List of usage examples for Uri getLastPathSegment
@Nullable public abstract String getLastPathSegment();
From source
@Override public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { // Constructs a new query builder and sets its table name SQLiteQueryBuilder qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); String finalSortOrder = sortOrder; String[] finalSelectionArgs = selectionArgs; String finalGrouping = null;/*w w w . java 2s . c om*/ String finalHaving = null; int type = URI_MATCHER.match(uri); Uri regUri = uri; int remoteUid = Binder.getCallingUid(); int selfUid = android.os.Process.myUid(); if (remoteUid != selfUid) { if (type == ACCOUNTS || type == ACCOUNTS_ID) { for (String proj : projection) { if (proj.toLowerCase().contains(SipProfile.FIELD_DATA) || proj.toLowerCase().contains("*")) { throw new SecurityException("Password not readable from external apps"); } } } } Cursor c; long id; switch (type) { case ACCOUNTS: qb.setTables(SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = SipProfile.FIELD_PRIORITY + " ASC"; } break; case ACCOUNTS_ID: qb.setTables(SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_TABLE_NAME); qb.appendWhere(SipProfile.FIELD_ID + "=?"); finalSelectionArgs = DatabaseUtilsCompat.appendSelectionArgs(selectionArgs, new String[] { uri.getLastPathSegment() }); break; case CALLLOGS: qb.setTables(SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = CallLog.Calls.DATE + " DESC"; } break; case CALLLOGS_ID: qb.setTables(SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME); qb.appendWhere(CallLog.Calls._ID + "=?"); finalSelectionArgs = DatabaseUtilsCompat.appendSelectionArgs(selectionArgs, new String[] { uri.getLastPathSegment() }); break; case FILTERS: qb.setTables(SipManager.FILTERS_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = Filter.DEFAULT_ORDER; } break; case FILTERS_ID: qb.setTables(SipManager.FILTERS_TABLE_NAME); qb.appendWhere(Filter._ID + "=?"); finalSelectionArgs = DatabaseUtilsCompat.appendSelectionArgs(selectionArgs, new String[] { uri.getLastPathSegment() }); break; case MESSAGES: qb.setTables(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = SipMessage.FIELD_DATE + " DESC"; } break; case MESSAGES_ID: qb.setTables(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME); qb.appendWhere(SipMessage.FIELD_ID + "=?"); finalSelectionArgs = DatabaseUtilsCompat.appendSelectionArgs(selectionArgs, new String[] { uri.getLastPathSegment() }); break; case THREADS: qb.setTables(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = SipMessage.FIELD_DATE + " DESC"; } projection = new String[] { "ROWID AS _id", SipMessage.FIELD_FROM, SipMessage.FIELD_FROM_FULL, SipMessage.FIELD_TO, "CASE " + "WHEN " + SipMessage.FIELD_FROM + "='SELF' THEN " + SipMessage.FIELD_TO + " WHEN " + SipMessage.FIELD_FROM + "!='SELF' THEN " + SipMessage.FIELD_FROM + " END AS message_ordering", SipMessage.FIELD_BODY, "MAX(" + SipMessage.FIELD_DATE + ") AS " + SipMessage.FIELD_DATE, "MIN(" + SipMessage.FIELD_READ + ") AS " + SipMessage.FIELD_READ, //SipMessage.FIELD_READ, "COUNT(" + SipMessage.FIELD_DATE + ") AS counter" }; //qb.appendWhere(SipMessage.FIELD_TYPE + " in (" + SipMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX // + "," + SipMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT + ")"); finalGrouping = "message_ordering"; regUri = SipMessage.MESSAGE_URI; break; case THREADS_ID: qb.setTables(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = SipMessage.FIELD_DATE + " DESC"; } projection = new String[] { "ROWID AS _id", SipMessage.FIELD_FROM, SipMessage.FIELD_TO, SipMessage.FIELD_BODY, SipMessage.FIELD_DATE, SipMessage.FIELD_MIME_TYPE, SipMessage.FIELD_TYPE, SipMessage.FIELD_STATUS, SipMessage.FIELD_FROM_FULL }; qb.appendWhere(MESSAGES_THREAD_SELECTION); String from = uri.getLastPathSegment(); finalSelectionArgs = DatabaseUtilsCompat.appendSelectionArgs(selectionArgs, new String[] { from, from }); regUri = SipMessage.MESSAGE_URI; break; case ACCOUNTS_STATUS: synchronized (profilesStatus) { ContentValues[] cvs = new ContentValues[profilesStatus.size()]; int i = 0; for (ContentValues ps : profilesStatus.values()) { cvs[i] = ps; i++; } c = getCursor(cvs); } if (c != null) { c.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri); } return c; case ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID: id = ContentUris.parseId(uri); synchronized (profilesStatus) { ContentValues cv = profilesStatus.get(id); if (cv == null) { return null; } c = getCursor(new ContentValues[] { cv }); } c.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri); return c; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNKNOWN_URI_LOG + uri); } SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase(); c = qb.query(db, projection, selection, finalSelectionArgs, finalGrouping, finalHaving, finalSortOrder); c.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), regUri); return c; }
From source
