Example usage for android.view View.OnClickListener interface-usage

List of usage examples for android.view View.OnClickListener interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.view View.OnClickListener interface-usage.


From source file com.aman.stockcalculator.EventListener.java

class EventListener implements View.OnKeyListener, View.OnClickListener, View.OnLongClickListener {
    Logic mHandler;
    ViewPager mPager;

    void setHandler(Logic handler, ViewPager pager) {
        mHandler = handler;

From source file com.android.calculator3.EventListener.java

 * ??????
class EventListener implements View.OnKeyListener, View.OnClickListener, View.OnLongClickListener {
    Logic mHandler;

From source file com.bilibili.magicasakurademo.dialog.ProgressStyleDialog.java

 * @author xyczero
 * @time 16/5/23
public class ProgressStyleDialog extends DialogFragment implements View.OnClickListener {
    public static final String TAG = ProgressStyleDialog.class.getSimpleName();

From source file com.cnm.cnmrc.fragment.rc.RcCircleMenu.java

public class RcCircleMenu extends Fragment implements View.OnClickListener {

    View layout;

    FrameLayout mConfig; //  ?  ?? ?? .

From source file com.chatwingsdk.views.CWChatButton.java

 * This class will help to drive you to {@link com.chatwingsdk.activities.CWChatActivity} with little
 * effort. This assumes the existing system has unique user_id. It doesnt have to be real user_id, you
 * can hash as long as it uniquely identify users.
 * @author cuongthai

From source file com.android.colorpicker.ColorPickerSwatch.java

 * Creates a circular swatch of a specified color.  Adds a checkmark if marked as checked.
public class ColorPickerSwatch extends FrameLayout implements View.OnClickListener {
    private int mColor;
    private ImageView mSwatchImage;

From source file com.cachirulop.moneybox.common.PromptDialog.java

 * helper for Prompt-Dialog creation
public abstract class PromptDialog extends DialogFragment implements View.OnClickListener {
    private EditText _input;
    private int _titleId;

From source file com.android.calculator2mod.EventListener.java

public class EventListener implements View.OnKeyListener, View.OnClickListener, View.OnLongClickListener {
    private Logic mHandler;
    private ViewPager mPager;

    public void setHandler(Logic handler, ViewPager pager) {
        mHandler = handler;

From source file com.commonsware.android.foredown.DownloadFragment.java

public class DownloadFragment extends Fragment implements View.OnClickListener {
    private Button b = null;

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup parent, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        View result = inflater.inflate(R.layout.main, parent, false);

From source file com.commonsware.android.okhttp3.progress.DownloadFragment.java

public class DownloadFragment extends Fragment implements View.OnClickListener {
    private Button b = null;

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup parent, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        View result = inflater.inflate(R.layout.main, parent, false);