Example usage for com.google.common.base Splitter split

List of usage examples for com.google.common.base Splitter split


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.base Splitter split.


public Iterable<String> split(final CharSequence sequence) 

Source Link


Splits sequence into string components and makes them available through an Iterator , which may be lazily evaluated.


From source file:fr.letroll.ttorrentandroid.tracker.TrackerService.java

@VisibleForTesting//from  w  ww  .j  a va2s.co  m
public static Multimap<String, String> parseQuery(String query) {
    Multimap<String, String> params = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    Splitter ampersand = Splitter.on('&').omitEmptyStrings();
    // Splitter equals = Splitter.on('=').limit(2);

    try {
        for (String pair : ampersand.split(query)) {
            String[] keyval = pair.split("[=]", 2);
            if (keyval.length == 1) {
                parseParam(params, keyval[0], null);
            } else {
                parseParam(params, keyval[0], keyval[1]);
    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
    return params;

From source file:org.opendaylight.netvirt.elan.internal.ElanBridgeManager.java

private static Map<String, String> extractMultiKeyValueToMap(String multiKeyValueStr) {
    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(multiKeyValueStr)) {
        return Collections.emptyMap();
    }//from www.  j a  v a  2  s .  c  o  m

    Map<String, String> valueMap = new HashMap<>();
    Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(OTHER_CONFIG_PARAMETERS_DELIMITER);
    for (String keyValue : splitter.split(multiKeyValueStr)) {
        String[] split = keyValue.split(OTHER_CONFIG_KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER, 2);
        if (split.length == 2) {
            valueMap.put(split[0], split[1]);

    return valueMap;

From source file:com.facebook.buck.apple.AbstractAppleNativeTargetBuildRuleDescriptions.java

private static SymlinkTree createSymlinkTree(BuildRuleParams params, SourcePathResolver pathResolver,
        ImmutableSortedMap<SourcePath, String> perFileFlags, boolean useBuckHeaderMaps) {
    // Note that the set of headersToCopy may be empty. If so, the returned rule will be a no-op.
    // TODO(mbolin): Make headersToCopy an ImmutableSortedMap once we clean up the iOS codebase and
    // can guarantee that the keys are unique.
    Map<Path, SourcePath> headersToCopy;
    if (useBuckHeaderMaps) {
        // No need to copy headers because header maps are used.
        headersToCopy = ImmutableSortedMap.of();
    } else {/*from www.j a v a2  s. c o  m*/
        // This is a heuristic to get the right header path prefix. Note that ProjectGenerator uses a
        // slightly different heuristic, which is buildTarget.getShortNameOnly(), though that is only
        // a fallback when an apple_library() does not specify a header_path_prefix when
        // use_buck_header_maps is True.
        Path headerPathPrefix = params.getBuildTarget().getBasePath().getFileName();

        headersToCopy = Maps.newHashMap();
        Splitter spaceSplitter = Splitter.on(' ').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings();
        Predicate<String> isPublicHeaderFlag = Predicates.equalTo("public");
        for (Map.Entry<SourcePath, String> entry : perFileFlags.entrySet()) {
            String flags = entry.getValue();
            if (Iterables.any(spaceSplitter.split(flags), isPublicHeaderFlag)) {
                SourcePath sourcePath = entry.getKey();
                Path sourcePathName = pathResolver.getPath(sourcePath).getFileName();
                headersToCopy.put(headerPathPrefix.resolve(sourcePathName), sourcePath);

    BuildRuleParams headerParams = params.copyWithDeps(/* declaredDeps */ ImmutableSortedSet.<BuildRule>of(),
    Path root = getPathToHeaders(params.getBuildTarget());
    return new SymlinkTree(headerParams, pathResolver, root, ImmutableMap.copyOf(headersToCopy));

