Example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap values

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap values


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap values.


public ImmutableCollection<V> values() 

Source Link


From source file:google.registry.model.registry.label.PremiumListUtils.java

 * Persists a new or updated PremiumList object and its descendant entities to Datastore.
 * <p>The flow here is: save the new premium list entries parented on that revision entity,
 * save/update the PremiumList, and then delete the old premium list entries associated with the
 * old revision./*from   ww w . ja  v  a  2  s .  co  m*/
 * <p>This is the only valid way to save these kinds of entities!
public static PremiumList savePremiumListAndEntries(final PremiumList premiumList,
        ImmutableMap<String, PremiumListEntry> premiumListEntries) {
    final Optional<PremiumList> oldPremiumList = PremiumList.get(premiumList.getName());

    // Create the new revision (with its bloom filter) and parent the entries on it.
    final PremiumListRevision newRevision = PremiumListRevision.create(premiumList,
    final Key<PremiumListRevision> newRevisionKey = Key.create(newRevision);
    ImmutableSet<PremiumListEntry> parentedEntries = parentPremiumListEntriesOnRevision(
            premiumListEntries.values(), newRevisionKey);

    // Save the new child entities in a series of transactions.
    for (final List<PremiumListEntry> batch : partition(parentedEntries, TRANSACTION_BATCH_SIZE)) {
        ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork() {
            public void vrun() {

    // Save the new PremiumList and revision itself.
    PremiumList updated = ofy().transactNew(new Work<PremiumList>() {
        public PremiumList run() {
            DateTime now = ofy().getTransactionTime();
            // Assert that the premium list hasn't been changed since we started this process.
            PremiumList existing = ofy().load().type(PremiumList.class).parent(getCrossTldKey())
            checkState(Objects.equals(existing, oldPremiumList.orNull()),
                    "PremiumList was concurrently edited");
            PremiumList newList = premiumList.asBuilder().setLastUpdateTime(now)
                    .setCreationTime(oldPremiumList.isPresent() ? oldPremiumList.get().creationTime : now)
            ofy().save().entities(newList, newRevision);
            return newList;
    // Update the cache.
    cachePremiumLists.put(premiumList.getName(), updated);
    // Delete the entities under the old PremiumList.
    if (oldPremiumList.isPresent()) {
    return updated;

From source file:com.facebook.buck.cxx.Omnibus.java

protected static OmnibusLibrary createOmnibus(BuildRuleParams params, BuildRuleResolver ruleResolver,
        SourcePathResolver pathResolver, SourcePathRuleFinder ruleFinder, CxxBuckConfig cxxBuckConfig,
        CxxPlatform cxxPlatform, ImmutableList<? extends Arg> extraLdflags, OmnibusSpec spec)
        throws NoSuchBuildTargetException {

    ImmutableList.Builder<Arg> argsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();

    // Add extra ldflags to the beginning of the link.
    argsBuilder.addAll(extraLdflags);/*from  w  w  w .j  a  v  a  2 s . com*/

    // For roots that aren't dependencies of nodes in the body, we extract their undefined symbols
    // to add to the link so that required symbols get pulled into the merged library.
    List<SourcePath> undefinedSymbolsOnlyRoots = new ArrayList<>();
    for (BuildTarget target : Sets.difference(spec.getRoots().keySet(), spec.getGraph().getNodes())) {
        NativeLinkTarget linkTarget = Preconditions.checkNotNull(spec.getRoots().get(target));
        undefinedSymbolsOnlyRoots.add(new BuildTargetSourcePath(getRootTarget(params.getBuildTarget(),
                shouldCreateDummyRoot(linkTarget, cxxPlatform) ? getDummyRootTarget(target) : target)));
    argsBuilder.addAll(createUndefinedSymbolsArgs(params, ruleResolver, pathResolver, ruleFinder, cxxPlatform,

    // Walk the graph in topological order, appending each nodes contributions to the link.
    ImmutableList<BuildTarget> targets = TopologicalSort.sort(spec.getGraph()).reverse();
    for (BuildTarget target : targets) {

        // If this is a root, just place the shared library we've linked above onto the link line.
        // We need this so that the linker can grab any undefined symbols from it, and therefore
        // know which symbols to pull in from the body nodes.
        NativeLinkTarget root = spec.getRoots().get(target);
        if (root != null) {
            argsBuilder.add(new SourcePathArg(pathResolver,
                    new BuildTargetSourcePath(getRootTarget(params.getBuildTarget(), root.getBuildTarget()))));

