Example usage for android.text Spanned SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE

List of usage examples for android.text Spanned SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE


In this page you can find the example usage for android.text Spanned SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE.



To view the source code for android.text Spanned SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE.

Click Source Link


Spans of type SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE do not expand to include text inserted at either their starting or ending point.


From source file:com.just.agentweb.AgentWebUtils.java

static void show(View parent, CharSequence text, int duration, @ColorInt int textColor, @ColorInt int bgColor,
        CharSequence actionText, @ColorInt int actionTextColor, View.OnClickListener listener) {
    SpannableString spannableString = new SpannableString(text);
    ForegroundColorSpan colorSpan = new ForegroundColorSpan(textColor);
    spannableString.setSpan(colorSpan, 0, spannableString.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
    snackbarWeakReference = new WeakReference<>(Snackbar.make(parent, spannableString, duration));
    Snackbar snackbar = snackbarWeakReference.get();
    View view = snackbar.getView();
    view.setBackgroundColor(bgColor);// w  w  w  .  java  2s .co  m
    if (actionText != null && actionText.length() > 0 && listener != null) {
        snackbar.setAction(actionText, listener);


From source file:io.realm.realmtasks.list.ItemViewHolder.java

public void setStrikeThroughRatio(float strikeThroughRatio) {
    final CharSequence text = this.text.getText();
    final int textLength = text.length();
    int firstLength = (int) (textLength * strikeThroughRatio);
    if (firstLength > textLength) {
        firstLength = textLength;/*from   www  . jav  a  2 s .c o m*/
    } else if (firstLength == textLength - 1) {
        firstLength = textLength;
    if (firstLength == previousFirstLength) {
    previousFirstLength = firstLength;
    final int appendedLength = textLength - firstLength;
    final SpannableStringBuilder stringBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(text, 0, textLength);
    this.text.setPaintFlags(this.text.getPaintFlags() & ~Paint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG);
    final CharacterStyle firstCharStyle, secondCharStyle;
    if (completed) {
        firstCharStyle = new ForegroundColorSpan(cellCompletedColor);
        secondCharStyle = new StrikethroughSpan();
    } else {
        firstCharStyle = new StrikethroughSpan();
        secondCharStyle = new ForegroundColorSpan(cellDefaultColor);
    stringBuilder.setSpan(firstCharStyle, 0, firstLength, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
    stringBuilder.setSpan(secondCharStyle, textLength - appendedLength, textLength,

From source file:io.github.hidroh.materialistic.widget.StoryView.java

private Spannable decorateUpdated() {
    SpannableStringBuilder sb = new SpannableStringBuilder("*");
    sb.setSpan(new AsteriskSpan(getContext()), sb.length() - 1, sb.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
    return sb;//  w  w w.  j  a v  a 2s. c o  m

From source file:com.aboveware.sms.contacts.ContactSuggestionsAdapter.java

private CharSequence formatUrl(CharSequence url) {
    if (mUrlColor == null) {
        // Lazily get the URL color from the current theme.
        TypedValue colorValue = new TypedValue();
        mContext.getTheme().resolveAttribute(R.attr.textColorSearchUrl, colorValue, true);
        mUrlColor = mContext.getResources().getColorStateList(colorValue.resourceId);
    }//from  w  ww  .  ja  va 2  s .co m

    SpannableString text = new SpannableString(url);
    text.setSpan(new TextAppearanceSpan(null, 0, 0, mUrlColor, null), 0, url.length(),
    return text;

