Example usage for android.os Build FINGERPRINT

List of usage examples for android.os Build FINGERPRINT


In this page you can find the example usage for android.os Build FINGERPRINT.



To view the source code for android.os Build FINGERPRINT.

Click Source Link


A string that uniquely identifies this build.


From source file:com.mobicage.rogerthat.util.logging.L.java

private static void logToServer(final String s, final Throwable t) {
    try {/*  w w  w.j av a 2s.c  o  m*/
        if (sMainService == null)
        final long currentTimeMillis = sMainService.currentTimeMillis();
        if (currentTimeMillis - sLastErrorLogTimestamp < MAX_SEND_RATE)
        sLastErrorLogTimestamp = currentTimeMillis;
        try {
            throw new Exception();
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            if (sMainService.getRegisteredFromConfig()) {
                sMainService.postOnUIHandler(new SafeRunnable() {
                    protected void safeRun() throws Exception {
                        if (sMainService == null)
                        LogErrorRequestTO request = new LogErrorRequestTO();
                        request.description = s;
                        request.platform = 1;
                        request.timestamp = currentTimeMillis / 1000;
                        request.mobicageVersion = (sMainService.isDebug() ? "-" : "")
                                + sMainService.getMajorVersion() + "." + sMainService.getMinorVersion();
                        request.platformVersion = Build.FINGERPRINT + " (-) " + SystemUtils.getAndroidVersion()
                                + " (-) " + Build.MODEL;
                        setErrorMessageOnLogErrorRequest(t == null ? e : t, request);
                        Rpc.logError(new ResponseHandler<LogErrorResponseTO>(), request);
            } else {
                new AsyncTask<Object, Object, Object>() {
                    protected Object doInBackground(Object... params) {
                        if (sMainService == null)
                            return null;
                        try {
                            HttpPost httpPostRequest = new HttpPost(CloudConstants.LOG_ERROR_URL);
                            httpPostRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

                            RegistrationWizard2 wiz = RegistrationWizard2.getWizard(sMainService);

                            List<NameValuePair> formParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
                            formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("install_id", wiz.getInstallationId()));
                            formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("device_id", wiz.getDeviceId()));
                                    .add(new BasicNameValuePair("language", Locale.getDefault().getLanguage()));
                            formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("country", Locale.getDefault().getCountry()));
                            formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("description", s));
                            formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("platform", "1"));
                            formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("platform_version",
                                    "" + SystemUtils.getAndroidVersion()));
                            formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("timestamp",
                                    "" + System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000));
                            formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("mobicage_version",
                            formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("error_message",
                                    getStackTraceString(t == null ? e : t)));

                            UrlEncodedFormEntity entity = new UrlEncodedFormEntity(formParams, HTTP.UTF_8);
                        } catch (Exception e1) {
                            L.d("Error while posting error to server", e1);
                        return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        L.d("Error while posting error to server", e);

From source file:com.gm.goldencity.util.Utils.java

 * Get Device fingerprint//from ww  w. j a  v  a2  s  . co  m
 * @return
public static String getMobileFingerprint() {
    // Device model
    return Build.FINGERPRINT;

From source file:at.jclehner.appopsxposed.BugReportBuilder.java

private String getDeviceId() {
    final String raw = Build.SERIAL + Build.FINGERPRINT;

    byte[] bytes;

    try {/*from www  . ja va2 s  .  co m*/
        final MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
        bytes = md.digest(raw.getBytes());
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        bytes = raw.getBytes();

    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(bytes.length);
    for (byte b : bytes)
        sb.append(Integer.toString((b & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1));

    return sb.substring(0, 12);

From source file:jp.ne.sakura.kkkon.java.net.socketimpl.testapp.android.SocketImplHookTestApp.java

/** Called when the activity is first created. */
@Override//w w  w  .ja  v a  2 s .  co  m
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    final Context context = this.getApplicationContext();

        ProxySelector proxySelector = ProxySelector.getDefault();
        Log.d(TAG, "proxySelector=" + proxySelector);
        if (null != proxySelector) {
            URI uri = null;
            try {
                uri = new URI("http://www.google.com/");
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                Log.d(TAG, e.toString());
            List<Proxy> proxies = proxySelector.select(uri);
            if (null != proxies) {
                for (final Proxy proxy : proxies) {
                    Log.d(TAG, " proxy=" + proxy);


