Example usage for com.google.common.base Splitter split

List of usage examples for com.google.common.base Splitter split


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.base Splitter split.


public Iterable<String> split(final CharSequence sequence) 

Source Link


Splits sequence into string components and makes them available through an Iterator , which may be lazily evaluated.


From source file:org.opendaylight.netconf.sal.restconf.impl.RestconfImpl.java

private static QName getModuleNameAndRevision(final String identifier) {
    final int mountIndex = identifier.indexOf(ControllerContext.MOUNT);
    String moduleNameAndRevision = "";
    if (mountIndex >= 0) {
        moduleNameAndRevision = identifier.substring(mountIndex + ControllerContext.MOUNT.length());
    } else {//from ww w  .  j  a v  a 2 s. c  o  m
        moduleNameAndRevision = identifier;

    final Splitter splitter = Splitter.on("/").omitEmptyStrings();
    final Iterable<String> split = splitter.split(moduleNameAndRevision);
    final List<String> pathArgs = Lists.<String>newArrayList(split);
    if (pathArgs.size() < 2) {
        LOG.debug("URI has bad format. It should be \'moduleName/yyyy-MM-dd\' " + identifier);
        throw new RestconfDocumentedException(
                "URI has bad format. End of URI should be in format \'moduleName/yyyy-MM-dd\'",
                ErrorType.PROTOCOL, ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE);

    try {
        final String moduleName = pathArgs.get(0);
        final String revision = pathArgs.get(1);
        final Date moduleRevision = REVISION_FORMAT.parse(revision);
        return QName.create(null, moduleRevision, moduleName);
    } catch (final ParseException e) {
        LOG.debug("URI has bad format. It should be \'moduleName/yyyy-MM-dd\' " + identifier);
        throw new RestconfDocumentedException("URI has bad format. It should be \'moduleName/yyyy-MM-dd\'",
                ErrorType.PROTOCOL, ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE);

From source file:org.atlasapi.AtlasModule.java

private List<ServerAddress> mongoHosts() {
    Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(",").omitEmptyStrings().trimResults();
    return ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables
            .filter(Iterables.transform(splitter.split(mongoHost), new Function<String, ServerAddress>() {

                @Override/*from ww  w . ja v a 2s.  co  m*/
                public ServerAddress apply(String input) {
                    try {
                        return new ServerAddress(input, 27017);
                    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                        return null;
            }), Predicates.notNull()));

From source file:com.commercehub.bamboo.plugins.grailswrapper.GrailsWrapperTask.java

private Iterable<List<String>> parseCommands(@NotNull TaskContext taskContext) {
    ConfigurationMap configurationMap = taskContext.getConfigurationMap();
    String rawCommands = configurationMap.get(GrailsWrapperTaskConfigurator.COMMANDS);
    String rawCommonOpts = configurationMap.get(GrailsWrapperTaskConfigurator.COMMON_OPTIONS);
    String commonOpts = Utils.ensureEndsWith(Strings.nullToEmpty(rawCommonOpts), " ");
    Splitter splitter = Splitter.onPattern("[\r\n]").trimResults().omitEmptyStrings();
    Iterable<String> splitCommands = splitter.split(rawCommands);
    Function<String, String> commonOptsFunction = new StringPrependFunction(commonOpts);
    Function<String, List<String>> tokenizeFunction = CommandlineStringUtils.tokeniseCommandlineFunction();
    return Iterables.transform(splitCommands, Functions.compose(tokenizeFunction, commonOptsFunction));

From source file:com.optimaize.langdetect.profiles.util.LanguageProfileValidator.java

private List<TextObject> partition() {
    List<TextObject> result = new ArrayList<>(this.k);
    if (!breakWords) {
        int maxLength = this.inputSample.length() / (this.k - 1);
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\G\\s*(.{1," + maxLength + "})(?=\\s|$)", Pattern.DOTALL);
        Matcher m = p.matcher(this.inputSample);
        while (m.find())
    } else {// w  w w.  j av  a  2 s  .  c o m
        Splitter splitter = Splitter.fixedLength(this.k);
        for (String token : splitter.split(this.inputSample.toString())) {
    return result;