From source file:com.ruesga.rview.tasks.AsyncTextDiffProcessor.java

private List<DiffView.AbstractModel> processUnifiedDiffs() {
    final List<DiffView.AbstractModel> model = new ArrayList<>();
    addBinaryAdviseIfNeeded(model);//w  w  w  .  jav a 2s .c om

    if (mDiffs == null) {
        return model;

    int lineNumberA = 0;
    int lineNumberB = 0;

    final Spannable.Factory spannableFactory = Spannable.Factory.getInstance();
    final int noColor = ContextCompat.getColor(mContext, android.R.color.transparent);
    final int addedBgColor = ContextCompat.getColor(mContext, R.color.diffAddedBackgroundColor);
    final int addedFgColor = ContextCompat.getColor(mContext, R.color.diffAddedForegroundColor);
    final int deletedBgColor = ContextCompat.getColor(mContext, R.color.diffDeletedBackgroundColor);
    final int deletedFgColor = ContextCompat.getColor(mContext, R.color.diffDeletedForegroundColor);

    boolean noDiffs = mDiffs.length == 1 && mDiffs[0].a == null && mDiffs[0].b == null;
    int j = 0;
    for (DiffContentInfo diff : mDiffs) {
        if (diff.ab != null) {
            // Unchanged lines
            int[] p = processUnchangedLines(diff, model, j, lineNumberA, lineNumberB, noColor, noDiffs);
            lineNumberA = p[0];
            lineNumberB = p[1];
        } else {
            if (diff.a != null) {
                int pos = 0;
                for (String line : diff.a) {
                    DiffInfoModel m = new DiffInfoModel();
                    m.a = ++lineNumberA;
                    m.lineNumberA = String.valueOf(m.a);
                    if (diff.editA != null) {
                        Spannable span = spannableFactory.newSpannable(prepareTabs(line));
                        if (mHighlightIntralineDiffs) {
                            int s2 = 0;
                            for (ArrayList<Integer> intra : diff.editA) {
                                int s1 = s2 + intra.get(0);
                                s2 = s1 + intra.get(1);
                                int l = pos + line.length();
                                if ((s1 >= pos && s1 <= l) || (s2 >= pos && s2 <= l)
                                        || (s1 <= pos && s2 >= l)) {
                                    span.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(deletedFgColor),
                                            Math.max(pos, s1) - pos, Math.min(l, s2) - pos,
                        m.lineA = span;
                    } else {
                        // No intraline data, but it still could differ at start or at end
                        processNoIntralineDataA(diff, m, line, deletedFgColor);
                    m.colorA = deletedBgColor;
                    m.colorB = noColor;
                    pos += line.length() + 1;
            if (diff.b != null) {
                int pos = 0;
                for (String line : diff.b) {
                    DiffInfoModel m = new DiffInfoModel();
                    m.b = ++lineNumberB;
                    m.lineNumberB = String.valueOf(m.b);
                    if (diff.editB != null) {
                        Spannable span = spannableFactory.newSpannable(prepareTabs(line));
                        if (mHighlightIntralineDiffs) {
                            int s2 = 0;
                            for (ArrayList<Integer> intra : diff.editB) {
                                int s1 = s2 + intra.get(0);
                                s2 = s1 + intra.get(1);
                                int l = pos + line.length();
                                if ((s1 >= pos && s1 <= l) || (s2 >= pos && s2 <= l)
                                        || (s1 <= pos && s2 >= l)) {
                                    span.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(addedFgColor), Math.max(pos, s1) - pos,
                                            Math.min(l, s2) - pos, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
                        m.lineB = span;
                    } else {
                        // No intraline data, but it still could differ at start or at end
                        processNoIntralineDataB(diff, m, line, addedFgColor);
                    m.colorA = addedBgColor;
                    m.colorB = noColor;
                    pos += line.length() + 1;
    return model;

From source file:com.android.tv.guide.ProgramItemView.java

public void setValues(TableEntry entry, int selectedGenreId, long fromUtcMillis, long toUtcMillis,
        String gapTitle) {//from w  w w. j  a  v a2 s. c o m
    mTableEntry = entry;

    ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = getLayoutParams();
    layoutParams.width = entry.getWidth();

    String title = entry.program != null ? entry.program.getTitle() : null;
    String episode = entry.program != null ? entry.program.getEpisodeDisplayTitle(getContext()) : null;

