List of usage examples for ImmutableMap values
public ImmutableCollection<V> values()
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { try {/*from www.ja v a m*/ InputStream stream =; if (args.length > 0) { stream = new FileInputStream(args[0]); } ImmutableMap<String, JavaToolchainData> data = JavaToolchainDataParser.parse(stream); if (data.size() != 1) { die(data.isEmpty() ? "No java_toolchain found!" : "Multiple java_toolchain found!"); } JavaToolchainData first = data.values().asList().get(0); String optsString = Joiner.on("\", \"").join(first.getJavacOptions()); System.out.println("package;"); System.out.println("public class JavaBuilderJavacOpts {"); System.out.println("public static final String[] DEFAULT_JAVACOPTS = {\"" + optsString + "\"};"); System.out.println("}"); } catch (IOException e) { die("Cannot load input file: " + e.getMessage()); } }
From source
public static CellProvider create(DistBuildCellParams rootCell, ImmutableMap<Path, DistBuildCellParams> cellParams) { Map<String, Path> cellPaths = cellParams.values().stream().filter(p -> p.getCanonicalName().isPresent()) .collect(Collectors.toMap(p -> p.getCanonicalName().get(), p -> p.getFilesystem().getRootPath())); ImmutableSet<String> declaredCellNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(cellPaths.keySet()); Path rootCellPath = rootCell.getFilesystem().getRootPath(); DefaultCellPathResolver rootCellResolver = DefaultCellPathResolver.of(rootCellPath, cellPaths); return new CellProvider(cellProvider -> CacheLoader.from(cellPath -> { DistBuildCellParams cellParam = Preconditions.checkNotNull(cellParams.get(cellPath), "This should only be called for secondary cells."); Path currentCellRoot = cellParam.getFilesystem().getRootPath(); Preconditions.checkState(!currentCellRoot.equals(rootCellPath)); CellPathResolver currentCellResolver = rootCellResolver; // The CellPathResolverView is required because it makes the // [RootPath<->CanonicalName] resolver methods non-symmetrical to handle the // fact/*w w w .ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ // that relative main cell from inside a secondary cell resolves actually to // secondary cell. If the DefaultCellPathResolver is used, then it would return // a BuildTarget as if it belonged to the main cell. currentCellResolver = new CellPathResolverView(rootCellResolver, declaredCellNames, currentCellRoot); BuckConfig configWithResolver = cellParam.getConfig().withCellPathResolver(currentCellResolver); RuleKeyConfiguration ruleKeyConfiguration = ConfigRuleKeyConfigurationFactory.create(configWithResolver, cellParam.getBuckModuleManager()); ToolchainProvider toolchainProvider = new DefaultToolchainProvider(cellParam.getPluginManager(), cellParam.getEnvironment(), configWithResolver, cellParam.getFilesystem(), cellParam.getProcessExecutor(), cellParam.getExecutableFinder(), ruleKeyConfiguration); return ImmutableCell.of(cellParams.keySet(), // Distributed builds don't care about cell names, use a sentinel value that // will show up if it actually does care about them. cellParam.getCanonicalName(), WatchmanFactory.NULL_WATCHMAN, cellProvider, toolchainProvider, ruleKeyConfiguration, cellParam.getFilesystem(), configWithResolver); }), cellProvider -> RootCellFactory.create(cellProvider, rootCellResolver, rootCell.getFilesystem(), rootCell.getBuckModuleManager(), rootCell.getPluginManager(), rootCell.getConfig(), rootCell.getEnvironment(), rootCell.getProcessExecutor(), rootCell.getExecutableFinder(), WatchmanFactory.NULL_WATCHMAN)); }
From source
public static <T> Arborescence<T> of(ImmutableMap<T, T> parents) { if (parents != null && !parents.isEmpty()) { HashSet<T> allParents = Sets.newHashSet(parents.values()); allParents.removeAll(parents.keySet()); if (allParents.size() == 1) { return new Arborescence<>(parents, allParents.iterator().next()); }/*from ww w.ja v a 2s . c om*/ } return new Arborescence<>(parents, null); }
From source
public static VersionedTargetGraph newInstance(Iterable<TargetNode<?, ?>> nodes) { Map<BuildTarget, TargetNode<?, ?>> builder = new HashMap<>(); for (TargetNode<?, ?> node : nodes) { builder.put(node.getBuildTarget(), node); }// ww w . j a va2 s . c om ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, TargetNode<?, ?>> map = ImmutableMap.copyOf(builder); MutableDirectedGraph<TargetNode<?, ?>> graph = new MutableDirectedGraph<>(); for (TargetNode<?, ?> node : map.values()) { graph.addNode(node); for (BuildTarget dep : node.getDeps()) { graph.addEdge(node, Preconditions.checkNotNull(map.get(dep), dep)); } } return new VersionedTargetGraph(graph, map, ImmutableSet.of()); }
From source
public static TargetGraph newInstance(Iterable<TargetNode<?, ?>> nodes) { Map<BuildTarget, TargetNode<?, ?>> builder = new HashMap<>(); for (TargetNode<?, ?> node : nodes) { builder.put(node.getBuildTarget(), node); BuildTarget unflavoredTarget = BuildTarget.of(node.getBuildTarget().getUnflavoredBuildTarget()); if (node.getBuildTarget().isFlavored() && !builder.containsKey(unflavoredTarget)) { builder.put(unflavoredTarget, node); }/*w w w. j av a 2s . co m*/ } ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, TargetNode<?, ?>> map = ImmutableMap.copyOf(builder); MutableDirectedGraph<TargetNode<?, ?>> graph = new MutableDirectedGraph<>(); for (TargetNode<?, ?> node : map.values()) { graph.addNode(node); for (BuildTarget dep : node.getDeps()) { graph.addEdge(node, Preconditions.checkNotNull(map.get(dep), dep)); } } return new TargetGraph(graph, map, ImmutableSet.of()); }
From source
/** * Like {@link #newInstance(TargetNode[])} but does not also add a node for unflavored version of * the given node./*from ww w .j ava 2s . c o m*/ */ public static TargetGraph newInstanceExact(TargetNode<?>... nodes) { Map<BuildTarget, TargetNode<?>> builder = new HashMap<>(); for (TargetNode<?> node : nodes) { builder.put(node.getBuildTarget(), node); } ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, TargetNode<?>> map = ImmutableMap.copyOf(builder); MutableDirectedGraph<TargetNode<?>> graph = new MutableDirectedGraph<>(); for (TargetNode<?> node : map.values()) { graph.addNode(node); for (BuildTarget dep : node.getBuildDeps()) { graph.addEdge(node, Objects.requireNonNull(map.get(dep), dep::toString)); } } return new TargetGraph(graph, map); }
From source
public static TargetGraph newInstance(Iterable<TargetNode<?>> nodes) { Map<BuildTarget, TargetNode<?>> builder = new HashMap<>(); for (TargetNode<?> node : nodes) { builder.put(node.getBuildTarget(), node); BuildTarget unflavoredTarget = node.getBuildTarget().withoutFlavors(); if (node.getBuildTarget().isFlavored() && !builder.containsKey(unflavoredTarget)) { builder.put(unflavoredTarget, node.withFlavors(ImmutableSet.of())); }//from w ww . j a va 2 s .c o m } ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, TargetNode<?>> map = ImmutableMap.copyOf(builder); MutableDirectedGraph<TargetNode<?>> graph = new MutableDirectedGraph<>(); for (TargetNode<?> node : map.values()) { graph.addNode(node); for (BuildTarget dep : node.getBuildDeps()) { graph.addEdge(node, Objects.requireNonNull(map.get(dep), dep::toString)); } } return new TargetGraph(graph, map); }
From source
protected static <T> Set<List<T>> cartesian(SetMultimap<String, T> multimap) { @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) // promised by spec ImmutableMap<String, Set<T>> paramsAsMap = (ImmutableMap) multimap.asMap(); return Sets.cartesianProduct(paramsAsMap.values().asList()); }
From source
public static CellProvider create(DistBuildCellParams rootCell, ImmutableMap<Path, DistBuildCellParams> cellParams, CellPathResolver rootCellPathResolver, UnconfiguredBuildTargetFactory unconfiguredBuildTargetFactory) { Map<String, Path> cellPaths = cellParams.values().stream().filter(p -> p.getCanonicalName().isPresent()) .collect(Collectors.toMap(p -> p.getCanonicalName().get(), p -> p.getFilesystem().getRootPath())); ImmutableSet<String> declaredCellNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(cellPaths.keySet()); Path rootCellPath = rootCell.getFilesystem().getRootPath(); DefaultCellPathResolver rootCellResolver = DefaultCellPathResolver.of(rootCellPath, cellPaths); return new CellProvider(cellProvider -> CacheLoader.from(cellPath -> { DistBuildCellParams cellParam = Objects.requireNonNull(cellParams.get(cellPath), "This should only be called for secondary cells."); Path currentCellRoot = cellParam.getFilesystem().getRootPath(); Preconditions.checkState(!currentCellRoot.equals(rootCellPath)); CellPathResolver currentCellResolver = rootCellResolver; // The CellPathResolverView is required because it makes the // [RootPath<->CanonicalName] resolver methods non-symmetrical to handle the // fact/*ww w .ja v a 2s .c o m*/ // that relative main cell from inside a secondary cell resolves actually to // secondary cell. If the DefaultCellPathResolver is used, then it would return // a BuildTarget as if it belonged to the main cell. currentCellResolver = new CellPathResolverView(rootCellResolver, declaredCellNames, currentCellRoot); CellPathResolver cellPathResolverForParser = currentCellResolver; BuckConfig configWithResolver = cellParam.getConfig() .withBuildTargetParser(buildTargetName -> unconfiguredBuildTargetFactory .create(cellPathResolverForParser, buildTargetName)); RuleKeyConfiguration ruleKeyConfiguration = ConfigRuleKeyConfigurationFactory.create(configWithResolver, cellParam.getBuckModuleManager()); ToolchainProvider toolchainProvider = new DefaultToolchainProvider(cellParam.getPluginManager(), cellParam.getEnvironment(), configWithResolver, cellParam.getFilesystem(), cellParam.getProcessExecutor(), cellParam.getExecutableFinder(), ruleKeyConfiguration); return ImmutableCell.of(ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(cellParams.keySet()), // Distributed builds don't care about cell names, use a sentinel value that // will show up if it actually does care about them. cellParam.getCanonicalName(), cellParam.getFilesystem(), configWithResolver, cellProvider, toolchainProvider, ruleKeyConfiguration, currentCellResolver); }), cellProvider -> RootCellFactory.create(cellProvider, rootCellResolver, rootCellPathResolver, rootCell.getFilesystem(), rootCell.getBuckModuleManager(), rootCell.getPluginManager(), rootCell.getConfig(), rootCell.getEnvironment(), rootCell.getProcessExecutor(), rootCell.getExecutableFinder())); }
From source
/** * Retrieves the list of enum type names from within a Ds3Types list *//* w w w . j av a2 s .c o m*/ protected static ImmutableList<String> toEnumList(final ImmutableMap<String, Ds3Type> typeMap) { if (isEmpty(typeMap)) { return ImmutableList.of(); } final ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (final Ds3Type ds3Type : typeMap.values().asList()) { if (isEnum(ds3Type) && !isChecksumType(ds3Type)) { builder.add(removePath(ds3Type.getName())); } } return; }