Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode equals

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode equals


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode equals.


public abstract boolean equals(Object paramObject);

Source Link


From source file:com.flipkart.zjsonpatch.JsonDiff.java

private static void compareArray(List<Diff> diffs, List<Object> path, JsonNode source, JsonNode target) {
    List<JsonNode> lcs = getLCS(source, target);
    int srcIdx = 0;
    int targetIdx = 0;
    int lcsIdx = 0;
    int srcSize = source.size();
    int targetSize = target.size();
    int lcsSize = lcs.size();

    int pos = 0;// w w  w.  j a  v a  2s . c om
    while (lcsIdx < lcsSize) {
        JsonNode lcsNode = lcs.get(lcsIdx);
        JsonNode srcNode = source.get(srcIdx);
        JsonNode targetNode = target.get(targetIdx);

        if (lcsNode.equals(srcNode) && lcsNode.equals(targetNode)) { // Both are same as lcs node, nothing to do here
        } else {
            if (lcsNode.equals(srcNode)) { // src node is same as lcs, but not targetNode
                List<Object> currPath = getPath(path, pos);
                diffs.add(Diff.generateDiff(Operation.ADD, currPath, targetNode));
            } else if (lcsNode.equals(targetNode)) { //targetNode node is same as lcs, but not src
                List<Object> currPath = getPath(path, pos);
                diffs.add(Diff.generateDiff(Operation.REMOVE, currPath, srcNode));
            } else {
                List<Object> currPath = getPath(path, pos);
                //both are unequal to lcs node
                generateDiffs(diffs, currPath, srcNode, targetNode);

    while ((srcIdx < srcSize) && (targetIdx < targetSize)) {
        JsonNode srcNode = source.get(srcIdx);
        JsonNode targetNode = target.get(targetIdx);
        List<Object> currPath = getPath(path, pos);
        generateDiffs(diffs, currPath, srcNode, targetNode);
    pos = addRemaining(diffs, path, target, pos, targetIdx, targetSize);
    removeRemaining(diffs, path, pos, srcIdx, srcSize, source);

From source file:com.squarespace.template.JsonUtils.java

 * Compare two JsonNode objects and return an integer.
 * @return  a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object
 *          is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
 *///from w ww.ja va  2s  . com
public static int compare(JsonNode left, JsonNode right) {
    if (left.isLong() || left.isInt()) {
        return Long.compare(left.asLong(), right.asLong());

    } else if (left.isDouble() || left.isFloat()) {
        return Double.compare(left.asDouble(), right.asDouble());

    } else if (left.isTextual()) {
        return left.asText().compareTo(right.asText());

    } else if (left.isBoolean()) {
        return Boolean.compare(left.asBoolean(), right.asBoolean());

    // Not comparable in a relative sense, default to equals.
    return left.equals(right) ? 0 : -1;

From source file:org.candlepin.test.TestUtil.java

public static boolean isJsonEqual(String one, String two) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException {
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    JsonNode tree1 = mapper.readTree(one);
    JsonNode tree2 = mapper.readTree(two);
    return tree1.equals(tree2);

From source file:com.cloudmine.api.rest.JsonUtilities.java

 * Tests whether two json strings are equivalent; ignores formating and order. Expensive operation
 * as the strings are parsed to JsonNodes, which are compared.
 * @param first/*w  w w  .  java2 s. c om*/
 * @param second
 * @return true if first and second are equivalent JSON objects
 * @throws ConversionException if unable to convert first or second to JsonNodes
public static boolean isJsonEquivalent(String first, String second) throws ConversionException {
    if (first == null)
        return second == null;
    if (second == null)
        return false;
    try {
        JsonNode firstNode = jsonMapper.readTree(first);
        try {
            JsonNode secondNode = jsonMapper.readTree(second);
            return firstNode.equals(secondNode);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ConversionException("Couldn't convert second string to json: " + second, e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ConversionException("Couldn't convert first string to json: " + first, e);