        // Otherwise, this is a body node, and we need to add its static library to the link line,
        // so that the linker can discard unused object files from it.
        NativeLinkable nativeLinkable = Preconditions.checkNotNull(spec.getBody().get(target));
        NativeLinkableInput input = NativeLinkables.getNativeLinkableInput(cxxPlatform,
                Linker.LinkableDepType.STATIC_PIC, nativeLinkable);

    // We process all excluded omnibus deps last, and just add their components as if this were a
    // normal shared link.
    ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, NativeLinkable> deps = NativeLinkables.getNativeLinkables(cxxPlatform,
            spec.getDeps().values(), Linker.LinkableDepType.SHARED);
    for (NativeLinkable nativeLinkable : deps.values()) {
        NativeLinkableInput input = NativeLinkables.getNativeLinkableInput(cxxPlatform,
                Linker.LinkableDepType.SHARED, nativeLinkable);

    // Create the merged omnibus library using the arguments assembled above.
    BuildTarget omnibusTarget = params.getBuildTarget().withAppendedFlavors(OMNIBUS_FLAVOR);
    String omnibusSoname = getOmnibusSoname(cxxPlatform);
    ruleResolver.addToIndex(CxxLinkableEnhancer.createCxxLinkableSharedBuildRule(cxxBuckConfig, cxxPlatform,
            params, ruleResolver, pathResolver, ruleFinder, omnibusTarget,
            BuildTargets.getGenPath(params.getProjectFilesystem(), omnibusTarget, "%s").resolve(omnibusSoname),
            Optional.of(omnibusSoname), argsBuilder.build()));

    return OmnibusLibrary.of(omnibusSoname, new BuildTargetSourcePath(omnibusTarget));

From source file:com.google.idea.blaze.cpp.BlazeConfigurationResolver.java

private static Set<ExecutionRootPath> collectExecutionRootPaths(TargetMap targetMap,
        ImmutableMap<TargetKey, CToolchainIdeInfo> toolchainLookupMap) {
    Set<ExecutionRootPath> paths = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (TargetIdeInfo target : targetMap.targets()) {
        if (target.cIdeInfo != null) {
        }/*w ww.ja  v a2 s .  c o m*/
    for (CToolchainIdeInfo toolchain : toolchainLookupMap.values()) {
    return paths;

From source file:com.facebook.buck.core.cell.impl.LocalCellProviderFactory.java

/** Create a cell provider at a given root. */
public static CellProvider create(ProjectFilesystem rootFilesystem, BuckConfig rootConfig,
        CellConfig rootCellConfigOverrides, ImmutableMap<CellName, Path> cellPathMapping,
        CellPathResolver rootCellCellPathResolver, BuckModuleManager moduleManager,
        ToolchainProviderFactory toolchainProviderFactory, ProjectFilesystemFactory projectFilesystemFactory,
        UnconfiguredBuildTargetFactory unconfiguredBuildTargetFactory) {

    ImmutableMap<Path, RawConfig> pathToConfigOverrides;
    try {//  w  w w.j a va  2 s .  com
        pathToConfigOverrides = rootCellConfigOverrides.getOverridesByPath(cellPathMapping);
    } catch (InvalidCellOverrideException e) {
        throw new HumanReadableException(e.getMessage());

    ImmutableSet<Path> allRoots = ImmutableSet.copyOf(cellPathMapping.values());
    return new CellProvider(cellProvider -> new CacheLoader<Path, Cell>() {
        public Cell load(Path cellPath) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
            Path normalizedCellPath = cellPath.toRealPath().normalize();

                    "Cell %s outside of transitive closure of root cell (%s).", normalizedCellPath, allRoots);

            RawConfig configOverrides = Optional.ofNullable(pathToConfigOverrides.get(normalizedCellPath))
            Config config = Configs.createDefaultConfig(normalizedCellPath, configOverrides);