    /* Create a TextView and set its content.
     * the text is retrieved by calling a native
     * function.
    LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(this);

    TextView tv = new TextView(this);

    Button btn1 = new Button(this);
    btn1.setText("invoke Exception");
    btn1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View view) {
            final int count = 2;
            int[] array = new int[count];
            int value = array[count]; // invoke IndexOutOfBOundsException

        Button btn = new Button(this);
        btn.setText("upload http AsyncTask");
        btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View view) {
                AsyncTask<String, Void, Boolean> asyncTask = new AsyncTask<String, Void, Boolean>() {

                    protected Boolean doInBackground(String... paramss) {
                        Boolean result = true;
                        Log.d(TAG, "upload AsyncTask tid=" + android.os.Process.myTid());
                        try {
                            Log.d(TAG, "fng=" + Build.FINGERPRINT);
                            final List<NameValuePair> list = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(16);
                            list.add(new BasicNameValuePair("fng", Build.FINGERPRINT));

                            HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(paramss[0]);
                            //httpPost.getParams().setParameter( CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, new Integer(5*1000) );
                            httpPost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(list, HTTP.UTF_8));
                            DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
                            Log.d(TAG, "socket.timeout=" + httpClient.getParams()
                                    .getIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, -1));
                            Log.d(TAG, "connection.timeout=" + httpClient.getParams()
                                    .getIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, -1));
                                    new Integer(5 * 1000));
                                    new Integer(5 * 1000));
                            Log.d(TAG, "socket.timeout=" + httpClient.getParams()
                                    .getIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, -1));
                            Log.d(TAG, "connection.timeout=" + httpClient.getParams()
                                    .getIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, -1));
                            // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
                            // got android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException, run at UI Main Thread
                            HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
                            Log.d(TAG, "response=" + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            Log.d(TAG, "got Exception. msg=" + e.getMessage(), e);
                            result = false;
                        Log.d(TAG, "upload finish");
                        return result;



        Button btn = new Button(this);
        btn.setText("pre DNS query(");
        btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View view) {
                isReachable = false;
                Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        try {
                            destHost = InetAddress.getByName("");
                            if (null != destHost) {
                                try {
                                    if (destHost.isReachable(5 * 1000)) {
                                        Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + destHost.toString() + " reachable");
                                    } else {
                                        Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + destHost.toString() + " not reachable");
                                } catch (IOException e) {

                        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {

                        Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + destHost);
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        Button btn = new Button(this);
        btn.setText("pre DNS query(www.google.com)");
        btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View view) {
                isReachable = false;
                Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        try {
                            InetAddress dest = InetAddress.getByName("www.google.com");
                            if (null == dest) {
                                dest = destHost;
                            if (null != dest) {
                                try {
                                    if (dest.isReachable(5 * 1000)) {
                                        Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + dest.toString() + " reachable");
                                        isReachable = true;
                                    } else {
                                        Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + dest.toString() + " not reachable");
                                    destHost = dest;
                                } catch (IOException e) {

                            } else {
                        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                            Log.d(TAG, "dns error" + e.toString());
                            destHost = null;
                            if (null != destHost) {
                                Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + destHost);
                try {
                        final String addr = (null == destHost) ? ("") : (destHost.toString());
                        final String reachable = (isReachable) ? ("reachable") : ("not reachable");
                        Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, "DNS result=\n" + addr + "\n " + reachable,
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {


        Button btn = new Button(this);
        btn.setText("pre DNS query(kkkon.sakura.ne.jp)");
        btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View view) {
                isReachable = false;
                Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        try {
                            InetAddress dest = InetAddress.getByName("kkkon.sakura.ne.jp");
                            if (null == dest) {
                                dest = destHost;
                            if (null != dest) {
                                try {
                                    if (dest.isReachable(5 * 1000)) {
                                        Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + dest.toString() + " reachable");
                                        isReachable = true;
                                    } else {
                                        Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + dest.toString() + " not reachable");
                                    destHost = dest;
                                } catch (IOException e) {

