Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables getLast

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables getLast


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables getLast.


public static <T> T getLast(Iterable<T> iterable) 

Source Link


Returns the last element of iterable .


From source file:org.sonar.javascript.checks.ExpressionComplexityCheck.java

public void leaveNode(Tree tree) {
    if (tree.is(CONDITIONAL_EXPRS)) {
        ExpressionComplexity currentExpression = Iterables.getLast(statementLevel);

        if (currentExpression.isOnFirstExprLevel()) {
            List<SyntaxToken> complexityOperators = currentExpression.getComplexityOperators();

            if (complexityOperators.size() > max) {
                addIssue(tree, complexityOperators);
            }/*w  ww. ja va  2s  . com*/

    } else if (tree.is(SCOPES)) {
        statementLevel.remove(statementLevel.size() - 1);

From source file:org.graylog2.shared.buffers.processors.DecodingProcessor.java

private void processMessage(final MessageEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
    final RawMessage raw = event.getRaw();

    final Codec.Factory<? extends Codec> factory = codecFactory.get(raw.getCodecName());
    if (factory == null) {
        LOG.warn("Couldn't find factory for codec {}, skipping message.", raw.getCodecName());
        return;//from  w  w w  .  ja  v a 2  s. c o m

    final Codec codec = factory.create(raw.getCodecConfig());

    // for backwards compatibility: the last source node should contain the input we use.
    // this means that extractors etc defined on the prior inputs are silently ignored.
    // TODO fix the above
    String inputIdOnCurrentNode;
    try {
        // .inputId checked during raw message decode!
        inputIdOnCurrentNode = Iterables.getLast(raw.getSourceNodes()).inputId;
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
        inputIdOnCurrentNode = null;
    final String baseMetricName = name(codec.getClass(), inputIdOnCurrentNode);

    Message message = null;
    Collection<Message> messages = null;

    final Timer.Context decodeTimeCtx = parseTime.time();
    final long decodeTime;
    try {
        // This is ugly but needed for backwards compatibility of the Codec interface in 1.x.
        // TODO The Codec interface should be changed for 2.0 to support collections of messages so we can remove this hack.
        if (codec instanceof MultiMessageCodec) {
            messages = ((MultiMessageCodec) codec).decodeMessages(raw);
        } else {
            message = codec.decode(raw);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        String remote = "unknown source";
        final ResolvableInetSocketAddress remoteAddress = raw.getRemoteAddress();
        if (remoteAddress != null) {
            remote = remoteAddress.getInetSocketAddress().toString();
        LOG.error("Unable to decode raw message {} (journal offset {}) encoded as {} received from {}.",
                raw.getId(), raw.getJournalOffset(), raw.getCodecName(), remote);
        metricRegistry.meter(name(baseMetricName, "failures")).mark();
        throw e;
    } finally {
        decodeTime = decodeTimeCtx.stop();

    if (message != null) {
                postProcessMessage(raw, codec, inputIdOnCurrentNode, baseMetricName, message, decodeTime));
    } else if (messages != null && !messages.isEmpty()) {
        final List<Message> processedMessages = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(messages.size());

        for (final Message msg : messages) {
            final Message processedMessage = postProcessMessage(raw, codec, inputIdOnCurrentNode,
                    baseMetricName, msg, decodeTime);

            if (processedMessage != null) {


From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.cpa.bam.ARGSubtreeRemover.java

void removeSubtree(ARGReachedSet mainReachedSet, ARGPath pPath, ARGState element,
        List<Precision> pNewPrecisions, List<Predicate<? super Precision>> pNewPrecisionTypes,
        Map<ARGState, ARGState> pPathElementToReachedState) {

    List<ARGState> path = trimPath(pPath, element);
    assert path.get(path.size() - 1).equals(element);
    assert path.size() >= 2; // extreme case of length 2: [root, target]

    List<ARGState> relevantCallNodes = getRelevantDefinitionNodes(path);
    assert path.containsAll(relevantCallNodes) : "only nodes of path are relevant";
    assert relevantCallNodes.get(0) == path.get(0) : "root should be relevant";
    assert relevantCallNodes.size() >= 1 : "at least the main-function should be open at the target-state";

    Set<Pair<ARGState, ARGState>> neededRemoveCachedSubtreeCalls = new LinkedHashSet<>();