@Override public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { // Constructs a new query builder and sets its table name SQLiteQueryBuilder qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); String finalSortOrder = sortOrder; String[] finalSelectionArgs = selectionArgs; String finalGrouping = null;/*from w ww. j ava 2 s . c o m*/ String finalHaving = null; int type = URI_MATCHER.match(uri); Uri regUri = uri; int remoteUid = Binder.getCallingUid(); int selfUid = android.os.Process.myUid(); if (remoteUid != selfUid) { if (type == ACCOUNTS || type == ACCOUNTS_ID) { for (String proj : projection) { if (proj.toLowerCase().contains(SipProfile.FIELD_DATA) || proj.toLowerCase().contains("*")) { throw new SecurityException("Password not readable from external apps"); } } } } Cursor c; long id; switch (type) { case ACCOUNTS: qb.setTables(SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = SipProfile.FIELD_PRIORITY + " ASC"; } break; case ACCOUNTS_ID: qb.setTables(SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_TABLE_NAME); qb.appendWhere(SipProfile.FIELD_ID + "=?"); finalSelectionArgs = DatabaseUtilsCompat.appendSelectionArgs(selectionArgs, new String[] { uri.getLastPathSegment() }); break; case CALLLOGS: qb.setTables(SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = CallLog.Calls.DATE + " DESC"; } break; case CALLLOGS_ID: qb.setTables(SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME); qb.appendWhere(CallLog.Calls._ID + "=?"); finalSelectionArgs = DatabaseUtilsCompat.appendSelectionArgs(selectionArgs, new String[] { uri.getLastPathSegment() }); break; case FILTERS: qb.setTables(SipManager.FILTERS_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = Filter.DEFAULT_ORDER; } break; case FILTERS_ID: qb.setTables(SipManager.FILTERS_TABLE_NAME); qb.appendWhere(Filter._ID + "=?"); finalSelectionArgs = DatabaseUtilsCompat.appendSelectionArgs(selectionArgs, new String[] { uri.getLastPathSegment() }); break; case MESSAGES: qb.setTables(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = SipMessage.FIELD_DATE + " DESC"; } break; case MESSAGES_ID: qb.setTables(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME); qb.appendWhere(SipMessage.FIELD_ID + "=?"); finalSelectionArgs = DatabaseUtilsCompat.appendSelectionArgs(selectionArgs, new String[] { uri.getLastPathSegment() }); break; case THREADS: qb.setTables(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = SipMessage.FIELD_DATE + " DESC"; } projection = new String[] { "ROWID AS _id", SipMessage.FIELD_FROM, SipMessage.FIELD_FROM_FULL, SipMessage.FIELD_TO, "CASE " + "WHEN " + SipMessage.FIELD_FROM + "='SELF' THEN " + SipMessage.FIELD_TO + " WHEN " + SipMessage.FIELD_FROM + "!='SELF' THEN " + SipMessage.FIELD_FROM + " END AS message_ordering", SipMessage.FIELD_BODY, "MAX(" + SipMessage.FIELD_DATE + ") AS " + SipMessage.FIELD_DATE, "MIN(" + SipMessage.FIELD_READ + ") AS " + SipMessage.FIELD_READ, //SipMessage.FIELD_READ, "COUNT(" + SipMessage.FIELD_DATE + ") AS counter" }; //qb.appendWhere(SipMessage.FIELD_TYPE + " in (" + SipMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX // + "," + SipMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT + ")"); finalGrouping = "message_ordering"; regUri = SipMessage.MESSAGE_URI; break; case THREADS_ID: qb.setTables(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = SipMessage.FIELD_DATE + " DESC"; } projection = new String[] { "ROWID AS _id", SipMessage.FIELD_FROM, SipMessage.FIELD_TO, SipMessage.FIELD_BODY, SipMessage.FIELD_DATE, SipMessage.FIELD_MIME_TYPE, SipMessage.FIELD_TYPE, SipMessage.FIELD_STATUS, SipMessage.FIELD_FROM_FULL }; qb.appendWhere(MESSAGES_THREAD_SELECTION); String from = uri.getLastPathSegment(); finalSelectionArgs = DatabaseUtilsCompat.appendSelectionArgs(selectionArgs, new String[] { from, from }); regUri = SipMessage.MESSAGE_URI; break; case ACCOUNTS_STATUS: synchronized (profilesStatus) { ContentValues[] cvs = new ContentValues[profilesStatus.size()]; int i = 0; for (ContentValues ps : profilesStatus.values()) { cvs[i] = ps; i++; } c = getCursor(cvs); } if (c != null) { c.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri); } return c; case ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID: id = ContentUris.parseId(uri); synchronized (profilesStatus) { ContentValues cv = profilesStatus.get(id); if (cv == null) { return null; } c = getCursor(new ContentValues[] { cv }); } c.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri); return c; case ACCESSNO: qb.setTables(SipProfile.ACCESS_NUMS_TABLE_NAME); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNKNOWN_URI_LOG + uri); } SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase(); c = qb.query(db, projection, selection, finalSelectionArgs, finalGrouping, finalHaving, finalSortOrder); c.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), regUri); return c; }
From source
