List of usage examples for Iterables concat
public static <T> Iterable<T> concat(Iterable<? extends T> a, Iterable<? extends T> b)
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/** * Workaround! List of uris, take the last segment which is the name of the file, * concatenate with name and select concatenations which are equals to name *///from w w w. j a va2 s. com @Override protected Iterable<IEObjectDescription> getLocalElementsByName(QualifiedName name) { Iterable<IEObjectDescription> objectDescriptions = Collections.emptyList(); String[] segments = (String[]) name.getSegments().toArray(); List<String> asList = Arrays.asList(segments); List<String> modifiableList = Lists.newArrayList(); modifiableList.addAll(asList); for (URI uri : availableResourceURs) { String fileName = uri.lastSegment(); String root = fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf(".")); if (root != null) { modifiableList.add(0, root); } QualifiedName query = QualifiedName.create(modifiableList); if (isIgnoreCase()) { query = name.toLowerCase(); } if (elements.containsKey(query)) { Collection<IEObjectDescription> result = elements.get(query); objectDescriptions = Iterables.concat(objectDescriptions, result); } } objectDescriptions = getDefaultLocalElementsByName(name); objectDescriptions = Iterables.concat(objectDescriptions, super.getLocalElementsByName(name)); return objectDescriptions; }
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public Iterable<CFMetaData> tablesAndViews() { return Iterables.concat(tables, views.metadatas()); }
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public Iterable<IEObjectDescription> getExportedObjectsByObject(final EObject object) { final URI uri = EcoreUtil2.getPlatformResourceOrNormalizedURI(object); Iterable<IEObjectDescription> additionallyFiltered = Iterables.filter(getExportedObjects(), new Predicate<IEObjectDescription>() { public boolean apply(IEObjectDescription input) { if (input.getEObjectOrProxy() == object) return true; if (uri.equals(input.getEObjectURI())) { return true; }/*from w w w . j a va2s.c o m*/ return false; } }); return Iterables.concat(delegate.getExportedObjectsByObject(object), additionallyFiltered); }
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/** * Set the height property for each node in the current level and for their children. The height * is the height of the tallest node in the level. * /* ww w . ja v a 2s . c om*/ * @param currentLevel * the list of TNode at the same level, for which the neighbors and siblings should * be determined * @param progressMonitor * the current progress monitor */ private void setNeighbors(final Iterable<TNode> currentLevel, final IElkProgressMonitor progressMonitor) { /** only do something in filled levels */ if (!Iterables.isEmpty(currentLevel)) { /** create subtask for recursive descent */ IElkProgressMonitor sT = progressMonitor.subTask(Iterables.size(currentLevel) / numberOfNodes); sT.begin("Set neighbors in level", 1f); /** build empty iterator */ Iterable<TNode> nextLevel = new Iterable<TNode>() { public Iterator<TNode> iterator() { return Iterators.emptyIterator(); } }; double height = 0d; for (TNode cN : currentLevel) { /** append the children of the current node to the next level */ nextLevel = Iterables.concat(nextLevel, cN.getChildren()); /** check if the node is the tallest node so far */ if (height < cN.getSize().y) { height = cN.getSize().y; } } for (TNode cN : currentLevel) { /** set the level height for the node */ cN.setProperty(InternalProperties.LEVELHEIGHT, height); } /** add amount of work units to the whole task */ sT.done(); /** determine neighbors by bfs and for the whole graph */ setNeighbors(nextLevel, progressMonitor); } }
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public ResourceWriterImpl(File resourceContentsDir, Iterable<ResourceProcessor> resourceProcessors, Log log, Set<ResourceKey> resourcesWithKnownOrder) { this.resourceContentsDir = resourceContentsDir; this.resourceProcessors = Iterables.concat(resourceProcessors, Collections.singleton(ThroughputResourceProcessor.INSTANCE)); this.log = log; this.resourcesWithKnownOrder = resourcesWithKnownOrder; resourceContentsDir.mkdirs();/* www. j ava 2 s . co m*/ currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); }