List of usage examples for android.text StaticLayout StaticLayout
@Deprecated public StaticLayout(CharSequence source, TextPaint paint, int width, Alignment align, float spacingmult, float spacingadd, boolean includepad)
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/** * Update layout according to {@link #mText} and span * @param width the specified width./*from w w w . ja v a 2s . c om*/ * @param forceWidth If true, force the text width to the specified width, otherwise, text width * may equals to or be smaller than the specified width. * @param previousLayout the result of previous layout, could be null. */ private @NonNull Layout createLayout(float width, boolean forceWidth, @Nullable Layout previousLayout) { float textWidth; textWidth = getTextWidth(mTextPaint, width, forceWidth); Layout layout; if (!FloatUtil.floatsEqual(previousWidth, textWidth) || previousLayout == null) { boolean forceRtl = false; Object direction = getStyles().get(Constants.Name.DIRECTION); if (direction != null && "text".equals(mType)) { forceRtl = direction.equals(Constants.Name.RTL); } layout = StaticLayoutProxy.create(spanned, mTextPaint, (int) Math.ceil(textWidth), Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1, 0, false, forceRtl); } else { layout = previousLayout; } if (mNumberOfLines != UNSET && mNumberOfLines > 0 && mNumberOfLines < layout.getLineCount()) { int lastLineStart, lastLineEnd; lastLineStart = layout.getLineStart(mNumberOfLines - 1); lastLineEnd = layout.getLineEnd(mNumberOfLines - 1); if (lastLineStart < lastLineEnd) { SpannableStringBuilder builder = null; if (lastLineStart > 0) { builder = new SpannableStringBuilder(spanned.subSequence(0, lastLineStart)); } else { builder = new SpannableStringBuilder(); } Editable lastLine = new SpannableStringBuilder(spanned.subSequence(lastLineStart, lastLineEnd)); builder.append(truncate(lastLine, mTextPaint, (int) Math.ceil(textWidth), textOverflow)); adjustSpansRange(spanned, builder); spanned = builder; return new StaticLayout(spanned, mTextPaint, (int) Math.ceil(textWidth), Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1, 0, false); } } return layout; }
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public Bitmap drawBitSecond(String s) { if (this.company_address == null) { this.company_address = XmlPullParser.NO_NAMESPACE; }/*from w w w. j av a 2 s . c o m*/ if (this.company_phone == null) { this.company_phone = XmlPullParser.NO_NAMESPACE; } if (this.license_plate_number == null) { this.license_plate_number = XmlPullParser.NO_NAMESPACE; } StringBuffer ss = new StringBuffer(); ss.append(new StringBuilder( String.valueOf(this.mContext.getResources().getString(C0136R.string.print_test_time))) .append(this.str).append(SpecilApiUtil.LINE_SEP).toString()); ss.append(new StringBuilder( String.valueOf(this.mContext.getResources().getString(C0136R.string.print_serial_number))) .append(this.serialNum).append(SpecilApiUtil.LINE_SEP).toString()); ss.append(new StringBuilder( String.valueOf(this.mContext.getResources().getString(C0136R.string.print_test_company_address))) .append(this.company_address).append(SpecilApiUtil.LINE_SEP).toString()); ss.append(new StringBuilder( String.valueOf(this.mContext.getResources().getString(C0136R.string.print_test_company_phone))) .append(this.company_phone).append(SpecilApiUtil.LINE_SEP).toString()); ss.append(new StringBuilder(String .valueOf(this.mContext.getResources().getString(C0136R.string.print_test_license_plate_number))) .append(this.license_plate_number).append(SpecilApiUtil.LINE_SEP).toString()); ss.append(s); this.textPaint.setColor(DefaultRenderer.BACKGROUND_COLOR); this.textPaint.setTextSize(20.0f); StaticLayout layout = new StaticLayout(ss, this.textPaint, PRINT_WIDTH, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, true); this.nBitmapSecond = Bitmap.createBitmap(PRINT_WIDTH, layout.getHeight(), Config.RGB_565); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(this.nBitmapSecond); canvas.drawColor(-1); layout.draw(canvas); return this.nBitmapSecond; }
From source
/** * Truncate the source span to the specified lines. * Caller of this method must ensure that the lines of text is <strong>greater than desired lines and need truncate</strong>. * Otherwise, unexpected behavior may happen. * @param source The source span.