List of usage examples for Splitter fixedLength
@CheckReturnValue public static Splitter fixedLength(final int length)
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/** * Renders a textual representation of the provided {@link Table} * * @param table Table data {@link Table} * @param withHeader with header/*from w w w.j a va2s . c o m*/ * @return The rendered table representation as String */ public static String renderTextTable(Table table, boolean withHeader) { table.calculateColumnWidths(); final String padding = " "; final String headerBorder = getHeaderBorder(table.getHeaders()); final StringBuilder textTable = new StringBuilder(); if (withHeader) { final StringBuilder headerline = new StringBuilder(); for (TableHeader header : table.getHeaders().values()) { if (header.getName().length() > header.getWidth()) { Iterable<String> chunks = Splitter.fixedLength(header.getWidth()).split(header.getName()); int length = headerline.length(); boolean first = true; for (String chunk : chunks) { final String lineToAppend; if (first) { lineToAppend = padding + CommonUtils.padRight(chunk, header.getWidth()); } else { lineToAppend = StringUtils.leftPad("", length) + padding + CommonUtils.padRight(chunk, header.getWidth()); } first = false; headerline.append(lineToAppend); headerline.append("\n"); } headerline.deleteCharAt(headerline.lastIndexOf("\n")); } else { String lineToAppend = padding + CommonUtils.padRight(header.getName(), header.getWidth()); headerline.append(lineToAppend); } } textTable.append(org.springframework.util.StringUtils.trimTrailingWhitespace(headerline.toString())); textTable.append("\n"); } textTable.append(headerBorder); for (TableRow row : table.getRows()) { StringBuilder rowLine = new StringBuilder(); for (Entry<Integer, TableHeader> entry : table.getHeaders().entrySet()) { String value = row.getValue(entry.getKey()); if (value.length() > entry.getValue().getWidth()) { Iterable<String> chunks = Splitter.fixedLength(entry.getValue().getWidth()).split(value); int length = rowLine.length(); boolean first = true; for (String chunk : chunks) { final String lineToAppend; if (first) { lineToAppend = padding + CommonUtils.padRight(chunk, entry.getValue().getWidth()); } else { lineToAppend = StringUtils.leftPad("", length) + padding + CommonUtils.padRight(chunk, entry.getValue().getWidth()); } first = false; rowLine.append(lineToAppend); rowLine.append("\n"); } rowLine.deleteCharAt(rowLine.lastIndexOf("\n")); } else { String lineToAppend = padding + CommonUtils.padRight(value, entry.getValue().getWidth()); rowLine.append(lineToAppend); } } textTable.append(org.springframework.util.StringUtils.trimTrailingWhitespace(rowLine.toString())); textTable.append("\n"); } if (!withHeader) { textTable.append(headerBorder); } return textTable.toString(); }
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/** * Renders a textual representation of the provided {@link Table} * /*w ww . java 2 s .c o m*/ * @param table Table data {@link Table} * @return The rendered table representation as String */ public static String renderTextTable(Table table, boolean withHeader) { table.calculateColumnWidths(); final String padding = " "; final String headerBorder = getHeaderBorder(table.getHeaders()); final StringBuilder textTable = new StringBuilder(); if (withHeader) { final StringBuilder headerline = new StringBuilder(); for (TableHeader header : table.getHeaders().values()) { if (header.getName().length() > header.getWidth()) { Iterable<String> chunks = Splitter.fixedLength(header.getWidth()).split(header.getName()); int length = headerline.length(); boolean first = true; for (String chunk : chunks) { final String lineToAppend; if (first) { lineToAppend = padding + CommonUtils.padRight(chunk, header.getWidth()); } else { lineToAppend = StringUtils.leftPad("", length) + padding + CommonUtils.padRight(chunk, header.getWidth()); } first = false; headerline.append(lineToAppend); headerline.append("\n"); } headerline.deleteCharAt(headerline.lastIndexOf("\n")); } else { String lineToAppend = padding + CommonUtils.padRight(header.getName(), header.getWidth()); headerline.append(lineToAppend); } } textTable.append(org.springframework.util.StringUtils.trimTrailingWhitespace(headerline.toString())); textTable.append("\n"); } textTable.append(headerBorder); for (TableRow row : table.getRows()) { StringBuilder rowLine = new StringBuilder(); for (Entry<Integer, TableHeader> entry : table.getHeaders().entrySet()) { String value = row.getValue(entry.getKey()); if (null != value && (value.length() > entry.getValue().getWidth())) { Iterable<String> chunks = Splitter.fixedLength(entry.getValue().getWidth()).split(value); int length = rowLine.length(); boolean first = true; for (String chunk : chunks) { final String lineToAppend; if (first) { lineToAppend = padding + CommonUtils.padRight(chunk, entry.getValue().getWidth()); } else { lineToAppend = StringUtils.leftPad("", length) + padding + CommonUtils.padRight(chunk, entry.getValue().getWidth()); } first = false; rowLine.append(lineToAppend); rowLine.append("\n"); } rowLine.deleteCharAt(rowLine.lastIndexOf("\n")); } else { String lineToAppend = padding + CommonUtils.padRight(value, entry.getValue().getWidth()); rowLine.append(lineToAppend); } } textTable.append(org.springframework.util.StringUtils.trimTrailingWhitespace(rowLine.toString())); textTable.append("\n"); } if (!withHeader) { textTable.append(headerBorder); } return textTable.toString(); }
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public ServiceResponse<String> put(final String filename, final String externalKey, final InputStream fileData) { final ServiceResponse<String> sr = new ServiceResponse<String>(); File tempDir = Files.createTempDir(); final File tempFile = new File(tempDir, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); FileOutputStream fos = null;/*from ww w. j a va 2 s .co m*/ try { Files.touch(tempFile); fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile); logger.debug("Shuffling bytes from input stream into " + tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); ByteStreams.copy(fileData, fos); } catch (IOException e) { sr.error("Could not copy file data into temp file because " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (fos != null) { try { fos.flush(); fos.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } } final String md5 = getMD5(tempFile); new ManualTransaction(sr, emp.get()) { @Override public void onError(Exception e, ServiceResponse<?> sr) { Throwable t = Throwables.getRootCause(e); sr.error(t.getMessage()); } @Override public void doInTransaction() { CachedFile existing = cachedFileDao.get(md5); if (existing != null) { if (existing.getExternalKeys().contains(externalKey)) {"File with signature " + md5 + " already in cache with key " + externalKey); } else { existing.getExternalKeys().add(externalKey); cachedFileDao.update(existing); } } else { StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer(); for (String subdir : Splitter.fixedLength(4).split(md5)) { path.append("/" + subdir); } path.append("/"); File cachePath = new File(cacheRoot, path.toString()); cachePath.mkdirs(); File cacheFile = new File(cachePath, "" + (cachePath.list().length + 1)); try { Files.touch(cacheFile); Files.copy(tempFile, cacheFile); logger.debug("Shuffling bytes from " + tempFile.getAbsolutePath() + " into " + cacheFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { sr.error("Could not copy temp file into cache because " + e.getMessage()); } // sanity check if (cacheFile.length() == 0) { cacheFile.delete(); sr.error("Zero byte file, not caching."); } CachedFile cachedFile = new CachedFile(filename, md5, cacheFile); cachedFile.getExternalKeys().add(externalKey);; } } }; tempFile.delete(); tempDir.delete(); logger.debug("temp files and dirs cleared"); if (sr.isRequestOk()) { sr.setPayload(md5); }"File with MD5 " + md5 + " is now in cache"); return sr; }
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/** * Renders a textual representation of the provided {@link Table} * //from ww w . j a v a2s. c om * @param table * Table data {@link Table} * @return The rendered table representation as String */ public static String renderTextTable(Table table, boolean withHeader) { table.calculateColumnWidths(); final String padding = " "; final String headerBorder = getHeaderBorder(table.getHeaders()); final StringBuilder textTable = new StringBuilder(); if (withHeader) { final StringBuilder headerline = new StringBuilder(); for (TableHeader header : table.getHeaders().values()) { if (header.getName().length() > header.getWidth()) { Iterable<String> chunks = Splitter.fixedLength(header.getWidth()).split(header.getName()); int