    TextAppearanceSpan titleStyle = sGrayedOutProgramTitleStyle;
    TextAppearanceSpan episodeStyle = sGrayedOutEpisodeTitleStyle;

    if (entry.getWidth() < sVisibleThreshold) {
    } else {
        if (entry.isGap()) {
            title = gapTitle;
            episode = null;
        } else if (entry.hasGenre(selectedGenreId)) {
            titleStyle = sProgramTitleStyle;
            episodeStyle = sEpisodeTitleStyle;
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) {
            title = getResources().getString(R.string.program_title_for_no_information);
        if (mTableEntry.scheduledRecording != null) {
            //TODO(dvr): use a proper icon for UI status.
            title = "" + title;

        SpannableStringBuilder description = new SpannableStringBuilder();
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(episode)) {

            // Add a 'zero-width joiner'/ZWJ in order to ensure we have the same line height for
            // all lines. This is a non-printing character so it will not change the horizontal
            // spacing however it will affect the line height. As we ensure the ZWJ has the same
            // text style as the title it will make sure the line height is consistent.

            int middle = description.length();

            description.setSpan(titleStyle, 0, middle, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
            description.setSpan(episodeStyle, middle, description.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
        } else {
            description.setSpan(titleStyle, 0, description.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
    measure(MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);
    mTextWidth = getMeasuredWidth() - getPaddingStart() - getPaddingEnd();
    int start = GuideUtils.convertMillisToPixel(entry.entryStartUtcMillis);
    int guideStart = GuideUtils.convertMillisToPixel(fromUtcMillis);
    layoutVisibleArea(guideStart - start);

    // Maximum width for us to use a ripple
    mMaxWidthForRipple = GuideUtils.convertMillisToPixel(fromUtcMillis, toUtcMillis);

From source file:org.tlhInganHol.android.klingonassistant.EntryActivity.java

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    // TTS://  w w w  .j  av  a2  s . c  o  m
    // Initialize text-to-speech. This is an asynchronous operation.
    // The OnInitListener (second argument) is called after initialization completes.
    // Log.d(TAG, "Initialising TTS");
    mTts = new TextToSpeech(this, this, // TextToSpeech.OnInitListener
            "org.tlhInganHol.android.klingonttsengine"); // Requires API 14.

    Resources resources = getResources();

    JellyBeanSpanFixTextView entryTitle = (JellyBeanSpanFixTextView) findViewById(R.id.entry_title);
    JellyBeanSpanFixTextView entryText = (JellyBeanSpanFixTextView) findViewById(R.id.definition);

    // TODO: Save and restore bundle state to preserve links.

    Uri uri = getIntent().getData();
    // Log.d(TAG, "EntryActivity - uri: " + uri.toString());
    // TODO: Disable the "About" menu item if this is the "About" entry.
    mParentQuery = getIntent().getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY);

    // Retrieve the entry's data.
    // Note: managedQuery is deprecated since API 11.
    Cursor cursor = managedQuery(uri, KlingonContentDatabase.ALL_KEYS, null, null, null);
    KlingonContentProvider.Entry entry = new KlingonContentProvider.Entry(cursor, getBaseContext());

    // Handle alternative spellings here.
    if (entry.isAlternativeSpelling()) {
        // TODO: Immediate redirect to query in entry.getDefinition();

    // Get the shared preferences.
    SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getBaseContext());

    // Set the entry's name (along with info like "slang", formatted in HTML).
    boolean useKlingonFont = sharedPrefs.getBoolean(Preferences.KEY_KLINGON_FONT_CHECKBOX_PREFERENCE,
            /* default */false);
    Typeface klingonTypeface = KlingonAssistant.getKlingonFontTypeface(getBaseContext());
    if (useKlingonFont) {
        // Preference is set to display this in {pIqaD}!
    } else {
        // Boring transcription based on English (Latin) alphabet.
        entryTitle.setText(Html.fromHtml(entry.getFormattedEntryName(/* isHtml */true)));
    mEntryName = entry.getEntryName();

    // Set the colour for the entry name depending on its part of speech.
    boolean useColours = sharedPrefs.getBoolean(Preferences.KEY_USE_COLOURS_CHECKBOX_PREFERENCE,
            /* default */true);
    if (useColours) {

    // Create the expanded definition.
    String pos = entry.getFormattedPartOfSpeech(/* isHtml */false);
    String expandedDefinition = pos + entry.getDefinition();

    // Show the German definition.
    String definition_DE = "";
    boolean displayGermanEntry = entry.shouldDisplayGerman();
    int germanDefinitionStart = -1;
    String germanDefinitionHeader = "\n" + resources.getString(R.string.label_german) + ": ";
    if (displayGermanEntry) {
        germanDefinitionStart = expandedDefinition.length();
        definition_DE = entry.getDefinition_DE();
        expandedDefinition += germanDefinitionHeader + definition_DE;

    // Set the share intent.

