List of usage examples for android.os Build BRAND
String BRAND
To view the source code for android.os Build BRAND.
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public static void sendLogcat(final Uri uri, final Context context) { AsyncTask task = new AsyncTask<Object, Object, Intent>() { @Override//from w w w .j av a 2s . co m protected Intent doInBackground(Object... objects) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(context.getString(R.string.msg_issue)); sb.append("\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"); // Get version info String version = getSelfVersionName(context); sb.append(String.format("NetGuard: %s/%d\r\n", version, getSelfVersionCode(context))); sb.append(String.format("Android: %s (SDK %d)\r\n", Build.VERSION.RELEASE, Build.VERSION.SDK_INT)); sb.append("\r\n"); // Get device info sb.append(String.format("Brand: %s\r\n", Build.BRAND)); sb.append(String.format("Manufacturer: %s\r\n", Build.MANUFACTURER)); sb.append(String.format("Model: %s\r\n", Build.MODEL)); sb.append(String.format("Product: %s\r\n", Build.PRODUCT)); sb.append(String.format("Device: %s\r\n", Build.DEVICE)); sb.append(String.format("Host: %s\r\n", Build.HOST)); sb.append(String.format("Display: %s\r\n", Build.DISPLAY)); sb.append(String.format("Id: %s\r\n", Build.ID)); sb.append(String.format("Fingerprint: %B\r\n", hasValidFingerprint(context))); String abi; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) abi = Build.CPU_ABI; else abi = (Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS.length > 0 ? Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS[0] : "?"); sb.append(String.format("ABI: %s\r\n", abi)); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append(String.format("VPN dialogs: %B\r\n", isPackageInstalled("", context))); try { sb.append(String.format("Prepared: %B\r\n", VpnService.prepare(context) == null)); } catch (Throwable ex) { sb.append("Prepared: ").append((ex.toString())).append("\r\n") .append(Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); } sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append(getGeneralInfo(context)); sb.append("\r\n\r\n"); sb.append(getNetworkInfo(context)); sb.append("\r\n\r\n"); // Get DNS sb.append("DNS system:\r\n"); for (String dns : getDefaultDNS(context)) sb.append("- ").append(dns).append("\r\n"); sb.append("DNS VPN:\r\n"); for (InetAddress dns : ServiceSinkhole.getDns(context)) sb.append("- ").append(dns).append("\r\n"); sb.append("\r\n"); // Get TCP connection info String line; BufferedReader in; try { sb.append("/proc/net/tcp:\r\n"); in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("/proc/net/tcp")); while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) sb.append(line).append("\r\n"); in.close(); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append("/proc/net/tcp6:\r\n"); in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("/proc/net/tcp6")); while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) sb.append(line).append("\r\n"); in.close(); sb.append("\r\n"); } catch (IOException ex) { sb.append(ex.toString()).append("\r\n"); } // Get settings SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); Map<String, ?> all = prefs.getAll(); for (String key : all.keySet()) sb.append("Setting: ").append(key).append('=').append(all.get(key)).append("\r\n"); sb.append("\r\n"); // Write logcat OutputStream out = null; try { Log.i(TAG, "Writing logcat URI=" + uri); out = context.getContentResolver().openOutputStream(uri); out.write(getLogcat().toString().getBytes()); out.write(getTrafficLog(context).toString().getBytes()); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); sb.append(ex.toString()).append("\r\n").append(Log.getStackTraceString(ex)).append("\r\n"); } finally { if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } // Build intent Intent sendEmail = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); sendEmail.setType("message/rfc822"); sendEmail.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[] { "" }); sendEmail.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "NetGuard " + version + " logcat"); sendEmail.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, sb.toString()); sendEmail.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri); return sendEmail; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Intent sendEmail) { if (sendEmail != null) try { context.startActivity(sendEmail); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); } } }; task.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR); }
From source
public static void sendLogcat(final Uri uri, final Context context) { AsyncTask task = new AsyncTask<Object, Object, Intent>() { @Override/*w w w . j av a 2s. co m*/ protected Intent doInBackground(Object... objects) { // Get device info StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String version = getSelfVersionName(context); sb.append(String.format("adblocker: %s/%d\r\n", version, getSelfVersionCode(context))); sb.append(String.format("Android: %s (SDK %d)\r\n", Build.VERSION.RELEASE, Build.VERSION.SDK_INT)); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append(String.format("Brand: %s\r\n", Build.BRAND)); sb.append(String.format("Manufacturer: %s\r\n", Build.MANUFACTURER)); sb.append(String.format("Model: %s\r\n", Build.MODEL)); sb.append(String.format("Product: %s\r\n", Build.PRODUCT)); sb.append(String.format("Device: %s\r\n", Build.DEVICE)); sb.append(String.format("Host: %s\r\n", Build.HOST)); sb.append(String.format("Display: %s\r\n", Build.DISPLAY)); sb.append(String.format("Id: %s\r\n", Build.ID)); sb.append(String.format("Fingerprint: %B\r\n", hasValidFingerprint(context))); String abi; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) abi = Build.CPU_ABI; else abi = (Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS.length > 0 ? Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS[0] : "?"); sb.append(String.format("ABI: %s\r\n", abi)); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append(String.format("VPN dialogs: %B\r\n", isPackageInstalled("", context))); try { sb.append(String.format("Prepared: %B\r\n", VpnService.prepare(context) == null)); } catch (Throwable ex) { sb.append("Prepared: ").append((ex.toString())).append("\r\n") .append(Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); } sb.append(String.format("Permission: %B\r\n", hasPhoneStatePermission(context))); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append(getGeneralInfo(context)); sb.append("\r\n\r\n"); sb.append(getNetworkInfo(context)); sb.append("\r\n\r\n"); sb.append(getSubscriptionInfo(context)); sb.append("\r\n\r\n"); // Get settings SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); Map<String, ?> all = prefs.getAll(); for (String key : all.keySet()) sb.append("Setting: ").append(key).append('=').append(all.get(key)).append("\r\n"); sb.append("\r\n"); // Finalize message sb.append("Please describe your problem:\r\n"); sb.append("\r\n"); // Write logcat OutputStream out = null; try { Log.i(TAG, "Writing logcat URI=" + uri); out = context.getContentResolver().openOutputStream(uri); out.write(getLogcat().toString().getBytes()); out.write(getTrafficLog(context).toString().getBytes()); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); sb.append(ex.toString()).append("\r\n").append(Log.getStackTraceString(ex)).append("\r\n"); } finally { if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } // Build intent Intent sendEmail = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); sendEmail.setType("message/rfc822"); sendEmail.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[] { "" }); sendEmail.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "NetGuard " + version + " logcat"); sendEmail.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, sb.toString()); sendEmail.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri); return sendEmail; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Intent sendEmail) { if (sendEmail != null) try { context.startActivity(sendEmail); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); } } }; task.execute(); }
From source
/** * ? ? ? //from ww w. j a v a2 s. c o m * * @param h * @param str */ public void SendMail(Handler h, String str, String fc_str, String bc_video, String fc_video) { // final FotoBot fb = (FotoBot) getApplicationContext(); Mail m = new Mail(getApplicationContext(), EMail_Sender, EMail_Sender_Password, SMTP_Host, SMTP_Port); String[] toArr = { EMail_Recepient }; String s = "Debug-infos:"; s += "\n OS Version: " + System.getProperty("os.version") + "(" + android.os.Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL + ")"; s += "\n OS API Level: " + android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; s += "\n Device: " + android.os.Build.DEVICE; s += "\n Model (and Product): " + android.os.Build.MODEL + " (" + android.os.Build.PRODUCT + ")"; s += "\n RELEASE: " + android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE; s += "\n BRAND: " + android.os.Build.BRAND; s += "\n DISPLAY: " + android.os.Build.DISPLAY; s += "\n CPU_ABI: " + android.os.Build.CPU_ABI; s += "\n CPU_ABI2: " + android.os.Build.CPU_ABI2; s += "\n UNKNOWN: " + android.os.Build.UNKNOWN; s += "\n HARDWARE: " + android.os.Build.HARDWARE; s += "\n Build ID: " + android.os.Build.ID; s += "\n MANUFACTURER: " + android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER; s += "\n SERIAL: " + android.os.Build.SERIAL; s += "\n USER: " + android.os.Build.USER; s += "\n HOST: " + android.os.Build.HOST; m.setTo(toArr); m.setFrom(EMail_Sender); m.setSubject("Fotobot v" + versionName + " " + Camera_Name); String email_body = ""; email_body = "Fotobot v" + versionName + "\n" + "---------------------------------------------\n" + "Camera Name" + ": " + Camera_Name + "\n" + getResources().getString(R.string.battery_charge) + ": " + battery_level + "%" + "\n" + getResources().getString(R.string.battery_temperature) + ": " + battery_temperature + "C" + "\n"; if (Attached_Info_Detailisation.equals("Normal") || Attached_Info_Detailisation.equals("Detailed")) { email_body = email_body + getResources().getString(R.string.gsm) + ": " + GSM_Signal + "ASU " + (2.0 * GSM_Signal - 113) + "dBm" + "\n" + "-50 -82 dbm - very good" + "\n" + "-83 -86 dbm - good" + "\n" + "-87 -91 dbm - normal" + "\n" + "-92 -95 dbm - bad" + "\n" + "-96 -100 dbm - almost no signal" + "\n" + "---------------------------------------------\n" + "Image Index:" + Image_Index + "\n" + "---------------------------------------------\n" + getResources().getString(R.string.phone_memory) + ":" + "\n" + "totalMemory: " + totalMemory + "\n" + "usedMemory: " + usedMemory + "\n" + "freeMemory: " + freeMemory + "\n" + "---------------------------------------------\n" + getResources().getString(R.string.email_sending_time) + ": " + email_sending_time + "\n" + "---------------------------------------------\n" + getResources().getString(R.string.Fotobot_settings) + ":\n" + "Network_Channel: " + Network_Channel + "\n" + "Network_Connection_Method: " + Network_Connection_Method + "\n" + "Use_Flash: " + Use_Flash + "\n" + "JPEG_Compression: " + JPEG_Compression + "\n" + "Photo_Frequency: " + Photo_Frequency + "\n" + "process_delay: " + process_delay + "\n" + "Image_Scale: " + Image_Scale + "\n" + "Image_Size: " + Image_Size + "\n" + "EMail_Sender: " + EMail_Sender + "\n" + "EMail_Sender_Password: *********" + "\n" + "EMail_Recepient: " + EMail_Recepient + "\n" + "Log_Font_Size: " + Log_Font_Size + "\n" + "Config_Font_Size: " + Config_Font_Size + "\n" + "Photo_Post_Processing_Method: " + Photo_Post_Processing_Method + "\n" + "SMTP_Host: " + SMTP_Host + "\n" + "SMTP_Port: " + SMTP_Port + "\n" + "Log length: " + loglength + "\n" + "FLog length: " + floglength + "\n" + "wake_up_interval: " + wake_up_interval + "\n" + "---------------------------------------------\n" + getResources().getString(R.string.hardware_info) + ":\n" + "Android: " + Build.VERSION.SDK_INT + "\n" + s + "\n" + "---------------------------------------------\n" + "Available SMS commands: " + "\n" + sms_commands_list() + "\n"; ; if (Attached_Info_Detailisation.equals("Detailed")) { email_body = email_body + "\n\n\nActive tasks:\n" + Top + "\n\n\nBack Camera Properties:\n" + Camera_Properties + "\n\n\nFront Camera Properties:\n" + fc_Camera_Properties; } } m.setBody(email_body); File attach_file; if (make_photo_bc && bc_image_attach) { attach_file = new File(str); boolean fileExists = attach_file.isFile(); if (fileExists) { } else { SendMessage("ERROR: image doesn't exist for attaching to email.", MSG_FAIL); } } if (make_video_bc && bc_video_attach) { attach_file = new File(bc_video); boolean fileExists = attach_file.isFile(); if (fileExists) { } else { SendMessage("ERROR: video " + bc_video + " doesn't exist for attaching to email.", MSG_FAIL); } } if (front_camera && make_photo_fc && fc_image_attach) { attach_file = new File(fc_str); boolean fc_fileExists = attach_file.isFile(); if (front_camera && fc_fileExists && make_photo_fc) { } else { SendMessage("ERROR: front camera image doesn't exist for attaching to email.", MSG_FAIL); } } if (front_camera && make_video_fc && fc_video_attach) { attach_file = new File(fc_video); boolean fc_fileExists = attach_file.isFile(); if (front_camera && fc_fileExists && make_photo_fc) { } else { SendMessage("ERROR: video " + fc_video + " doesn't exist for attaching to email.", MSG_FAIL); } } if (attach_log) { attach_file = new File((work_dir + "/logfile.txt")); boolean fileExists = attach_file.isFile(); if (fileExists) { } else { SendMessage("ERROR: log doesn't exist for attaching to email.", MSG_FAIL); } } try { if (make_photo_bc && bc_image_attach) { m.addAttachment(str); } if (front_camera && make_photo_fc && fc_image_attach) { m.addAttachment(fc_str); } if (make_video_bc && bc_image_attach) { m.addAttachment(bc_video); } if (front_camera && make_video_fc && fc_image_attach) { m.addAttachment(fc_video); } if (attach_log) { m.addAttachment(work_dir + "/logfile.txt"); } fbpause(h, process_delay); if (m.send()) { SendMessage(getResources().getString(R.string.foto_sent), MSG_PASS); SaveSettings(); } else { SendMessage("ERROR: ? ", MSG_FAIL); } } catch (Exception e) { SendMessage("Could not send email", MSG_FAIL); Log.e("MailApp", "Could not send email", e); } }
From source
public static void sendLogcat(final Uri uri, final Context context) { AsyncTask task = new AsyncTask<Object, Object, Intent>() { @Override/* w w w .ja v a 2s. c o m*/ protected Intent doInBackground(Object... objects) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(context.getString(R.string.msg_issue)); sb.append("\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"); // Get version info String version = getSelfVersionName(context); sb.append(String.format("FilterEagle: %s/%d\r\n", version, getSelfVersionCode(context))); sb.append(String.format("Android: %s (SDK %d)\r\n", Build.VERSION.RELEASE, Build.VERSION.SDK_INT)); sb.append("\r\n"); // Get device info sb.append(String.format("Brand: %s\r\n", Build.BRAND)); sb.append(String.format("Manufacturer: %s\r\n", Build.MANUFACTURER)); sb.append(String.format("Model: %s\r\n", Build.MODEL)); sb.append(String.format("Product: %s\r\n", Build.PRODUCT)); sb.append(String.format("Device: %s\r\n", Build.DEVICE)); sb.append(String.format("Host: %s\r\n", Build.HOST)); sb.append(String.format("Display: %s\r\n", Build.DISPLAY)); sb.append(String.format("Id: %s\r\n", Build.ID)); sb.append(String.format("Fingerprint: %B\r\n", hasValidFingerprint(context))); String abi; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) abi = Build.CPU_ABI; else abi = (Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS.length > 0 ? Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS[0] : "?"); sb.append(String.format("ABI: %s\r\n", abi)); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append(String.format("VPN dialogs: %B\r\n", isPackageInstalled("", context))); try { sb.append(String.format("Prepared: %B\r\n", VpnService.prepare(context) == null)); } catch (Throwable ex) { sb.append("Prepared: ").append((ex.toString())).append("\r\n") .append(Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); } sb.append(String.format("Permission: %B\r\n", hasPhoneStatePermission(context))); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append(getGeneralInfo(context)); sb.append("\r\n\r\n"); sb.append(getNetworkInfo(context)); sb.append("\r\n\r\n"); sb.append(getSubscriptionInfo(context)); sb.append("\r\n\r\n"); // Get settings SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); Map<String, ?> all = prefs.getAll(); for (String key : all.keySet()) sb.append("Setting: ").append(key).append('=').append(all.get(key)).append("\r\n"); sb.append("\r\n"); // Write logcat OutputStream out = null; try { Log.i(TAG, "Writing logcat URI=" + uri); out = context.getContentResolver().openOutputStream(uri); out.write(getLogcat().toString().getBytes()); out.write(getTrafficLog(context).toString().getBytes()); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); sb.append(ex.toString()).append("\r\n").append(Log.getStackTraceString(ex)).append("\r\n"); } finally { if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } // Build intent Intent sendEmail = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); sendEmail.setType("message/rfc822"); sendEmail.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[] { "" }); sendEmail.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "FilterEagle " + version + " logcat"); sendEmail.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, sb.toString()); sendEmail.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri); return sendEmail; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Intent sendEmail) { if (sendEmail != null) try { context.startActivity(sendEmail); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); } } }; task.execute(); }