            ImmutableMap<String, Path> cellMapping = DefaultCellPathResolver

            // The cell should only contain a subset of cell mappings of the root cell.
            cellMapping.forEach((name, path) -> {
                Path pathInRootResolver = rootCellCellPathResolver.getCellPaths().get(name);
                if (pathInRootResolver == null) {
                    throw new HumanReadableException(
                            "In the config of %s:  %s.%s must exist in the root cell's cell mappings.",
                            cellPath.toString(), DefaultCellPathResolver.REPOSITORIES_SECTION, name);
                } else if (!pathInRootResolver.equals(path)) {
                    throw new HumanReadableException(
                            "In the config of %s:  %s.%s must point to the same directory as the root "
                                    + "cell's cell mapping: (root) %s != (current) %s",
                            cellPath.toString(), DefaultCellPathResolver.REPOSITORIES_SECTION, name,
                            pathInRootResolver, path);

            CellPathResolver cellPathResolver = new CellPathResolverView(rootCellCellPathResolver,
                    cellMapping.keySet(), cellPath);

            Optional<EmbeddedCellBuckOutInfo> embeddedCellBuckOutInfo = Optional.empty();
            Optional<String> canonicalCellName = cellPathResolver.getCanonicalCellName(normalizedCellPath);
            if (rootConfig.getView(BuildBuckConfig.class).isEmbeddedCellBuckOutEnabled()
                    && canonicalCellName.isPresent()) {
                embeddedCellBuckOutInfo = Optional
                                rootFilesystem.getBuckPaths(), canonicalCellName.get()));
            ProjectFilesystem cellFilesystem = projectFilesystemFactory
                    .createProjectFilesystem(normalizedCellPath, config, embeddedCellBuckOutInfo);

            BuckConfig buckConfig = new BuckConfig(config, cellFilesystem, rootConfig.getArchitecture(),
                    rootConfig.getPlatform(), rootConfig.getEnvironment(),
                    buildTargetName -> unconfiguredBuildTargetFactory.create(cellPathResolver,

            RuleKeyConfiguration ruleKeyConfiguration = ConfigRuleKeyConfigurationFactory.create(buckConfig,

            ToolchainProvider toolchainProvider = toolchainProviderFactory.create(buckConfig, cellFilesystem,

            // TODO(13777679): cells in other watchman roots do not work correctly.

            return ImmutableCell.of(cellPathResolver.getKnownRoots(), canonicalCellName, cellFilesystem,
                    buckConfig, cellProvider, toolchainProvider, ruleKeyConfiguration, cellPathResolver);
    }, cellProvider -> RootCellFactory.create(cellProvider, rootCellCellPathResolver, toolchainProviderFactory,
            rootFilesystem, moduleManager, rootConfig));

From source file:com.facebook.buck.cxx.CxxLibraryFactory.java

private static ImmutableList<SourcePath> requireObjects(BuildTarget buildTarget,
        ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem, ActionGraphBuilder graphBuilder,
        SourcePathResolver sourcePathResolver, SourcePathRuleFinder ruleFinder, CellPathResolver cellRoots,
        CxxBuckConfig cxxBuckConfig, CxxPlatform cxxPlatform, PicType pic, CxxLibraryDescriptionArg args,
        ImmutableSet<BuildRule> deps,
        CxxLibraryDescription.TransitiveCxxPreprocessorInputFunction transitivePreprocessorInputs,
        Optional<CxxLibraryDescriptionDelegate> delegate) {

    // TODO(T21900747): Fix dependence on order of object paths
    ImmutableList.Builder<SourcePath> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
    ImmutableMap<CxxPreprocessAndCompile, SourcePath> cxxObjects = requireCxxObjects(buildTarget,
            projectFilesystem, graphBuilder, sourcePathResolver, ruleFinder, cellRoots, cxxBuckConfig,
            cxxPlatform, pic, args, deps, transitivePreprocessorInputs, delegate);


    Optional<ImmutableList<SourcePath>> pluginObjectPaths = delegate
            .flatMap(p -> p.getObjectFilePaths(buildTarget, graphBuilder, cxxPlatform));
    pluginObjectPaths.ifPresent(paths -> builder.addAll(paths));

    return builder.build();

