List of usage examples for Iterables elementsEqual
@CheckReturnValue public static boolean elementsEqual(Iterable<?> iterable1, Iterable<?> iterable2)
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public boolean equals(Concatenation that) { return equalsExpression(that) && Iterables.elementsEqual(values, that.values); }
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@Override protected void doUpdate(final Configuration configuration) throws Exception { // detect member changes Set<String> previousMemberNames = config.memberNames; super.doUpdate(configuration); // check whether any members or their ordering have changed if (!Iterables.elementsEqual(config.memberNames, previousMemberNames)) { cacheController.invalidateCache(); }//from w ww.j ava2s. c o m }
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public boolean equals(Conditional that) { return equalsExpression(that) && Iterables.elementsEqual(clauses, that.clauses) && elseExpression.equals(that.elseExpression); }
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private void reorderEditorsIfNeeded(DialectEditor justAddedEditor) { List<DialectEditor> reorderedList = Lists.newArrayList(); IEditorReference[] editorReferences = null; IWorkbenchPage page = EclipseUIUtil.getActivePage(); if (page != null) { editorReferences = page.getEditorReferences(); }/*from w w w . j av a 2 s . c o m*/ if (editorReferences != null) { for (IEditorReference ref : Lists.newArrayList(editorReferences)) { IEditorPart editor2 = ref.getEditor(false); IEditorInput refInput = null; try { refInput = ref.getEditorInput(); } catch (PartInitException e) { // Can happen during eclipse launch. } if (editor2 == null && justAddedEditor.getEditorInput() == refInput) { reorderedList.add(justAddedEditor); } else if (editors.contains(editor2)) { reorderedList.add((DialectEditor) editor2); } } if (editors.size() == reorderedList.size() && !Iterables.elementsEqual(editors, reorderedList)) { editors.clear(); editors.addAll(reorderedList); } } }
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@Override public final boolean equals(@Nullable final Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; }/*from w w w. j a va2 s . co m*/ if (!(obj instanceof BitString)) { return false; } final BitString bitString = (BitString) obj; return this.size() == bitString.size() && Iterables.elementsEqual(this.asIndices(), bitString.asIndices()); }
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boolean pathArgumentsEqual(final YangInstanceIdentifier other) { return Iterables.elementsEqual(getPathArguments(), other.getPathArguments()); }
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@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof ContextVector) { ContextVector v = (ContextVector) obj; return Objects.equal(this.term, v.term) && Iterables.elementsEqual(this.getEntries(), v.getEntries()); } else/*ww w.j a v a 2 s . c om*/ return false; }
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@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof CategoryContextMapping) { CategoryContextMapping other = (CategoryContextMapping) obj; if (this.fieldName.equals(other.fieldName)) { return Iterables.elementsEqual(this.defaultValues, other.defaultValues); }// w ww . j av a 2s . c om } return false; }
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private void updateSemanticPosition(ISequenceEvent eventToUpdate) { DDiagramElement dde = resolveDiagramElement(eventToUpdate); if (dde == null || reordered.contains(eventToUpdate)) { return;/*from w w w.j av a 2s. c o m*/ } ReorderTool reorderTool = findReorderTool(dde); if (reorderTool == null) { return; } EObject semanticElement = dde.getTarget(); EList<EventEnd> endsBySemanticOrder = sequenceDiagram.getSemanticOrdering().getEventEnds(); EList<EventEnd> endsByGraphicalOrder = sequenceDiagram.getGraphicalOrdering().getEventEnds(); List<EventEnd> ends = EventEndHelper.findEndsFromSemanticOrdering(eventToUpdate); List<EventEnd> compoundEnds = getCompoundEnds(eventToUpdate, ends); // Ignore the ends of the descendants: they are treated by recursive // calls. Set<EventEnd> toIgnore = selectEndsToIgnore(eventToUpdate, endsBySemanticOrder, ends, compoundEnds); // The semantic ordering contains the state before the move EventEnd startingEndPredecessorBefore = findEndPredecessor(semanticElement, STARTING_END, endsBySemanticOrder, toIgnore); EventEnd finishingEndPredecessorBefore = findEndPredecessor(semanticElement, FINISHING_END, endsBySemanticOrder, toIgnore); // The graphical ordering contains the state after EventEnd startingEndPredecessorAfter = findEndPredecessor(semanticElement, STARTING_END, endsByGraphicalOrder, toIgnore); EventEnd finishingEndPredecessorAfter = findEndPredecessor(semanticElement, FINISHING_END, endsByGraphicalOrder, toIgnore); // Handle lost