Example usage for android.view View.OnClickListener interface-usage

List of usage examples for android.view View.OnClickListener interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.view View.OnClickListener interface-usage.


From source file com.newtifry.android.ChooseAccount.java

public class ChooseAccount extends SherlockListActivity
        implements CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener, View.OnClickListener {
    private static final int REFRESH_IDS = 1;
    private final ChooseAccount thisActivity = this;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

From source file com.appsimobile.appsii.hotspotmanager.HotspotSettingsFragment.java

 * A dialog that shows the general options for a hotspot. The user
 * can select and re-order the pages for the hotspot, change the
 * title and set the remember last page switch.
 * Any changes are saved instantly
 * <p/>

From source file com.notifry.android.ChooseAccount.java

public class ChooseAccount extends ListActivity
        implements CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener, View.OnClickListener {
     * Handler for when you check or uncheck an account, which fires off a
     * request to the server.

From source file com.android.profilerapp.memory.MemoryFragment.java

public class MemoryFragment extends Fragment implements View.OnClickListener {

    static {

From source file app.hanks.com.conquer.activity.MainActivity.java

 * Created by Administrator on 2015/5/17.
public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity implements View.OnClickListener {

    private static final int ANIM_DURATION_TOOLBAR = 300;

From source file cn.zsmy.akm.doctor.profile.fragment.DoctorLicenseFragment.java

 * Created by zzz on 15/12/21.
public class DoctorLicenseFragment extends Fragment
        implements View.OnClickListener, PhotoPopupWindow.onPopupWindowItemClickListener {
    private View viewById;

From source file com.newtifry.android.SourceList.java

public class SourceList extends SherlockListActivity
        implements View.OnClickListener, CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener {
    public final static int ADD_SOURCE = 1;
    public final static int REFRESH_SERVER = 2;
    private final SourceList thisActivity = this;
    private NewtifryAccount account = null;

From source file com.barion.example.app2app.nativeintegration.fragments.ShopFragment.java

public class ShopFragment extends ListFragment implements View.OnClickListener {

    private int PAYMENT_REQUEST_CODE = 10;

    private String paymentId;

From source file net.kourlas.voipms_sms.activities.ConversationsActivity.java

public class ConversationsActivity extends AppCompatActivity
        implements ActionMode.Callback, View.OnClickListener, View.OnLongClickListener {
    private final ConversationsActivity conversationsActivity = this;

    private Gcm gcm;
    private Billing billing;

From source file com.ADORCE.controls.MainViewActivity.java

public class MainViewActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements NavigationDrawerCallbacks, View.OnClickListener {

     * Fragment managing the behaviors, interactions and presentation of the navigation drawer.
    private NavigationDrawerFragment mNavigationDrawerFragment;