Java tutorial
/* ============================================================ * * ============================================================ * Copyright 2013 University of Alberta * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============================================================ */ package ca.ualberta.physics.cssdp.file.service; import; import; import; import; import java.util.UUID; import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import ca.ualberta.physics.cssdp.dao.EntityManagerProvider; import ca.ualberta.physics.cssdp.domain.file.CachedFile; import ca.ualberta.physics.cssdp.file.configuration.FileServer; import ca.ualberta.physics.cssdp.file.dao.CachedFileDao; import ca.ualberta.physics.cssdp.service.ManualTransaction; import ca.ualberta.physics.cssdp.service.ServiceResponse; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class CacheService { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CacheService.class); private final File cacheRoot = new File("file.cache.root")); @Inject private CachedFileDao cachedFileDao; @Inject private EntityManagerProvider emp; public ServiceResponse<String> put(final String filename, final String externalKey, final InputStream fileData) { final ServiceResponse<String> sr = new ServiceResponse<String>(); File tempDir = Files.createTempDir(); final File tempFile = new File(tempDir, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); FileOutputStream fos = null; try { Files.touch(tempFile); fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile); logger.debug("Shuffling bytes from input stream into " + tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); ByteStreams.copy(fileData, fos); } catch (IOException e) { sr.error("Could not copy file data into temp file because " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (fos != null) { try { fos.flush(); fos.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } } final String md5 = getMD5(tempFile); new ManualTransaction(sr, emp.get()) { @Override public void onError(Exception e, ServiceResponse<?> sr) { Throwable t = Throwables.getRootCause(e); sr.error(t.getMessage()); } @Override public void doInTransaction() { CachedFile existing = cachedFileDao.get(md5); if (existing != null) { if (existing.getExternalKeys().contains(externalKey)) {"File with signature " + md5 + " already in cache with key " + externalKey); } else { existing.getExternalKeys().add(externalKey); cachedFileDao.update(existing); } } else { StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer(); for (String subdir : Splitter.fixedLength(4).split(md5)) { path.append("/" + subdir); } path.append("/"); File cachePath = new File(cacheRoot, path.toString()); cachePath.mkdirs(); File cacheFile = new File(cachePath, "" + (cachePath.list().length + 1)); try { Files.touch(cacheFile); Files.copy(tempFile, cacheFile); logger.debug("Shuffling bytes from " + tempFile.getAbsolutePath() + " into " + cacheFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { sr.error("Could not copy temp file into cache because " + e.getMessage()); } // sanity check if (cacheFile.length() == 0) { cacheFile.delete(); sr.error("Zero byte file, not caching."); } CachedFile cachedFile = new CachedFile(filename, md5, cacheFile); cachedFile.getExternalKeys().add(externalKey);; } } }; tempFile.delete(); tempDir.delete(); logger.debug("temp files and dirs cleared"); if (sr.isRequestOk()) { sr.setPayload(md5); }"File with MD5 " + md5 + " is now in cache"); return sr; } public ServiceResponse<CachedFile> get(String md5) { ServiceResponse<CachedFile> sr = new ServiceResponse<CachedFile>(); final CachedFile cachedFile = cachedFileDao.get(md5); if (cachedFile != null) { new ManualTransaction(sr, emp.get()) { @Override public void onError(Exception e, ServiceResponse<?> sr) { sr.error(e.getMessage()); } @Override public void doInTransaction() { cachedFile.setLastAccessed(new LocalDateTime()); cachedFileDao.update(cachedFile); } }; if (cachedFile.exists()) { sr.setPayload(cachedFile); } else { sr.error("File cache is inconsistent! The actual file is missing. " + "Remove this MD5 from cache to clean up the inconsistent state."); } } else { sr.warn("No cached file found for MD5 " + md5); } return sr; } public ServiceResponse<CachedFile> remove(final String md5) { final ServiceResponse<CachedFile> sr = new ServiceResponse<CachedFile>(); new ManualTransaction(sr, emp.get()) { @Override public void doInTransaction() { CachedFile cachedFile = cachedFileDao.get(md5); if (cachedFile != null) { cachedFileDao.delete(cachedFile); cachedFile.getFile().delete(); sr.setPayload(cachedFile); } } @Override public void onError(Exception e, ServiceResponse<?> sr) { sr.error("Cache removal failed due to " + e.getMessage()); } }; return sr; } private String getMD5(File file) { try { HashCode hashcode = Files.hash(file, Hashing.md5()); String md5HexString = hashcode.toString(); return md5HexString; } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } public ServiceResponse<CachedFile> find(String key) { return new ServiceResponse<CachedFile>(cachedFileDao.find(key)); } public ServiceResponse<CachedFile> updateKeys(final String md5, final String key) { final ServiceResponse<CachedFile> sr = new ServiceResponse<CachedFile>(); new ManualTransaction(sr, emp.get()) { @Override public void doInTransaction() { CachedFile cachedFile = cachedFileDao.get(md5); if (cachedFile != null) { cachedFile.getExternalKeys().add(key); cachedFileDao.update(cachedFile); sr.setPayload(cachedFile); } } @Override public void onError(Exception e, ServiceResponse<?> sr) { sr.error("Update failed, key not added to cached file entry: " + e.getMessage()); } }; return sr; } // @Transactional // public void deleteHostEntry(HostEntry hostEntry) { // if (hostEntryDao.exists(hostEntry.getHostname())) { // hostEntryDao.delete(hostEntry); // } // } // // public HostEntry getHostEntry(String hostname) { // return hostEntryDao.find(hostname); // } // @Transactional // public void saveHostEntry(HostEntry hostEntry) { // if (!hostEntryDao.exists(hostEntry.getHostname())) { //; // } // } }