From source file:com.facebook.buck.features.haskell.HaskellGhciDescription.java

 * @param omnibusRoots roots of the graph of nodes (including transitive deps) to include in the
 *     omnibus link.//from w w w .  j  ava2s  .co m
 * @param excludedRoots roots of a the graph of nodes (including transitive deps) that cannot be
 *     included in the omnibus link.
 * @return the {@link HaskellGhciOmnibusSpec} describing the omnibus link.
public static HaskellGhciOmnibusSpec getOmnibusSpec(BuildTarget baseTarget, CxxPlatform cxxPlatform,
        ActionGraphBuilder graphBuilder, ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, ? extends NativeLinkable> omnibusRoots,
        ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, ? extends NativeLinkable> excludedRoots) {

    LOG.verbose("%s: omnibus roots: %s", baseTarget, omnibusRoots);
    LOG.verbose("%s: excluded roots: %s", baseTarget, excludedRoots);

    HaskellGhciOmnibusSpec.Builder builder = HaskellGhciOmnibusSpec.builder();

    // Calculate excluded roots/deps, and add them to the link.
    ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, NativeLinkable> transitiveExcludedLinkables = NativeLinkables
            .getTransitiveNativeLinkables(cxxPlatform, graphBuilder, excludedRoots.values());

    // Calculate the body and first-order deps of omnibus.
    new AbstractBreadthFirstTraversal<NativeLinkable>(omnibusRoots.values()) {
        public Iterable<? extends NativeLinkable> visit(NativeLinkable nativeLinkable) {

            // Excluded linkables can't be included in omnibus.
            if (transitiveExcludedLinkables.containsKey(nativeLinkable.getBuildTarget())) {
                LOG.verbose("%s: skipping excluded linkable %s", baseTarget, nativeLinkable.getBuildTarget());
                return ImmutableSet.of();

            // We cannot include prebuilt SOs in omnibus.
            // TODO(agallagher): We should also use `NativeLinkable.supportsOmnibusLinking()` to
            // determine if we can include the library, but this will need likely need to be updated for
            // a multi-pass walk first.
            if (isPrebuiltSO(nativeLinkable, cxxPlatform, graphBuilder)) {
                builder.putDeps(nativeLinkable.getBuildTarget(), nativeLinkable);
                LOG.verbose("%s: skipping prebuilt SO %s", baseTarget, nativeLinkable.getBuildTarget());
                return ImmutableSet.of();

            // Include C/C++ libs capable of static linking in omnibus.
            // TODO(agallagher): This should probably be *any* `NativeLinkable` that supports omnibus
            // linking.
            if (nativeLinkable instanceof CxxLibrary || nativeLinkable instanceof PrebuiltCxxLibrary) {
                builder.putBody(nativeLinkable.getBuildTarget(), nativeLinkable);
                LOG.verbose("%s: including C/C++ library %s", baseTarget, nativeLinkable.getBuildTarget());
                return Iterables.concat(
                        nativeLinkable.getNativeLinkableDepsForPlatform(cxxPlatform, graphBuilder),
                        nativeLinkable.getNativeLinkableExportedDepsForPlatform(cxxPlatform, graphBuilder));

            // Unexpected node.  Can this actually happen?
            // TODO(agallagher): This should probably be an internal error/assertion, as silently
            // dropping libraries at this point will likely result in we're user errors.
            return ImmutableSet.of();

    HaskellGhciOmnibusSpec spec = builder.build();
    LOG.verbose("%s: built omnibus spec %s", spec);
    return spec;

From source file:com.facebook.buck.java.intellij.IjModuleGraph.java

 * @param targetGraph input graph.//  ww  w  .  j av a2 s  .  co m
 * @param libraryFactory library factory.
 * @param moduleFactory module factory.
 * @param aggregationMode module aggregation mode.
 * @return module graph corresponding to the supplied {@link TargetGraph}. Multiple targets from
 * the same base path are mapped to a single module, therefore an IjModuleGraph edge
 * exists between two modules (Ma, Mb) if a TargetGraph edge existed between a pair of
 * nodes (Ta, Tb) and Ma contains Ta and Mb contains Tb.
public static IjModuleGraph from(final TargetGraph targetGraph, final IjLibraryFactory libraryFactory,
        final IjModuleFactory moduleFactory, AggregationMode aggregationMode) {
    final ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, IjModule> rulesToModules = createModules(targetGraph, moduleFactory,
    final ExportedDepsClosureResolver exportedDepsClosureResolver = new ExportedDepsClosureResolver(
    ImmutableMap.Builder<IjProjectElement, ImmutableMap<IjProjectElement, DependencyType>> depsBuilder = ImmutableMap
    final Set<IjLibrary> referencedLibraries = new HashSet<>();

