Example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap.Builder put

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap.Builder put


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap.Builder put.


public final V put(K k, V v) 

Source Link


From source file:com.isotrol.impe3.core.support.IdentifiableMaps.java

 * Creates a builder for a new hierarchy of identifiable objects.
 * @param <V> Value type.//from w  w w  .  ja  v  a 2s. c  om
 * @return A new builder.
public static <V extends Identifiable> ImmutableMap<UUID, V> immutableOf(Iterable<? extends V> values) {
    final ImmutableMap.Builder<UUID, V> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
    for (V value : values) {
        builder.put(value.getId(), value);
    return builder.build();

From source file:org.apache.beam.runners.direct.RootProviderRegistry.java

public static RootProviderRegistry defaultRegistry(EvaluationContext context) {
    ImmutableMap.Builder<String, RootInputProvider<?, ?, ?>> defaultProviders = ImmutableMap.builder();
    defaultProviders.put(PTransformTranslation.READ_TRANSFORM_URN, ReadEvaluatorFactory.inputProvider(context))
            .put(DIRECT_TEST_STREAM_URN, new TestStreamEvaluatorFactory.InputProvider(context))
            .put(FLATTEN_TRANSFORM_URN, new EmptyInputProvider());
    return new RootProviderRegistry(defaultProviders.build());

From source file:org.codice.ddf.admin.application.service.migratable.JsonSupport.java

public static Map<String, Object> toImmutableMap(Object... keysAndValues) {
    final ImmutableMap.Builder builder = ImmutableMap.builder();

    for (int i = 0; i < keysAndValues.length; i += 2) {
        builder.put(keysAndValues[i], keysAndValues[i + 1]);
    }//from  w w w. j a  v a  2 s .  c om
    return builder.build();

From source file:de.maxikg.messenger.publisher.AmqpPublisher.java

private static Map<String, Object> headers(String type) {
    ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
    if (type != null)
        builder.put(AmqpUtils.HEADER_TYPE, LongStringHelper.asLongString(type));
    return builder.build();

From source file:com.helion3.keys.commands.KeysCommands.java

 * Build a complete command hierarchy/*from  w ww . ja  v  a 2  s. c o m*/
 * @return
public static CommandSpec getCommand() {
    ImmutableMap.Builder<List<String>, CommandCallable> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
    builder.put(ImmutableList.of("add"), AddKeyCommand.getCommand());
    builder.put(ImmutableList.of("remove", "del", "delete"), RemoveKeyCommand.getCommand());
    builder.put(ImmutableList.of("reload"), ReloadCommand.getCommand());
    builder.put(ImmutableList.of("?", "help"), HelpCommand.getCommand());

    return CommandSpec.builder().permission("keys.use").executor(new CommandExecutor() {
        public CommandResult execute(CommandSource src, CommandContext args) throws CommandException {
            src.sendMessage(Text.of(Format.heading(TextColors.GRAY, "By ", TextColors.GOLD, "viveleroi.\n"),
                    TextColors.GRAY, "IRC: ", TextColors.WHITE, "irc.esper.net #helion3\n"));
            return CommandResult.empty();

From source file:com.spectralogic.ds3contractcomparator.print.utils.PrinterUtils.java

 * Converts an {@link ImmutableList} of {@link Ds3Param} into an {@link ImmutableMap} of
 * parameter names and {@link Ds3Param}/*from w w w.  ja  v a  2s .  co m*/
public static ImmutableMap<String, Ds3Param> toParamMap(final ImmutableList<Ds3Param> params) {
    if (isEmpty(params)) {
        return ImmutableMap.of();
    final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Ds3Param> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
    params.forEach(param -> builder.put(param.getName(), param));
    return builder.build();

From source file:google.registry.rdap.RdapTestHelper.java

static void addNonDomainBoilerplateRemarks(ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> builder) {
                    ImmutableList//from  w  ww.  j av  a  2s .c  o  m
                            .of("This response conforms to the RDAP Operational Profile for gTLD Registries and"
                                    + " Registrars version 1.0"))));

From source file:com.helion3.prism.commands.PrismCommands.java

 * Build a complete command hierarchy/*  www. j a va 2 s.  c  o m*/
 * @return
public static CommandSpec getCommand() {
    // Build child commands
    ImmutableMap.Builder<List<String>, CommandCallable> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
    builder.put(ImmutableList.of("i", "wand"), new InspectCommand());
    builder.put(ImmutableList.of("l", "lookup"), LookupCommand.getCommand());
    builder.put(ImmutableList.of("near"), NearCommand.getCommand());
    builder.put(ImmutableList.of("rb", "rollback"),
    builder.put(ImmutableList.of("rs", "restore"),
    builder.put(ImmutableList.of("undo"), UndoCommand.getCommand());
    builder.put(ImmutableList.of("ext"), ExtinguishCommand.getCommand());
    builder.put(ImmutableList.of("?", "help"), HelpCommand.getCommand());

    return CommandSpec.builder().executor((source, args) -> {
        source.sendMessage(Text.of(Format.heading(TextColors.GRAY, "By ", TextColors.GOLD, "viveleroi.\n"),
                TextColors.DARK_AQUA, "Tracking so good the NSA stole our name.\n", TextColors.GRAY, "Help: ",
                TextColors.WHITE, "/pr ?\n", TextColors.GRAY, "IRC: ", TextColors.WHITE,
                "irc.esper.net #prism\n", TextColors.GRAY, "Site: ", TextColors.WHITE,
        return CommandResult.empty();

From source file:org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v1_1.util.NovaUtils.java

 * The traditional way to represent a graph in Java is Map<V, Set<V>>, which is awkward in a
 * number of ways. Guava's Multimap framework makes it easy to handle a mapping from keys to
 * multiple values.//w  w w .j  a v  a 2 s.c om
 * <p/>
 * Until we write or discover a gson Multimap deserializer, we may be stuck with this.
 * TODO: ask on stackoverflow and/or jesse wilson
public static <K, V> Map<K, Set<V>> toOldSchool(Multimap<K, V> in) {
    ImmutableMap.Builder<K, Set<V>> out = ImmutableMap.<K, Set<V>>builder();
    for (K type : in.keySet())
        out.put(type, ImmutableSet.copyOf(in.get(type)));
    return out.build();

From source file:se.kth.climate.fast.netcdf.aligner.VariableFit.java

public static VariableFit fromDataDescriptors(ImmutableList<DataDescriptor> dds) {
    DataDescriptor firstDD = dds.get(0); // use first descriptor for records as that one has the largest number of records per variable
    ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Long> rfvb = ImmutableMap.builder();
    for (String varName : firstDD.vars) {
        rfvb.put(varName, firstDD.variableSize(varName));
    }/*from  w  w  w  . ja  v  a2  s .c o m*/
    return new VariableFit(rfvb.build(), dds.size(), dds);