List of usage examples for Uri getLastPathSegment
@Nullable public abstract String getLastPathSegment();
From source
/** * Initially create one note for each model. *///from w ww .j a v a2s . c o m @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "setUp()"); mCreatedNotes = new ArrayList<>(); final Collection col = CollectionHelper.getInstance().getCol(getContext()); // Add a new basic model that we use for testing purposes (existing models could potentially be corrupted) JSONObject model = Models.addBasicModel(col, BASIC_MODEL_NAME); mModelId = model.getLong("id"); ArrayList<String> flds = col.getModels().fieldNames(model); // Use the names of the fields as test values for the notes which will be added mDummyFields = flds.toArray(new String[flds.size()]); // create test decks and add one note for every deck final AddContentApi api = new AddContentApi(getContext()); HashMap<Long, String> deckList = api.getDeckList(); mNumDecksBeforeTest = deckList.size(); // TODO: add the notes directly with libanki for (int i = 0; i < TEST_DECKS.length; i++) { mTestDeckIds[i] = api.addNewDeck(TEST_DECKS[i]); Uri newNoteUri = api.addNewNote(mModelId, mTestDeckIds[i], mDummyFields, TEST_TAG); assertNotNull(newNoteUri); mCreatedNotes.add(newNoteUri); // Check that the flds data was set correctly long nid = Long.parseLong(newNoteUri.getLastPathSegment()); Note addedNote = col.getNote(nid); assertTrue("Check that the flds data was set correctly", Arrays.equals(addedNote.getFields(), mDummyFields)); assertTrue("Check that there was at least one card generated", > 0); } // Add a note to the default deck as well so that testQueryNextCard() works Uri newNoteUri = api.addNewNote(mModelId, 1, mDummyFields, TEST_TAG); assertNotNull(newNoteUri); mCreatedNotes.add(newNoteUri); }
From source
/** Resume save * @param data *//*from w ww .j a v a2 s. c o m*/ public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == loginRequestCode && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { // clear user values & reset them to trigger a save task.clearValue(Task.USER_ID); task.clearValue(Task.USER); } else if (requestCode == loginRequestCode) { makePrivateTask(); } else if (requestCode == TaskEditFragment.REQUEST_CODE_CONTACT && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { Uri contactData = data.getData(); String contactId = contactData.getLastPathSegment(); String[] args = { contactId }; String[] projection = { ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.DATA }; String selection = ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.CONTACT_ID + " = ?"; //$NON-NLS-1$ Cursor emailCursor = activity.managedQuery(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.CONTENT_URI, projection, selection, args, null); if (emailCursor.getCount() > 0) { emailCursor.moveToFirst(); int emailIndex = emailCursor.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.DATA); String email = emailCursor.getString(emailIndex); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(email)) { String[] nameProjection = { ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME }; Cursor nameCursor = activity.managedQuery(contactData, nameProjection, null, null, null); if (nameCursor.getCount() > 0) { nameCursor.moveToFirst(); int nameIndex = nameCursor.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME); String name = nameCursor.getString(nameIndex); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) { StringBuilder fullName = new StringBuilder(); fullName.append(name).append(" <").append(email).append('>'); //$NON-NLS-1$ email = fullName.toString(); } } assignedCustom.setText(email); dontClearAssignedCustom = true; refreshDisplayView(); if (dialog != null) dialog.dismiss(); } else { DialogUtilities.okDialog(activity, activity.getString(R.string.TEA_contact_error), null); } } else { DialogUtilities.okDialog(activity, activity.getString(R.string.TEA_contact_error), null); } } }
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@Override public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MSG_GET_IMAGES: final int index = msg.arg1; String query = (String) msg.obj; WallyApplication.getDataProviderInstance().getImages(NetworkDataProvider.PATH_SEARCH, query, currentColor, index, WallyApplication.getFilterSettings(), new DataProvider.OnImagesReceivedListener() { @Override/*from w w w . jav a 2 s . c om*/ public void onImagesReceived(ArrayList<Image> images) { Message msgObj = uiHandler.obtainMessage(); msgObj.what = index == 1 ? MSG_IMAGES_REQUEST_CREATE : MSG_IMAGES_REQUEST_APPEND; msgObj.obj = images; uiHandler.sendMessage(msgObj); } @Override public void onError(DataProviderError dataProviderError) { showError(dataProviderError, index); } }); break; case MSG_SAVE_BUTTON_CLICKED: Image image = (Image) msg.obj; WallyApplication.getDataProviderInstance().getPageData(image.imagePageURL(), new