Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables concat

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables concat


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables concat.


public static <T> Iterable<T> concat(Iterable<? extends T> a, Iterable<? extends T> b) 

Source Link


Combines two iterables into a single iterable.


From source file:sg.atom.utils._beta.functional.FunctionalIterable.java

public FunctionalIterable<T> concat(Iterable<T>... toConcat) {
    if (toConcat.length == 1) {
        return new FunctionalIterable<T>(Iterables.concat(delegate, toConcat[0]));
    }/*  w w  w  . j a  va2 s  .  c om*/
    return new FunctionalIterable<T>(Iterables.concat(delegate, Iterables.concat(toConcat)));

From source file:com.facebook.buck.cpp.AbstractNativeBuildable.java

public Collection<Path> getInputsToCompareToOutput() {
    return SourcePaths.filterInputsToCompareToOutput(Iterables.concat(srcs, headers));

From source file:io.hops.transaction.lock.BlockLock.java

protected void acquire(TransactionLocks locks) throws IOException {
    boolean individualBlockAlreadyRead = false;
    if (locks.containsLock(Type.INode)) {
        BaseINodeLock inodeLock = (BaseINodeLock) locks.getLock(Type.INode);
        Iterable blks = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
        for (INode inode : inodeLock.getAllResolvedINodes()) {
            if (BaseINodeLock.isStoredInDB(inode)) {
                LOG.debug("Stuffed Inode:  BlockLock. Skipping acquring locks on the inode named: "
                        + inode.getLocalName() + " as the file is stored in the database");
            }/*from  ww  w  . ja  v  a  2s.co  m*/
            if (inode instanceof INodeFile) {
                Collection<BlockInfoContiguous> inodeBlocks = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
                if (((INodeFile) inode).hasBlocks()) {
                    inodeBlocks = acquireLockList(DEFAULT_LOCK_TYPE, BlockInfoContiguous.Finder.ByINodeId,

                if (!individualBlockAlreadyRead) {
                    individualBlockAlreadyRead = inode.getId() == inodeId;

                if (inodeBlocks == null || inodeBlocks.isEmpty()) {

                blks = Iterables.concat(blks, inodeBlocks);
                files.add((INodeFile) inode);
    } else if (locks.containsLock(Type.AllCachedBlock)) {
        AllCachedBlockLock cachedBlockLock = (AllCachedBlockLock) locks.getLock(Type.AllCachedBlock);
        Collection<io.hops.metadata.hdfs.entity.CachedBlock> cBlocks = cachedBlockLock
        Set<Long> blockIdSet = new HashSet<>();
        for (io.hops.metadata.hdfs.entity.CachedBlock cBlock : cBlocks) {
        long[] blockIds = Longs.toArray(blockIdSet);
        long[] inodeIds = INodeUtil.resolveINodesFromBlockIds(blockIds);
        blocks.addAll(acquireLockList(DEFAULT_LOCK_TYPE, BlockInfoContiguous.Finder.ByBlockIdsAndINodeIds,
                blockIds, inodeIds));
    } else {
        throw new TransactionLocks.LockNotAddedException(
                "BlockLock must come either after an InodeLock of a AllCachedBlockLock");

    if (!individualBlockAlreadyRead) {


From source file:org.obiba.opal.web.project.permissions.ProjectSubjectPermissionsResource.java

 * Delete all permissions of a subject in the project.
 * @param domain//from ww w.  j a v  a2  s  .c  om
 * @param type
 * @return
public Response deleteSubjectPermissions(@QueryParam("type") @DefaultValue("USER") SubjectType type) {

    // make sure project exists

    SubjectAcl.Subject subject = type.subjectFor(principal);
    for (SubjectAclService.Permissions permissions : Iterables.concat(
            subjectAclService.getSubjectNodeHierarchyPermissions(DOMAIN, getProjectNode(), subject),
            subjectAclService.getSubjectNodeHierarchyPermissions(DOMAIN, getDatasourceNode(), subject))) {
        subjectAclService.deleteSubjectPermissions(DOMAIN, permissions.getNode(), subject);

    return Response.ok().build();