    // Show the basic notes.
    String notes = entry.getNotes();
    if (!notes.equals("")) {
        expandedDefinition += "\n\n" + notes;

    // If this entry is hypothetical or extended canon, display warnings.
    if (entry.isHypothetical() || entry.isExtendedCanon()) {
        expandedDefinition += "\n\n";
        if (entry.isHypothetical()) {
            expandedDefinition += resources.getString(R.string.warning_hypothetical);
        if (entry.isExtendedCanon()) {
            expandedDefinition += resources.getString(R.string.warning_extended_canon);

    // Show synonyms, antonyms, and related entries.
    String synonyms = entry.getSynonyms();
    String antonyms = entry.getAntonyms();
    String seeAlso = entry.getSeeAlso();
    if (!synonyms.equals("")) {
        expandedDefinition += "\n\n" + resources.getString(R.string.label_synonyms) + ": " + synonyms;
    if (!antonyms.equals("")) {
        expandedDefinition += "\n\n" + resources.getString(R.string.label_antonyms) + ": " + antonyms;
    if (!seeAlso.equals("")) {
        expandedDefinition += "\n\n" + resources.getString(R.string.label_see_also) + ": " + seeAlso;

    // Display components if that field is not empty, unless we are showing an analysis link, in
    // which case we want to hide the components.
    boolean showAnalysis = entry.isSentence() || entry.isDerivative();
    String components = entry.getComponents();
    if (!components.equals("")) {
        // Treat the components column of inherent plurals and their
        // singulars differently than for other entries.
        if (entry.isInherentPlural()) {
            expandedDefinition += "\n\n"
                    + String.format(resources.getString(R.string.info_inherent_plural), components);
        } else if (entry.isSingularFormOfInherentPlural()) {
            expandedDefinition += "\n\n"
                    + String.format(resources.getString(R.string.info_singular_form), components);
        } else if (!showAnalysis) {
            // This is just a regular list of components.
            expandedDefinition += "\n\n" + resources.getString(R.string.label_components) + ": " + components;

    // Display plural information.
    if (!entry.isPlural() && !entry.isInherentPlural() && !entry.isPlural()) {
        if (entry.isBeingCapableOfLanguage()) {
            expandedDefinition += "\n\n" + resources.getString(R.string.info_being);
        } else if (entry.isBodyPart()) {
            expandedDefinition += "\n\n" + resources.getString(R.string.info_body);

    // If the entry is a useful phrase, link back to its category.
    if (entry.isSentence()) {
        String sentenceType = entry.getSentenceType();
        if (!sentenceType.equals("")) {
            // Put the query as a placeholder for the actual category.
            expandedDefinition += "\n\n" + resources.getString(R.string.label_category) + ": {"
                    + entry.getSentenceTypeQuery() + "}";

    // If the entry is a sentence, make a link to analyse its components.
    if (showAnalysis) {
        String analysisQuery = entry.getEntryName();
        if (!components.equals("")) {
            // Strip the brackets around each component so they won't be processed.
            analysisQuery += ":" + entry.getPartOfSpeech();
            int homophoneNumber = entry.getHomophoneNumber();
            if (homophoneNumber != -1) {
                analysisQuery += ":" + homophoneNumber;
            analysisQuery += KlingonContentProvider.Entry.COMPONENTS_MARKER + components.replaceAll("[{}]", "");
        expandedDefinition += "\n\n" + resources.getString(R.string.label_analyze) + ": {" + analysisQuery
                + "}";

