List of usage examples for android.view View.OnLayoutChangeListener interface-usage
From source file
/** * The component of {@link PhotoView} which does the work allowing for zooming, scaling, panning, etc. * It is made public in case you need to subclass something other than {@link ImageView} and still * gain the functionality that {@link PhotoView} offers */ public class PhotoViewAttacher implements View.OnTouchListener, OnGestureListener, View.OnLayoutChangeListener {
From source file
/** * The component of {@link PhotoView} which does the work allowing for zooming, scaling, panning, etc. * It is made public in case you need to subclass something other than {@link ImageView} and still * gain the functionality that {@link PhotoView} offers */ public class PhotoViewAttacher implements View.OnTouchListener, OnGestureListener, View.OnLayoutChangeListener {
From source file
/** * The component of {@link PhotoView} which does the work allowing for zooming, scaling, panning, etc. * It is made public in case you need to subclass something other than {@link ImageView} and still * gain the functionality that {@link PhotoView} offers */ public class PhotoViewAttacher implements View.OnTouchListener, View.OnLayoutChangeListener {
From source file
/** * The component of {@link PhotoView} which does the work allowing for zooming, scaling, panning, etc. * It is made public in case you need to subclass something other than {@link ImageView} and still * gain the functionality that {@link PhotoView} offers */ public class PhotoViewAttacher implements View.OnTouchListener, View.OnLayoutChangeListener {
From source file
/** * The component of {@link PhotoView} which does the work allowing for zooming, scaling, panning, etc. * It is made public in case you need to subclass something other than {@link ImageView} and still * gain the functionality that {@link PhotoView} offers */ public class PhotoViewAttacher implements View.OnTouchListener, View.OnLayoutChangeListener {
From source file
/** * The component of {@link PhotoView} which does the work allowing for zooming, scaling, panning, etc. * It is made public in case you need to subclass something other than {@link ImageView} and still * gain the functionality that {@link PhotoView} offers */ public class PhotoViewAttacher implements View.OnTouchListener, View.OnLayoutChangeListener {
From source file
/** * The component of {@link PhotoView} which does the work allowing for zooming, scaling, panning, etc. * It is made public in case you need to subclass something other than {@link ImageView} and still * gain the functionality that {@link PhotoView} offers */ public class PhotoViewAttacher implements View.OnTouchListener, OnGestureListener, View.OnLayoutChangeListener {
From source file
* Top-level container that allows interactive drawers to be pulled from the top and bottom edge of
* the window. For WearableDrawerLayout to work properly, scrolling children must send nested
* scrolling events. Views that implement {@link} do
* this by default. To enable nested scrolling on frameworks views like {@link
* android.widget.ListView}, set <code>android:nestedScrollingEnabled="true"</code> on the view in
From source file
@SuppressWarnings({ "ConstantConditions", "OverlyComplexClass" }) public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements ClipViewerFragment.OnClipChanged, NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener, View.OnLayoutChangeListener, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Cursor>, View.OnClickListener, SearchView.OnQueryTextListener, SearchView.OnCloseListener, DeleteDialogFragment.DeleteDialogListener {
From source file
/** * Each instance of WXSDKInstance represents an running weex instance. * It can be a pure weex view, or mixed with native view */ public class WXSDKInstance implements IWXActivityStateListener, View.OnLayoutChangeListener {