messages if (eventToUpdate.isLogicallyInstantaneous() && eventToUpdate instanceof Message && ends.size() == 1 && !Iterables.any(ends, Predicates.instanceOf(CompoundEventEnd.class))) { SingleEventEnd see = (SingleEventEnd) ends.iterator().next(); if (see.isStart()) { finishingEndPredecessorBefore = startingEndPredecessorBefore; finishingEndPredecessorAfter = startingEndPredecessorAfter; } else { startingEndPredecessorBefore = finishingEndPredecessorBefore; startingEndPredecessorAfter = finishingEndPredecessorAfter; } } if (!Objects.equal(startingEndPredecessorBefore, startingEndPredecessorAfter) || !Objects.equal(finishingEndPredecessorBefore, finishingEndPredecessorAfter) || !Iterables.elementsEqual(endsByGraphicalOrder, endsBySemanticOrder)) { applySemanticReordering(semanticElement, startingEndPredecessorAfter, finishingEndPredecessorAfter, reorderTool); applyCompoundReordering(semanticElement, ends, compoundEnds, startingEndPredecessorAfter, finishingEndPredecessorAfter, reorderTool); reordered.add(eventToUpdate); new RefreshSemanticOrderingsOperation(sequenceDiagram).execute(); updateSubEventsSemanticPositions(eventToUpdate); } }
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/** * Apply a signed delta to a local wavelet. This assumes the caller has * validated that the delta is at the correct version and can be applied to * the wavelet. Must be called with writelock held. * * @param signedDelta the delta that is to be applied to wavelet. * @return the transformed and applied delta. * @throws OperationException if an error occurs during transformation or * application/*from w w w. j av a 2 s. com*/ * @throws InvalidProtocolBufferException if the signed delta did not contain a valid delta * @throws InvalidHashException if delta hash sanity checks fail */ private WaveletDeltaRecord transformAndApplyLocalDelta(ProtocolSignedDelta signedDelta) throws OperationException, InvalidProtocolBufferException, InvalidHashException, PersistenceException { ProtocolWaveletDelta protocolDelta = ByteStringMessage.parseProtocolWaveletDelta(signedDelta.getDelta()) .getMessage(); Preconditions.checkArgument(protocolDelta.getOperationCount() > 0, "empty delta"); WaveletDelta transformed = maybeTransformSubmittedDelta( CoreWaveletOperationSerializer.deserialize(protocolDelta)); // TODO(ljvderijk): a Clock needs to be injected here (Issue 104) long applicationTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); HashedVersion currentVersion = getCurrentVersion(); // This is always false right now because the current algorithm doesn't transform ops away. if (transformed.size() == 0) { Preconditions.checkState(currentVersion.getVersion() != 0, "currentVersion can not be 0 if delta was transformed"); Preconditions.checkState(transformed.getTargetVersion().getVersion() <= currentVersion.getVersion()); // The delta was transformed away. That's OK but we don't call either // applyWaveletOperations(), because that will throw IllegalArgumentException, or // commitAppliedDelta(), because empty deltas cannot be part of the delta history. TransformedWaveletDelta emptyDelta = new TransformedWaveletDelta(transformed.getAuthor(), transformed.getTargetVersion(), applicationTimestamp, transformed); return new WaveletDeltaRecord(transformed.getTargetVersion(), null, emptyDelta); } if (!transformed.getTargetVersion().equals(currentVersion)) { Preconditions.checkState(transformed.getTargetVersion().getVersion() < currentVersion.getVersion()); // The delta was a duplicate of an existing server delta. // We duplicate-eliminate it (don't apply it to the wavelet state and don't store it in // the delta history) and return the server delta which it was a duplicate of // (so delta submission becomes idempotent). ByteStringMessage<ProtocolAppliedWaveletDelta> existingDeltaBytes = lookupAppliedDelta( transformed.getTargetVersion()); TransformedWaveletDelta dupDelta = lookupTransformedDelta(transformed.getTargetVersion());"Duplicate delta " + dupDelta + " for wavelet " + getWaveletName()); // TODO(anorth): Replace these comparisons with methods on delta classes. Preconditions.checkState(dupDelta.getAuthor().equals(transformed.getAuthor()), "Duplicate delta detected but mismatched author, expected %s found %s", transformed.getAuthor(), dupDelta.getAuthor()); Preconditions.checkState(Iterables.elementsEqual(dupDelta, transformed), "Duplicate delta detected but mismatched ops, expected %s found %s", transformed, dupDelta); return new WaveletDeltaRecord(transformed.getTargetVersion(), existingDeltaBytes, dupDelta); } // Build the applied delta to commit ByteStringMessage<ProtocolAppliedWaveletDelta> appliedDelta = AppliedDeltaUtil.buildAppliedDelta( signedDelta, transformed.getTargetVersion(), transformed.size(), applicationTimestamp); return applyDelta(appliedDelta, transformed); }