From source file:com.facebook.buck.intellij.ideabuck.api.BuckTarget.java

 * Returns a syntatically valid (but semantically different) variation of this target, with
 * hierarchical path elements in the rule name moved to the path. Example, {@code foo//bar:baz/qux
 * => foo//bar/baz:qux}./*from  www  .j  av  a  2  s  .c  o m*/
 * <p>This conceit is imperfect but somewhat useful to resolve targets targets inside extension
 * files, as this sometimes allows intrafile targets to be syntactically resolved.
 * <p>Note that while some tools will resolve these targets similarly, they are not semantically
 * interchangeable: {@code foo//bar:baz/qux} refers to a target in the buildfile in {@code
 * foo/bar}, while {@code foo//bar/baz:qux} refers to a target in the buildfile in {@code
 * foo/bar/baz}. Furthermore, when using a {@link BuckTarget} to represent the first argument to a
 * {@code load()} directive, if there were a buildfile present in foo/bar/baz, it would be
 * incorrect to use {@code foo/bar:baz/qux}, as this would cross a package boundary.
public Optional<BuckTarget> flatten() {
    if (!ruleName.contains("/")) {
        return Optional.of(this);
    if (cellPath == null) {
        return Optional.empty();
    List<String> pieces = new ArrayList<>();
    Splitter splitter = Splitter.on('/').omitEmptyStrings();
    String newRule = pieces.remove(pieces.size() - 1);
    String newPath = Joiner.on('/').join(pieces);
    if (ruleName.endsWith("/")) {
        newRule += '/';
    return Optional.of(new BuckTarget(cellName, newPath, newRule));

From source file:it.tidalwave.northernwind.rca.ui.contentmanager.impl.DefaultAddContentPresentationControl.java

private void createContent(final @Nonnull Content parentContent) throws IOException {
    final DateTime creationDateTime = new DateTime();
    final String folderName = urlEncoded(bindings.folder.get());
    // TODO: use TypeSafeMap, with a safe put() method
    final Map<Key<?>, Object> propertyValues = new HashMap<>();
    putIfNonEmpty(propertyValues, PROPERTY_TITLE, bindings.title.get());
    putIfNonEmpty(propertyValues, PROPERTY_EXPOSED_URI, bindings.exposedUri.get());
    putIfNonEmpty(propertyValues, PROPERTY_CREATION_TIME, ISO_FORMATTER.print(creationDateTime));
    putIfNonEmpty(propertyValues, PROPERTY_PUBLISHING_TIME, bindings.publishingDateTime.get());
    putIfNonEmpty(propertyValues, PROPERTY_FULL_TEXT, xhtmlSkeleton);
    putIfNonEmpty(propertyValues, PROPERTY_ID, idFactory.createId());

    final Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(',').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings();
    final List<String> tags = Lists.newArrayList(splitter.split(bindings.tags.get()));

    if (!tags.isEmpty()) {
        // See NWRCA-69
        propertyValues.put(PROPERTY_TAGS, tags.stream().collect(joining(",")));
        //                propertyValues.put(PROPERTY_TAGS, tags);
    }/*from   w w  w  .j av a2 s . c om*/

    parentContent.as(ContentChildCreator).createContent(folderName, propertyValues);

From source file:edu.umich.robot.SoarParametersView.java

public void showDialog(JFrame top) {
    final JDialog d = new JDialog(top, "Soar Parameters");
    cancel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            d.dispose();/* www  .  j a v  a 2  s.co m*/

    ok.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            for (Map.Entry<LearnSetting, JRadioButton> entry : learnButtons.entrySet())
                if (entry.getValue().isSelected())
                    properties.set(AgentProperties.LEARN, entry.getKey());

            properties.set(AgentProperties.EPMEM_LEARNING, epmemLearn.isSelected());
            properties.set(AgentProperties.SMEM_LEARNING, smemLearn.isSelected());

