List of usage examples for Iterables getOnlyElement
@Nullable public static <T> T getOnlyElement(Iterable<? extends T> iterable, @Nullable T defaultValue)
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@GET @Timed//from w w w .j a va 2s. c o m @RequiresPermissions(RestPermissions.THROUGHPUT_READ) @ApiOperation(value = "Current throughput of this node in messages per second") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Throughput total() { final SortedMap<String, Gauge> gauges = metricRegistry .getGauges(MetricUtils.filterSingleMetric(GlobalMetricNames.OUTPUT_THROUGHPUT_RATE)); final Gauge gauge = Iterables.getOnlyElement(gauges.values(), null); if (gauge == null || !(gauge.getValue() instanceof Number)) { return Throughput.create(0); } else { return Throughput.create(((Number) gauge.getValue()).longValue()); } }
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@Override public void run() { ClassResolver resolver = new ClassResolver(snapshot, true); JavaClass clazz = resolver.apply(query); List<JavaClass> referrers = Lists.transform(params.get("referrer"), resolver); boolean referee = Boolean.parseBoolean(Iterables.getOnlyElement(params.get("referee"), "false")); String instancesOf;//from ww w. ja v a2s .c o m if (newObjects) instancesOf = referee ? "New referees" : "New instances"; else instancesOf = referee ? "Referees" : "Instances"; startHtml(String.format("%s of %s%s", instancesOf, clazz.getName(), includeSubclasses ? " (including subclasses)" : "")); if (referrers.isEmpty()) { out.print("<strong>"); printClass(clazz); out.print("</strong><br><br>"); } else { printBreadcrumbs(path, null, null, clazz, referrers, null); } Collection<JavaHeapObject> objects = Misc.getInstances(clazz, includeSubclasses, referrers); if (referee) { int size = referrers.size(); JavaClass prev = size > 1 ? referrers.get(size - 2) : clazz; objects = Misc.getRefereesByClass(objects, prev); } long totalSize = 0; long instances = 0; for (JavaHeapObject obj : objects) { if (newObjects && !obj.isNew()) continue; printThing(obj); out.println("<br>"); totalSize += obj.getSize(); instances++; } out.println("<h2>Total of " + instances + " instances occupying " + totalSize + " bytes.</h2>"); endHtml(); }
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@Override public Object decode(Response response, Type type) throws IOException, DecodeException, FeignException { Collection<String> contentTypes = response.headers().get(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE); // In the case of multiple content types, or an unknown content type, we'll use the delegate instead. if (contentTypes != null && contentTypes.size() == 1 && Iterables.getOnlyElement(contentTypes, "").equals(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)) { return stringDecoder.decode(response, type); }/* ww w .j a v a2 s . c o m*/ return delegate.decode(response, type); }
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public String findDomainIdForAccount(String accountName) { Set<Account> accounts = client.getAccountClient() .listAccounts(; Account account = Iterables.getOnlyElement(accounts, null); if (account == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No account found in " + loc + "} with name " + accountName); }//from w w w . j av a 2 s .co m return account.getDomainId(); }
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public Optional<DBInstance> promotedInstance() { return Optional.fromNullable(Iterables.getOnlyElement(rdsFind.instances(rdsFind.instanceHasTag(cfg.region(), cfg.accountNumber(), getTagEchoStage(), EchoConst.STAGE_PROMOTED)), null)); }
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@Override public SnomedRefSetMemberIndexEntry getComponent(final IBranchPath branchPath, final String uuid) { return SnomedRequests.prepareSearchMember().setLimit(2).filterById(uuid) .build(SnomedDatastoreActivator.REPOSITORY_UUID, branchPath.getPath()) .execute(ApplicationContext.getServiceForClass(IEventBus.class)) .then(new Function<SnomedReferenceSetMembers, SnomedRefSetMemberIndexEntry>() { @Override//from ww w. j a v a 2s. c o m public SnomedRefSetMemberIndexEntry apply(SnomedReferenceSetMembers input) { final SnomedReferenceSetMember member = Iterables.getOnlyElement(input, null); return member == null ? null : SnomedRefSetMemberIndexEntry.builder(member).build(); } }).getSync(); }