From source
/** * Function called via JNI to determine information about the device. */// w w w. jav a2 s . c o m private static String getDeviceString() { return Build.MODEL + " - " + Build.BRAND + "/" + Build.PRODUCT + "/" + Build.MANUFACTURER; }
From source
public void report(final boolean isCancelable) { final Dialog reportDialog = mNotifyer.createDialog(R.string.commentar, R.layout.dialog_comment, false, true);//ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { /** Creates a report Email including a Comment and important device infos */ final Button bGo = (Button) reportDialog.findViewById(; bGo.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (!Common.getBooleanPref(mContext, PREF_NAME, PREF_KEY_ADS)) Toast.makeText(mContext, R.string.please_ads, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Toast.makeText(mContext, R.string.donate_to_support, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); try { ArrayList<File> files = new ArrayList<File>(); File TestResults = new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), "results.txt"); try { if (TestResults.exists()) { if (TestResults.delete()) { FileOutputStream fos = openFileOutput(TestResults.getName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE); fos.write(("Recovery-Tools:\n\n" + mShell.execCommand( "ls -lR " + PathToRecoveryTools.getAbsolutePath()) + "\nCache Tree:\n" + mShell.execCommand("ls -lR /cache") + "\n" + "\nMTD result:\n" + mShell.execCommand("cat /proc/mtd") + "\n" + "\nDevice Tree:\n\n" + mShell.execCommand("ls -lR /dev")) .getBytes()); } files.add(TestResults); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (getPackageManager() != null) { PackageInfo pInfo = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0); EditText text = (EditText) reportDialog.findViewById(; String comment = ""; if (text.getText() != null) comment = text.getText().toString(); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE); intent.setType("text/plain"); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[] { "" }); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "Recovery-Tools report"); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "Package Infos:" + "\n\nName: " + pInfo.packageName + "\nVersionName: " + pInfo.versionName + "\nVersionCode: " + pInfo.versionCode + "\n\n\nProduct Info: " + "\n\nManufacture: " + android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER + "\nDevice: " + Build.DEVICE + " (" + mDevice.getDeviceName() + ")" + "\nBoard: " + Build.BOARD + "\nBrand: " + Build.BRAND + "\nModel: " + Build.MODEL + "\nFingerprint: " + Build.FINGERPRINT + "\nAndroid SDK Level: " + Build.VERSION.CODENAME + " (" + Build.VERSION.SDK_INT + ")" + "\nRecovery Supported: " + mDevice.isRecoverySupported() + "\nRecovery Path: " + mDevice.getRecoveryPath() + "\nRecovery Version: " + mDevice.getRecoveryVersion() + "\nRecovery MTD: " + mDevice.isRecoveryMTD() + "\nRecovery DD: " + mDevice.isRecoveryDD() + "\nKernel Supported: " + mDevice.isKernelSupported() + "\nKernel Path: " + mDevice.getKernelPath() + "\nKernel Version: " + mDevice.getKernelVersion() + "\nKernel MTD: " + mDevice.isKernelMTD() + "\nKernel DD: " + mDevice.isKernelDD() + "\n\nCWM: " + mDevice.isCwmSupported() + "\nTWRP: " + mDevice.isTwrpSupported() + "\nPHILZ: " + mDevice.isPhilzSupported() + "\n\n\n===========COMMENT==========\n" + comment + "\n===========COMMENT END==========\n" + "\n===========PREFS==========\n" + getAllPrefs() + "\n===========PREFS END==========\n"); File CommandLogs = new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), Shell.Logs); if (CommandLogs.exists()) { files.add(CommandLogs); } files.add(new File(getFilesDir(), "last_log.txt")); ArrayList<Uri> uris = new ArrayList<Uri>(); for (File file : files) { mShell.execCommand("cp " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " " + new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), file.getName()).getAbsolutePath()); file = new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), file.getName()); mToolbox.setFilePermissions(file, "644"); uris.add(Uri.fromFile(file)); } intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uris); startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Send over Gmail")); reportDialog.dismiss(); } } catch (Exception e) { reportDialog.dismiss(); Notifyer.showExceptionToast(mContext, TAG, e); } } }); } }).start(); reportDialog.setCancelable(isCancelable);; }
From source
private boolean getAlwaysUseDrawTextDefault() { if (android.os.Build.BRAND.contains("SEMC")) return true; //SE phones have fix for that, but more important, their StaticLayout class is bugged else//w w w. j av a2 s .c om return mContext.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.settings_default_workaround_disable_rtl_fix); }
From source
private boolean getAlwaysUseDrawTextDefault() { if (android.os.Build.BRAND.contains("SEMC")//SE phones have fix for that, but more important, their StaticLayout class is bugged || Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) //Android has native fix for API level 11! Ya return true; else//from w ww .j a va2 s . c o m return mContext.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.settings_default_workaround_disable_rtl_fix); }
From source