                            } else {
                        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                            Log.d(TAG, "dns error" + e.toString());
                            destHost = null;
                            if (null != destHost) {
                                Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + destHost);
                try {
                        final String addr = (null == destHost) ? ("") : (destHost.toString());
                        final String reachable = (isReachable) ? ("reachable") : ("not reachable");
                        Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, "DNS result=\n" + addr + "\n " + reachable,
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {



From source file:com.appbackr.android.tracker.Tracker.java

  * Generates a unique ID for the device.
  * //from  w  ww . j ava 2 s  .c  o  m
  * This function obtain the Unique ID from the phone. The Unique ID consist of
  *    Build.BOARD + Build.BRAND + Build.CPU_ABI
  *    + Build.DEVICE + Build.DISPLAY + Build.FINGERPRINT + Build.HOST
  *    + Build.ID + Build.MANUFACTURER + Build.MODEL + Build.PRODUCT
  *    + Build.TAGS + Build.TYPE + Build.USER;
  *    + IMEI (GSM) or MEID/ESN (CDMA)
  *    + Android-assigned id
  * The Android ID may be changed everytime the user perform Factory Reset
  * I heard that IMEI values might not be unique because phone factory
  * might reuse IMEI values to cut cost.
  * While the ID might be different from the same device, but resetting of the
  * Android phone should not occur that often. The values should be close 
  * enough.
  * @param c android application contact 
  * @return unique ID as md5 hash generated of available parameters from device and cell phone service provider
 private static String getUDID(Context c) {

     // Get some of the hardware information
     String buildParams = Build.BOARD + Build.BRAND + Build.CPU_ABI + Build.DEVICE + Build.DISPLAY
             + Build.FINGERPRINT + Build.HOST + Build.ID + Build.MANUFACTURER + Build.MODEL + Build.PRODUCT
             + Build.TAGS + Build.TYPE + Build.USER;

     // Requires READ_PHONE_STATE
     TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) c.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);

     // gets the imei (GSM) or MEID/ESN (CDMA)
     String imei = tm.getDeviceId();

     // gets the android-assigned id
     String androidId = Secure.getString(c.getContentResolver(), Secure.ANDROID_ID);

     // concatenate the string
     String fullHash = buildParams.toString() + imei + androidId;

     return md5(fullHash);

From source file:de.uni_weimar.mheinz.androidtouchscope.TouchScopeActivity.java

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(R.id.scope_toolbar);
    setSupportActionBar(toolbar);/*from   w ww . j a va 2 s .  c o m*/

    mDrawerLayout = (DrawerLayout) findViewById(R.id.drawer_layout);
    //     assert mDrawerLayout != null;
    //     mDrawerLayout.setScrimColor(Color.TRANSPARENT);

    ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();
    if (actionBar != null) {


    // disables touch-to-open
    assert toolbar != null;
    toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

    mLeftDrawer = (NavigationView) findViewById(R.id.left_drawer);
    assert mLeftDrawer != null;

    mRightMenu = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.right_menu);

    mHostView = (HostView) findViewById(R.id.hostView);
    mHostView.setOnDoCommand(new OnDataChangedInterface.OnDataChanged() {
        public void doCommand(ScopeInterface.Command command, int channel, Object specialData) {
            if (mActiveScope != null) {
                mActiveScope.doCommand(command, channel, true, specialData);

    mScopeView = (ScopeView) findViewById(R.id.scopeView);
    mMeasurementView = mHostView.getMeasureView();

    mLearningView = (LearningView) findViewById(R.id.learningView);

    ToggleButton runStopButton = (ToggleButton) findViewById(R.id.buttonRunStop);
    assert runStopButton != null;

    // test if it is emulator

From source file:at.jclehner.appopsxposed.BugReportBuilder.java

private void collectDeviceInfo(StringBuilder sb) {
    sb.append("\n------------------- DEVICE INFO -------------------");
    sb.append("\nAndroid version: " + Build.VERSION.RELEASE + " (" + Build.VERSION.SDK_INT + ")");
    sb.append("\nFingerprint    : " + Build.FINGERPRINT);
    sb.append("\nDevice name    : " + Build.MANUFACTURER + " " + Build.MODEL + " (" + Build.PRODUCT + "/"
            + Build.HARDWARE + ")");
    sb.append("\nAppOpsManager  : ");

    try {//from  w  w  w  .j  a va 2s  .  c o  m
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