    for (final IjModule module : FluentIterable.from(rulesToModules.values()).toSet()) {
        Map<IjProjectElement, DependencyType> moduleDeps = new HashMap<>();

        for (Map.Entry<BuildTarget, DependencyType> entry : module.getDependencies().entrySet()) {
            BuildTarget depBuildTarget = entry.getKey();
            DependencyType depType = entry.getValue();
            ImmutableSet<IjProjectElement> depElements;

            if (depType.equals(DependencyType.COMPILED_SHADOW)) {
                TargetNode<?> targetNode = Preconditions.checkNotNull(targetGraph.get(depBuildTarget));
                Optional<IjLibrary> library = libraryFactory.getLibrary(targetNode);
                if (library.isPresent()) {
                    depElements = ImmutableSet.<IjProjectElement>of(library.get());
                } else {
                    depElements = ImmutableSet.of();
            } else {
                depElements = FluentIterable
                        .append(depBuildTarget).filter(new Predicate<BuildTarget>() {
                            public boolean apply(BuildTarget input) {
                                // The exported deps closure can contain references back to targets contained
                                // in the module, so filter those out.
                                TargetNode<?> targetNode = targetGraph.get(input);
                                return !module.getTargets().contains(targetNode);
                        }).transform(new Function<BuildTarget, IjProjectElement>() {
                            public IjProjectElement apply(BuildTarget depTarget) {
                                IjModule depModule = rulesToModules.get(depTarget);
                                if (depModule != null) {
                                    return depModule;
                                TargetNode<?> targetNode = Preconditions
                                IjLibrary library = libraryFactory.getLibrary(targetNode).orNull();
                                return library;

            for (IjProjectElement depElement : depElements) {
                DependencyType.putWithMerge(moduleDeps, depElement, depType);

        if (!module.getExtraClassPathDependencies().isEmpty()) {
            IjLibrary extraClassPathLibrary = IjLibrary.builder()
                    .setName("library_" + module.getName() + "_extra_classpath").build();
            moduleDeps.put(extraClassPathLibrary, DependencyType.PROD);


        depsBuilder.put(module, ImmutableMap.copyOf(moduleDeps));

    for (IjLibrary library : referencedLibraries) {
        depsBuilder.put(library, ImmutableMap.<IjProjectElement, DependencyType>of());

    return new IjModuleGraph(depsBuilder.build());

From source file:com.facebook.buck.jvm.java.intellij.IjModuleGraph.java

 * @param projectConfig the project config used
 * @param targetGraph input graph./* w w  w .  j  a  v a 2 s.  c o m*/
 * @param libraryFactory library factory.
 * @param moduleFactory module factory.
 * @param aggregationMode module aggregation mode.
 * @return module graph corresponding to the supplied {@link TargetGraph}. Multiple targets from
 * the same base path are mapped to a single module, therefore an IjModuleGraph edge
 * exists between two modules (Ma, Mb) if a TargetGraph edge existed between a pair of
 * nodes (Ta, Tb) and Ma contains Ta and Mb contains Tb.
public static IjModuleGraph from(final IjProjectConfig projectConfig, final TargetGraph targetGraph,
        final IjLibraryFactory libraryFactory, final IjModuleFactory moduleFactory,
        AggregationMode aggregationMode) {
    final ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, IjModule> rulesToModules = createModules(projectConfig, targetGraph,
            moduleFactory, aggregationMode.getGraphMinimumDepth(targetGraph.getNodes().size()));
    final ExportedDepsClosureResolver exportedDepsClosureResolver = new ExportedDepsClosureResolver(
    ImmutableMap.Builder<IjProjectElement, ImmutableMap<IjProjectElement, DependencyType>> depsBuilder = ImmutableMap
    final Set<IjLibrary> referencedLibraries = new HashSet<>();

    for (final IjModule module : ImmutableSet.copyOf(rulesToModules.values())) {
        Map<IjProjectElement, DependencyType> moduleDeps = new HashMap<>();

        for (Map.Entry<BuildTarget, DependencyType> entry : module.getDependencies().entrySet()) {
            BuildTarget depBuildTarget = entry.getKey();
            DependencyType depType = entry.getValue();
            ImmutableSet<IjProjectElement> depElements;