private void checkPriorExceptions(boolean firstTime) { final File file = new File(FileUtils.buildExternalDirectoryPath("error.log")); if (file != null && file.exists() && file.length() > 0) { String msg = getString(R.string.previous_run_crashed); Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(TrackListActivity.this); // User says no builder.setMessage(msg).setNeutralButton(getString(R.string.donot_send_report), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override//from ww w .ja va 2 s. c o m public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // Delete Exceptions File when user presses Ignore if (!file.delete()) Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Exceptions file not deleted", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } }); // User says yes builder.setPositiveButton(R.string.send_report, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[] { Constants.BUGS_MAIL }); //$NON-NLS-1$ intent.setType(""); //$NON-NLS-1$ intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "nogago Tracks bug"); //$NON-NLS-1$ StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); text.append("\nDevice : ").append(Build.DEVICE); //$NON-NLS-1$ text.append("\nBrand : ").append(Build.BRAND); //$NON-NLS-1$ text.append("\nModel : ").append(Build.MODEL); //$NON-NLS-1$ text.append("\nProduct : ").append("Tracks"); //$NON-NLS-1$ text.append("\nBuild : ").append(Build.DISPLAY); //$NON-NLS-1$ text.append("\nVersion : ").append(Build.VERSION.RELEASE); //$NON-NLS-1$ text.append("\nApp Starts : ").append(EulaUtils.getAppStart(TrackListActivity.this)); //$NON-NLS-1$ try { PackageInfo info = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0); if (info != null) { text.append("\nApk Version : ").append(info.versionName).append(" ") //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ .append(info.versionCode); } } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { } try { FileReader fr = new FileReader(file); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String line; while ( != -1) { if ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { text.append(line); } } br.close(); fr.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Error reading exceptions file!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, text.toString()); startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, getString(R.string.send_report))); if (!file.delete()) Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Exceptions file not deleted", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } });; } }
From source
/** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override/*www .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { final Context context = this.getApplicationContext(); { ExceptionHandler.initialize(context); if (ExceptionHandler.needReport()) { final String fileName = ExceptionHandler.getBugReportFileAbsolutePath(); final File file = new File(fileName); final File fileZip; { String strFileZip = file.getAbsolutePath(); { int index = strFileZip.lastIndexOf('.'); if (0 < index) { strFileZip = strFileZip.substring(0, index); strFileZip += ".zip"; } } Log.d(TAG, strFileZip); fileZip = new File(strFileZip); if (fileZip.exists()) { fileZip.delete(); } } if (file.exists()) { Log.d(TAG, file.getAbsolutePath()); InputStream inStream = null; ZipOutputStream outStream = null; try { inStream = new FileInputStream(file); String strFileName = file.getAbsolutePath(); { int index = strFileName.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar); if (0 < index) { strFileName = strFileName.substring(index + 1); } } Log.d(TAG, strFileName); outStream = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fileZip)); byte[] buff = new byte[8124]; { ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(strFileName); outStream.putNextEntry(entry); int len = 0; while (0 < (len = { outStream.write(buff, 0, len); } outStream.closeEntry(); } outStream.finish(); outStream.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "got exception", e); } finally { if (null != outStream) { try { outStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } outStream = null; if (null != inStream) { try { inStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } inStream = null; } Log.i(TAG, "zip created"); } if (file.exists()) { // upload or send e-mail InputStream inStream = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { inStream = new FileInputStream(file); byte[] buff = new byte[8124]; int readed = 0; do { readed =; for (int i = 0; i < readed; i++) { sb.append((char) buff[i]); } } while (readed >= 0); final String str = sb.toString(); Log.i(TAG, str); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "got exception", e); } finally { if (null != inStream) { try { inStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } inStream = null; } AlertDialog.Builder alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); final Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault(); String title = ""; String message = ""; String positive = ""; String negative = ""; boolean needDefaultLang = true; if (null != defaultLocale) { if (defaultLocale.equals(Locale.JAPANESE) || defaultLocale.equals(Locale.JAPAN)) { title = ""; message = "?????????"; positive = "?"; negative = ""; needDefaultLang = false; } } if (needDefaultLang) { title = "ERROR"; message = "Got unexpected error. Do you want to send information of error."; positive = "Send"; negative = "Cancel"; } alertDialog.setTitle(title); alertDialog.setMessage(message); alertDialog.setPositiveButton(positive + " mail", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface di, int i) { DefaultUploaderMailClient.upload(context, file, new String[] { "" }); } }); alertDialog.setNeutralButton(positive + " http", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface di, int i) { DefaultUploaderWeb.upload(ExceptionHandlerReportApp.this, fileZip, ""); } }); alertDialog.setNegativeButton(negative, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface di, int i) { ExceptionHandler.clearReport(); } });; } // TODO separate activity for crash report //DefaultCheckerAPK.checkAPK( this, null ); } ExceptionHandler.registHandler(); } super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); /* Create a TextView and set its content. * the text is retrieved by calling a native * function. */ LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(this); layout.