// w w w . j a v a2 s. com * @param paint the textPaint * @param desired specified lines. * @param truncateAt truncate method, null value means clipping overflow text directly, non-null value means using ellipsis strategy to clip * @return The spans after clipped. */ private @NonNull Spanned truncate(@Nullable Editable source, @NonNull TextPaint paint, int desired, @Nullable TextUtils.TruncateAt truncateAt) { Spanned ret = new SpannedString(""); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(source) && source.length() > 0) { if (truncateAt != null) { source.append(ELLIPSIS); Object[] spans = source.getSpans(0, source.length(), Object.class); for (Object span : spans) { int start = source.getSpanStart(span); int end = source.getSpanEnd(span); if (start == 0 && end == source.length() - 1) { source.removeSpan(span); source.setSpan(span, 0, source.length(), source.getSpanFlags(span)); } } } StaticLayout layout; int startOffset; while (source.length() > 1) { startOffset = source.length() - 1; if (truncateAt != null) { startOffset -= 1; } source.delete(startOffset, startOffset + 1); layout = new StaticLayout(source, paint, desired, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1, 0, false); if (layout.getLineCount() <= 1) { ret = source; break; } } } return ret; }
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/** * Creates layouts/*from w ww . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param widthItems width of items layout * @param widthLabel width of mLabel layout */ private void createLayouts(int widthItems, int widthLabel) { if (mItemsLayout == null || mItemsLayout.getWidth() > widthItems) { mItemsLayout = new StaticLayout(buildText(isScrollingPerformed), mItemsPaint, widthItems, widthLabel > 0 ? Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE : Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1, ADDITIONAL_ITEM_HEIGHT, false); } else { mItemsLayout.increaseWidthTo(widthItems); } if (!isScrollingPerformed && (mValueLayout == null || mValueLayout.getWidth() > widthItems)) { String text = getAdapter() != null ? getAdapter().getItem(mCurrentItem) : null; mValueLayout = new StaticLayout(text != null ? text : "", mValuePaint, widthItems, widthLabel > 0 ? Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE : Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1, ADDITIONAL_ITEM_HEIGHT, false); } else if (isScrollingPerformed) { mValueLayout = null; } else { mValueLayout.increaseWidthTo(widthItems); } if (widthLabel > 0) { if (mLabelLayout == null || mLabelLayout.getWidth() > widthLabel) { mLabelLayout = new StaticLayout(mLabel, mValuePaint, widthLabel, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1, ADDITIONAL_ITEM_HEIGHT, false); } else { mLabelLayout.increaseWidthTo(widthLabel); } } }
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public void drawText(String string, float xLoc, float yLoc, float textSize, Typeface typeface) { if (string != null) { TextPaint mTextPaint = new TextPaint(); mTextPaint.setTypeface(typeface); mTextPaint.setTextSize(textSize); StaticLayout mTextLayout = new StaticLayout(string, mTextPaint, ((int) (595 * 0.28)), Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);;/* w ww .j a v a2 s . c o m*/ // calculate x and y position where your text will be placed can.translate(xLoc, yLoc); mTextLayout.draw(can); can.restore(); } }
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public float drawRiskElement(int height, Take5RiskElement element) { final float singleLineHeight = 12.5f; float totalItemHeight; TextPaint textPaint = new TextPaint(); textPaint.setTypeface(roboto);//from ww w. jav a m textPaint.setTextSize(FONT11); textPaint.setColor(Color.BLACK); String oneString = ""; String twoString = ""; if (element.getOne() != null) { oneString = element.getOne(); } if (element.getTwo() != null) { twoString = element.getTwo(); } StaticLayout one = new StaticLayout(oneString, textPaint, 235, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false); StaticLayout rating = new StaticLayout(element.getRating().toString(), textPaint, 100, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false); StaticLayout two = new StaticLayout(twoString, textPaint, 250, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false); if (one.getLineCount() > two.getLineCount()) { totalItemHeight = singleLineHeight * one.getLineCount(); } else { totalItemHeight = singleLineHeight * two.getLineCount(); }; can.translate(15, height); one.draw(can); can.restore();; can.translate(320, height); two.draw(can); can.restore();; can.translate(270, height); rating.draw(can); can.restore(); return totalItemHeight; }
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private Layout createLayout(ReflowData data, Context context, boolean enforceMaxLines) { TextPaint paint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); paint.setTextSize(data.textSize);/*ww w . j av a 2 s . com*/ paint.setColor(data.textColor); paint.setLetterSpacing(data.letterSpacing); if (data.fontResId != 0) { try { Typeface font = ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, data.fontResId); if (font != null) { paint.setTypeface(font); } } catch (Resources.NotFoundException nfe) { } } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { StaticLayout.Builder builder = StaticLayout.Builder .obtain(data.text, 0, data.text.length(), paint, data.textWidth) .setLineSpacing(data.lineSpacingAdd, data.lineSpacingMult).setBreakStrategy(data.breakStrategy); if (enforceMaxLines && data.maxLines != -1) { builder.setMaxLines(data.maxLines); builder.setEllipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt.END); } return; } else { return new StaticLayout(data.text, paint, data.textWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, data.lineSpacingMult, data.lineSpacingAdd, true); } }
