBAL SERVICES. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Obeo - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.View; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.sequence.util.Range; import org.eclipse.sirius.ext.base.Option; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * . * * @author mporhel * */ public final class SubEventsHelper { private static Collection<Class<?>> types = Lists.newArrayList(); { types.add(Execution.class); types.add(Lifeline.class); types.add(Operand.class); } private ISequenceEvent parentEvent; private Range parentRange; private final Multimap<ISequenceEvent, Lifeline> coverage = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); /** * Default constructor. * * @param event * a supported {@link ISequenceEvent} : {@linkLifeline}, * {@link AbstractNodeEvent}, {@link Operand}. */ public SubEventsHelper(ISequenceEvent event) { Preconditions.checkArgument(types.contains(event.getClass())); Preconditions.checkNotNull(event); this.parentEvent = event; this.parentRange = event.getVerticalRange(); } /** * Common implementation of {@link ISequenceEvent#getSubEvents()}. * * @return the sub-events of the (root) execution, ordered by their starting * position (graphically) from top to bottom. */ public List<ISequenceEvent> getSubEvents() { List<ISequenceEvent> result = getValidSubEvents(); Collections.sort(result, RangeHelper.lowerBoundOrdering().onResultOf(ISequenceEvent.VERTICAL_RANGE)); return result; } /** * Compute childs of Execution/Operand/Lifeline. * * @return the sub events. */ private List<ISequenceEvent> getValidSubEvents() { List<ISequenceEvent> childrenEvents = Lists.newArrayList(); Set<ISequenceEvent> localParents = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); Set<Lifeline> coveredLifelines = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); if (parentEvent instanceof AbstractNodeEvent || parentEvent instanceof Lifeline) { localParents.add(parentEvent); coveredLifelines.add(parentEvent.getLifeline().get()); } else if (parentEvent instanceof Operand) { Operand op = (Operand) parentEvent; CombinedFragment parentCombinedFragment = op.getCombinedFragment(); coveredLifelines.addAll(getCoverage(parentCombinedFragment)); localParents.addAll(getCarryingParents(parentCombinedFragment, coveredLifelines)); } Set<ISequenceEvent> hierarchicalChildren = getNotationDirectChildrenInParentRange(localParents); Set<ISequenceEvent> frameChildren = getFrameChildrenInParentRange(coveredLifelines); childrenEvents.addAll(getTopLevelEvents(hierarchicalChildren, frameChildren, coveredLifelines)); childrenEvents.addAll(getTopLevelEvents(frameChildren, childrenEvents, coveredLifelines)); return childrenEvents; } private Collection<Lifeline> getCoverage(ISequenceEvent ise) { if (coverage.containsKey(ise)) { return coverage.get(ise); } Option<Lifeline> lifeline = ise.getLifeline(); Collection<Lifeline> coveredLifelines = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); if (lifeline.some()) { coveredLifelines.add(lifeline.get()); } else if (ise instanceof Operand) { coveredLifelines.addAll(getCoverage(((Operand) ise).getCombinedFragment())); } else if (ise instanceof AbstractFrame) { coveredLifelines.addAll(((AbstractFrame) ise).computeCoveredLifelines()); } else if (ise instanceof Message) { Message msg = (Message) ise; Option<Lifeline> sourceLifeline = msg.getSourceLifeline(); if (sourceLifeline.some()) { coveredLifelines.add(sourceLifeline.get()); } Option<Lifeline> targetLifeline = msg.getTargetLifeline(); if (targetLifeline.some()) { coveredLifelines.add(targetLifeline.get()); } } coverage.putAll(ise, coveredLifelines); return coveredLifelines; } private Collection<ISequenceEvent> getCarryingParents(AbstractFrame frame, Set<Lifeline> coveredLifelines) { Set<ISequenceEvent> coveredEvents = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (Lifeline lifeline : coveredLifelines) { EventFinder localParentFinder = new EventFinder(lifeline); localParentFinder.setReparent(true); localParentFinder.setEventsToIgnore(Predicates.equalTo((ISequenceEvent) frame)); ISequenceEvent localParent = localParentFinder.findMostSpecificEvent(frame.getVerticalRange()); if (localParent != null) { coveredEvents.add(localParent); } } return coveredEvents; } /** * Look for execution and lifeline * * @param localParents * @return */ private Set<ISequenceEvent> getNotationDirectChildrenInParentRange(Collection<ISequenceEvent> localParents) { Collection<View> childViews = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); Collection<View> parentConnections = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<ISequenceEvent> childrenEvents = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (ISequenceEvent ise : localParents) { View notationView = ise.getNotationView(); childViews.addAll(Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(notationView.getChildren(), View.class))); Collection<View> sourceEdges = Lists .newArrayList(Iterables.filter(notationView.getSourceEdges(), View.class)); Collection<View> targetEdges = Lists .newArrayList(Iterables.filter(notationView.getTargetEdges(), View.class)); childViews.addAll(sourceEdges); childViews.addAll(targetEdges); // In some resize cases, edges could appears to be out of their // source/target ranges if (ise == parentEvent) { parentConnections.addAll(sourceEdges); parentConnections.addAll(targetEdges); } } for (View view : childViews) { Option<ISequenceEvent> iSequenceEvent = ISequenceElementAccessor.getISequenceEvent(view); if (iSequenceEvent.some()) { ISequenceEvent ise = iSequenceEvent.get(); if (parentConnections.contains(view) || parentRange.includes(ise.getVerticalRange())) { childrenEvents.add(iSequenceEvent.get()); } } } return Sets.newLinkedHashSet(EventEndHelper.getIndependantEvents(parentEvent, childrenEvents)); } private Set<ISequenceEvent> getFrameChildrenInParentRange(Set<Lifeline> coveredLifelines) { Set<ISequenceEvent> childrenEvents = Sets.newHashSet(); SequenceDiagram diagram = parentEvent.getDiagram(); Set<AbstractFrame> frames = Sets.newHashSet(); frames.addAll(diagram.getAllFrames()); for (AbstractFrame frame : frames) { Range frameRange = frame.getVerticalRange(); if (parentRange.includes(frameRange) && validCoverage(frame, coveredLifelines)) { childrenEvents.add(frame); } } return getTopLevelEvents(childrenEvents, childrenEvents, coveredLifelines); } private Set<ISequenceEvent> getTopLevelEvents(Set<ISequenceEvent> events, Collection<ISequenceEvent> potentialParents, Set<Lifeline> coveredLifelines) { HashSet<ISequenceEvent> topLevel = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); boolean parentFrames = Iterables.size(Iterables.filter(potentialParents, AbstractFrame.class)) != 0; for (ISequenceEvent event : events) { final Range verticalRange = event.getVerticalRange(); final ISequenceEvent potentialChild = event; Predicate<ISequenceEvent> isParentOfCurrent = new Predicate<ISequenceEvent>() { public boolean apply(ISequenceEvent input) { Range inputRange = input.getVerticalRange(); boolean isParent = inputRange.includes(verticalRange); return isParent && input != potentialChild; } }; List<ISequenceEvent> parents = Lists .newArrayList(Iterables.filter(potentialParents, isParentOfCurrent)); if (parents.isEmpty()) { topLevel.add(potentialChild); } else if (potentialChild instanceof AbstractFrame && !parentFrames) { Collection<ISequenceEvent> carriers = Lists .newArrayList(getCarryingParents((AbstractFrame) potentialChild, coveredLifelines)); Iterables.removeAll(carriers, parents); if (!carriers.isEmpty()) { topLevel.add(potentialChild); } } } return topLevel; } private boolean validCoverage(AbstractFrame frame, Set<Lifeline> parentCoveredLifelines) { boolean result = false; Collection<Lifeline> coveredLifelines = getCoverage(frame); if (parentEvent instanceof Operand) { result = parentCoveredLifelines.containsAll(coveredLifelines); } else { result = coveredLifelines.contains(parentEvent.getLifeline().get()); } return result; } /** * Implementation of * {@link ISequenceEvent#canChildOccupy(ISequenceEvent, Range)} . * * @param child * the child. * @param range * the vertical range to test. * @return <code>true</code> if the child can be placed anywhere inside the * specified vertical range (including occupying the whole range). */ public boolean canChildOccupy(ISequenceEvent child, Range range) { return canChildOccupy(child, range, null, child == null ? getCoverage(parentEvent) : getCoverage(child)); } /** * Implementation of * {@link ISequenceEvent#canChildOccupy(ISequenceEvent, Range)} . * * @param child * the child, if child is null it means that it is a insertion * point request from a CreationTool. * @param range * the vertical range to test. * @param eventsToIgnore * the list of events to ignore while compute canChildOccupy. * @param lifelines * lifelines to inspect * @return <code>true</code> if the child can be placed anywhere inside the * specified vertical range (including occupying the whole range). */ public boolean canChildOccupy(ISequenceEvent child, final Range range, List<ISequenceEvent> eventsToIgnore, Collection<Lifeline> lifelines) { boolean result = true; if (!parentEvent.getValidSubEventsRange().includes(range)) { result = false; } else { for (ISequenceEvent event : getSequenceEventsToFilter(parentEvent, child, range, lifelines)) { Range eventRange = event.getVerticalRange(); if (eventsToIgnore != null && eventsToIgnore.contains(event)) { // do nothing } else if (event instanceof Message) { Message msg = (Message) event; if (!checkOverlapWithSiblingMessage(child, range, msg, eventRange)) { result = false; break; } } else if (eventRange.intersects(range) || !range.validatesBoundsAreDifferent(eventRange)) { result = false; break; } } } return result; } private boolean checkOverlapWithSiblingMessage(ISequenceEvent child, Range childRange, Message msg, Range msgRange) { boolean result = true; // if event is a SequenceMessageEditPart reconnect it to the // moved child // only if event is a simple message or if full range of its // associated Execution // with the associated messages (call and return) is included in // the future range of the child being dropped if (child instanceof State) { // A state can not have an overlapping message result = !childRange.includesAtLeastOneBound(msgRange); } else if (msg.isReflective()) { if (msgRange.intersects(childRange) && (childRange.getLowerBound() <= msgRange.getLowerBound() || childRange.getUpperBound() >= msgRange.getUpperBound())) { result = false; } } else { ISequenceNode sourceEvent = msg.getSourceElement(); ISequenceNode targetEvent = msg.getTargetElement(); Execution parentExecEvent = null; if (sourceEvent instanceof Execution) { Execution sourceExec = (Execution) sourceEvent; if (msg.equals(sourceExec.getEndMessage().get())) { parentExecEvent = sourceExec; } } if (targetEvent instanceof Execution) { Execution targetExec = (Execution) targetEvent; if (msg.equals(targetExec.getStartMessage().get())) { parentExecEvent = targetExec; } } if (parentExecEvent != null) { Range verticalRange = parentExecEvent.getVerticalRange(); if (child != null && (!childRange.validatesBoundsAreDifferent(verticalRange) || !childRange.includes(verticalRange) && !verticalRange.includes(childRange))) { result = false; } } } return result; } private Iterable<ISequenceEvent> getSequenceEventsToFilter(ISequenceEvent self, ISequenceEvent child, final Range range, final Collection<Lifeline> lifelines) { Set<ISequenceEvent> result = Sets.newHashSet(self.getSubEvents()); Predicate<ISequenceEvent> inRangePredicate = new Predicate<ISequenceEvent>() { public boolean apply(ISequenceEvent input) { Range inputRange = input.getVerticalRange(); return range.includesAtLeastOneBound(inputRange) || new ISequenceEventQuery(input).isReflectiveMessage() && inputRange.includesAtLeastOneBound(range); } }; Predicate<ISequenceEvent> inCoverage = new Predicate<ISequenceEvent>() { public boolean apply(ISequenceEvent input) { Collection<Lifeline> inputCoverage = Lists.newArrayList(getCoverage(input)); return Iterables.removeAll(inputCoverage, lifelines); } }; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Predicate<ISequenceEvent> predicateFilter = Predicates.and(Predicates.not(Predicates.equalTo(child)), inRangePredicate, inCoverage); return Iterables.filter(result, predicateFilter); } }