    // Show the examples.
    String examples = entry.getExamples();
    if (!examples.equals("")) {
        expandedDefinition += "\n\n" + resources.getString(R.string.label_examples) + ": " + examples;

    // Show the source.
    String source = entry.getSource();
    if (!source.equals("")) {
        expandedDefinition += "\n\n" + resources.getString(R.string.label_sources) + ": " + source;

    // If this is a verb (but not a prefix or suffix), show the transitivity information.
    String transitivity = "";
    if (entry.isVerb()
            && sharedPrefs.getBoolean(Preferences.KEY_SHOW_TRANSITIVITY_CHECKBOX_PREFERENCE, /* default */
                    true)) {
        // This is a verb and show transitivity preference is set to true.
        transitivity = entry.getTransitivityString();
    int transitivityStart = -1;
    String transitivityHeader = "\n\n" + resources.getString(R.string.label_transitivity) + ": ";
    boolean showTransitivityInformation = !transitivity.equals("");
    if (showTransitivityInformation) {
        transitivityStart = expandedDefinition.length();
        expandedDefinition += transitivityHeader + transitivity;

    // Show the hidden notes.
    String hiddenNotes = "";
    if (sharedPrefs.getBoolean(Preferences.KEY_SHOW_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION_CHECKBOX_PREFERENCE, /* default */
            true)) {
        // Show additional information preference set to true.
        hiddenNotes = entry.getHiddenNotes();
    int hiddenNotesStart = -1;
    String hiddenNotesHeader = "\n\n" + resources.getString(R.string.label_additional_information) + ": ";
    if (!hiddenNotes.equals("")) {
        hiddenNotesStart = expandedDefinition.length();
        expandedDefinition += hiddenNotesHeader + hiddenNotes;

    // Format the expanded definition, including linkifying the links to other entries.
    float smallTextScale = (float) 0.8;
    SpannableStringBuilder ssb = new SpannableStringBuilder(expandedDefinition);
    int intermediateFlags = Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE | Spanned.SPAN_INTERMEDIATE;
    int finalFlags = Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE;
    if (!pos.equals("")) {
        // Italicise the part of speech.
        ssb.setSpan(new StyleSpan(android.graphics.Typeface.ITALIC), 0, pos.length(), finalFlags);
    if (displayGermanEntry) {
        // Reduce the size of the German definition.
        ssb.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(smallTextScale), germanDefinitionStart,
                germanDefinitionStart + germanDefinitionHeader.length() + definition_DE.length(), finalFlags);
    if (showTransitivityInformation) {
        // Reduce the size of the transitivity information.
        ssb.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(smallTextScale), transitivityStart,
                transitivityStart + transitivityHeader.length() + transitivity.length(), finalFlags);
    if (!hiddenNotes.equals("")) {
        // Reduce the size of the hidden notes.
        ssb.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(smallTextScale), hiddenNotesStart,
                hiddenNotesStart + hiddenNotesHeader.length() + hiddenNotes.length(), finalFlags);
    Matcher m = KlingonContentProvider.Entry.ENTRY_PATTERN.matcher(expandedDefinition);
    while (m.find()) {

        // Strip the brackets {} to get the query.
        String query = expandedDefinition.substring(m.start() + 1, m.end() - 1);
        LookupClickableSpan viewLauncher = new LookupClickableSpan(query);

        // Process the linked entry information.
        KlingonContentProvider.Entry linkedEntry = new KlingonContentProvider.Entry(query, getBaseContext());
        // Log.d(TAG, "linkedEntry.getEntryName() = " + linkedEntry.getEntryName());

        // Delete the brackets and metadata parts of the string (which includes analysis components).
        ssb.delete(m.start() + 1 + linkedEntry.getEntryName().length(), m.end());
        ssb.delete(m.start(), m.start() + 1);
        int end = m.start() + linkedEntry.getEntryName().length();

        // Insert link to the category for a useful phrase.
        if (entry.isSentence() && !entry.getSentenceType().equals("")
                && linkedEntry.getEntryName().equals("*")) {
            // Delete the "*" placeholder.
            ssb.delete(m.start(), m.start() + 1);