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private Layout makeLayout(CharSequence text) { final CharSequence transformed = (mSwitchTransformationMethod != null) ? mSwitchTransformationMethod.getTransformation(text, this) : text;/*from www . ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ return new StaticLayout(transformed, mTextPaint, transformed != null ? (int) Math.ceil(Layout.getDesiredWidth(transformed, mTextPaint)) : 0, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.f, 0, true); }
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void updateTextPositioning() { final float primaryTextWidth = mPaintPrimaryText.measureText(mPrimaryText); final float secondaryTextWidth = mSecondaryText != null ? mPaintSecondaryText.measureText(mSecondaryText) : 0;/* w w w . j ava 2 s. c om*/ final float textWidth; final float maxWidth = Math.max(80, (mView.mClipBounds ? mView.mClipBoundsRight - mView.mClipBoundsLeft : getParentView().getWidth()) - (mTextPadding * 2)); final float textWidthCalculation = Math.min(mMaxTextWidth, Math.max(primaryTextWidth, secondaryTextWidth)); if (textWidthCalculation > maxWidth) { mView.mTextLeft = (mView.mClipBounds ? mView.mClipBoundsLeft : 0) + mTextPadding; textWidth = maxWidth; } else { if (mTextPositionRight) { mView.mTextLeft = (mView.mClipBounds ? mView.mClipBoundsRight : getParentView().getRight()) - mTextPadding - textWidthCalculation; } else { mView.mTextLeft = mTextPadding + (mView.mClipBounds ? mView.mClipBoundsLeft : 0); } textWidth = textWidthCalculation; } mView.mPrimaryTextLayout = new StaticLayout(mPrimaryText, mPaintPrimaryText, (int) textWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1f, 0f, false); mView.mPrimaryTextTop = mView.mCentreTop; if (mTextPositionAbove) { mView.mPrimaryTextTop = mView.mPrimaryTextTop - mBaseFocalRadius - mFocalToTextPadding - mView.mPrimaryTextLayout.getHeight(); } else { mView.mPrimaryTextTop += mBaseFocalRadius + mFocalToTextPadding; } if (mSecondaryText != null) { mView.mSecondaryTextLayout = new StaticLayout(mSecondaryText, mPaintSecondaryText, (int) textWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1f, 0f, false); if (mTextPositionAbove) { mView.mPrimaryTextTop = mView.mPrimaryTextTop - mView.mTextSeparation - mView.mSecondaryTextLayout.getHeight(); } mView.mSecondaryTextOffsetTop = mView.mPrimaryTextLayout.getHeight() + mView.mTextSeparation; } else { mView.mSecondaryTextLayout = null; } updateBackgroundRadius(); updateIconPosition(); }
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private void updateTextPositioning() { final float primaryTextWidth = mPaintPrimaryText.measureText(mPrimaryText); final float secondaryTextWidth = mSecondaryText != null ? mPaintSecondaryText.measureText(mSecondaryText) : 0;//from w w w .j av a 2 s .co m final float textWidth; final float maxWidth = Math.max(80, (mView.mClipBounds ? mView.mClipBoundsRight - mView.mClipBoundsLeft : getParentView().getWidth()) - (mTextPadding * 2)); final float textWidthCalculation = Math.min(mMaxTextWidth, Math.max(primaryTextWidth, secondaryTextWidth)); if (textWidthCalculation > maxWidth) { mView.mTextLeft = (mView.mClipBounds ? mView.mClipBoundsLeft : 0) + mTextPadding; textWidth = maxWidth; } else { if (mTextPositionRight) { mView.mTextLeft = (mView.mClipBounds ? mView.mClipBoundsRight : getParentView().getRight()) - mTextPadding - textWidthCalculation; } else { mView.mTextLeft = mTextPadding + (mView.mClipBounds ? mView.mClipBoundsLeft : 0); } textWidth = textWidthCalculation; } mView.mPrimaryTextLayout = new StaticLayout(mPrimaryText, mPaintPrimaryText, (int) textWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1f, 0f, false); mView.mPrimaryTextTop = mView.mCentreTop; if (mTextPositionAbove) { mView.mPrimaryTextTop = mView.mPrimaryTextTop - mBaseFocalRadius - mFocalToTextPadding - mView.mPrimaryTextLayout.getHeight(); } else { mView.mPrimaryTextTop += mBaseFocalRadius + mFocalToTextPadding; } if (mSecondaryText != null) { mView.mSecondaryTextLayout = new StaticLayout(mSecondaryText, mPaintSecondaryText, (int) textWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1f, 0f, false); if (mTextPositionAbove) { mView.mPrimaryTextTop = mView.mPrimaryTextTop - mView.mTextSeparation - mView.mSecondaryTextLayout.getHeight(); } mView.mSecondaryTextOffsetTop = mView.mPrimaryTextLayout.getHeight() + mView.mTextSeparation; } else { mView.mSecondaryTextLayout = null; } updateBackgroundRadius(); updateIconPosition(); }