DataProvider.OnPageReceivedListener() { @Override public void onPageReceived(ImagePage imagePage) { Message msgImagePage = uiHandler.obtainMessage(); msgImagePage.what = MSG_PAGE_RECEIVED; msgImagePage.obj = imagePage; uiHandler.sendMessage(msgImagePage); } @Override public void onError(DataProviderError dataProviderError) { Message msgObj = uiHandler.obtainMessage(); msgObj.what = MSG_ERROR_IMAGE_SAVING; msgObj.obj = dataProviderError; uiHandler.sendMessage(msgObj); } }); break; case MSG_PAGE_RECEIVED: ImagePage imagePage = (ImagePage) msg.obj; if (imagePage != null) { SaveImageRequest saveImageRequest = WallyApplication.getDataProviderInstance() .downloadImageIfNeeded(imagePage.imagePath(), imagePage.imageId(), getResources().getString(R.string.notification_title_image_saving)); if (saveImageRequest.getDownloadID() != null && getActivity() instanceof MainActivity) { WallyApplication.getDownloadIDs().put(saveImageRequest.getDownloadID(), imagePage.imageId()); } else { onFileChange(); } } break; case MSG_ERROR_IMAGE_REQUEST: if (getActivity() != null) { DataProviderError dataProviderError = (DataProviderError) msg.obj; int imagesIndex = msg.arg1; showErrorMessage(dataProviderError, imagesIndex); } break; case MSG_ERROR_IMAGE_SAVING: if (getActivity() != null) { NotificationProvider notificationProvider = new NotificationProvider(); notificationProvider.cancelAll(getActivity()); Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Couldn't save image", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } break; case MSG_IMAGES_REQUEST_CREATE: ArrayList<Image> images = (ArrayList<Image>) msg.obj; boolean shouldScheduleLayoutAnimation = msg.arg1 == 0; isLoading = false; if (images != null) { hideLoader(); imagesAdapter = new RecyclerImagesAdapter(images, itemSize); imagesAdapter.setOnSaveButtonClickedListener(SearchFragment.this); imagesAdapter.updateSavedFilesList(savedFiles); gridView.setAdapter(imagesAdapter); setupAdapter(); if (shouldScheduleLayoutAnimation) { gridView.scheduleLayoutAnimation(); } } break; case MSG_IMAGES_REQUEST_APPEND: ArrayList<Image> extraImages = (ArrayList<Image>) msg.obj; isLoading = false; if (extraImages != null) { hideLoader(); int endPosition = imagesAdapter.getItemCount(); ArrayList<Image> currentList = imagesAdapter.getImages(); currentList.addAll(extraImages); imagesAdapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(endPosition, extraImages.size()); } break; case MSG_GET_LIST_OF_SAVED_IMAGES: HashMap<String, Boolean> existingFiles = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); FileManager fileManager = new FileManager(); for (Uri uri : fileManager.getFiles()) { String filename = uri.getLastPathSegment(); String[] filenames = filename.split("\\.(?=[^\\.]+$)"); //split filename from it's extension existingFiles.put(filenames[0], true); } Message fileListMessage = uiHandler.obtainMessage(); fileListMessage.obj = existingFiles; fileListMessage.what = MSG_SAVE_LIST_OF_SAVED_IMAGES; uiHandler.sendMessage(fileListMessage); break; case MSG_SAVE_LIST_OF_SAVED_IMAGES: savedFiles = (HashMap<String, Boolean>) msg.obj; if (imagesAdapter != null) { imagesAdapter.updateSavedFilesList(savedFiles); imagesAdapter.notifySavedItemsChanged(); } break; case MSG_NEW_COLOR_FETCHED: int color = msg.arg1; String colorHex = Integer.toHexString(color).substring(2); int[] colors = new int[1]; colors[0] = color; Bitmap bitmapColor = Bitmap.createBitmap(colors, 1, 1, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); //Use this to create a Palette. Palette palette = Palette.generate(bitmapColor); Message newColorMessage = uiHandler.obtainMessage(); newColorMessage.what = MSG_RENDER_NEW_COLOR; newColorMessage.obj = new Pair<String, Palette>(colorHex, palette); uiHandler.sendMessage(newColorMessage); break; case MSG_RENDER_NEW_COLOR: Pair<String, Palette> pair = (Pair<String, Palette>) msg.obj; String colorAsHex = pair.first; Palette palette1 = pair.second; showColorTag(colorAsHex, palette1); break; } return false; }
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protected void putSign() { LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; for (int i = 0; i < layout.getChildCount(); i++) { View child = layout.getChildAt(i); if (child instanceof Sign) { IGISApplication application = (IGISApplication) getApplication(); Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://" + application.getAuthority() + "/" + mLayer.getPath().getName() + "/" + mFeatureId + "/" + Constants.URI_ATTACH); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(VectorLayer.ATTACH_DISPLAY_NAME, "_signature"); values.put(VectorLayer.ATTACH_DESCRIPTION, "_signature"); values.put(VectorLayer.ATTACH_MIME_TYPE, "image/jpeg"); Cursor saved = getContentResolver().query(uri, null, VectorLayer.ATTACH_ID + " = ?", new String[] { Sign.SIGN_FILE }, null); boolean hasSign = false; if (saved != null) { hasSign = saved.moveToFirst(); saved.close();// w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m } if (!hasSign) { Uri result = getContentResolver().insert(uri, values); if (result != null) { long id = Long.parseLong(result.getLastPathSegment()); values.clear(); values.put(VectorLayer.ATTACH_ID, Integer.MAX_VALUE); uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(uri, id + ""); getContentResolver().update(uri, values, null, null); } } File png = new File(mLayer.getPath(), mFeatureId + ""); Sign sign = (Sign) child; try { if (!png.isDirectory()) FileUtil.createDir(png); png = new File(png, Sign.SIGN_FILE);, sign.getHeight(), true, png); } catch (IOException | RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
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private void handleUpdateStatusIntent(final Intent intent) { final NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this); final ParcelableStatusUpdate status = intent.getParcelableExtra(EXTRA_STATUS); final Parcelable[] status_parcelables = intent.getParcelableArrayExtra(EXTRA_STATUSES); final ParcelableStatusUpdate[] statuses; if (status_parcelables != null) { statuses = new ParcelableStatusUpdate[status_parcelables.length]; for (int i = 0, j = status_parcelables.length; i < j; i++) { statuses[i] = (ParcelableStatusUpdate) status_parcelables[i]; }/* ww w . j a v a 2s. c o m*/ } else if (status != null) { statuses = new ParcelableStatusUpdate[1]; statuses[0] = status; } else return; startForeground(NOTIFICATION_ID_UPDATE_STATUS, updateUpdateStatusNotification(this, builder, 0, null)); for (final ParcelableStatusUpdate item : statuses) { mNotificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID_UPDATE_STATUS, updateUpdateStatusNotification(this, builder, 0, item)); final ContentValues draftValues = ContentValuesCreator.createStatusDraft(item, ParcelableAccount.getAccountIds(item.accounts)); final Uri draftUri = mResolver.insert(Drafts.CONTENT_URI, draftValues); final long draftId = ParseUtils.parseLong(draftUri.getLastPathSegment(), -1); mTwitter.addSendingDraftId(draftId); final List<SingleResponse<ParcelableStatus>> result = updateStatus(builder, item); boolean failed = false; Exception exception = null; final Expression where = Expression.equals(Drafts._ID, draftId); final List<Long> failedAccountIds = ListUtils.fromArray(ParcelableAccount.getAccountIds(item.accounts)); for (final SingleResponse<ParcelableStatus> response : result) { if (response.getData() == null) { failed = true; if (exception == null) { exception = response.getException(); } } else if (response.getData().account_id > 0) { failedAccountIds.remove(response.getData().account_id); //spice if (response.getData().media == null) { SpiceProfilingUtil.log(response.getData().id + ",Tweet," + response.getData().account_id + "," + response.getData().in_reply_to_user_id + "," + response.getData().in_reply_to_status_id); SpiceProfilingUtil.profile(this.getBaseContext(), response.getData().account_id, response.getData().id + ",Tweet," + response.getData().account_id + "," + response.getData().in_reply_to_user_id + "," + response.getData().in_reply_to_status_id); } else for (final ParcelableMedia spiceMedia : response.getData().media) { SpiceProfilingUtil.log(response.getData().id + ",Media," + response.getData().account_id + "," + response.getData().in_reply_to_user_id + "," + response.getData().in_reply_to_status_id + "," + spiceMedia.media_url + "," + TypeMappingUtil.getMediaType(spiceMedia.type)); SpiceProfilingUtil.profile(this.getBaseContext(), response.getData().account_id, response.getData().id + ",Media," + response.getData().account_id + "," + response.getData().in_reply_to_user_id + "," + response.getData().in_reply_to_status_id + "," + spiceMedia.media_url + "," + TypeMappingUtil.getMediaType(spiceMedia.type)); } //end } } if (result.isEmpty()) { showErrorMessage(R.string.action_updating_status, getString(R.string.no_account_selected), false); } else if (failed) { // If the status is a duplicate, there's no need to save it to // drafts. if (exception instanceof TwitterException && ((TwitterException) exception) .getErrorCode() == StatusCodeMessageUtils.STATUS_IS_DUPLICATE) { showErrorMessage(getString(R.string.status_is_duplicate), false); } else { final ContentValues accountIdsValues = new ContentValues(); accountIdsValues.put(Drafts.ACCOUNT_IDS, ListUtils.toString(failedAccountIds, ',', false)); mResolver.update(Drafts.CONTENT_URI, accountIdsValues, where.getSQL(), null); showErrorMessage(R.string.action_updating_status, exception, true); displayTweetNotSendNotification(); } } else { showOkMessage(R.string.status_updated, false); mResolver.delete(Drafts.CONTENT_URI, where.getSQL(), null); if ( != null) { for (final ParcelableMediaUpdate media : { final String path = getImagePathFromUri(this, Uri.parse(media.uri)); if (path != null) { if (!new File(path).delete()) { Log.d(LOGTAG, String.format("unable to delete %s", path)); } } } } } mTwitter.removeSendingDraftId(draftId); if (mPreferences.getBoolean(KEY_REFRESH_AFTER_TWEET, false)) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mTwitter.refreshAll(); } }); } } stopForeground(false); mNotificationManager.cancel(NOTIFICATION_ID_UPDATE_STATUS); }