            // Insert the category name.
            ssb.insert(m.start(), entry.getSentenceType());
            end += entry.getSentenceType().length() - 1;

        // Set the font and link.
        // TODO: Source should link to description of the source.
        // This is true if this entry doesn't launch an EntryActivity.
        boolean disableEntryLink = linkedEntry.doNotLink() || linkedEntry.isSource() || linkedEntry.isURL();
        // The last span set on a range must have finalFlags.
        int maybeFinalFlags = disableEntryLink ? finalFlags : intermediateFlags;
        if (linkedEntry.isSource()) {
            // Names of sources are in italics.
            ssb.setSpan(new StyleSpan(android.graphics.Typeface.ITALIC), m.start(), end, maybeFinalFlags);
        } else if (linkedEntry.isURL()) {
            // Linkify URL if there is one.
            String url = linkedEntry.getURL();
            if (!url.equals("")) {
                ssb.setSpan(new URLSpan(url), m.start(), end, maybeFinalFlags);
        } else if (useKlingonFont) {
            // Display the text using the Klingon font. Categories (which have an entry of "*") must
            // be handled specially.
            String klingonEntryName = !linkedEntry.getEntryName().equals("*")
                    ? linkedEntry.getEntryNameInKlingonFont()
                    : KlingonContentProvider.convertStringToKlingonFont(entry.getSentenceType());
            ssb.delete(m.start(), end);
            ssb.insert(m.start(), klingonEntryName);
            end = m.start() + klingonEntryName.length();
            ssb.setSpan(new KlingonTypefaceSpan("", klingonTypeface), m.start(), end, maybeFinalFlags);
        } else {
            // Klingon is in bold serif.
            ssb.setSpan(new StyleSpan(android.graphics.Typeface.BOLD), m.start(), end, intermediateFlags);
            ssb.setSpan(new TypefaceSpan("serif"), m.start(), end, maybeFinalFlags);
        // If linked entry is hypothetical or extended canon, insert a "?" in front.
        if (linkedEntry.isHypothetical() || linkedEntry.isExtendedCanon()) {
            ssb.insert(m.start(), "?");
            ssb.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(smallTextScale), m.start(), m.start() + 1, intermediateFlags);
            ssb.setSpan(new SuperscriptSpan(), m.start(), m.start() + 1, maybeFinalFlags);
        // Only apply colours to verbs, nouns, and affixes (exclude BLUE and WHITE).
        if (!disableEntryLink) {
            // Link to view launcher.
            ssb.setSpan(viewLauncher, m.start(), end, useColours ? intermediateFlags : finalFlags);
        // Set the colour last, so it's not overridden by other spans.
        if (useColours) {
            ssb.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(linkedEntry.getTextColor()), m.start(), end, finalFlags);
        String linkedPos = linkedEntry.getBracketedPartOfSpeech(/* isHtml */false);
        if (!linkedPos.equals("") && linkedPos.length() > 1) {
            ssb.insert(end, linkedPos);

            int rightBracketLoc = linkedPos.indexOf(")");
            if (rightBracketLoc != -1) {
                // linkedPos is always of the form " (pos)[ (def'n N)]", we want to italicise
                // the "pos" part only.
                ssb.setSpan(new StyleSpan(android.graphics.Typeface.ITALIC), end + 2, end + rightBracketLoc,

        // Rinse and repeat.
        expandedDefinition = ssb.toString();
        m = KlingonContentProvider.Entry.ENTRY_PATTERN.matcher(expandedDefinition);

    // Display the entry name and definition.