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/** * Gets a single {@link Attribute} instance with * a given attribute identifier/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s. co m*/ * * @param attributeId an attribute identifier * @return {@link Attribute} instance or {@code null} * if no attribute available with a given identifier */ public Attribute getOnlyAttribute(String attributeId) { return Iterables.getOnlyElement(attributes.get(attributeId), null); }
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public Object resolve(Class<?> type, ValueSet valueSet, final Variable variable) { QuestionnaireParticipant qp = lookupBean(valueSet, variable); if (qp == null) { // This happens when the participant did not answer a particular questionnaire return null; }//ww w .j av a 2 s .c o m try { if (type.equals(QuestionnaireParticipant.class)) { return qp; } if (type.equals(QuestionAnswer.class)) { return lookupQuestionAnswer(valueSet, variable); } if (type.equals(CategoryAnswer.class)) { QuestionAnswer qa = lookupQuestionAnswer(valueSet, variable); if (qa != null) { if (variable.isRepeatable()) { return qa.getCategoryAnswers(); } // Return the only category present in the list. If there are more than one, this will throw and // IllegalArgumentException. If there is no such element, then this will return null return Iterables.getOnlyElement(qa.getCategoryAnswers(), null); } } if (type.equals(OpenAnswer.class)) { QuestionAnswer qa = lookupQuestionAnswer(valueSet, variable); if (qa != null) { return findOpenAnswer(findCategoryAnswer(qa, variable.getAttributeStringValue("categoryName")), variable.getAttributeStringValue("openAnswerName")); } } if (type.equals(QuestionnairePageMetricAlgorithm.class)) { return Iterables.transform(qp.getQuestionnaireMetrics(), new Function<QuestionnaireMetric, QuestionnairePageMetricAlgorithm>() { @Override public QuestionnairePageMetricAlgorithm apply(QuestionnaireMetric from) { return new QuestionnairePageMetricAlgorithm(getQuestionnaire(variable), from); }; }); } if (type.equals(QuestionnaireComment.class)) { Iterable<QuestionAnswer> answerComments = Iterables.filter(qp.getParticipantAnswers(), new Predicate<QuestionAnswer>() { @Override public boolean apply(QuestionAnswer input) { return input.getComment() != null; } }); return Iterables.transform(answerComments, new Function<QuestionAnswer, QuestionnaireComment>() { @Override public QuestionnaireComment apply(QuestionAnswer from) { return new QuestionnaireComment(getQuestionnaire(variable), from); } }); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // Ignore: it only means that the participant did not answer a particular question or category or open answer return null; } return null; }
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@Override public SmtpMessageWrapper getReceivedEmail() { return Iterables.getOnlyElement(getReceivedEmails(), null); }
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@Nullable public BlazeAndroidDeployInfo readDeployInfo(BlazeContext context) { File deployInfoFile = Iterables.getOnlyElement(deployInfoFiles, null); if (deployInfoFile == null) { return null; }/* w ww .ja va 2 s . co m*/ AndroidDeployInfoOuterClass.AndroidDeployInfo deployInfo; try (InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(deployInfoFile)) { deployInfo = AndroidDeployInfoOuterClass.AndroidDeployInfo.parseFrom(inputStream); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); return null; } String executionRoot = getExecutionRoot(context); if (executionRoot == null) { return null; } BlazeAndroidDeployInfo androidDeployInfo = new BlazeAndroidDeployInfo(project, new File(executionRoot), deployInfo); List<File> manifestFiles = androidDeployInfo.getManifestFiles(); ManifestParser.getInstance(project).refreshManifests(manifestFiles); return androidDeployInfo; }