From source file:jp.ne.sakura.kkkon.java.net.inetaddress.testapp.android.NetworkConnectionCheckerTestApp.java

/** Called when the activity is first created. */
@Override/*from  www  . java  2s .  co  m*/
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    final Context context = this.getApplicationContext();



    /* Create a TextView and set its content.
     * the text is retrieved by calling a native
     * function.
    LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(this);

    TextView tv = new TextView(this);
    this.textView = tv;

    Button btn1 = new Button(this);
    btn1.setText("invoke Exception");
    btn1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View view) {
            final int count = 2;
            int[] array = new int[count];
            int value = array[count]; // invoke IndexOutOfBOundsException

        Button btn = new Button(this);
        btn.setText("disp isReachable");
        btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View view) {
                final boolean isReachable = NetworkConnectionChecker.isReachable();
                Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, "IsReachable=" + isReachable, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);

        Button btn = new Button(this);
        btn.setText("upload http AsyncTask");
        btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View view) {
                AsyncTask<String, Void, Boolean> asyncTask = new AsyncTask<String, Void, Boolean>() {

                    protected Boolean doInBackground(String... paramss) {
                        Boolean result = true;
                        Log.d(TAG, "upload AsyncTask tid=" + android.os.Process.myTid());
                        try {
                            Log.d(TAG, "fng=" + Build.FINGERPRINT);
                            final List<NameValuePair> list = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(16);
                            list.add(new BasicNameValuePair("fng", Build.FINGERPRINT));

                            HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(paramss[0]);
                            //httpPost.getParams().setParameter( CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, new Integer(5*1000) );
                            httpPost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(list, HTTP.UTF_8));
                            DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
                            Log.d(TAG, "socket.timeout=" + httpClient.getParams()
                                    .getIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, -1));
                            Log.d(TAG, "connection.timeout=" + httpClient.getParams()
                                    .getIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, -1));
                                    new Integer(5 * 1000));
                                    new Integer(5 * 1000));
                            Log.d(TAG, "socket.timeout=" + httpClient.getParams()
                                    .getIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, -1));
                            Log.d(TAG, "connection.timeout=" + httpClient.getParams()
                                    .getIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, -1));
                            // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
                            // got android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException, run at UI Main Thread
                            HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
                            Log.d(TAG, "response=" + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            Log.d(TAG, "got Exception. msg=" + e.getMessage(), e);
                            result = false;
                        Log.d(TAG, "upload finish");
                        return result;



        Button btn = new Button(this);
        btn.setText("pre DNS query(");
        btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View view) {
                isReachable = false;
                Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        try {
                            destHost = InetAddress.getByName("");
                            if (null != destHost) {
                                try {
                                    if (destHost.isReachable(5 * 1000)) {
                                        Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + destHost.toString() + " reachable");
                                    } else {
                                        Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + destHost.toString() + " not reachable");
                                } catch (IOException e) {

                        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {

                        Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + destHost);
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        Button btn = new Button(this);
        btn.setText("pre DNS query(www.google.com)");
        btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View view) {
                isReachable = false;
                Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        Log.d(TAG, "start");
                        try {
                            InetAddress dest = InetAddress.getByName("www.google.com");
                            if (null == dest) {
                                dest = destHost;

                            if (null != dest) {
                                final String[] uris = new String[] { "http://www.google.com/",
                                        "https://www.google.com/" };
                                for (final String destURI : uris) {
                                    URI uri = null;
                                    try {
                                        uri = new URI(destURI);
                                    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                                        //Log.d( TAG, e.toString() );

                                    if (null != uri) {
                                        URL url = null;
                                        try {
                                            url = uri.toURL();
                                        } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
                                            Log.d(TAG, "got exception:" + ex.toString(), ex);