From source file:org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.incremental.IncrementalResultStoringCompiler.java

private void storeResult(JavaCompileSpec spec, WorkResult result) {
    ClasspathSnapshotData classpathSnapshot = classpathSnapshotProvider
            .getClasspathSnapshot(Iterables.concat(spec.getCompileClasspath(), spec.getModulePath())).getData();
    AnnotationProcessingData annotationProcessingData = getAnnotationProcessingResult(spec, result);
    PreviousCompilationData data = new PreviousCompilationData(spec.getDestinationDir(),
            annotationProcessingData, classpathSnapshot, spec.getAnnotationProcessorPath());
    stash.put(data);//w w  w .j av  a 2 s  .c o m

From source file:org.eclipse.ziggurat.collect.collectors.WidthCollector.java

 * Width wise collection./*from   w w w  . j a  va 2  s.  c om*/
 * @param handler
 *        the handler that processes each element.
 * @param element
 *        : the current layer from which the collection is performed.
 * @throws CollectionAbortedException
protected void collectWidthWise(ResultHandler<T> handler, Iterable<T> currentLayer)
        throws CollectionAbortedException {
    Iterable<T> nextLayer = Collections.emptyList();
    while (currentLayer != null && !Iterables.isEmpty(currentLayer)) {
        for (T currentElement : currentLayer) {
            try {
                //Building the next layer.
                for (Picker<T> picker : this.getPickers()) {
                    Iterable<T> nexts = picker.getNexts(currentElement); //getting children.
                    if (nexts != null) {
                        nextLayer = Iterables.concat(nextLayer, nexts);
            } catch (CannotHandleException e) {
                //do nothing
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new CollectionAbortedException(e);
        //The current layer has been processed. Going through the next one.
        currentLayer = nextLayer;
        nextLayer = Collections.emptyList();

From source file:org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.commit.MoveTracker.java

public boolean containsMove(@CheckForNull String path) {
    if (path != null) {
        for (String p : Iterables.concat(parentSourcePaths, parentDestPaths)) {
            if (Text.isDescendantOrEqual(path, p)) {
                return true;
            }//from   ww w  . j  a v  a  2s  .  c  o m
    return false;

From source file:org.obiba.opal.web.project.permissions.ProjectPermissionsResource.java

public Iterable<Opal.Subject> getSubjects(@QueryParam("type") SubjectType type) {

    // make sure project exists
    projectService.getProject(name);/*from   w ww.  ja  v a  2 s.c  o  m*/

    Iterable<SubjectAclService.Permissions> permissions = Iterables.concat(
            subjectAclService.getNodeHierarchyPermissions(DOMAIN, getNode(), type),
            Iterables.filter(subjectAclService.getNodeHierarchyPermissions(DOMAIN, "/datasource/" + name, type),
                    new MagmaPermissionsPredicate()));

    List<SubjectAcl.Subject> subjects = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (SubjectAclService.Permissions perms : permissions) {
        SubjectAcl.Subject subject = perms.getSubject();
        if (!subjects.contains(subject))

    return Iterables.transform(subjects, new Function<SubjectAcl.Subject, Opal.Subject>() {
        public Opal.Subject apply(@Nullable SubjectAcl.Subject input) {
            assert input != null;
            return Opal.Subject.newBuilder().setPrincipal(input.getPrincipal())

From source file:com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.CycleInfo.java

private static CycleInfo normalizeCycle(final SkyKey value, CycleInfo cycle) {
    int index = cycle.cycle.indexOf(value);
    if (index > -1) {
        if (!cycle.pathToCycle.isEmpty()) {
            // The head value we are considering is already part of a cycle, but we have reached it by a
            // roundabout way. Since we should have reached it directly as well, filter this roundabout
            // way out. Example (c has a dependence on top):
            //          top
            //         /  ^
            //        a   |
            //       / \ /
            //      b-> c
            // In the traversal, we start at top, visit a, then c, then top. This yields the
            // cycle {top,a,c}. Then we visit b, getting (b, {top,a,c}). Then we construct the full
            // error for a. The error should just be the cycle {top,a,c}, but we have an extra copy of
            // it via the path through b.
            return null;
        }/*from  w  ww  .  j a v  a  2 s  .  c o m*/
        return new CycleInfo(cycle.cycle, index);
    return new CycleInfo(Iterables.concat(ImmutableList.of(value), cycle.pathToCycle), cycle.cycle);

From source file:org.richfaces.cdk.templatecompiler.statements.SwitchStatement.java

public Iterable<JavaField> getRequiredFields() {
    return Iterables.concat(super.getRequiredFields(), statement.getRequiredFields());