    //iterate from root to element and remove all subtrees for subgraph calls
    for (int i = 0; i < relevantCallNodes.size() - 1; i++) { // ignore root and the last element
        final ARGState pathElement = relevantCallNodes.get(i);
        final ARGState nextElement = relevantCallNodes.get(i + 1);
    }//from   ww w  . j  av a  2  s.co  m

    if (bamCache.doesAggressiveCaching()) {
        ensureExactCacheHitsOnPath(mainReachedSet, pPath, element, pNewPrecisions, pPathElementToReachedState,

    final ARGState lastRelevantNode = pPathElementToReachedState.get(Iterables.getLast(relevantCallNodes));
    final ARGState target = pPathElementToReachedState.get(element);
    for (final Pair<ARGState, ARGState> removeCachedSubtreeArguments : neededRemoveCachedSubtreeCalls) {
        final List<Precision> newPrecisions;
        if (removeCachedSubtreeArguments.getSecond() == lastRelevantNode) { // last iteration
            newPrecisions = pNewPrecisions;
        } else {
            ReachedSet nextReachedSet = abstractStateToReachedSet.get(removeCachedSubtreeArguments.getSecond());
            assert nextReachedSet != null : "call-state does not match reachedset";
            if (target.getParents().contains(nextReachedSet.getFirstState())) {
                newPrecisions = pNewPrecisions;
            } else {
                newPrecisions = null; // ignore newPrecisions for all iterations except the last one
        removeCachedSubtree(removeCachedSubtreeArguments.getFirst(), removeCachedSubtreeArguments.getSecond(),
                newPrecisions, pNewPrecisionTypes);

            pPathElementToReachedState.get(element), pNewPrecisions, pNewPrecisionTypes);

    // the main-reachedset contains only the root, exit-states and targets.
    // we assume, that the current refinement was caused by a target-state.
    final ARGState lastState = (ARGState) mainReachedSet.asReachedSet().getLastState();
    assert lastState.isTarget();

From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.cpa.value.refiner.utils.AssumptionUseDefinitionCollector.java

 * This method collects the respective referenced variables in the given path.
 * @param path the path to analyze//from ww w  .j a v  a 2  s. c om
 * @return the mapping of location to referenced variables in the given path
public Set<String> obtainUseDefInformation(List<CFAEdge> path) {



    for (int i = path.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        CFAEdge edge = path.get(i);
        collectVariables(edge, collectedVariables);

        if (Iterables.getLast(path).getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.AssumeEdge && dependingVariables.isEmpty()) {
            dependenciesResolvedOffset = i;
            return collectedVariables;

    // for full paths, the set of depending variables always has be empty at this point,
    // but sometimes, the use-def information is derived from incomplete paths,
    // and for those it can happen that not all depending variables are consumed
    // disabled again, because handling for pointers is incomplete
    // assert dependingVariables.size() == 0 || isIncompletePath(path);

    // add the remaining depending variables to the set of collectedVariables

    return collectedVariables;

From source file:org.obm.push.mail.imap.MailboxTestUtils.java

public Email emailInMailbox(String mailboxName) throws MailException {
    Set<Email> emailsFromInbox = mailboxEmails(mailboxName);
    return Iterables.getLast(emailsFromInbox);

From source file:com.google.errorprone.bugpatterns.TypeParameterUnusedInFormals.java

private Description attemptFix(final TypeVar retType, MethodTree tree, VisitorState state) {
    CharSequence source = state.getSourceForNode((JCTree) tree);
    if (source == null) {
        // No fix if we don't have end positions.
        return describeMatch(tree);
    }/*from   w w w.ja v  a2  s.  c  o m*/

    int paramIndex = -1;
    for (int idx = 0; idx < tree.getTypeParameters().size(); ++idx) {
        if (((JCTypeParameter) tree.getTypeParameters().get(idx)).type.equals(retType)) {
            paramIndex = idx;

    if (paramIndex == -1) {
        return Description.NO_MATCH;

    SuggestedFix.Builder fix = SuggestedFix.builder();
    fix = removeTypeParam(paramIndex, tree.getTypeParameters(), state, fix);