                                        URLConnection conn = null;
                                        if (null != url) {
                                            Log.d(TAG, "openConnection before");
                                            try {
                                                conn = url.openConnection();
                                                if (null != conn) {
                                                    conn.setConnectTimeout(3 * 1000);
                                                    conn.setReadTimeout(3 * 1000);
                                            } catch (IOException e) {
                                                //Log.d( TAG, "got Exception" + e.toString(), e );
                                            Log.d(TAG, "openConnection after");
                                            if (conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) {
                                                HttpURLConnection httpConn = (HttpURLConnection) conn;
                                                int responceCode = -1;
                                                try {
                                                    Log.d(TAG, "getResponceCode before");
                                                    responceCode = httpConn.getResponseCode();
                                                    Log.d(TAG, "getResponceCode after");
                                                } catch (IOException ex) {
                                                    Log.d(TAG, "got exception:" + ex.toString(), ex);
                                                Log.d(TAG, "responceCode=" + responceCode);
                                                if (0 < responceCode) {
                                                    isReachable = true;
                                                    destHost = dest;
                                                        " HTTP ContentLength=" + httpConn.getContentLength());
                                                        " HTTP ContentLength=" + httpConn.getContentLength());
                                    } // if uri

                                    if (isReachable) {
                                } // for uris
                            } else {
                        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                            Log.d(TAG, "dns error" + e.toString());
                            destHost = null;
                            if (null != destHost) {
                                Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + destHost);
                        Log.d(TAG, "end");
                try {
                        final String addr = (null == destHost) ? ("") : (destHost.toString());
                        final String reachable = (isReachable) ? ("reachable") : ("not reachable");
                        Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, "DNS result=\n" + addr + "\n " + reachable,
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {


        Button btn = new Button(this);
        btn.setText("pre DNS query(kkkon.sakura.ne.jp)");
        btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View view) {
                isReachable = false;
                Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        Log.d(TAG, "start");
                        try {
                            InetAddress dest = InetAddress.getByName("kkkon.sakura.ne.jp");
                            if (null == dest) {
                                dest = destHost;
                            if (null != dest) {
                                try {
                                    if (dest.isReachable(5 * 1000)) {
                                        Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + dest.toString() + " reachable");
                                        isReachable = true;
                                    } else {
                                        Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + dest.toString() + " not reachable");
                                    destHost = dest;
                                } catch (IOException e) {

                            } else {
                        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                            Log.d(TAG, "dns error" + e.toString());
                            destHost = null;
                            if (null != destHost) {
                                Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + destHost);
                        Log.d(TAG, "end");
                try {
                        final String addr = (null == destHost) ? ("") : (destHost.toString());
                        final String reachable = (isReachable) ? ("reachable") : ("not reachable");
                        Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, "DNS result=\n" + addr + "\n " + reachable,
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {


        Button btn = new Button(this);
        btn.setText("pre DNS query(kkkon.sakura.ne.jp) support proxy");
        btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View view) {
                isReachable = false;
                Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        try {
                            String target = null;
                                ProxySelector proxySelector = ProxySelector.getDefault();
                                Log.d(TAG, "proxySelector=" + proxySelector);
                                if (null != proxySelector) {
                                    URI uri = null;
                                    try {
                                        uri = new URI("http://www.google.com/");
                                    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                                        Log.d(TAG, e.toString());
                                    List<Proxy> proxies = proxySelector.select(uri);
                                    if (null != proxies) {
                                        for (final Proxy proxy : proxies) {
                                            Log.d(TAG, " proxy=" + proxy);
                                            if (null != proxy) {
                                                if (Proxy.Type.HTTP == proxy.type()) {
                                                    final SocketAddress sa = proxy.address();
                                                    if (sa instanceof InetSocketAddress) {
                                                        final InetSocketAddress isa = (InetSocketAddress) sa;
                                                        target = isa.getHostName();
                            if (null == target) {
                                target = "kkkon.sakura.ne.jp";
                            InetAddress dest = InetAddress.getByName(target);
                            if (null == dest) {
                                dest = destHost;
                            if (null != dest) {
                                try {
                                    if (dest.isReachable(5 * 1000)) {
                                        Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + dest.toString() + " reachable");
                                        isReachable = true;
                                    } else {
                                        Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + dest.toString() + " not reachable");
                                            ProxySelector proxySelector = ProxySelector.getDefault();
                                            //Log.d( TAG, "proxySelector=" + proxySelector );
                                            if (null != proxySelector) {
                                                URI uri = null;
                                                try {
                                                    uri = new URI("http://www.google.com/");
                                                } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                                                    //Log.d( TAG, e.toString() );

