Example usage for android.view View.OnLayoutChangeListener interface-usage

List of usage examples for android.view View.OnLayoutChangeListener interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.view View.OnLayoutChangeListener interface-usage.


From source file am.project.x.business.others.printer.PrinterStateDialog.java

 * ???
class PrinterStateDialog extends AppCompatDialog implements View.OnLayoutChangeListener, View.OnClickListener {

    private final OnDialogListener mListener;

From source file com.facebook.react.views.scroll.ReactScrollView.java

 * A simple subclass of ScrollView that doesn't dispatch measure and layout to its children and has
 * a scroll listener to send scroll events to JS.
 * <p>ReactScrollView only supports vertical scrolling. For horizontal scrolling,
 * use {@link ReactHorizontalScrollView}.

From source file com.android.camera.ActivityBase.java

 * Superclass of Camera and VideoCamera activities.
abstract public class ActivityBase extends AbstractGalleryActivity implements View.OnLayoutChangeListener {

    private static final String TAG = "ActivityBase";

From source file com.rnnestedscrollview.ReactNestedScrollView.java

 * Forked from https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/0.57-stable/ReactAndroid/src/main/java/com/facebook/react/views/scroll/ReactScrollView.java
 * A simple subclass of ScrollView that doesn't dispatch measure and layout to its children and has
 * a scroll listener to send scroll events to JS.

From source file com.huyn.demogroup.freechild.FixedViewAttacher.java

 * The component of {@link PhotoView} which does the work allowing for zooming, scaling, panning, etc.
 * It is made public in case you need to subclass something other than {@link ImageView} and still
 * gain the functionality that {@link PhotoView} offers
public class FixedViewAttacher implements View.OnTouchListener, OnGestureListener, View.OnLayoutChangeListener {

From source file com.huyn.demogroup.leaveblank.PhotoViewAttacher.java

 * The component of {@link PhotoView} which does the work allowing for zooming, scaling, panning, etc.
 * It is made public in case you need to subclass something other than {@link ImageView} and still
 * gain the functionality that {@link PhotoView} offers
public class PhotoViewAttacher implements View.OnTouchListener, OnGestureListener, View.OnLayoutChangeListener {

From source file me.zuichu.sa.photoview.PhotoViewAttacher.java

 * The component of {@link PhotoView} which does the work allowing for zooming, scaling, panning, etc.
 * It is made public in case you need to subclass something other than {@link ImageView} and still
 * gain the functionality that {@link PhotoView} offers
public class PhotoViewAttacher implements View.OnTouchListener, OnGestureListener, View.OnLayoutChangeListener {

From source file com.tjw.selectimage.photoview.PhotoViewAttacher.java

 * The component of {@link PhotoView} which does the work allowing for zooming, scaling, panning, etc.
 * It is made public in case you need to subclass something other than {@link ImageView} and still
 * gain the functionality that {@link PhotoView} offers
public class PhotoViewAttacher implements View.OnTouchListener, OnGestureListener, View.OnLayoutChangeListener {

From source file shekar.com.alamoseatlayout.seatlayout.photoview.PhotoViewAttacher.java

public class PhotoViewAttacher implements View.OnTouchListener, OnGestureListener, View.OnLayoutChangeListener {

    public static float DEFAULT_MAX_SCALE = 3.0f;
    public static float DEFAULT_MID_SCALE = 1.75f;
    public static float DEFAULT_MIN_SCALE = 1.0f;
    private static int DEFAULT_ZOOM_DURATION = 200;

From source file com.ycj.ycjlibrary.photoview.PhotoViewAttacher.java

 * The component of {@link PhotoView} which does the work allowing for zooming, scaling, panning, etc.
 * It is made public in case you need to subclass something other than {@link ImageView} and still
 * gain the functionality that {@link PhotoView} offers
public class PhotoViewAttacher implements View.OnTouchListener, OnGestureListener, View.OnLayoutChangeListener {