            if (depType.equals(DependencyType.COMPILED_SHADOW)) {
                TargetNode<?, ?> targetNode = targetGraph.get(depBuildTarget);
                Optional<IjLibrary> library = libraryFactory.getLibrary(targetNode);
                if (library.isPresent()) {
                    depElements = ImmutableSet.of(library.get());
                } else {
                    depElements = ImmutableSet.of();
            } else {
                depElements = Stream
                        .filter(input -> {
                            // The exported deps closure can contain references back to targets contained
                            // in the module, so filter those out.
                            TargetNode<?, ?> targetNode = targetGraph.get(input);
                            return !module.getTargets().contains(targetNode);
                        }).map(depTarget -> {
                            IjModule depModule = rulesToModules.get(depTarget);
                            if (depModule != null) {
                                return depModule;
                            TargetNode<?, ?> targetNode = targetGraph.get(depTarget);
                            return libraryFactory.getLibrary(targetNode).orElse(null);

            for (IjProjectElement depElement : depElements) {
                DependencyType.putWithMerge(moduleDeps, depElement, depType);

        if (!module.getExtraClassPathDependencies().isEmpty()) {
            IjLibrary extraClassPathLibrary = IjLibrary.builder()
                    .setName("library_" + module.getName() + "_extra_classpath").build();
            moduleDeps.put(extraClassPathLibrary, DependencyType.PROD);

        moduleDeps.keySet().stream().filter(dep -> dep instanceof IjLibrary).map(library -> (IjLibrary) library)

        depsBuilder.put(module, ImmutableMap.copyOf(moduleDeps));

    referencedLibraries.forEach(library -> depsBuilder.put(library, ImmutableMap.of()));

    return new IjModuleGraph(depsBuilder.build());

From source file:com.facebook.buck.ide.intellij.IjModuleGraphFactory.java

 * @param projectConfig the project config used
 * @param targetGraph input graph./*from  ww w . j  a  v a 2s.  c  om*/
 * @param libraryFactory library factory.
 * @param moduleFactory module factory.
 * @return module graph corresponding to the supplied {@link TargetGraph}. Multiple targets from
 *     the same base path are mapped to a single module, therefore an IjModuleGraph edge exists
 *     between two modules (Ma, Mb) if a TargetGraph edge existed between a pair of nodes (Ta, Tb)
 *     and Ma contains Ta and Mb contains Tb.
public static IjModuleGraph from(final ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem, final IjProjectConfig projectConfig,
        final TargetGraph targetGraph, final IjLibraryFactory libraryFactory,
        final IjModuleFactory moduleFactory, final AggregationModuleFactory aggregationModuleFactory) {
    ImmutableSet<String> ignoredTargetLabels = projectConfig.getIgnoredTargetLabels();
    final ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, IjModule> rulesToModules = createModules(projectFilesystem, targetGraph,
            moduleFactory, aggregationModuleFactory,
    final ExportedDepsClosureResolver exportedDepsClosureResolver = new ExportedDepsClosureResolver(targetGraph,
    ImmutableMap.Builder<IjProjectElement, ImmutableMap<IjProjectElement, DependencyType>> depsBuilder = ImmutableMap
    final Set<IjLibrary> referencedLibraries = new HashSet<>();

    for (final IjModule module : ImmutableSet.copyOf(rulesToModules.values())) {
        Map<IjProjectElement, DependencyType> moduleDeps = new HashMap<>();

        for (Map.Entry<BuildTarget, DependencyType> entry : module.getDependencies().entrySet()) {
            BuildTarget depBuildTarget = entry.getKey();
            TargetNode<?, ?> depTargetNode = targetGraph.get(depBuildTarget);

            AbstractDescriptionArg arg = (AbstractDescriptionArg) depTargetNode.getConstructorArg();
            if (arg.labelsContainsAnyOf(ignoredTargetLabels)) {