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); TextView tv = new TextView(this); tv.setText("ExceptionHandler"); layout.addView(tv); Button btn1 = new Button(this); btn1.setText("invoke Exception"); btn1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { final int count = 2; int[] array = new int[count]; int value = array[count]; // invoke IndexOutOfBOundsException } }); layout.addView(btn1); Button btn2 = new Button(this); btn2.setText("reinstall apk"); btn2.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { boolean foundApk = false; { final String apkPath = context.getPackageCodePath(); // API8 Log.d(TAG, "PackageCodePath: " + apkPath); final File fileApk = new File(apkPath); if (fileApk.exists()) { foundApk = true; Intent promptInstall = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); promptInstall.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(fileApk), "application/"); promptInstall.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); context.startActivity(promptInstall); } } if (false == foundApk) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { File fileApk = new File("/data/app/" + context.getPackageName() + "-" + i + ".apk"); Log.d(TAG, "check apk:" + fileApk.getAbsolutePath()); if (fileApk.exists()) { Log.i(TAG, "apk found. path=" + fileApk.getAbsolutePath()); /* * // require parmission { final String strCmd = "pm install -r " + fileApk.getAbsolutePath(); try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec( strCmd ); } catch ( IOException e ) { Log.e( TAG, "got exception", e ); } } */ Intent promptInstall = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); promptInstall.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(fileApk), "application/"); promptInstall.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); context.startActivity(promptInstall); break; } } } } }); layout.addView(btn2); Button btn3 = new Button(this); btn3.setText("check apk"); btn3.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { private boolean checkApk(final File fileApk, final ZipEntryFilter filter) { final boolean[] result = new boolean[1]; result[0] = true; final Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (fileApk.exists()) { ZipFile zipFile = null; try { zipFile = new ZipFile(fileApk); List<ZipEntry> list = new ArrayList<ZipEntry>(zipFile.size()); for (Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> e = zipFile.entries(); e.hasMoreElements();) { ZipEntry ent = e.nextElement(); Log.d(TAG, ent.getName()); Log.d(TAG, "" + ent.getSize()); final boolean accept = filter.accept(ent); if (accept) { list.add(ent); } } Log.d(TAG, Build.CPU_ABI); // API 4 Log.d(TAG, Build.CPU_ABI2); // API 8 final String[] abiArray = { Build.CPU_ABI // API 4 , Build.CPU_ABI2 // API 8 }; String abiMatched = null; { boolean foundMatched = false; for (final String abi : abiArray) { if (null == abi) { continue; } if (0 == abi.length()) { continue; } for (final ZipEntry entry : list) { Log.d(TAG, entry.getName()); final String prefixABI = "lib/" + abi + "/"; if (entry.getName().startsWith(prefixABI)) { abiMatched = abi; foundMatched = true; break; } } if (foundMatched) { break; } } } Log.d(TAG, "matchedAbi=" + abiMatched); if (null != abiMatched) { boolean needReInstall = false; for (final ZipEntry entry : list) { Log.d(TAG, entry.getName()); final String prefixABI = "lib/" + abiMatched + "/"; if (entry.getName().startsWith(prefixABI)) { final String jniName = entry.getName().substring(prefixABI.length()); Log.d(TAG, "jni=" + jniName); final String strFileDst = context.getApplicationInfo().nativeLibraryDir + "/" + jniName; Log.d(TAG, strFileDst); final File fileDst = new File(strFileDst); if (!fileDst.exists()) { Log.w(TAG, "needReInstall: content missing " + strFileDst); needReInstall = true; } else { assert (entry.getSize() <= Integer.MAX_VALUE); if (fileDst.length() != entry.getSize()) { Log.w(TAG, "needReInstall: size broken " + strFileDst); needReInstall = true; } else { // zipFile.getInputStream( entry ), new FileInputStream(fileDst) ); final int size = (int) entry.getSize(); byte[] buffSrc = new byte[size]; { InputStream inStream = null; try { inStream = zipFile.getInputStream(entry); int pos = 0; { while (pos < size) { final int ret =, pos, size - pos); if (ret <= 0) { break; } pos += ret; } } } catch (IOException e) { Log.d(TAG, "got exception", e); } finally { if (null != inStream) { try { inStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } byte[] buffDst = new byte[(int) fileDst.length()]; { InputStream inStream = null; try { inStream = new FileInputStream(fileDst); int pos = 0; { while (pos < size) { final int ret =, pos, size - pos); if (ret <= 0) { break; } pos += ret; } } } catch (IOException e) { Log.d(TAG, "got exception", e); } finally { if (null != inStream) { try { inStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } if (Arrays.equals(buffSrc, buffDst)) { Log.d(TAG, " content equal " + strFileDst); // OK } else { Log.w(TAG, "needReInstall: content broken " + strFileDst); needReInstall = true; } } } } } // for ZipEntry if (needReInstall) { // need call INSTALL APK Log.w(TAG, "needReInstall apk"); result[0] = false; } else { Log.d(TAG, "no need ReInstall apk"); } } } catch (IOException e) { Log.d(TAG, "got exception", e); } finally { if (null != zipFile) { try { zipFile.