/** * Get a file path from a Uri. This will get the the path for Storage Access * Framework Documents, as well as the _data field for the MediaStore and * other file-based ContentProviders.<br> * <br>/*from ww w . jav a 2s . c o m*/ * Callers should only use this for display purposes and not for accessing the file directly via the * file system * * @param context The context. * @param uri The Uri to query. * @see #isLocal(String) * @see #getFile(Context, Uri) * @author paulburke */ @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) public static String getPath(final Context context, final Uri uri) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG + " File -", "Authority: " + uri.getAuthority() + ", Fragment: " + uri.getFragment() + ", Port: " + uri.getPort() + ", Query: " + uri.getQuery() + ", Scheme: " + uri.getScheme() + ", Host: " + uri.getHost() + ", Segments: " + uri.getPathSegments().toString()); // DocumentProvider if (isDocumentUri(context, uri)) { // ExternalStorageProvider if (isExternalStorageDocument(uri)) { final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri); final String[] split = docId.split(":"); final String type = split[0]; if ("primary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath(); if (split.length > 1) { path += "/" + split[1]; } return path; } //there is no documented way of returning a path to a file on non primary storage. //so what we do is displaying the documentId to the user which is better than just null return docId; } // DownloadsProvider else if (isDownloadsDocument(uri)) { final String id = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri); final Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Uri.parse("content://downloads/public_downloads"), Long.valueOf(id)); return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, null, null); } // MediaProvider else if (isMediaDocument(uri)) { final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri); final String[] split = docId.split(":"); final String type = split[0]; Uri contentUri = null; if ("image".equals(type)) { contentUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; } else if ("video".equals(type)) { contentUri = MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; } else if ("audio".equals(type)) { contentUri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; } final String selection = "_id=?"; final String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { split[1] }; return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, selection, selectionArgs); } } // MediaStore (and general) else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) { // Return the remote address if (isGooglePhotosUri(uri)) return uri.getLastPathSegment(); return getDataColumn(context, uri, null, null); } // File else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) { return uri.getPath(); } return null; }
From source
@TargetApi(19) private String getForApi19(Uri uri) { if (DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(this, uri)) { if (isExternalStorageDocument(uri)) { final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri); final String[] split = docId.split(":"); final String type = split[0]; if ("primary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + split[1]; }//from w w w . ja v a 2 s . co m // TODO handle non-primary volumes } // DownloadsProvider else if (isDownloadsDocument(uri)) { final String id = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri); final Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Uri.parse("content://downloads/public_downloads"), Long.valueOf(id)); return getDataColumn(contentUri, null, null); } // MediaProvider else if (isMediaDocument(uri)) { final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri); final String[] split = docId.split(":"); final String type = split[0]; Uri contentUri = null; if ("image".equals(type)) { contentUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; } else if ("video".equals(type)) { contentUri = MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; } else if ("audio".equals(type)) { contentUri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; } final String selection = "_id=?"; final String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { split[1] }; return getDataColumn(contentUri, selection, selectionArgs); } } else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) { // Return the remote address if (isGooglePhotosUri(uri)) return uri.getLastPathSegment(); return getDataColumn(uri, null, null); } // File else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) { return uri.getPath(); } return null; }
From source