From source file:com.b2international.index.compat.Highlighting.java

public static String[] getSuffixes(final String queryExpression, final String label) {
    final Splitter tokenSplitter = Splitter.on(TextConstants.WHITESPACE_OR_DELIMITER_MATCHER)
            .omitEmptyStrings();/*from   w  w  w  . j a  va 2s .  c o  m*/
    final List<String> filterTokens = tokenSplitter.splitToList(queryExpression.toLowerCase());
    final boolean spaceAtTheEnd = !queryExpression.isEmpty()
            && Character.isWhitespace(queryExpression.charAt(queryExpression.length() - 1));
    final String lowerCaseLabel = label.toLowerCase();
    final Iterable<String> labelTokens = tokenSplitter.split(lowerCaseLabel);
    final List<String> elementSuffixes = Lists.newArrayList();

    for (final String labelToken : labelTokens) {

        final Iterator<String> itr = filterTokens.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            final String filterToken = itr.next();
            if (labelToken.startsWith(filterToken)) {
                // Last filter token? Also add suffix, unless it is already present in the filter and there's no whitespace at the end of it
                if (!itr.hasNext() && !filterTokens.contains(labelToken) && !spaceAtTheEnd) {

        // If there's whitespace at the end, add complete word suggestions as well
        if (shouldSuggest(filterTokens, labelToken) && spaceAtTheEnd) {

    return Iterables.toArray(elementSuffixes, String.class);

From source file:net.awairo.mcmod.spawnchecker.client.common.MultiServerWorldSeedConfig.java

private static ImmutableTable<String, Integer, Long> load(String[] worldSeeds) {
    final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^\"([^\"]+)\"$");
    final Splitter keyValue = Splitter.on('=');
    final Splitter hostPort = Splitter.on(':');

    final ImmutableTable.Builder<String, Integer, Long> builder = ImmutableTable.builder();
    for (String seedConfig : worldSeeds) {
        final Matcher m = pattern.matcher(seedConfig);
        if (!m.matches()) {
            LOGGER.warn("removed {} from world seed configurations. (illegal format)", seedConfig);
        }/* w  ww  .  j  a va 2  s. co  m*/

        final Iterator<String> kv = keyValue.split(m.group(1)).iterator();

        if (!kv.hasNext()) {
            LOGGER.warn("removed {} from world seed configurations. (illegal address)", seedConfig);

        final Iterator<String> hp = hostPort.split(kv.next()).iterator();
        if (!kv.hasNext()) {
            LOGGER.warn("removed {} from world seed configurations. (illegal seed)", seedConfig);
        if (!hp.hasNext()) {
            LOGGER.warn("removed {} from world seed configurations. (illegal address)", seedConfig);

        final Long seed = Longs.tryParse(kv.next());
        if (seed == null) {
            LOGGER.warn("removed {} from world seed configurations. (illegal seed value)", seedConfig);

        final String host = hp.next();
        final Integer port = hp.hasNext() ? Ints.tryParse(hp.next()) : DEFAULT_PORT;

        builder.put(host, port, seed);

    return builder.build();

From source file:com.google.caliper.Arguments.java

public static Arguments parse(String[] argsArray) {
    Arguments result = new Arguments();

    Iterator<String> args = Iterators.forArray(argsArray);
    String delimiter = defaultDelimiter;
    Map<String, String> userParameterStrings = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
    Map<String, String> vmParameterStrings = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
    String vmString = null;/*from  www  . ja v a2s. c o m*/
    boolean standardRun = false;
    while (args.hasNext()) {
        String arg = args.next();

        if ("--help".equals(arg)) {
            throw new DisplayUsageException();

        if (arg.startsWith("-D") || arg.startsWith("-J")) {

             * Handle user parameters (-D) and VM parameters (-J) of these forms:
             * -Dlength=100
             * -Jmemory=-Xmx1024M
             * -Dlength=100,200
             * -Jmemory=-Xmx1024M,-Xmx2048M
             * -Dlength 100
             * -Jmemory -Xmx1024M
             * -Dlength 100,200
             * -Jmemory -Xmx1024M,-Xmx2048M

            String name;
            String value;
            int equalsSign = arg.indexOf('=');
            if (equalsSign == -1) {
                name = arg.substring(2);
                value = args.next();
            } else {
                name = arg.substring(2, equalsSign);
                value = arg.substring(equalsSign + 1);

            String previousValue;
            if (arg.startsWith("-D")) {
                previousValue = userParameterStrings.put(name, value);
            } else {
                previousValue = vmParameterStrings.put(name, value);
            if (previousValue != null) {
                throw new UserException.DuplicateParameterException(arg);
            standardRun = true;
            // TODO: move warmup/run to caliperrc
        } else if ("--captureVmLog".equals(arg)) {
            result.captureVmLog = true;
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--warmupMillis".equals(arg)) {
            result.warmupMillis = Long.parseLong(args.next());
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--runMillis".equals(arg)) {
            result.runMillis = Long.parseLong(args.next());
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--trials".equals(arg)) {
            String value = args.next();
            try {
                result.trials = Integer.parseInt(value);
                if (result.trials < 1) {
                    throw new UserException.InvalidTrialsException(value);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new UserException.InvalidTrialsException(value);
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--vm".equals(arg)) {
            if (vmString != null) {
                throw new UserException.DuplicateParameterException(arg);
            vmString = args.next();
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--delimiter".equals(arg)) {
            delimiter = args.next();
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--timeUnit".equals(arg)) {
            result.timeUnit = args.next();
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--instanceUnit".equals(arg)) {
            result.instanceUnit = args.next();
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--memoryUnit".equals(arg)) {
            result.memoryUnit = args.next();
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--saveResults".equals(arg) || "--xmlSave".equals(arg)) {
            // TODO: unsupport legacy --xmlSave
            result.saveResultsFile = new File(args.next());
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--uploadResults".equals(arg)) {
            result.uploadResultsFile = new File(args.next());
        } else if ("--printScore".equals(arg)) {
            result.printScore = true;
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--measureMemory".equals(arg)) {
            result.measureMemory = true;
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--debug".equals(arg)) {
            result.debug = true;
        } else if ("--debug-reps".equals(arg)) {
            String value = args.next();
            try {
                result.debugReps = Integer.parseInt(value);
                if (result.debugReps < 1) {
                    throw new UserException.InvalidDebugRepsException(value);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new UserException.InvalidDebugRepsException(value);
        } else if ("--marker".equals(arg)) {
            result.marker = args.next();
        } else if ("--measurementType".equals(arg)) {
            String measurementType = args.next();
            try {
                result.measurementType = MeasurementType.valueOf(measurementType);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException(arg, measurementType);
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--primaryMeasurementType".equals(arg)) {
            String measurementType = args.next().toUpperCase();
            try {
                result.primaryMeasurementType = MeasurementType.valueOf(measurementType);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException(arg, measurementType);
            standardRun = true;
        } else if (arg.startsWith("-")) {
            throw new UnrecognizedOptionException(arg);

        } else {
            if (result.suiteClassName != null) {
                throw new MultipleBenchmarkClassesException(result.suiteClassName, arg);
            result.suiteClassName = arg;

    Splitter delimiterSplitter = Splitter.on(delimiter);

    if (vmString != null) {
        Iterables.addAll(result.userVms, delimiterSplitter.split(vmString));

    Set<String> duplicates = Sets.intersection(userParameterStrings.keySet(), vmParameterStrings.keySet());
    if (!duplicates.isEmpty()) {
        throw new UserException.DuplicateParameterException(duplicates);

    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : userParameterStrings.entrySet()) {
        result.userParameters.putAll(entry.getKey(), delimiterSplitter.split(entry.getValue()));
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : vmParameterStrings.entrySet()) {
        result.vmParameters.putAll(entry.getKey(), delimiterSplitter.split(entry.getValue()));

    if (standardRun && result.uploadResultsFile != null) {
        throw new IncompatibleArgumentsException("--uploadResults");

    if (result.suiteClassName == null && result.uploadResultsFile == null) {
        throw new NoBenchmarkClassException();

    if (result.primaryMeasurementType != null && result.primaryMeasurementType != MeasurementType.TIME
            && !result.measureMemory) {
        throw new IncompatibleArgumentsException(
                "--primaryMeasurementType " + result.primaryMeasurementType.toString().toLowerCase());

    return result;

From source file:eu.esdihumboldt.hale.io.gml.geometry.GMLGeometryUtil.java

 * Parse a tuple in a GML CoordinatesType string.
 * //from  w  w w.java2  s  .  com
 * @param tuple the tuple
 * @param coordinateSplitter the coordinate splitter
 * @param format the number format
 * @return the coordinate or <code>null</code>
 * @throws ParseException if parsing the coordinates fails
private static Coordinate parseTuple(String tuple, Splitter coordinateSplitter, NumberFormat format)
        throws ParseException {
    if (tuple == null || tuple.isEmpty()) {
        return null;

    double x = Double.NaN;
    double y = Double.NaN;
    double z = Double.NaN;

    Iterable<String> coordinates = coordinateSplitter.split(tuple);
    Iterator<String> itCoordinates = coordinates.iterator();
    int index = 0;
    while (index <= 2 && itCoordinates.hasNext()) {
        String coord = itCoordinates.next();

        // parse coordinate value
        Number value = format.parse(coord);
        switch (index) {
        case 0:
            x = value.doubleValue();
        case 1:
            y = value.doubleValue();
        case 2:
            z = value.doubleValue();


    return new Coordinate(x, y, z);

From source file:com.google.caliper.util.CommandLineParser.java

 * @param argsArray/*www  .j  a  v a 2  s .  com*/
 * @return
public static CommandLineParser parse(String[] argsArray) {
    CommandLineParser result = new CommandLineParser();

    Iterator<String> args = Iterators.forArray(argsArray);
    String delimiter = defaultDelimiter;
    Map<String, String> userParameterStrings = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
    Map<String, String> vmParameterStrings = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
    String vmString = null;
    boolean standardRun = false;

    while (args.hasNext()) {
        String arg = args.next();

        if ("--help".equals(arg)) {
            throw new DisplayUsageException();

        if (arg.startsWith("-D") || arg.startsWith("-J")) {

             * Handle user parameters (-D) and VM parameters (-J) of these forms:
             * -Dlength=100
             * -Jmemory=-Xmx1024M
             * -Dlength=100,200
             * -Jmemory=-Xmx1024M,-Xmx2048M
             * -Dlength 100
             * -Jmemory -Xmx1024M
             * -Dlength 100,200
             * -Jmemory -Xmx1024M,-Xmx2048M

            String name;
            String value;
            int equalsSign = arg.indexOf('=');
            if (equalsSign == -1) {
                name = arg.substring(2);
                value = args.next();
            } else {
                name = arg.substring(2, equalsSign);
                value = arg.substring(equalsSign + 1);

            String previousValue;
            if (arg.startsWith("-D")) {
                previousValue = userParameterStrings.put(name, value);
            } else {
                previousValue = vmParameterStrings.put(name, value);
            if (previousValue != null) {
                throw new UserException.DuplicateParameterException(arg);
            standardRun = true;

            // TODO: move warmup/run to caliperrc
        } else if ("--captureVmLog".equals(arg)) {
            result.captureVmLog = true;
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--warmupMillis".equals(arg)) {
            result.warmupMillis = Long.parseLong(args.next());
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--runMillis".equals(arg)) {
            result.runMillis = Long.parseLong(args.next());
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--trials".equals(arg)) {
            String value = args.next();
            try {
                result.trials = Integer.parseInt(value);
                if (result.trials < 1) {
                    throw new UserException.InvalidTrialsException(value);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new UserException.InvalidTrialsException(value);
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--vm".equals(arg)) {
            if (vmString != null) {
                throw new UserException.DuplicateParameterException(arg);
            vmString = args.next();
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--delimiter".equals(arg)) {
            delimiter = args.next();
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--useBenchmarkName".equals(arg)) {
            result.useBenchmarkName = true;
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--timeUnit".equals(arg)) {
            result.timeUnit = args.next();
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--instanceUnit".equals(arg)) {
            result.instanceUnit = args.next();
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--memoryUnit".equals(arg)) {
            result.memoryUnit = args.next();
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--reportType".equals(arg)) {
            result.reportType = args.next();
            System.out.println("Report type: " + result.reportType);
        } else if ("--pluginFolder".equals(arg)) {
            result.pluginFolder = new File(args.next());
        } else if ("--saveResults".equals(arg) || "--xmlSave".equals(arg)) {
            // TODO: unsupport legacy --xmlSave
            result.outputFile = new File(args.next());
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--printScore".equals(arg)) {
            result.printScore = true;
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--measureMemory".equals(arg)) {
            result.measureMemory = true;
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--debug".equals(arg)) {
            result.debug = true;
        } else if ("--debug-reps".equals(arg)) {
            String value = args.next();
            try {
                result.debugReps = Integer.parseInt(value);
                if (result.debugReps < 1) {
                    throw new UserException.InvalidDebugRepsException(value);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new UserException.InvalidDebugRepsException(value);
        } else if ("--marker".equals(arg)) {
            result.marker = args.next();
        } else if ("--measurementType".equals(arg)) {
            String measurementType = args.next();
            try {
                result.measurementType = MeasurementType.valueOf(measurementType);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException(arg, measurementType);
            standardRun = true;
        } else if ("--primaryMeasurementType".equals(arg)) {
            String measurementType = args.next().toUpperCase();
            try {
                result.primaryMeasurementType = MeasurementType.valueOf(measurementType);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException(arg, measurementType);
            standardRun = true;
        } else if (arg.startsWith("-")) {
            throw new UnrecognizedOptionException(arg);

        } else {
            if (result.suiteClassName != null) {
                throw new MultipleBenchmarkClassesException(result.suiteClassName, arg);
            result.suiteClassName = arg;

    Splitter delimiterSplitter = Splitter.on(delimiter);

    if (vmString != null) {
        Iterables.addAll(result.userVms, delimiterSplitter.split(vmString));

    Set<String> duplicates = Sets.intersection(userParameterStrings.keySet(), vmParameterStrings.keySet());
    if (!duplicates.isEmpty()) {
        throw new UserException.DuplicateParameterException(duplicates);

    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : userParameterStrings.entrySet()) {
        result.userParameters.putAll(entry.getKey(), delimiterSplitter.split(entry.getValue()));
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : vmParameterStrings.entrySet()) {
        result.vmParameters.putAll(entry.getKey(), delimiterSplitter.split(entry.getValue()));

    if (result.suiteClassName == null) {
        throw new NoBenchmarkClassException();

    if (result.primaryMeasurementType != null && result.primaryMeasurementType != MeasurementType.TIME
            && !result.measureMemory) {
        throw new IncompatibleArgumentsException(
                "--primaryMeasurementType " + result.primaryMeasurementType.toString().toLowerCase());

    return result;

From source file:gobblin.util.AvroUtils.java

 * Given a GenericRecord, this method will return the schema of the field specified by the path parameter. The
 * fieldLocation parameter is an ordered string specifying the location of the nested field to retrieve. For example,
 * field1.nestedField1 takes the the schema of the field "field1", and retrieves the schema "nestedField1" from it.
 * @param schema is the record to retrieve the schema from
 * @param fieldLocation is the location of the field
 * @return the schema of the field/*from  w  w  w . j  av  a 2s  .c  o m*/
public static Optional<Schema> getFieldSchema(Schema schema, String fieldLocation) {

    Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(FIELD_LOCATION_DELIMITER).omitEmptyStrings().trimResults();
    List<String> pathList = Lists.newArrayList(splitter.split(fieldLocation));

    if (pathList.size() == 0) {
        return Optional.absent();

    return AvroUtils.getFieldSchemaHelper(schema, pathList, 0);

From source file:gobblin.util.AvroUtils.java

 * Given a GenericRecord, this method will return the field specified by the path parameter. The
 * fieldLocation parameter is an ordered string specifying the location of the nested field to retrieve. For example,
 * field1.nestedField1 takes field "field1", and retrieves "nestedField1" from it.
 * @param schema is the record to retrieve the schema from
 * @param fieldLocation is the location of the field
 * @return the field//  w w w.java2 s  .c om
public static Optional<Field> getField(Schema schema, String fieldLocation) {

    Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(FIELD_LOCATION_DELIMITER).omitEmptyStrings().trimResults();
    List<String> pathList = Lists.newArrayList(splitter.split(fieldLocation));

    if (pathList.size() == 0) {
        return Optional.absent();

    return AvroUtils.getFieldHelper(schema, pathList, 0);