From source file:com.google.api.server.spi.tools.JacksonUtil.java

 * Safely merge two nodes. This will appropriately merge objects or lists, as
 * well as verifying that values are compatible if both nodes are values. If
 * {@code throwOnConflict} is set, an exception will be thrown if there is a merge conflict.
 * Otherwise, node1 will be returned as the conflict resolution.
 *///from www . ja v  a 2s  .c o m
public static JsonNode mergeNode(JsonNode node1, JsonNode node2, boolean throwOnConflict) {
    if (node1.isArray()) {
        if (!node2.isArray()) {
            if (throwOnConflict) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot merge array and non-array: " + node1 + ", " + node2);
            return node1;
        return mergeArray((ArrayNode) node1, (ArrayNode) node2);
    } else if (node1.isObject()) {
        if (!node2.isObject()) {
            if (throwOnConflict) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Cannot merge object and non-object: " + node1 + ", " + node2);
            return node1;
        return mergeObject((ObjectNode) node1, (ObjectNode) node2, throwOnConflict);
    } else {
        // Value node, verify equivalence.
        if (throwOnConflict && !node1.equals(node2)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot merge different values: " + node1 + ", " + node2);
        return node1;

From source file:io.sidecar.query.UserAnswerBucketJsonValidationTest.java

@Test(description = "Asserts that serializing a UserAnswerBucket containing RawEventsAnswers produces the proper"
        + "json")
public void testRawEventsAnswerBucketSerialization() throws Exception {
    JsonNode expectedJson = mapper/*w ww . j a  v a 2  s  . c  o m*/

    Event event = mapper.readValue(expectedJson.path("answer").path("events").get(0).traverse(), Event.class);

    RawEventsAnswer rawEventsAnswer = RawEventsAnswer.fromEvents(event);
    UserAnswerBucket<RawEventsAnswer> uab = new UserAnswerBucket<>(
            UUID.fromString(expectedJson.path("userId").asText()), expectedJson.path("deviceId").asText(),

    JsonNode actualJson = mapper.readTree(mapper.writeValueAsBytes(uab));


From source file:de.jlo.talendcomp.json.JsonComparator.java

 * Checks if the array contains the given value
 * @param array the array which perhaps contains the value
 * @param value the value to search for/*ww w.jav  a 2s. c  om*/
 * @return true or false
public boolean contains(ArrayNode array, JsonNode value) {
    for (int i = 0, n = array.size(); i < n; i++) {
        JsonNode node = array.get(i);
        if (node.equals(value)) {
            return true;
    return false;

From source file:org.opendaylight.sfc.sbrest.provider.task.SbRestSfstTaskTest.java

public void testSbRestSfstTask1() throws IOException {
    SbRestSfstTask sbRestSfstTask = new SbRestSfstTask(RestOperation.DELETE,
            this.buildServiceFunctionSchedulerType(), executorService);

    JsonNode jsonObject = mapper.readTree(sbRestSfstTask.jsonObject);
    assertTrue("Must be true", jsonObject.equals(buildServiceFunctionSchedulerTypeObjectNode()));
    assertTrue("Must be true", sbRestSfstTask.restUriList.get(0).contains(SFST_REST_URI));

From source file:org.opendaylight.sfc.sbrest.provider.task.SbRestSfstTaskTest.java

// SbRestAbstractClass creates string jsonObject from dataObject (service function scheduler
// type) & set Rest uri list
// contain of jsonObject also depends on rest operation
// this jsonObject is then compared with object node created in this class
public void testSbRestSfstTask() throws IOException {
    SbRestSfstTask sbRestSfstTask = new SbRestSfstTask(RestOperation.PUT,
            this.buildServiceFunctionSchedulerType(), executorService);

    JsonNode jsonObject = mapper.readTree(sbRestSfstTask.jsonObject);
    assertTrue("Must be true", jsonObject.equals(this.buildServiceFunctionSchedulerTypeObjectNode()));
    assertTrue("Must be true", sbRestSfstTask.restUriList.get(0).contains(SFST_REST_URI));

From source file:org.opendaylight.sfc.sbrest.provider.task.SbRestSfTaskTest.java

public void testSbRestSfTask() throws IOException {
    SbRestSfTask sbRestSfTask = new SbRestSfTask(RestOperation.PUT, this.buildServiceFunction(),
            executorService);//from  www. j a  v  a  2 s  . c o  m

    JsonNode jsonObject = mapper.readTree(sbRestSfTask.jsonObject);
    assertTrue("Must be true", jsonObject.equals(this.buildServiceFunctionObjectNode()));
    assertTrue("Must be true", sbRestSfTask.restUriList.get(0).contains(REST_URI));