Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2015-2016 - CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique) * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *******************************************************************************/ package eu.project.ttc.models; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import eu.project.ttc.metrics.AssociationRate; /** * * A sorted Term/Frequency map used as a context vector during alignment operations. * * @author Damien Cram * */ public class ContextVector { private static final String MSG_TERM_CLASS_NULL = "Flag useTermClasses is set to true but term classes are not built."; private Map<Term, Entry> entries = Maps.newHashMap(); private List<Entry> _sortedEntries = null; private int totalCooccurrences = 0; private boolean useTermClasses = false; private Term term; /** * Default constructor for {@link ContextVector}. Must be used if no normalization is required. */ public ContextVector() { } /** * * Construct a context vector with a back reference to its owner term. * The parent term is useful for normalization. * * @see ContextVector#toAssocRateVector(CrossTable, AssociationRate, boolean) * @param term * the owner term * @param useTermClasses * if <code>true</code>, builds this context vector with term * classes instead of terms */ public ContextVector(Term term, boolean useTermClasses) { this(term); this.useTermClasses = useTermClasses; } /** * * Construct a context vector with a back reference to its owner term. * The parent term is useful for normalization. * * @see ContextVector#toAssocRateVector(CrossTable, AssociationRate, boolean) * @param term * the owner term */ public ContextVector(Term term) { this.term = term; } public void addAllCooccurrences(Iterator<TermOccurrence> it) { while (it.hasNext()) { addCooccurrence(; } } public void addCooccurrence(TermOccurrence occ) { Term term2 = getTermToAdd(occ.getTerm()); if (!entries.containsKey(term2)) entries.put(term2, new Entry(term2)); entries.get(term2).increment(); this.totalCooccurrences++; setDirty(); } private Term getTermToAdd(Term t) { Term termToAdd = t; if (this.useTermClasses) { Preconditions.checkState(termToAdd.getTermClass() != null, MSG_TERM_CLASS_NULL); termToAdd = termToAdd.getTermClass().getHead(); } return termToAdd; } public void addEntry(Term coTerm, int nbCooccs, double assocRate) { Term termToAdd = getTermToAdd(coTerm); if (entries.containsKey(termToAdd)) this.totalCooccurrences -= entries.get(termToAdd).getNbCooccs(); entries.put(termToAdd, new Entry(termToAdd, nbCooccs, assocRate)); this.totalCooccurrences += nbCooccs; setDirty(); } public void removeCoTerm(Term term) { Term termToAdd = getTermToAdd(term); if (this.entries.containsKey(termToAdd)) { Entry e = this.entries.remove(termToAdd); this.totalCooccurrences -= e.getNbCooccs(); } setDirty(); } private void setDirty() { this._sortedEntries = null; } /** * Gives the list of terms in this context vector sorted by frequency * (most frequent first) * * @return */ public List<Entry> getEntries() { if (_sortedEntries == null) { this._sortedEntries = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(entries.size()); for (Map.Entry<Term, Entry> e : entries.entrySet()) this._sortedEntries.add(e.getValue()); Collections.sort(this._sortedEntries); } return _sortedEntries; } /** * Normalizes all <code>assocRates</code> so that their sum is 1 */ public void normalize() { double sum = 0; for (Entry e : entries.values()) sum += e.getAssocRate(); if (sum != 0) { for (Entry e : entries.values()) e.setAssocRate(e.getAssocRate() / sum); } } public class Entry implements Comparable<Entry> { private static final String STRING_FORMAT = "%s: %.3f (%d)"; private Term coTerm; private MutableInt nbCooccs; private double assocRate; private Entry(Term term) { this(term, 0, 0d); } private Entry(Term coTerm, int nbCoccurrences, double assocRate) { this.coTerm = coTerm; this.nbCooccs = new MutableInt(nbCoccurrences); this.assocRate = assocRate; } private void increment() { this.nbCooccs.increment(); } public void setAssocRate(double assocRate) { this.assocRate = assocRate; } public double getAssocRate() { return assocRate; } public Term getCoTerm() { return coTerm; } public int getNbCooccs() { return nbCooccs.intValue(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Entry) return Objects.equal(((Entry) obj).coTerm, this.coTerm) && Objects.equal(((Entry) obj).nbCooccs, this.nbCooccs) && Objects.equal(((Entry) obj).assocRate, this.assocRate); else return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.coTerm.getId(); } @Override public int compareTo(Entry o) { return ComparisonChain.start().compare(o.assocRate, this.assocRate).compare(o.nbCooccs, this.nbCooccs) .result(); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format(STRING_FORMAT, coTerm.getLemma(), assocRate, nbCooccs.intValue()); } } public int getNbCooccs(Term term) { return entries.containsKey(term) ? entries.get(term).getNbCooccs() : 0; } public double getAssocRate(Term term) { return entries.containsKey(term) ? entries.get(term).getAssocRate() : 0d; } public Set<Term> terms() { return entries.keySet(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(this.term); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof ContextVector) { ContextVector v = (ContextVector) obj; return Objects.equal(this.term, v.term) && Iterables.elementsEqual(this.getEntries(), v.getEntries()); } else return false; } public Term getTerm() { return term; } /** * Normalize this vector according to a cross table * and an association rate measure. * * This method recomputes all <code>{@link Entry}.frequency</code> values * with the normalized ones. * * @param table * the pre-computed co-occurrences {@link CrossTable} * @param assocRateFunction * the {@link AssociationRate} measure implementation * @param normalize */ public void toAssocRateVector(CrossTable table, AssociationRate assocRateFunction, boolean normalize) { double assocRate; for (Term coterm : entries.keySet()) { assocRate = table.computeRate(assocRateFunction, this.term, coterm); entries.get(coterm).setAssocRate(assocRate); } if (normalize) normalize(); setDirty(); } private final static String STRING_FORMAT = "<%s> {%s}"; @Override public String toString() { return String.format(STRING_FORMAT, this.term == null ? "no parent term" : this.term.getLemma(), Joiner.on(", ").join(getEntries())); } public int getTotalCoccurrences() { return this.totalCooccurrences; } }