                                                if (null != uri) {
                                                    List<Proxy> proxies = proxySelector.select(uri);
                                                    if (null != proxies) {
                                                        for (final Proxy proxy : proxies) {
                                                            //Log.d( TAG, " proxy=" + proxy );
                                                            if (null != proxy) {
                                                                if (Proxy.Type.HTTP == proxy.type()) {
                                                                    URL url = uri.toURL();
                                                                    URLConnection conn = null;
                                                                    if (null != url) {
                                                                        try {
                                                                            conn = url.openConnection(proxy);
                                                                            if (null != conn) {
                                                                                        3 * 1000);
                                                                                conn.setReadTimeout(3 * 1000);
                                                                        } catch (IOException e) {
                                                                            Log.d(TAG, "got Exception"
                                                                                    + e.toString(), e);
                                                                        if (conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) {
                                                                            HttpURLConnection httpConn = (HttpURLConnection) conn;
                                                                            if (0 < httpConn
                                                                                    .getResponseCode()) {
                                                                                isReachable = true;
                                                                            Log.d(TAG, " HTTP ContentLength="
                                                                                    + httpConn
                                                                            Log.d(TAG, " HTTP res=" + httpConn
                                                                            //httpConn.setInstanceFollowRedirects( false );
                                                                            //httpConn.setRequestMethod( "HEAD" );
                                                                            Log.d(TAG, " HTTP ContentLength="
                                                                                    + httpConn
                                                                            Log.d(TAG, " HTTP res=" + httpConn

                                    destHost = dest;
                                } catch (IOException e) {
                                    Log.d(TAG, "got Excpetion " + e.toString());
                            } else {
                        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                            Log.d(TAG, "dns error" + e.toString());
                            destHost = null;
                            if (null != destHost) {
                                Log.d(TAG, "destHost=" + destHost);
                try {
                        final String addr = (null == destHost) ? ("") : (destHost.toString());
                        final String reachable = (isReachable) ? ("reachable") : ("not reachable");
                        Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, "DNS result=\n" + addr + "\n " + reachable,
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {



From source file:com.silentcircle.silenttext.util.DeviceUtils.java

public static JSONObject getDebugInformationJSON(Context context) {

    try {/* w ww .  j av a  2  s.com*/

        JSONObject json = new JSONObject();

        json.put("timestamp", JSONUtils.getDate(System.currentTimeMillis()));

        JSONObject android = new JSONObject();

        android.put("version", Build.VERSION.RELEASE);
        android.put("api", Build.VERSION.SDK_INT);
        android.put("build", Build.FINGERPRINT);

        json.put("android", android);

        JSONObject application = new JSONObject();

        try {

            PackageInfo pinfo = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0);

            application.put("version_name", pinfo.versionName);
            application.put("version_code", pinfo.versionCode);
            setInstallAndUpdateTimes(pinfo, application);

        } catch (NameNotFoundException impossible) {
            throw new RuntimeException(impossible);

        json.put("application", application);

        JSONObject device = new JSONObject();

        Configuration resourceConfiguration = context.getResources().getConfiguration();

        device.put("locale", resourceConfiguration.locale);
                resourceConfiguration.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE ? "landscape"
                        : "portrait");
        device.put("density", getScreenDensity(resourceConfiguration));
        device.put("screen", getScreenDimensions(resourceConfiguration));

        device.put("manufacturer", Build.MANUFACTURER);
        device.put("model", Build.MODEL);

        JSONObject encryption = new JSONObject();

        encryption.put("supported", isFullDiskEncryptionSupported(context));
        encryption.put("enabled", isEncrypted(context));

        device.put("encryption", encryption);

        json.put("device", device);

        JSONObject build = new JSONObject();

        build.put("date", context.getString(R.string.build_date));
        build.put("version", context.getString(R.string.build_version));
        build.put("commit", context.getString(R.string.build_commit));

        json.put("build", build);