length = headerline.length(); boolean first = true; for (String chunk : chunks) { final String lineToAppend; if (first) { lineToAppend = padding + StringUtils.padRight(chunk, header.getWidth()); } else { lineToAppend = StringUtils.padLeft("", length) + padding + StringUtils.padRight(chunk, header.getWidth()); } first = false; headerline.append(lineToAppend); headerline.append("\n"); } headerline.deleteCharAt(headerline.lastIndexOf("\n")); } else { String lineToAppend = padding + StringUtils.padRight(header.getName(), header.getWidth()); headerline.append(lineToAppend); } } textTable.append(org.springframework.util.StringUtils.trimTrailingWhitespace(headerline.toString())); textTable.append("\n"); } textTable.append(headerBorder); for (TableRow row : table.getRows()) { StringBuilder rowLine = new StringBuilder(); for (Entry<Integer, TableHeader> entry : table.getHeaders().entrySet()) { String value = row.getValue(entry.getKey()); if (value.length() > entry.getValue().getWidth()) { Iterable<String> chunks = Splitter.fixedLength(entry.getValue().getWidth()).split(value); int length = rowLine.length(); boolean first = true; for (String chunk : chunks) { final String lineToAppend; if (first) { lineToAppend = padding + StringUtils.padRight(chunk, entry.getValue().getWidth()); } else { lineToAppend = StringUtils.padLeft("", length) + padding + StringUtils.padRight(chunk, entry.getValue().getWidth()); } first = false; rowLine.append(lineToAppend); rowLine.append("\n"); } rowLine.deleteCharAt(rowLine.lastIndexOf("\n")); } else { String lineToAppend = padding + StringUtils.padRight(value, entry.getValue().getWidth()); rowLine.append(lineToAppend); } } textTable.append(org.springframework.util.StringUtils.trimTrailingWhitespace(rowLine.toString())); textTable.append("\n"); } if (!withHeader) { textTable.append(headerBorder); } return textTable.toString(); }
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public static String hashDataToDeviceIdString(byte[] hashData) { checkArgument(hashData.length == Hashing.sha256().bits() / 8); String string = BaseEncoding.base32().encode(hashData).replaceAll("=+$", ""); string = Joiner.on("") .join(Iterables.transform(Splitter.fixedLength(13).split(string), new Function<String, String>() { @Override/*from w ww. j ava 2 s .c om*/ public String apply(String part) { return part + generateLuhn32Checksum(part); } })); return Joiner.on("-").join(Splitter.fixedLength(7).split(string)); }
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@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void flip() { if (!requiresUpdate) { return;/*from w ww . j av a2 m*/ } requiresUpdate = false; Objective buffer = scoreboard.registerNewObjective(getNextObjectiveName(), "dummy"); buffer.setDisplayName(title); List<Team> bufferTeams = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : contents.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().length() > 16) { Team team = scoreboard.registerNewTeam(getNextTeamName()); bufferTeams.add(team); Iterator<String> split = Splitter.fixedLength(16).split(entry.getValue()).iterator(); team.setPrefix(; String name =; if (split.hasNext()) { // We only guarantee two splits team.setSuffix(; } try { addEntryMethod.invoke(team, name); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ignored) { } buffer.getScore(name).setScore(entry.getKey()); } else { buffer.getScore(entry.getValue()).setScore(entry.getKey()); } } if (displaySlot != null) { buffer.setDisplaySlot(displaySlot); } // Unregister _ALL_ the old things current.unregister(); Iterator<Team> it = currentTeams.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) {; it.remove(); } current = buffer; currentTeams = bufferTeams; }
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@VisibleForTesting HttpRequest calculateAndReplaceAuthorizationHeaders(HttpRequest request, String toSign) throws HttpException { String signature = sign(toSign); if (signatureWire.enabled()) signatureWire.input(Strings2.toInputStream(signature)); String[] signatureLines = Iterables.toArray(Splitter.fixedLength(60).split(signature), String.class); Multimap<String, String> headers = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (int i = 0; i < signatureLines.length; i++) { headers.put("X-Ops-Authorization-" + (i + 1), signatureLines[i]); }// ww w . j av a 2 s. c o m return request.toBuilder().replaceHeaders(headers).build(); }