    // Replace usages of the type parameter with its upper-bound, both inside the method body
    // and in the return type.
    // e.g. <A, B> B f(A a) { return (B) a; } -> <A> Object f(A a) { return (Object) a; }
    String qualifiedName = retType.bound != null ? retType.bound.toString() : "Object";
    // Always use simple names.
    // TODO(cushon) - this isn't always correct, but it's better than defaulting to
    // fully-qualified names. There should be a better way to do this.
    String newType = Iterables.getLast(Splitter.on('.').split(qualifiedName));

    rewriteTypeUsages(retType, tree.getBody(), newType, fix, state);
    rewriteTypeUsages(retType, tree.getReturnType(), newType, fix, state);

    return describeMatch(tree, fix.build());

From source file:org.splevo.jamopp.refactoring.java.ifelse.IfStaticConfigClassField.java

protected List<Resource> refactorFullyAutomated(VariationPoint variationPoint,
        Map<String, Object> refactoringOptions) {
    Map<String, List<Field>> fieldToFieldName = Maps.newHashMap();
    Map<String, List<Integer>> positionToFieldName = Maps.newHashMap();
    Map<String, List<Expression>> initialValuesToFieldName = new HashMap<String, List<Expression>>();
    Map<Expression, String> variantIDToInitialValue = new HashMap<Expression, String>();

    Class vpLocation = (Class) ((JaMoPPJavaSoftwareElement) variationPoint.getLocation()).getJamoppElement();

    fillMaps(variationPoint, fieldToFieldName, initialValuesToFieldName, variantIDToInitialValue,
            positionToFieldName);/* w ww  .  j  a va 2s  . co  m*/


    Block nonStaticBlock = StatementsFactory.eINSTANCE.createBlock();
    Block staticBlock = StatementsFactory.eINSTANCE.createBlock();

    for (String fieldName : fieldToFieldName.keySet()) {
        List<Field> fields = fieldToFieldName.get(fieldName);
        List<Expression> initialValues = initialValuesToFieldName.get(fieldName);
        List<Integer> fieldPositions = positionToFieldName.get(fieldName);

        Field field = Iterables.getLast(fields);
        int fieldPos = Iterables.getLast(fieldPositions);

        registerReplacement(fields, field);

        vpLocation.getMembers().add(fieldPos, field);

        if (initialValues.size() > 1) {


            for (Expression value : initialValues) {
                String variantId = variantIDToInitialValue.get(value);

                ExpressionStatement fieldAssignment = createFieldAssignment(field, value);

                Condition condition = this.ifElseRefactoringUtil.createVariabilityCondition(variationPoint,
                Block ifBlock = (Block) condition.getStatement();

                if (isStatic(field)) {
                    registerVariantSpecificNewEObject(condition, variantId);
                } else {
                    registerVariantSpecificNewEObject(condition, variantId);
    if (staticBlock.getStatements().size() > 0) {
        vpLocation.getMembers().add(0, staticBlock);
    if (nonStaticBlock.getStatements().size() > 0) {
        vpLocation.getMembers().add(0, nonStaticBlock);

    ArrayList<Resource> resourceList = Lists.newArrayList(vpLocation.eResource());

    Optional<Resource> configClassResource = ifElseRefactoringUtil.createConfigurationClass(variationPoint,
    if (configClassResource.isPresent()) {

    return resourceList;

From source file:org.apache.aurora.scheduler.pruning.TaskHistoryPruner.java

 * When triggered, records an inactive task state change.
 * @param change Event when a task changes state.
 *//*w w w  . j av a2s.  co  m*/
public void recordStateChange(TaskStateChange change) {
    if (Tasks.isTerminated(change.getNewState())) {
        long timeoutBasis = change.isTransition() ? clock.nowMillis()
                : Iterables.getLast(change.getTask().getTaskEvents()).getTimestamp();
        registerInactiveTask(Tasks.getJob(change.getTask()), change.getTaskId(),

From source file:com.palantir.common.collect.IterableView.java

public T getLast() {
    return Iterables.getLast(delegate());

From source file:com.android.tools.idea.welcome.wizard.ConsoleHighlighter.java

synchronized int getOffsetRangeIndex(int startOffset) {
    if (myRanges.isEmpty() || startOffset < 0 || startOffset >= Iterables.getLast(myRanges).end) {
        return -1;
    }/*from  ww  w. ja va2s  .  c  om*/
    int end = myRanges.size();
    int i = end / 2;
    while (true) {
        HighlightRange range = myRanges.get(i);
        if (range.end > startOffset) {
            if (range.start <= startOffset) {
                return i;
            } else {
                end = i;
                i /= 2;
        } else {
            i = (i + end) / 2;