From source file:com.juick.android.TagsFragment.java

private void onTagClick(String tagg, int uid) {
    if (!multi) {
        parentActivity.onTagClick(tagg, uid);
    } else {/*from   ww  w.  j  a  v  a 2 s.c o  m*/
        TextView tv = (TextView) myView.findViewById(R.id.tags);
        Spannable text = (Spannable) tv.getText();
        TagOffsets tagOffsets1 = tagOffsets.get(tagg);
        if (!selectedTags.remove(tagg)) {
            if (selectedTags.size() == 5) {
                Toast.makeText(getActivity(), getString(R.string.TooManyTags), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            } else {
                tagOffsets1.existingSpan = new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD);
                text.setSpan(tagOffsets1.existingSpan, tagOffsets1.offset, tagOffsets1.end,
        } else {
            tagOffsets1.existingSpan = null;
        final TextView selected = (TextView) myView.findViewById(R.id.selected);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (String selectedTag : selectedTags) {
            sb.append(" ");

From source file:org.mozilla.focus.widget.InlineAutocompleteEditText.java

 * Add autocomplete text based on the result URI.
 * @param result Result URI to be turned into autocomplete text
 *///from   w  ww  .  j  a  va 2  s .c o m
public final void onAutocomplete(final String result) {
    // If mDiscardAutoCompleteResult is true, we temporarily disabled
    // autocomplete (due to backspacing, etc.) and we should bail early.
    if (mDiscardAutoCompleteResult) {

    if (!isEnabled() || result == null) {
        mAutoCompleteResult = "";

    final Editable text = getText();
    final int textLength = text.length();
    final int resultLength = result.length();
    final int autoCompleteStart = text.getSpanStart(AUTOCOMPLETE_SPAN);
    mAutoCompleteResult = result;

    if (autoCompleteStart > -1) {
        // Autocomplete text already exists; we should replace existing autocomplete text.

        // If the result and the current text don't have the same prefixes,
        // the result is stale and we should wait for the another result to come in.
        if (!TextUtils.regionMatches(result, 0, text, 0, autoCompleteStart)) {


        // Replace the existing autocomplete text with new one.
        // replace() preserves the autocomplete spans that we set before.
        text.replace(autoCompleteStart, textLength, result, autoCompleteStart, resultLength);

        // Reshow the cursor if there is no longer any autocomplete text.
        if (autoCompleteStart == resultLength) {


    } else {
        // No autocomplete text yet; we should add autocomplete text

        // If the result prefix doesn't match the current text,
        // the result is stale and we should wait for the another result to come in.
        if (resultLength <= textLength || !TextUtils.regionMatches(result, 0, text, 0, textLength)) {

        final Object[] spans = text.getSpans(textLength, textLength, Object.class);
        final int[] spanStarts = new int[spans.length];
        final int[] spanEnds = new int[spans.length];
        final int[] spanFlags = new int[spans.length];

        // Save selection/composing span bounds so we can restore them later.
        for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
            final Object span = spans[i];
            final int spanFlag = text.getSpanFlags(span);

            // We don't care about spans that are not selection or composing spans.
            // For those spans, spanFlag[i] will be 0 and we don't restore them.
            if ((spanFlag & Spanned.SPAN_COMPOSING) == 0 && (span != Selection.SELECTION_START)
                    && (span != Selection.SELECTION_END)) {

            spanStarts[i] = text.getSpanStart(span);
            spanEnds[i] = text.getSpanEnd(span);
            spanFlags[i] = spanFlag;


        // First add trailing text.
        text.append(result, textLength, resultLength);

        // Restore selection/composing spans.
        for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
            final int spanFlag = spanFlags[i];
            if (spanFlag == 0) {
                // Skip if the span was ignored before.
            text.setSpan(spans[i], spanStarts[i], spanEnds[i], spanFlag);

        // Mark added text as autocomplete text.
        for (final Object span : mAutoCompleteSpans) {
            text.setSpan(span, textLength, resultLength, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);

        // Hide the cursor.

        // Make sure the autocomplete text is visible. If the autocomplete text is too
        // long, it would appear the cursor will be scrolled out of view. However, this
        // is not the case in practice, because EditText still makes sure the cursor is
        // still in view.



From source file:com.nextgis.maplibui.util.ControlHelper.java

public static void highlightText(TextView textView) {
    final CharSequence text = textView.getText();
    final SpannableString spannableString = new SpannableString(text);
    spannableString.setSpan(new URLSpan(""), 0, spannableString.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
    textView.setText(spannableString, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE);