List of usage examples for ImmutableMap.Builder put
public final V put(K k, V v)
From source
private static Map<String, Integer> buildPhysicalNameOrdinalMap(OrcReader reader) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Integer> physicalNameOrdinalMap = ImmutableMap.builder(); int ordinal = 0; for (String physicalColumnName : reader.getColumnNames()) { physicalNameOrdinalMap.put(physicalColumnName, ordinal); ordinal++;/*from ww w. j a v a2s . com*/ } return; }
From source
/** * Copies a string-valued attribute from a JSONObject to a map of SPI * Value objects.//from w w w . j a v a 2s .com */ private static void extractAttribute(JSONObject jo, ImmutableMap.Builder<String, List<Value>> mapBuilder, String key) { try { if (!jo.isNull(key)) { mapBuilder.put(key, ImmutableList.of(Value.getStringValue(jo.getString(key)))); } } catch (JSONException e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception thrown while extracting key: " + key, e); } }
From source
private static Map<Integer, SectionFactory<?>> createSectionFactories() { Set<Integer> allIds = new HashSet<>( ContiguousSet.create(Range.closed(0, Ids.MAX_SECTION_NUMBER), DiscreteDomain.integers())); ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, SectionFactory<?>> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (SectionFactory<?> sectionFactory : SECTION_FACTORIES_LIST) { builder.put(sectionFactory.getSectionNumber(), sectionFactory); allIds.remove(sectionFactory.getSectionNumber()); }/*from ww w. j av a 2s .c o m*/ for (int unparsedSectionNumber : UNPARSED_SECTIONS) { builder.put(unparsedSectionNumber, new UnparsedSection.Factory(unparsedSectionNumber)); allIds.remove(unparsedSectionNumber); } Preconditions.checkState(allIds.isEmpty(), "Unbound section(s): " + allIds); return; }
From source
private static ImmutableMap<String, String> parseAttributes(XMLStreamReader reader) { ImmutableMap<String, String> attrs; int attributeCount = reader.getAttributeCount() + reader.getNamespaceCount(); if (attributeCount == 0) { attrs = ImmutableMap.of();//from w w w .ja v a 2 s . c om } else { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (int i = 0; i < reader.getAttributeCount(); i++) { builder.put(reader.getAttributeLocalName(i), reader.getAttributeValue(i)); } attrs =; } return attrs; }
From source
protected static ImmutableMap<ProcessExecutorParams, FakeProcess> getPythonProcessMap(List<String> paths) { Set<String> uniquePaths = new HashSet<>(paths); ImmutableMap.Builder<ProcessExecutorParams, FakeProcess> processMap = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> python : PYTHONS.entrySet()) { for (String path : uniquePaths) { for (String extension : new String[] { "", ".exe", ".EXE" }) { processMap.put( ProcessExecutorParams.builder() .setCommand(ImmutableList .of(path + File.separator + python.getKey() + extension, "-")) .build(), new FakeProcess(0, "CPython " + python.getValue(), "")); }/* ww w . j av a 2 s. c o m*/ } } return; }
From source
public static Table fromPb( table) { final Matcher m = TABLE_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(table.getName()); if (!m.matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal table URI: " + table.getName()); }/*from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ final String cluster =; final String tableId =; final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ColumnFamily> columnFamilies = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (final Entry<String,> e : table.getColumnFamilies() .entrySet()) { final ColumnFamily columnFamily = new ColumnFamily(cluster, tableId, e.getKey()); columnFamilies.put(columnFamily.getName(), columnFamily); } return new Table(cluster, tableId,; }
From source
/** * Parse a {@link} as * returned by a bazel query and look for the list of target containing a {@code java_toolchain} * rule. These rules are then parsed into {@link JavaToolchainData}'s and returned as map with the * name of the target as key and the {@link JavaToolchainData} as value. *///ww w.j a v a 2s . co m public static ImmutableMap<String, JavaToolchainData> parse(QueryResult queryResult) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, JavaToolchainData> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Build.Target target : queryResult.getTargetList()) { Build.Rule rule = target.getRule(); if (target.hasRule() && rule.getRuleClass().equals("java_toolchain")) { builder.put(rule.getName(), parseBuildRuleProto(rule)); } } return; }
From source
private static Map<String, String> getAdditionalMetadata(HiveTable table, Optional<HivePartition> partition, Optional<Exception> error) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> builder = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder() .put(DB_NAME, table.getDbName()).put(TABLE_NAME, table.getTableName()); if (table.getLocation().isPresent()) { builder.put("Location", table.getLocation().get()); }/*from ww w . j a va2s . c om*/ if (partition.isPresent()) { builder.put("Partition", partition.get().toString()); } if (error.isPresent()) { builder.put(ERROR_MESSAGE, error.get().getMessage()); } return; }
From source
/** * Parse a fragment GFA 2.0 record from the specified value. * * @param value value, must not be null// w ww . ja v a2s . c o m * @return a fragment GFA 2.0 record parsed from the specified value */ public static Fragment valueOf(final String value) { checkNotNull(value); checkArgument(value.startsWith("F"), "value must start with F"); List<String> tokens = Splitter.on("\t").splitToList(value); if (tokens.size() < 8) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("value must have at least eight tokens, was " + tokens.size()); } String segmentId = tokens.get(1); Reference external = Reference.valueOf(tokens.get(2)); Position segmentStart = Position.valueOf(tokens.get(3)); Position segmentEnd = Position.valueOf(tokens.get(4)); Position fragmentStart = Position.valueOf(tokens.get(5)); Position fragmentEnd = Position.valueOf(tokens.get(6)); Alignment alignment = Alignment.valueOf(tokens.get(7)); ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Tag> tags = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (int i = 8; i < tokens.size(); i++) { Tag tag = Tag.valueOf(tokens.get(i)); tags.put(tag.getName(), tag); } return new Fragment(segmentId, external, segmentStart, segmentEnd, fragmentStart, fragmentEnd, alignment,; }
From source
/** * Creates the Redis shard map from config. * * @param redisConfigStream InputStream containing the Redis config json. * @param configuration PropertiesConfiguration object. * @return A map shardName -> RedisPools. */// w ww. ja v a 2 s. c om public static ImmutableMap<String, RedisPools> buildShardMap(InputStream redisConfigStream, PropertiesConfiguration configuration) { RedisConfigSchema redisConfig; try { redisConfig =; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to load redis configuration", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } ImmutableMap.Builder<String, RedisPools> shardMapBuilder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, RedisPools>(); for (RedisConfigSchema.Shard shard : redisConfig.shards) { shardMapBuilder.put(, new RedisPools(configuration,, shard.shardConfig.master.port, shard.shardConfig.dequeueOnly)); } return; }