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public void analyse(ArchiveRecordHeader header, InputStream tikainput, SolrRecord solr) { log.debug("Analysing " + header.getUrl()); final long start = System.nanoTime(); // Analyse with tika: try {// ww w .j ava 2 s . c o m if (passUriToFormatTools) { solr = tika.extract(solr, tikainput, header.getUrl()); } else { solr = tika.extract(solr, tikainput, null); } } catch (Exception i) { log.error(i + ": " + i.getMessage() + ";tika; " + header.getUrl() + "@" + header.getOffset()); } Instrument.timeRel("WARCPayloadAnalyzers.analyze#total", "WARCPayloadAnalyzers.analyze#tikasolrextract", start); final long firstBytesStart = System.nanoTime(); // Pull out the first few bytes, to hunt for new format by magic: try { tikainput.reset(); byte[] ffb = new byte[this.firstBytesLength]; int read =; if (read >= 4) { String hexBytes = Hex.encodeHexString(ffb); solr.addField(SolrFields.CONTENT_FFB, hexBytes.substring(0, 2 * 4)); StringBuilder separatedHexBytes = new StringBuilder(); for (String hexByte : Splitter.fixedLength(2).split(hexBytes)) { separatedHexBytes.append(hexByte); separatedHexBytes.append(" "); } if (this.extractContentFirstBytes) { solr.addField(SolrFields.CONTENT_FIRST_BYTES, separatedHexBytes.toString().trim()); } } } catch (Exception i) { log.error(i + ": " + i.getMessage() + ";ffb; " + header.getUrl() + "@" + header.getOffset()); } Instrument.timeRel("WARCPayloadAnalyzers.analyze#total", "WARCPayloadAnalyzers.analyze#firstbytes", firstBytesStart); // Also run DROID (restricted range): if (dd != null && runDroid == true) { final long droidStart = System.nanoTime(); try { tikainput.reset(); // Pass the URL in so DROID can fall back on that: Metadata metadata = new Metadata(); if (passUriToFormatTools) { UsableURI uuri = UsableURIFactory.getInstance(header.getUrl()); // Droid seems unhappy about spaces in filenames, so hack to avoid: String cleanUrl = uuri.getName().replace(" ", "+"); metadata.set(Metadata.RESOURCE_NAME_KEY, cleanUrl); } // Run Droid: MediaType mt = dd.detect(tikainput, metadata); solr.addField(SolrFields.CONTENT_TYPE_DROID, mt.toString()); } catch (Exception i) { // Note that DROID complains about some URLs with an IllegalArgumentException. log.error(i + ": " + i.getMessage() + ";dd; " + header.getUrl() + " @" + header.getOffset()); } Instrument.timeRel("WARCPayloadAnalyzers.analyze#total", "WARCPayloadAnalyzers.analyze#droid", droidStart); } // Parse ARC name if (!arcname.getRules().isEmpty()) { final long nameStart = System.nanoTime(); arcname.analyse(header, tikainput, solr); Instrument.timeRel("WARCPayloadAnalyzers.analyze#total", "WARCPayloadAnalyzers.analyze#arcname", nameStart); } try { tikainput.reset(); String mime = (String) solr.getField(SolrFields.SOLR_CONTENT_TYPE).getValue(); if (mime.startsWith("text") || mime.startsWith("application/xhtml+xml")) { html.analyse(header, tikainput, solr); } else if (mime.startsWith("image")) { if (this.extractImageFeatures) { image.analyse(header, tikainput, solr); } } else if (mime.startsWith("application/pdf")) { if (extractApachePreflightErrors) { pdf.analyse(header, tikainput, solr); } } else if (mime.startsWith("application/xml") || mime.startsWith("text/xml")) { xml.analyse(header, tikainput, solr); } else { log.debug("No specific additional parser for: " + mime); } } catch (Exception i) { log.error(i + ": " + i.getMessage() + ";x; " + header.getUrl() + "@" + header.getOffset()); } Instrument.timeRel("WARCIndexer.extract#analyzetikainput", "WARCPayloadAnalyzers.analyze#total", start); }
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public final void addMessage(final String message) { if (message != null) { if (messages == null) { messages = new ArrayList<>((message.length() / MESSAGE_ENTRY_LENGTH) + 1); }/* w ww.j av a 2*/ Splitter.fixedLength(MESSAGE_ENTRY_LENGTH).split(message).forEach(messages::add); } }
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@Override public DnsRecordSetImpl withText(String text) { if (text == null) { return this; }//w ww . ja v a 2s. co m List<String> chunks = new ArrayList<>(); for (String chunk : Splitter.fixedLength(255).split(text)) { chunks.add(chunk); } this.inner().txtRecords().add(new TxtRecord().withValue(chunks)); return this; }