/** * Get a file path from a Uri. This will get the the path for Storage Access * Framework Documents, as well as the _data field for the MediaStore and * other file-based ContentProviders.<br> * <br>/*from w w w .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * Callers should check whether the path is local before assuming it * represents a local file. * * @param context The context. * @param uri The Uri to query. * @author paulburke * @see #isLocal(String) * @see #getFile(Context, Uri) */ @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) public static String getPath(final Context context, final Uri uri) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG + " File -", "Authority: " + uri.getAuthority() + ", Fragment: " + uri.getFragment() + ", Port: " + uri.getPort() + ", Query: " + uri.getQuery() + ", Scheme: " + uri.getScheme() + ", Host: " + uri.getHost() + ", Segments: " + uri.getPathSegments().toString()); final boolean isKitKat = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT; // DocumentProvider if (isKitKat && DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(context, uri)) { // LocalStorageProvider //if (isLocalStorageDocument(uri)) { if (false) { // The path is the id return DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri); } // ExternalStorageProvider else if (isExternalStorageDocument(uri)) { final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri); final String[] split = docId.split(":"); final String type = split[0]; if ("primary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + split[1]; } // TODO handle non-primary volumes } // DownloadsProvider else if (isDownloadsDocument(uri)) { final String id = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri); final Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Uri.parse("content://downloads/public_downloads"), Long.valueOf(id)); return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, null, null); } // MediaProvider else if (isMediaDocument(uri)) { final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri); final String[] split = docId.split(":"); final String type = split[0]; Uri contentUri = null; if ("image".equals(type)) { contentUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; } else if ("video".equals(type)) { contentUri = MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; } else if ("audio".equals(type)) { contentUri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; } final String selection = "_id=?"; final String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { split[1] }; return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, selection, selectionArgs); } } // MediaStore (and general) else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) { // Return the remote address if (isGooglePhotosUri(uri)) return uri.getLastPathSegment(); return getDataColumn(context, uri, null, null); } // File else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) { return uri.getPath(); } return null; }
From source
@Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { // image from storage/picture from camera // since there are like up to 3 different ways of doing this... if (requestCode == SELECT_ATTACHMENT_OPENABLE || requestCode == SELECT_ATTACHMENT_PHOTO) { if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { Uri[] uris = null;/* w w w . j a v a2 s .c om*/ String[] mimes = null; // returning from camera if (requestCode == SELECT_ATTACHMENT_PHOTO) { if (mCurrentPhoto != null) { Uri uri = Uri.fromFile(mCurrentPhoto); // notify media scanner Intent mediaScanIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE); mediaScanIntent.setData(uri); getActivity().sendBroadcast(mediaScanIntent); mCurrentPhoto = null; uris = new Uri[] { uri }; } } else { if (mCurrentPhoto != null) { mCurrentPhoto.delete(); mCurrentPhoto = null; } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN && data.getClipData() != null) { ClipData cdata = data.getClipData(); uris = new Uri[cdata.getItemCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < uris.length; i++) { ClipData.Item item = cdata.getItemAt(i); uris[i] = item.getUri(); } } else { uris = new Uri[] { data.getData() }; mimes = new String[] { data.getType() }; } // SAF available, request persistable permissions if (MediaStorage.isStorageAccessFrameworkAvailable()) { for (Uri uri : uris) { if (uri != null && !"file".equals(uri.getScheme())) { MediaStorage.requestPersistablePermissions(getActivity(), uri); } } } } for (int i = 0; uris != null && i < uris.length; i++) { Uri uri = uris[i]; if (uri == null) continue; String mime = (mimes != null && mimes.length >= uris.length) ? mimes[i] : null; if (mime == null || mime.startsWith("*/") || mime.endsWith("/*")) { mime = MediaStorage.getType(getActivity(), uri); Log.v(TAG, "using detected mime type " + mime); } if (ImageComponent.supportsMimeType(mime)) sendBinaryMessage(uri, mime, true, ImageComponent.class); else if (VCardComponent.supportsMimeType(mime)) sendBinaryMessage(uri, VCardComponent.MIME_TYPE, false, VCardComponent.class); else Toast.makeText(getActivity(), R.string.send_mime_not_supported, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } // operation aborted else { // delete photo :) if (mCurrentPhoto != null) { mCurrentPhoto.delete(); mCurrentPhoto = null; } } } // contact card (vCard) else if (requestCode == SELECT_ATTACHMENT_CONTACT) { if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { Uri uri = data.getData(); if (uri != null) { Uri vcardUri = null; // get lookup key final Cursor c = getContext().getContentResolver().query(uri, new String[] { Contacts.LOOKUP_KEY }, null, null, null); if (c != null) { try { if (c.moveToFirst()) { String lookupKey = c.getString(0); vcardUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(Contacts.CONTENT_VCARD_URI, lookupKey); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "unable to lookup selected contact. Did you grant me the permission?", e); ReportingManager.logException(e); } finally { c.close(); } } if (vcardUri != null) { sendBinaryMessage(vcardUri, VCardComponent.MIME_TYPE, false, VCardComponent.class); } else { Toast.makeText(getContext(), R.string.err_no_contact, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } } } // invite user else if (requestCode == REQUEST_INVITE_USERS) { if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { ArrayList<Uri> uris; Uri threadUri = data.getData(); if (threadUri != null) { String userId = threadUri.getLastPathSegment(); addUsers(new String[] { userId }); } else if ((uris = data.getParcelableArrayListExtra("org.kontalk.contacts")) != null) { String[] users = new String[uris.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < users.length; i++) users[i] = uris.get(i).getLastPathSegment(); addUsers(users); } } } }
From source
private boolean showMediaThumbnail(String mimeType, Uri mediaUri, int id, MessageViewHolder holder) { this.mediaUri = mediaUri; this.mimeType = mimeType; /* Guess the MIME type in case we received a file that we can display or play*/ if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mimeType) || mimeType.startsWith("application")) { String guessed = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(mediaUri.toString()); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(guessed)) { if (TextUtils.equals(guessed, "video/3gpp")) mimeType = "audio/3gpp"; else// w w w . j av a 2s. co m mimeType = guessed; } } holder.setOnClickListenerMediaThumbnail(mimeType, mediaUri); holder.mTextViewForMessages.setText(lastMessage); holder.mTextViewForMessages.setVisibility(View.GONE); if (mimeType.startsWith("image/")) { setImageThumbnail(getContext().getContentResolver(), id, holder, mediaUri); holder.mMediaThumbnail.setBackgroundResource(android.R.color.transparent); } else { Glide.clear(holder.mMediaThumbnail); try { Glide.with(context).load(R.drawable.ic_file).diskCacheStrategy(DiskCacheStrategy.NONE) .into(holder.mMediaThumbnail); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(ImApp.LOG_TAG, "unable to load thumbnail", e); } holder.mMediaThumbnail.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_file); // generic file icon holder.mTextViewForMessages.setText(mediaUri.getLastPathSegment()); holder.mTextViewForMessages.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } holder.mMediaContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); holder.mContainer.setBackgroundResource(android.R.color.transparent); return true; }
From source
@Override public ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(final Uri uri, final String mode) throws FileNotFoundException { if (uri == null || mode == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); final int table_id = getTableId(uri); final String table = getTableNameById(table_id); final int mode_code; if ("r".equals(mode)) { mode_code = ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_ONLY; } else if ("rw".equals(mode)) { mode_code = ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_WRITE; } else if ("rwt".equals(mode)) { mode_code = ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_WRITE | ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_TRUNCATE; } else/*from w w w .j a va2 s .c o m*/ throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (mode_code == ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_ONLY) { checkReadPermission(table_id, table, null); } else if ((mode_code & ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_WRITE) != 0) { checkReadPermission(table_id, table, null); checkWritePermission(table_id, table); } switch (table_id) { case VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_CACHED_IMAGES: { return getCachedImageFd(uri.getQueryParameter(QUERY_PARAM_URL)); } case VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_CACHE_FILES: { return getCacheFileFd(uri.getLastPathSegment()); } } return null; }
From source
