Java tutorial
package; import com.cloudmine.api.*; import com.cloudmine.api.exceptions.ConversionException; import com.cloudmine.api.persistance.CMJacksonModule; import com.cloudmine.api.persistance.CMUserConstructorMixIn; import com.cloudmine.api.persistance.ClassNameRegistry; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.MapType; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import*; import java.util.*; /** * Simplify working with JSON by putting all the utility methods in one place. Mostly focused on converting * objects to and from JSON * <br>Copyright CloudMine LLC. All rights reserved<br> See LICENSE file included with SDK for details. */ public class JsonUtilities { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonUtilities.class); private static final ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper(); public static final String EMPTY_JSON = "{ }"; static { SimpleModule customModule = new CMJacksonModule(); jsonMapper.registerModule(customModule); jsonMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); } public static final String NULL_STRING = "\"\""; public static final String TAB = " "; public static final String CLASS_KEY = "__class__"; public static final String TYPE_KEY = "__type__"; //type is used to identify objects that have special properties in CloudMine public static final String OBJECT_ID_KEY = "__id__"; public static final String DATE_CLASS = "datetime"; public static final String TIME_KEY = "timestamp"; public static final String ENCODING = "UTF-8"; /** * Convert a {@link Date} to an unwrapped CloudMine date object. Unwrapped means it is not surrounded by { } * @param date the Date to convert. If null, an empty string "" is returned * @return the date as JSON, or "" if given null */ public static String convertDateToUnwrappedJsonClass(Date date) { if (date == null) { return NULL_STRING; } long secondsTime = date.getTime() / 1000; return new StringBuilder(createJsonProperty(CLASS_KEY, DATE_CLASS)).append(",\n") .append(createJsonProperty(TIME_KEY, secondsTime)).toString(); } public static void addCMUserMixinsTo(Class klass) { if (JavaCMUser.class.isAssignableFrom(klass)) { jsonMapper.addMixInAnnotations(klass, CMUserConstructorMixIn.class); } } /** * Convert a {@link Date} to a CloudMine date object * @param date the Date to convert. If null, a wrapped empty string {\n""\n} is returned * @return the date as a JSON object, or {""} if given null */ public static String convertDateToJsonClass(Date date) { String unwrappedDate = convertDateToUnwrappedJsonClass(date); return "{\n" + unwrappedDate + "\n}"; } /** * Convert a key and value to its JSON representation * @param key the JSON key * @param value the JSON value * @return "key":"value" */ public static String createJsonProperty(String key, String value) { return new StringBuilder(addQuotes(key)).append(":").append(addQuotes(value)).toString(); } public static String createJsonProperty(String key, boolean value) { return new StringBuilder(addQuotes(key)).append(":").append(value).toString(); } public static String createJsonPropertyToJson(String key, String value) { return new StringBuilder(addQuotes(key)).append(":").append(value).toString(); } /** * Convert a key and value to oits JSON representation * @param key the JSON key * @param value the JSON value * @return "key":value */ public static String createJsonProperty(String key, Number value) { return new StringBuilder(addQuotes(key)).append(":").append(value).toString(); } /** * Remove the first "{" and last "}" from a JSON string * @param json a valid JSON string * @return if json == null, an empty string. if json does not contain an opening and closing brace, the passed in string. Otherwise, * the passed in JSON with the first and last { and } removed */ public static String unwrap(String json) { if (json == null) { return ""; } int openBraces = json.indexOf("{"); int closeBraces = json.lastIndexOf("}"); if (openBraces < 0 || closeBraces < 0) { LOG.error("Given json to unwrap that does not have braces: " + json); return json; } String preOpen = json.substring(0, openBraces); String betweenBraces = json.substring(openBraces + 1, closeBraces); String postClose = json.substring(closeBraces + 1, json.length()); String unwrappedJson = preOpen + //everything before the first open brace betweenBraces + //everything between the first place and the last closing brace postClose; //everything after the last closing brace return unwrappedJson; } /** * Add a leading and trailing "{" and "}" to the given string * @param json * @return */ public static String wrap(String json) { if (json == null) { return EMPTY_JSON; } return new StringBuilder("{").append(json).append("}").toString(); } /** * Quote a string * @param toQuote the value to quote * @return "toQuote" */ public static String addQuotes(String toQuote) { if (toQuote == null) { return NULL_STRING; } return "\"" + toQuote + "\""; } public static String getIdentifierBody(String email, String userName) { StringBuilder jsonBuilder = new StringBuilder("{"); String separator = ""; if (Strings.isNotEmpty(email)) { jsonBuilder.append("\"email\": \"").append(email).append("\""); separator = ", "; } if (Strings.isNotEmpty(userName)) { jsonBuilder.append(separator).append("\"username\": \"").append(userName).append("\""); } return jsonBuilder.append("}").toString(); } public static Transportable keyedJsonCollection(Collection<CMObject> cmObjects) { if (cmObjects == null || cmObjects.isEmpty()) return new TransportableString(EMPTY_JSON); String[] unwrapped = new String[cmObjects.size()]; int i = 0; for (CMObject object : cmObjects) { unwrapped[i] = object.asKeyedObject(); i++; } return jsonCollection(unwrapped); } /** * Enclose all the passed in jsonEntities in a JSON collection * @param jsonEntities to put into the collection * @return { jsonEntities[0].transportableRepresentation, jsonEntities[1].transportableRepresentation, ...} */ public static Transportable jsonCollection(Collection<? extends Transportable> jsonEntities) { return jsonCollection(jsonEntities.toArray(new Transportable[jsonEntities.size()])); } public static Transportable jsonCollection(List<String> jsonEntities) { return jsonCollection(jsonEntities.toArray(new String[jsonEntities.size()])); } /** * Enclose all the passed in strings in a JSON collection * @param jsonEntities JSON strings to put in the collection * @return { jsonEntities[0], jsonEntities[1], ...} */ public static Transportable jsonStringsCollection(Collection<String> jsonEntities) { return jsonCollection(jsonEntities.toArray(new String[jsonEntities.size()])); } /** * Enclose all the passed in transportableEntities in a JSON collection * @param transportableEntities to put into the collection * @return { transportableEntities[0].transportableRepresentation, transportableEntities[1].transportableRepresentation, ...} */ public static Transportable jsonCollection(Transportable... transportableEntities) { String[] jsonStrings = new String[transportableEntities.length]; for (int i = 0; i < transportableEntities.length; i++) { jsonStrings[i] = transportableEntities[i].transportableRepresentation(); } return jsonCollection(jsonStrings); } /** * Enclose all the passed in strings in a JSON collection * @param jsonEntities JSON strings to put in the collection * @return { jsonEntities[0], jsonEntities[1], ...} */ public static Transportable jsonCollection(String... jsonEntities) { StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder("{\n"); String comma = ""; for (String jsonEntity : jsonEntities) { json.append(comma).append(TAB).append(jsonEntity); comma = ",\n"; } json.append("\n}"); return new TransportableString(json.toString()); } /** * Convert a Map to its representation as a JSON string. * @param map will be converted to its JSON representation * @return valid JSON that represents the passed in map. It should be true that map.equals(jsonToMap(mapToJson(map))) * @throws ConversionException if unable to convert this Map to json. This should never happen */ public static String mapToJson(Map<String, ? extends Object> map) throws ConversionException { if (map == null) { return EMPTY_JSON; } StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); try { jsonMapper.writeValue(writer, map); return writer.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Trouble writing json", e); throw new ConversionException(e); } finally { try { writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { //nope don't care } } } public static <CMOBJECT extends CMObject> String cmobjectsToJson(Collection<CMOBJECT> objects) throws ConversionException { if (objects == null || objects.size() == 0) { return EMPTY_JSON; } return cmobjectsToJson(objects.toArray(new CMObject[objects.size()])); } /** * Convert a CMObject to its JSON representation * @param objects the objects to convert * @return valid JSON that represents the passed in objects as a collection of JSON * @throws ConversionException if unable to convert this CMObject to json */ public static String cmobjectsToJson(CMObject... objects) throws ConversionException { if (objects == null) { LOG.debug("Received null objects, returning empty json"); return EMPTY_JSON; } Map<String, CMObject> objectMap = new HashMap<String, CMObject>(); for (CMObject object : objects) { objectMap.put(object.getObjectId(), object); } StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); try { jsonMapper.writeValue(writer, objectMap); return writer.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Trouble writing json", e); throw new ConversionException(e); } finally { try { writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { //nope don't care } } } public static String cmObjectToJson(Object object) { try { return wrap(jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(object)); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new ConversionException(e); } } public static String objectToJson(Object object) throws ConversionException { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); try { jsonMapper.writeValue(writer, object); return writer.