        JSONObject connection = new JSONObject();

        SilentTextApplication global = SilentTextApplication.from(context);

        XMPPTransport client = global.getXMPPTransport();

        JSONObject xmpp = new JSONObject();

        xmpp.put("status", global.getXMPPTransportConnectionStatus());

        if (client != null) {

            boolean online = client.isConnected();

            xmpp.put("online", online);

            if (online) {
                xmpp.put("host", client.getServerHost());
                xmpp.put("port", client.getServerPort());


        connection.put("xmpp", xmpp);

        json.put("connection", connection);

        ServiceConfiguration serviceConfig = ServiceConfiguration.getInstance();

        JSONObject services = new JSONObject();

        services.put("debug", serviceConfig.debug);
        services.put("experimental", serviceConfig.experimental);
        services.put("logging_enabled", serviceConfig.loggingEnabled);
        services.put("environment", serviceConfig.environment);
        services.put("dns.use_custom_server", serviceConfig.useCustomDNS);
        if (serviceConfig.useCustomDNS) {
            services.put("dns.custom_server", serviceConfig.customDNS);
        services.put("validate_certificates", serviceConfig.shouldValidateCertificates);
        services.put("api.override", serviceConfig.api.override);
        services.put("api.perform_srv_lookup", serviceConfig.api.performSRVLookup);
        services.put("api.host", serviceConfig.api.host);
        services.put("api.port", serviceConfig.api.port);
        services.put("api.service_name", serviceConfig.api.serviceName);
        services.put("feature.check_user_availability", serviceConfig.features.checkUserAvailability);
        services.put("feature.generate_default_avatars", serviceConfig.features.generateDefaultAvatars);
        services.put("gcm.sender_id", serviceConfig.gcm.senderID);
        services.put("gcm.target", serviceConfig.gcm.target);
        services.put("scimp.enable_pki", serviceConfig.scimp.enablePKI);
        services.put("scloud.url", serviceConfig.scloud.url);
        services.put("xmpp.override", serviceConfig.xmpp.override);
        services.put("xmpp.perform_srv_lookup", serviceConfig.xmpp.performSRVLookup);
        services.put("xmpp.host", serviceConfig.xmpp.host);
        services.put("xmpp.port", serviceConfig.xmpp.port);
        services.put("xmpp.service_name", serviceConfig.xmpp.serviceName);
        services.put("xmpp.background", serviceConfig.xmpp.background);
        services.put("passcode_set", !OptionsDrawer.isEmptyPasscode(context));
        services.put("silent_contacts_v1", SilentContactRepositoryV1.supports(context));
        services.put("silent_contacts_v2", SilentContactRepositoryV2.supports(context));
        services.put("silent_phone", SilentPhone.supports(context));

        json.put("configuration", services);

        return json;

    } catch (JSONException impossible) {
        throw new RuntimeException(impossible);


From source file:com.framgia.android.emulator.EmulatorDetector.java

private boolean checkBasic() {
    boolean result = Build.FINGERPRINT.startsWith("generic") || Build.MODEL.contains("google_sdk")
            || Build.MODEL.toLowerCase().contains("droid4x") || Build.MODEL.contains("Emulator")
            || Build.MODEL.contains("Android SDK built for x86") || Build.MANUFACTURER.contains("Genymotion")
            || Build.HARDWARE.equals("goldfish") || Build.HARDWARE.equals("vbox86")
            || Build.PRODUCT.equals("sdk") || Build.PRODUCT.equals("google_sdk")
            || Build.PRODUCT.equals("sdk_x86") || Build.PRODUCT.equals("vbox86p")
            || Build.BOARD.toLowerCase().contains("nox") || Build.BOOTLOADER.toLowerCase().contains("nox")
            || Build.HARDWARE.toLowerCase().contains("nox") || Build.PRODUCT.toLowerCase().contains("nox")
            || Build.SERIAL.toLowerCase().contains("nox");

    if (result)/*  w  w w. j ava 2  s  .c  om*/
        return true;
    result |= Build.BRAND.startsWith("generic") && Build.DEVICE.startsWith("generic");
    if (result)
        return true;
    result |= "google_sdk".equals(Build.PRODUCT);
    return result;