@TargetApi(19) static String getFileAbsolutePath(Activity context, Uri fileUri) { if (context == null || fileUri == null) { return null; }/*from ww w . jav a 2 s . c om*/ LogUtils.i(TAG, "getAuthority:" + fileUri.getAuthority() + " getHost:" + fileUri.getHost() + " getPath:" + fileUri.getPath() + " getScheme:" + fileUri.getScheme() + " query:" + fileUri.getQuery()); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT && DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(context, fileUri)) { if (isExternalStorageDocument(fileUri)) { String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(fileUri); String[] split = docId.split(":"); String type = split[0]; if ("primary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + split[1]; } } else if (isDownloadsDocument(fileUri)) { String id = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(fileUri); Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Uri.parse("content://downloads/public_downloads"), Long.valueOf(id)); return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, null, null); } else if (isMediaDocument(fileUri)) { String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(fileUri); String[] split = docId.split(":"); String type = split[0]; Uri contentUri = null; if ("image".equals(type)) { contentUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; } else if ("video".equals(type)) { contentUri = MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; } else if ("audio".equals(type)) { contentUri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; } String selection = MediaStore.Images.Media._ID + "=?"; String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { split[1] }; return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, selection, selectionArgs); } else { } } // MediaStore (and general) else if (fileUri.getAuthority().equalsIgnoreCase(context.getPackageName() + ".AgentWebFileProvider")) { String path = fileUri.getPath(); int index = path.lastIndexOf("/"); return getAgentWebFilePath(context) + File.separator + path.substring(index + 1, path.length()); } else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(fileUri.getScheme())) { // Return the remote address if (isGooglePhotosUri(fileUri)) { return fileUri.getLastPathSegment(); } return getDataColumn(context, fileUri, null, null); } // File else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(fileUri.getScheme())) { return fileUri.getPath(); } return null; }
From source
/** * As the name means./*from ww w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ */ private void buildAddressBar(final Uri path) { if (path == null) return; mViewAddressBar.removeAllViews(); new LoadingDialog<Void, Cursor, Void>(getActivity(), false) { LinearLayout.LayoutParams lpBtnLoc; LinearLayout.LayoutParams lpDivider; LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater(null); final int dim = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.afc_5dp); int count = 0; @Override protected void onPreExecute() { super.onPreExecute(); lpBtnLoc = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); lpBtnLoc.gravity = Gravity.CENTER; }// onPreExecute() @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { Cursor cursor = getActivity().getContentResolver().query(path, null, null, null, null); while (cursor != null) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { publishProgress(cursor); cursor.close(); } else break; /* * Process the parent directory. */ Uri uri = Uri.parse(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(BaseFile.COLUMN_URI))); cursor = getActivity().getContentResolver() .query(BaseFile.genContentUriApi(uri.getAuthority()).buildUpon() .appendPath(BaseFile.CMD_GET_PARENT) .appendQueryParameter(BaseFile.PARAM_SOURCE, uri.getLastPathSegment()).build(), null, null, null, null); } // while return null; }// doInBackground() @Override protected void onProgressUpdate(Cursor... progress) { /* * Add divider. */ if (mViewAddressBar.getChildCount() > 0) { View divider = inflater.inflate(R.layout.afc_view_locations_divider, null); if (lpDivider == null) { lpDivider = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(dim, dim); lpDivider.gravity = Gravity.CENTER; lpDivider.setMargins(dim, dim, dim, dim); } mViewAddressBar.addView(divider, 0, lpDivider); } Uri lastUri = Uri.parse(progress[0].getString(progress[0].getColumnIndex(BaseFile.COLUMN_URI))); TextView btnLoc = (TextView) inflater.inflate(R.layout.afc_button_location, null); String name = BaseFileProviderUtils.getFileName(progress[0]); btnLoc.setText(TextUtils.isEmpty(name) ? getString(R.string.afc_root) : name); btnLoc.setTag(lastUri); btnLoc.setOnClickListener(mBtnLocationOnClickListener); btnLoc.setOnLongClickListener(mBtnLocationOnLongClickListener); mViewAddressBar.addView(btnLoc, 0, lpBtnLoc); if (count++ == 0) { Rect r = new Rect(); btnLoc.getPaint().getTextBounds(name, 0, name.length(), r); if (r.width() >= getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.afc_button_location_max_width) - btnLoc.getPaddingLeft() - btnLoc.getPaddingRight()) { mTextFullDirName .setText(progress[0].getString(progress[0].getColumnIndex(BaseFile.COLUMN_NAME))); mTextFullDirName.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else mTextFullDirName.setVisibility(View.GONE); } // if }// onProgressUpdate() @Override protected void onPostExecute(Void result) { super.onPostExecute(result); /* * Sometimes without delay time, it doesn't work... */ mViewLocationsContainer.postDelayed(new Runnable() { public void run() { mViewLocationsContainer.fullScroll(HorizontalScrollView.FOCUS_RIGHT); }// run() }, DisplayPrefs.DELAY_TIME_FOR_VERY_SHORT_ANIMATION); }// onPostExecute() }.execute(); }