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception thrown", e); throw new ConversionException(e); } } public static void writeObjectToJson(Object object, OutputStream stream) { try { jsonMapper.writeValue(stream, object); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception thrown", e); throw new ConversionException(e); } } /** * Convert the given JSON to the given klass. If unable to convert, throws ConversionException * @param json JSON representing * @param klass * @param <CMO> * @return * @throws ConversionException */ public static <CMO> CMO jsonToClass(String json, Class<CMO> klass) throws ConversionException { try { CMO object = jsonMapper.readValue(json, klass); return object; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Trouble reading json: \n" + json, e); throw new ConversionException("JSON: " + json, e); } } public static CMObject jsonToClass(String json) throws ConversionException { if (Strings.isEmpty(json)) { throw new ConversionException("Can't convert an empty or null json string"); } Map<String, Object> jsonMap = jsonToMap(json); //this is a slow but easy way to get the klass name, might have to be replaced in the future Object klassString = jsonMap.get(CLASS_KEY); CMType type = CMType.getTypeById(Strings.asString(jsonMap.get(TYPE_KEY))); boolean isTyped = type != null && !CMType.NONE.equals(type) && klassString == null; //if we have a class string, use that instead of the specified type if (isTyped) { return jsonToClass(json, type.getTypeClass()); } boolean isUnknownClass = klassString == null || ClassNameRegistry.isRegistered(klassString.toString()) == false; if (isUnknownClass) { return new SimpleCMObject(new TransportableString(json)); } Class<? extends CMObject> klass = ClassNameRegistry.forName(klassString.toString()); return jsonToClass(json, klass); } /** * Convert a Transportable entity to a Map representation * @param transportable valid JSON * @return If transportable is null, returns an empty Map. Otherwise, a Map whose keys are JSON Strings and whose values are JSON values * @throws ConversionException if unable to convert the given transportable to a map. Will happen if the transportableRepresentation call fails or if unable to represent the transportable as a map */ public static Map<String, Object> jsonToMap(Transportable transportable) throws ConversionException { if (transportable == null) return new HashMap<String, Object>(); return jsonToMap(transportable.transportableRepresentation()); } /** * Convert a JSON string to a Map representation * @param json valid JSON * @return If json is null, returns an empty Map. Otherwise, a Map whose keys are JSON Strings and whose values are JSON values * @throws ConversionException if unable to convert the given json to a map. Will happen if the transportableRepresentation call fails or if unable to represent the json as a map */ public static Map<String, Object> jsonToMap(String json) throws ConversionException { Map<String, Object> jsonMap = jsonToClassMap(json, Object.class); convertDateClassesToDates(jsonMap); return jsonMap; } /** * Convert a JSON collection in the form { "key":{values...}, "anotherKey":{moreValues} } to a Map of key's to * objects, of the given klass. * @param json the JSON to convert * @param klass the * @param <CMO> * @return * @throws ConversionException */ public static <CMO> Map<String, CMO> jsonToClassMap(String json, Class<CMO> klass) throws ConversionException { try { MapType mapType = jsonMapper.getTypeFactory().constructMapType(Map.class, String.class, klass); Map<String, CMO> jsonMap = jsonMapper.readValue(json, mapType); return jsonMap; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Trouble reading json", e); throw new ConversionException("JSON: " + json, e); } } public static Map<String, CMObject> jsonToClassMap(String json) { Map<String, String> simpleMap = jsonMapToKeyMap(json); Map<String, CMObject> objectMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, CMObject>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : simpleMap.entrySet()) { String objectId = entry.getKey(); CMObject cmObject = jsonToClass(entry.getValue()); cmObject.setObjectId(objectId); objectMap.put(objectId, cmObject); } return objectMap; } public static <CMO extends CMObject> Map<String, CMO> jsonToCMObjectMap(String json, Class<CMO> klass) { Map<String, String> simpleMap = jsonMapToKeyMap(json); Map<String, CMO> objectMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, CMO>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : simpleMap.entrySet()) { objectMap.put(entry.getKey(), jsonToClass(entry.getValue(), klass)); } return objectMap; } /** * This method only works if all the values are objects, otherwise it breaks * @param json * @return */ public static Map<String, String> jsonMapToKeyMap(String json) { //TODO this method is big and kinda gross //TODO Also its kind of broken on input that has top level keys to none json objects if (Strings.isEmpty(json)) { return new HashMap<String, String>(); } try { StringReader reader = new StringReader(json); int readInt; int open = 0; boolean inString = false; boolean escapeNext = false; Map<String, String> jsonMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); StringBuilder keyBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder contentsBuilder = new StringBuilder(); while ((readInt = != -1) { char read = (char) readInt; switch (read) { case '{': if (!inString) open++; break; case '}': if (!inString) { open--; if (open == 1) { //we closed a full block //finish off the recording contentsBuilder.append(read); //get the key String key = keyBuilder.toString(); String[] splitKey = key.split("\""); if (splitKey.length < 1) { throw new ConversionException("Missing key at: " + key); } String parsedKey = splitKey[1]; //get the contents String contents = contentsBuilder.toString(); jsonMap.put(parsedKey, contents); //reset keyBuilder = new StringBuilder(); contentsBuilder = new StringBuilder(); continue; } } break; case '\"': if (escapeNext) { escapeNext = false; } else { inString = !inString; } break; case '\\': escapeNext = true; break; default: escapeNext = false; //only escape the next character } if (open == 1) { keyBuilder.append(read); } else if (open > 1) { contentsBuilder.append(read); } } return jsonMap; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception thrown", e); throw new ConversionException("Trouble reading JSON: " + e); } } public static void mergeJsonUpdates(CMObject objectToUpdate, String json) throws ConversionException { try { jsonMapper.readerForUpdating(objectToUpdate).readValue(json); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception thrown while merging json update: " + json, e); throw new ConversionException(e); } } /** * Replaces any json datetime objects with dates. Modifies the passed in map * @param jsonMap * @return * @throws ConversionException */ private static Object convertDateClassesToDates(Map<String, Object> jsonMap) throws ConversionException { if (jsonMap == null) return null; boolean isDateClass = jsonMap.containsKey(CLASS_KEY) && DATE_CLASS.equals(jsonMap.get(CLASS_KEY)); if (isDateClass) { Object time = jsonMap.get(TIME_KEY); if (time instanceof Number) { return CMDateFormat.fromNumber((Number) time); //replace Number with Date } else { throw new ConversionException("Received non number time"); } } for (Map.Entry<String, Object> jsonEntry : new HashMap<String, Object>(jsonMap).entrySet()) { if (jsonEntry.getValue() instanceof Map) { jsonMap.put(jsonEntry.getKey(), convertDateClassesToDates((Map<String, Object>) jsonEntry.getValue())); } } return jsonMap; } /** * Convert an InputStream containg JSON to a Map representation * @param inputJson a stream of valid JSON * @return If json is null, returns an empty Map. Otherwise, a Map whose keys are JSON Strings and whose values are JSON values * @throws ConversionException if unable to convert the given json to a map. Will happen if the transportableRepresentation call fails or if unable to represent the json as a map */ public static Map<String, Object> jsonToMap(InputStream inputJson) throws ConversionException { if (inputJson == null) { return new HashMap<String, Object>(); } StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); try { IOUtils.copy(inputJson, writer, ENCODING); return jsonToMap(writer.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ConversionException("Couldn't read inputJson", e); } } /** * Tests whether two json strings are equivalent; ignores formating and order. Expensive operation * as the strings are parsed to JsonNodes, which are compared. * @param first * @param second * @return true if first and second are equivalent JSON objects * @throws ConversionException if unable to convert Transportable to a JsonNode or if first or second cannot be converted to a JSON string */ public static boolean isJsonEquivalent(Transportable first, Transportable second) throws ConversionException { return isJsonEquivalent(first.transportableRepresentation(), second.transportableRepresentation()); } /** * Tests whether two json strings are equivalent; ignores formating and order. Expensive operation * as the strings are parsed to JsonNodes, which are compared. * @param first * @param second * @return true if first and second are equivalent JSON objects * @throws ConversionException if unable to convert first or second to JsonNodes */ public static boolean isJsonEquivalent(String first, String second) throws ConversionException { if (first == null) return second == null; if (second == null) return false; try { JsonNode firstNode = jsonMapper.readTree(first); try { JsonNode secondNode = jsonMapper.readTree(second); return firstNode.equals(secondNode); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ConversionException("Couldn't convert second string to json: " + second, e); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ConversionException("Couldn't convert first string to json: " + first, e); } } }