            DependencyType depType = entry.getValue();
            ImmutableSet<IjProjectElement> depElements;

            if (depType.equals(DependencyType.COMPILED_SHADOW)) {
                Optional<IjLibrary> library = libraryFactory.getLibrary(depTargetNode);
                if (library.isPresent()) {
                    depElements = ImmutableSet.of(library.get());
                } else {
                    depElements = ImmutableSet.of();
            } else {
                depElements = Stream
                        .filter(input -> {
                            TargetNode<?, ?> targetNode = targetGraph.get(input);
                            // IntelliJ doesn't support referring to source files which aren't below the root of
                            // the project. Filter out those cases proactively, so that we don't try to resolve
                            // files relative to the wrong ProjectFilesystem.
                            // Maybe one day someone will fix this.
                            return isInRootCell(projectFilesystem, targetNode);
                        }).filter(input -> {
                            // The exported deps closure can contain references back to targets contained
                            // in the module, so filter those out.
                            return !module.getTargets().contains(input);
                        }).map(depTarget -> {
                            IjModule depModule = rulesToModules.get(depTarget);
                            if (depModule != null) {
                                return depModule;
                            TargetNode<?, ?> targetNode = targetGraph.get(depTarget);
                            return libraryFactory.getLibrary(targetNode).orElse(null);

            for (IjProjectElement depElement : depElements) {
                DependencyType.putWithMerge(moduleDeps, depElement, depType);

        if (!module.getExtraClassPathDependencies().isEmpty()) {
            IjLibrary extraClassPathLibrary = IjLibrary.builder()
                    .setName("library_" + module.getName() + "_extra_classpath").build();
            moduleDeps.put(extraClassPathLibrary, DependencyType.PROD);

        moduleDeps.keySet().stream().filter(dep -> dep instanceof IjLibrary).map(library -> (IjLibrary) library)

        depsBuilder.put(module, ImmutableMap.copyOf(moduleDeps));

    referencedLibraries.forEach(library -> depsBuilder.put(library, ImmutableMap.of()));

    return new IjModuleGraph(depsBuilder.build());

From source file:org.glowroot.agent.weaving.ClassAnalyzer.java

private static List<AnalyzedClass> hack(ThinClass thinClass, ClassLoader loader,
        List<AnalyzedClass> superAnalyzedClasses, Set<String> ejbRemoteInterfaces) {
    Map<String, List<String>> superInterfaceNames = Maps.newHashMap();
    for (AnalyzedClass analyzedClass : superAnalyzedClasses) {
        if (analyzedClass.isInterface()) {
            superInterfaceNames.put(analyzedClass.name(), analyzedClass.interfaceNames());
        }//from   w  w  w .  java  2  s .  c o m
    Map<String, String> interfaceNamesToInstrument = Maps.newHashMap();
    for (String ejbRemoteInterface : ejbRemoteInterfaces) {
        addToInterfaceNamesToInstrument(ejbRemoteInterface, superInterfaceNames, interfaceNamesToInstrument,
    List<InstrumentationConfig> instrumentationConfigs = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : interfaceNamesToInstrument.entrySet()) {
        String shortClassName = entry.getValue();
        int index = shortClassName.lastIndexOf('.');
        if (index != -1) {
            shortClassName = shortClassName.substring(index + 1);
        index = shortClassName.lastIndexOf('$');
        if (index != -1) {
            shortClassName = shortClassName.substring(index + 1);
                .transactionNameTemplate("EJB remote: " + shortClassName + "#{{methodName}}")
                .traceEntryMessageTemplate("EJB remote: " + entry.getValue() + ".{{methodName}}()")
                .timerName("ejb remote").build());
    ImmutableMap<Advice, LazyDefinedClass> newAdvisors = AdviceGenerator.createAdvisors(instrumentationConfigs,
            null, false, false);
    try {
        ClassLoaders.defineClasses(newAdvisors.values(), loader);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    Map<String, Advice> newAdvisorsByRemoteInterface = Maps.newHashMap();
    for (Advice advice : newAdvisors.keySet()) {
        newAdvisorsByRemoteInterface.put(advice.pointcut().className(), advice);

    List<AnalyzedClass> ejbHackedSuperAnalyzedClasses = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (AnalyzedClass superAnalyzedClass : superAnalyzedClasses) {
        Advice advice = newAdvisorsByRemoteInterface.get(superAnalyzedClass.name());
        if (advice == null) {
        } else {
            ImmutableAnalyzedClass.Builder builder = ImmutableAnalyzedClass.builder()
            List<AnalyzedMethod> analyzedMethods = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (AnalyzedMethod analyzedMethod : superAnalyzedClass.analyzedMethods()) {
    return ejbHackedSuperAnalyzedClasses;