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } } }); thread.setName("check jni so"); thread.start(); /* while ( thread.isAlive() ) { Log.d( TAG, "check" + android.os.Process.myTid() + ",state=" + thread.getState() ); if ( ! thread.isAlive() ) { break; } AlertDialog.Builder alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder( ExceptionHandlerTestApp.this ); final Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault(); String title = ""; String message = ""; String positive = ""; String negative = ""; boolean needDefaultLang = true; if ( null != defaultLocale ) { if ( defaultLocale.equals( Locale.JAPANESE ) || defaultLocale.equals( Locale.JAPAN ) ) { title = ""; message = "???????"; positive = "?"; negative = ""; needDefaultLang = false; } } if ( needDefaultLang ) { title = "INFO"; message = "Now checking installation. Cancel check?"; positive = "Wait"; negative = "Cancel"; } alertDialog.setTitle( title ); alertDialog.setMessage( message ); alertDialog.setPositiveButton( positive, null); alertDialog.setNegativeButton( negative, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface di, int i) { if ( thread.isAlive() ) { Log.d( TAG, "request interrupt" ); thread.interrupt(); } else { // nothing } } } ); if ( ! thread.isAlive() ) { break; }; if ( ! Thread.State.RUNNABLE.equals(thread.getState()) ) { break; } } */ try { thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.d(TAG, "got exception", e); } return result[0]; } @Override public void onClick(View view) { boolean foundApk = false; { final String apkPath = context.getPackageCodePath(); // API8 Log.d(TAG, "PackageCodePath: " + apkPath); final File fileApk = new File(apkPath); this.checkApk(fileApk, new ZipEntryFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(ZipEntry entry) { if (entry.isDirectory()) { return false; } final String filename = entry.getName(); if (filename.startsWith("lib/")) { return true; } return false; } }); } } }); layout.addView(btn3); Button btn4 = new Button(this); btn4.setText("print dir and path"); btn4.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { { final File file = context.getCacheDir(); Log.d(TAG, "Ctx.CacheDir=" + file.getAbsoluteFile()); } { final File file = context.getExternalCacheDir(); // API 8 if (null == file) { // no permission Log.d(TAG, "Ctx.ExternalCacheDir="); } else { Log.d(TAG, "Ctx.ExternalCacheDir=" + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } { final File file = context.getFilesDir(); Log.d(TAG, "Ctx.FilesDir=" + file.getAbsolutePath()); } { final String value = context.getPackageResourcePath(); Log.d(TAG, "Ctx.PackageResourcePath=" + value); } { final String[] files = context.fileList(); if (null == files) { Log.d(TAG, "Ctx.fileList=" + files); } else { for (final String filename : files) { Log.d(TAG, "Ctx.fileList=" + filename); } } } { final File file = Environment.getDataDirectory(); Log.d(TAG, "Env.DataDirectory=" + file.getAbsolutePath()); } { final File file = Environment.getDownloadCacheDirectory(); Log.d(TAG, "Env.DownloadCacheDirectory=" + file.getAbsolutePath()); } { final File file = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); Log.d(TAG, "Env.ExternalStorageDirectory=" + file.getAbsolutePath()); } { final File file = Environment.getRootDirectory(); Log.d(TAG, "Env.RootDirectory=" + file.getAbsolutePath()); } { final ApplicationInfo appInfo = context.getApplicationInfo(); Log.d(TAG, "AppInfo.dataDir=" + appInfo.dataDir); Log.d(TAG, "AppInfo.nativeLibraryDir=" + appInfo.nativeLibraryDir); // API 9 Log.d(TAG, "AppInfo.publicSourceDir=" + appInfo.publicSourceDir); { final String[] sharedLibraryFiles = appInfo.sharedLibraryFiles; if (null == sharedLibraryFiles) { Log.d(TAG, "AppInfo.sharedLibraryFiles=" + sharedLibraryFiles); } else { for (final String fileName : sharedLibraryFiles) { Log.d(TAG, "AppInfo.sharedLibraryFiles=" + fileName); } } } Log.d(TAG, "AppInfo.sourceDir=" + appInfo.sourceDir); } { Log.d(TAG, "System.Properties start"); final Properties properties = System.getProperties(); if (null != properties) { for (final Object key : properties.keySet()) { String value = properties.getProperty((String) key); Log.d(TAG, " key=" + key + ",value=" + value); } } Log.d(TAG, "System.Properties end"); } { Log.d(TAG, "System.getenv start"); final Map<String, String> mapEnv = System.getenv(); if (null != mapEnv) { for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : mapEnv.entrySet()) { final String key = entry.getKey(); final String value = entry.getValue(); Log.d(TAG, " key=" + key + ",value=" + value); } } Log.d(TAG, "System.getenv end"); } } }); layout.addView(btn4); Button btn5 = new Button(this); btn5.setText("check INSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPS"); btn5.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { SettingsCompat.initialize(context); if (SettingsCompat.isAllowedNonMarketApps()) { Log.d(TAG, "isAllowdNonMarketApps=true"); } else { Log.d(TAG, "isAllowdNonMarketApps=false"); } } }); layout.addView(btn5); Button btn6 = new Button(this); btn6.setText("send email"); btn6.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { Intent mailto = new Intent(); mailto.setAction(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO); mailto.setType("message/rfc822"); mailto.setData(Uri.parse("mailto:")); mailto.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[] { "" }); mailto.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "[BugReport] " + context.getPackageName()); mailto.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "body text"); //mailto.addFlags( Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK ); //context.startActivity( mailto ); Intent intent = Intent.createChooser(mailto, "Send Email"); if (null != intent) { intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); try { context.startActivity(intent); } catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException e) { Log.d(TAG, "got Exception", e); } } } }); layout.addView(btn6); Button btn7 = new Button(this); btn7.setText("upload http thread"); btn7.