Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2008(c) The OBiBa Consortium. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package org.obiba.onyx.quartz.magma; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.obiba.magma.ValueSet; import org.obiba.magma.Variable; import org.obiba.onyx.quartz.core.domain.answer.CategoryAnswer; import org.obiba.onyx.quartz.core.domain.answer.OpenAnswer; import org.obiba.onyx.quartz.core.domain.answer.QuestionAnswer; import org.obiba.onyx.quartz.core.domain.answer.QuestionnaireMetric; import org.obiba.onyx.quartz.core.domain.answer.QuestionnaireParticipant; import; import; import; /** * */ public class QuestionnaireBeanResolver extends AbstractQuartzBeanResolver { public boolean resolves(Class<?> type) { return QuestionnaireParticipant.class.equals(type) || QuestionAnswer.class.equals(type) || CategoryAnswer.class.equals(type) || OpenAnswer.class.equals(type) || QuestionnairePageMetricAlgorithm.class.equals(type) || QuestionnaireComment.class.equals(type); } public Object resolve(Class<?> type, ValueSet valueSet, final Variable variable) { QuestionnaireParticipant qp = lookupBean(valueSet, variable); if (qp == null) { // This happens when the participant did not answer a particular questionnaire return null; } try { if (type.equals(QuestionnaireParticipant.class)) { return qp; } if (type.equals(QuestionAnswer.class)) { return lookupQuestionAnswer(valueSet, variable); } if (type.equals(CategoryAnswer.class)) { QuestionAnswer qa = lookupQuestionAnswer(valueSet, variable); if (qa != null) { if (variable.isRepeatable()) { return qa.getCategoryAnswers(); } // Return the only category present in the list. If there are more than one, this will throw and // IllegalArgumentException. If there is no such element, then this will return null return Iterables.getOnlyElement(qa.getCategoryAnswers(), null); } } if (type.equals(OpenAnswer.class)) { QuestionAnswer qa = lookupQuestionAnswer(valueSet, variable); if (qa != null) { return findOpenAnswer(findCategoryAnswer(qa, variable.getAttributeStringValue("categoryName")), variable.getAttributeStringValue("openAnswerName")); } } if (type.equals(QuestionnairePageMetricAlgorithm.class)) { return Iterables.transform(qp.getQuestionnaireMetrics(), new Function<QuestionnaireMetric, QuestionnairePageMetricAlgorithm>() { @Override public QuestionnairePageMetricAlgorithm apply(QuestionnaireMetric from) { return new QuestionnairePageMetricAlgorithm(getQuestionnaire(variable), from); }; }); } if (type.equals(QuestionnaireComment.class)) { Iterable<QuestionAnswer> answerComments = Iterables.filter(qp.getParticipantAnswers(), new Predicate<QuestionAnswer>() { @Override public boolean apply(QuestionAnswer input) { return input.getComment() != null; } }); return Iterables.transform(answerComments, new Function<QuestionAnswer, QuestionnaireComment>() { @Override public QuestionnaireComment apply(QuestionAnswer from) { return new QuestionnaireComment(getQuestionnaire(variable), from); } }); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // Ignore: it only means that the participant did not answer a particular question or category or open answer return null; } return null; } }