            Splitter splitter = Splitter.onPattern("\\s+");
            List<String> exclusions = Lists.newArrayList(splitter.split(epmemExclusions.getText()));
            properties.set(AgentProperties.EPMEM_EXCLUSIONS, exclusions.toArray(new String[exclusions.size()]));

            for (Map.Entry<PropertyKey<String>, JTextField> entry : spFields.entrySet())
                properties.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getText());

            for (Map.Entry<Mission, JRadioButton> entry : missionButtons.entrySet())
                if (entry.getValue().isSelected())
                    properties.set(AgentProperties.MISSION, entry.getKey());

            splitter = Splitter.on("\n").omitEmptyStrings();
            List<String> miscCommands = Lists.newArrayList(splitter.split(misc.getText()));
                    miscCommands.toArray(new String[miscCommands.size()]));



From source file:uk.q3c.krail.core.navigate.sitemap.DefaultAnnotationSitemapLoader.java

 * Scans for {@link View} annotations, starting from the reflectionRoot (the key for the AnnotationEntry). Annotations cannot hold enum parameters, so
 * the enum name has to be converted from the labelKeyName parameter of the {@link View} annotation. If a class has the {@link View} annotation, but does
 * not implement {@link KrailView}, then it is ignored.
 * <p/>//w ww. java 2s.  c o  m
 * <br>
 * Also scans for the {@link RedirectFrom} annotation, and populates the {@link MasterSitemap} redirects with the appropriate entries. If a class is
 * annotated with {@link RedirectFrom}, but does not implement {@link KrailView}, then the annotation is ignored.
public boolean load(MasterSitemap sitemap) {
    if (sources != null) {

        for (Entry<String, AnnotationSitemapEntry> entry : sources.entrySet()) {
            String source = entry.getKey();
            log.debug("scanning {} for View annotations", entry.getKey());
            Reflections reflections = new Reflections(entry.getKey());

            // find the View annotations
            Set<Class<?>> typesWithView = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(View.class);
            log.debug("{} KrailViews with View annotation found", typesWithView.size());

            // find the RedirectFrom annotations
            Set<Class<?>> typesWithRedirectFrom = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(RedirectFrom.class);
            log.debug("{} KrailViews with RedirectFrom annotation found", typesWithRedirectFrom.size());

            // process the View annotations
            for (Class<?> clazz : typesWithView) {
                Class<? extends KrailView> viewClass = null;
                if (KrailView.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
                    viewClass = (Class<? extends KrailView>) clazz;
                    View annotation = viewClass.getAnnotation(View.class);
                    NodeRecord nodeRecord = new NodeRecord(annotation.uri());
                    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(annotation.roles())) {
                        Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(",").trimResults();
                        Iterable<String> roles = splitter.split(annotation.roles());
                        for (String role : roles) {
                    I18NKey keySample = entry.getValue().getLabelSample();
                    String keyName = annotation.labelKeyName();
                    try {
                        I18NKey key = keyFromName(keyName, keySample);
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                        addError(source, AnnotationSitemapLoader.LABEL_NOT_VALID, clazz, keyName,

            // process the RedirectFrom annotations
            for (Class<?> clazz : typesWithRedirectFrom) {
                Class<? extends KrailView> viewClass = null;
                if (KrailView.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
                    viewClass = (Class<? extends KrailView>) clazz;
                    RedirectFrom redirectAnnotation = viewClass.getAnnotation(RedirectFrom.class);
                    View viewAnnotation = viewClass.getAnnotation(View.class);
                    if (viewAnnotation == null) {
                        // report this
                        addWarning(source, REDIRECT_FROM_IGNORED, clazz);

                    } else {
                        String[] sourcePages = redirectAnnotation.sourcePages();
                        String targetPage = viewAnnotation.uri();
                        for (String sourcePage : sourcePages) {
                            sitemap.addRedirect(sourcePage, targetPage);

        for (String source : sources.keySet()) {
            addInfo("Scanned for annotations", "Package name: " + source);
        return true;
    } else {
        log.info("No Annotations Sitemap sources to load");
        return false;