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { Log.d(TAG, "brd=" + Build.BRAND); Log.d(TAG, "prd=" + Build.PRODUCT); //$(BRAND)/$(PRODUCT)/$(DEVICE)/$(BOARD):$(VERSION.RELEASE)/$(ID)/$(VERSION.INCREMENTAL):$(TYPE)/$(TAGS) Log.d(TAG, "fng=" + Build.FINGERPRINT); final List<NameValuePair> list = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(16); list.add(new BasicNameValuePair("fng", Build.FINGERPRINT)); final Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Log.d(TAG, "upload thread tid=" + android.os.Process.myTid()); try { HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(""); //httpPost.getParams().setParameter( CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, new Integer(5*1000) ); httpPost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(list, HTTP.UTF_8)); DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); Log.d(TAG, "socket.timeout=" + httpClient.getParams().getIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, -1)); Log.d(TAG, "connection.timeout=" + httpClient.getParams() .getIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, -1)); httpClient.getParams().setParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, new Integer(5 * 1000)); httpClient.getParams().setParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, new Integer(5 * 1000)); Log.d(TAG, "socket.timeout=" + httpClient.getParams().getIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, -1)); Log.d(TAG, "connection.timeout=" + httpClient.getParams() .getIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, -1)); // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> // got android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException, run at UI Main Thread HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost); Log.d(TAG, "response=" + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(TAG, "got Exception. msg=" + e.getMessage(), e); } Log.d(TAG, "upload finish"); } }); thread.setName("upload crash"); thread.start(); /* while ( thread.isAlive() ) { Log.d( TAG, "thread tid=" + android.os.Process.myTid() + ",state=" + thread.getState() ); if ( ! thread.isAlive() ) { break; } AlertDialog.Builder alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder( ExceptionHandlerTestApp.this ); final Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault(); String title = ""; String message = ""; String positive = ""; String negative = ""; boolean needDefaultLang = true; if ( null != defaultLocale ) { if ( defaultLocale.equals( Locale.JAPANESE ) || defaultLocale.equals( Locale.JAPAN ) ) { title = ""; message = "???????"; positive = "?"; negative = ""; needDefaultLang = false; } } if ( needDefaultLang ) { title = "INFO"; message = "Now uploading error information. Cancel upload?"; positive = "Wait"; negative = "Cancel"; } alertDialog.setTitle( title ); alertDialog.setMessage( message ); alertDialog.setPositiveButton( positive, null); alertDialog.setNegativeButton( negative, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface di, int i) { if ( thread.isAlive() ) { Log.d( TAG, "request interrupt" ); thread.interrupt(); } else { // nothing } } } ); if ( ! thread.isAlive() ) { break; }; if ( ! Thread.State.RUNNABLE.equals(thread.getState()) ) { break; } } */ /* try { thread.join(); // must call. leak handle... } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { Log.d( TAG, "got Exception", e ); } */ } }); layout.addView(btn7); Button btn8 = new Button(this); btn8.setText("upload http AsyncTask"); btn8.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { AsyncTask<String, Void, Boolean> asyncTask = new AsyncTask<String, Void, Boolean>() { @Override protected Boolean doInBackground(String... paramss) { Boolean result = true; Log.d(TAG, "upload AsyncTask tid=" + android.os.Process.myTid()); try { //$(BRAND)/$(PRODUCT)/$(DEVICE)/$(BOARD):$(VERSION.RELEASE)/$(ID)/$(VERSION.INCREMENTAL):$(TYPE)/$(TAGS) Log.d(TAG, "fng=" + Build.FINGERPRINT); final List<NameValuePair> list = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(16); list.add(new BasicNameValuePair("fng", Build.FINGERPRINT)); HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(paramss[0]); //httpPost.getParams().setParameter( CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, new Integer(5*1000) ); httpPost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(list, HTTP.UTF_8)); DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); Log.d(TAG, "socket.timeout=" + httpClient.getParams().getIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, -1)); Log.d(TAG, "connection.timeout=" + httpClient.getParams() .getIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, -1)); httpClient.getParams().setParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, new Integer(5 * 1000)); httpClient.getParams().setParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, new Integer(5 * 1000)); Log.d(TAG, "socket.timeout=" + httpClient.getParams().getIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, -1)); Log.d(TAG, "connection.timeout=" + httpClient.getParams() .getIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, -1)); // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> // got android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException, run at UI Main Thread HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost); Log.d(TAG, "response=" + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(TAG, "got Exception. msg=" + e.getMessage(), e); result = false; } Log.d(TAG, "upload finish"); return result; } }; asyncTask.execute(""); asyncTask.isCancelled(); } }); layout.addView(btn8); Button btn9 = new Button(this); btn9.setText("call checkAPK"); btn9.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { final boolean result = DefaultCheckerAPK.checkAPK(ExceptionHandlerReportApp.this, null); Log.i(TAG, "checkAPK result=" + result); } }); layout.addView(btn9); setContentView(layout); }