From source file:edu.cmu.lti.oaqa.knn4qa.apps.DebugKNNServicImpl.java

void init() throws Exception {
    if (null == mInMemExtrInterm)
    if (null == mNmslibFields)

    mQueryGen = new NmslibQueryGenerator(mNmslibFields, mMemIndexPref, mInMemExtrInterm);

    Splitter splitOnColon = Splitter.on(':');

    String host = null;/* w  ww. j  a va2 s.  c o m*/
    int port = -1;

    int part = 0;
    for (String s : splitOnColon.split(mKnnServiceURL)) {
        if (0 == part) {
            host = s;
        } else if (1 == part) {
            try {
                port = Integer.parseInt(s);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                showUsage("Invalid port in the service address in '" + CommonParams.KNN_SERVICE_PARAM + "'");
        } else {
            showUsage("Extra colon in the service address in '" + CommonParams.KNN_SERVICE_PARAM + "'");

    if (part != 2) {
        showUsage("Invalid format of the service address in '" + CommonParams.KNN_SERVICE_PARAM + "'");

    mKnnServiceTransp = new TSocket(host, port);
    mKnnServiceClient = new QueryService.Client(new TBinaryProtocol(mKnnServiceTransp));

From source file:org.apache.cassandra.transport.Client.java

private Message.Request parseLine(String line) {
    Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(' ').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings();
    Iterator<String> iter = splitter.split(line).iterator();
    if (!iter.hasNext())
        return null;
    String msgType = iter.next().toUpperCase();
    if (msgType.equals("STARTUP")) {
        Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<String, String>();
        options.put(StartupMessage.CQL_VERSION, "3.0.0");
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            String next = iter.next();
            if (next.toLowerCase().equals("snappy")) {
                options.put(StartupMessage.COMPRESSION, "snappy");
            }//from w w w  .ja va  2  s . co  m
        return new StartupMessage(options);
    } else if (msgType.equals("QUERY")) {
        line = line.substring(6);
        // Ugly hack to allow setting a page size, but that's playground code anyway
        String query = line;
        int pageSize = -1;
        if (line.matches(".+ !\\d+$")) {
            int idx = line.lastIndexOf('!');
            query = line.substring(0, idx - 1);
            try {
                pageSize = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(idx + 1, line.length()));
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                return null;
        return new QueryMessage(query, QueryOptions.create(ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
                Collections.<ByteBuffer>emptyList(), false, pageSize, null, null));
    } else if (msgType.equals("PREPARE")) {
        String query = line.substring(8);
        return new PrepareMessage(query);
    } else if (msgType.equals("EXECUTE")) {
        try {
            byte[] id = Hex.hexToBytes(iter.next());
            List<ByteBuffer> values = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                String next = iter.next();
                ByteBuffer bb;
                try {
                    int v = Integer.parseInt(next);
                    bb = Int32Type.instance.decompose(v);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    bb = UTF8Type.instance.decompose(next);
            return new ExecuteMessage(MD5Digest.wrap(id),
                    QueryOptions.forInternalCalls(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, values));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;
    } else if (msgType.equals("OPTIONS")) {
        return new OptionsMessage();
    } else if (msgType.equals("CREDENTIALS")) {
        System.err.println("[WARN] CREDENTIALS command is deprecated, use AUTHENTICATE instead");
        CredentialsMessage msg = new CredentialsMessage();
        return msg;
    } else if (msgType.equals("AUTHENTICATE")) {
        Map<String, String> credentials = readCredentials(iter);
        if (!credentials.containsKey(PasswordAuthenticator.USERNAME_KEY)
                || !credentials.containsKey(PasswordAuthenticator.PASSWORD_KEY)) {
            System.err.println("[ERROR] Authentication requires both 'username' and 'password'");
            return null;
        return new AuthResponse(encodeCredentialsForSasl(credentials));
    } else if (msgType.equals("REGISTER")) {
        String type = line.substring(9).toUpperCase();
        try {
            return new RegisterMessage(Collections.singletonList(Enum.valueOf(Event.Type.class, type)));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            System.err.println("[ERROR] Unknown event type: " + type);
            return null;
    return null;