From source
/** * Query records from the database./* ww w. j a va 2s .c o m*/ * * @param uri A Uri indicating which part of data to query. * @param projection The projection of columns. * @param selection The "where" clause of sql. * @param selectionArgs Strings in the "where" clause. * @param sortOrder Sorting order of the query. * @param type Type of transfers to query. * @return A Cursor pointing to records. */ public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { final SQLiteQueryBuilder queryBuilder = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); // TODO: currently all methods calling this pass null to projection. // In the future we want to update projection to be more specific for // performance and must handle that here. queryBuilder.setTables(TransferTable.TABLE_TRANSFER); final int uriType = uriMatcher.match(uri); switch (uriType) { case TRANSFERS: queryBuilder.appendWhere(TransferTable.COLUMN_PART_NUM + "=" + 0); break; case TRANSFER_ID: queryBuilder.appendWhere(TransferTable.COLUMN_ID + "=" + uri.getLastPathSegment()); break; case TRANSFER_PART: queryBuilder.appendWhere(TransferTable.COLUMN_MAIN_UPLOAD_ID + "=" + uri.getLastPathSegment()); break; case TRANSFER_STATE: queryBuilder.appendWhere(TransferTable.COLUMN_STATE + "="); queryBuilder.appendWhereEscapeString(uri.getLastPathSegment()); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown URI: " + uri); } ensureDatabaseOpen(); final Cursor cursor = queryBuilder.query(database, projection, selection, selectionArgs, null, null, sortOrder); return cursor; }
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private void handleDiscardDraftIntent(Intent intent) { final Uri data = intent.getData(); if (data == null) return;/*from w ww.ja v a2 s . co m*/ mNotificationManager.cancel(data.toString(), NOTIFICATION_ID_DRAFTS); final ContentResolver contentResolver = getContentResolver(); final long id = ParseUtils.parseLong(data.getLastPathSegment(), -1); final Expression where = Expression.equals(Drafts._ID, id); contentResolver.delete(Drafts.CONTENT_URI, where.getSQL(), null); }
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@Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) { // for excel download if (isDocumentMimeType(url)) { Log.d(TAG, "This url is document mimetype = " + url); if (StorageUtils.isExternalStorageWritable()) { Uri source = Uri.parse(url); // Make a new request pointing to the mp3 url DownloadManager.Request request = new DownloadManager.Request(source); // Use the same file name for the destination File destinationFile = new File( Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS), source.getLastPathSegment()); request.setDestinationUri(Uri.fromFile(destinationFile)); // Add it to the manager mDownloadManager.enqueue(request); Toast.makeText(mContext, R.string.downloads_requested, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } else {/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s.c om*/ AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(mContext); builder.setPositiveButton("?", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { //closeWebApplication(); } }); builder.setMessage(R.string.downloads_path_check);; } return true; } if (url.startsWith("tel:")) { // phone call if (!PhoneState.hasPhoneCallAbility(mContext)) { Log.d(TAG, ">> This device has not phone call ability !!!"); return true; } mContext.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL, Uri.parse(url))); } else if (url.startsWith("mailto:")) { url = url.replaceFirst("mailto:", ""); url = url.trim(); Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); i.setType("plain/text").putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[] { url }); mContext.startActivity(i); } else if (url.startsWith("geo:")) { Intent searchAddress = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url)); mContext.startActivity(searchAddress); } else { // URL ?? ? ??? . dismissProgressDialog(); loadWebUrl(url); showProgressDialog(); } return true; }
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/** Returns the position of the task in the cursor. Returns -1 if the task is not in the cursor **/ private int getSelectedChildPostion(Uri taskUri, Cursor listCursor) { if (taskUri != null && listCursor != null && listCursor.moveToFirst()) { Long taskIdToSelect = Long.valueOf(taskUri.getLastPathSegment()); do {/* ww w .ja v a 2s.c om*/ Long taskId = listCursor.getLong(listCursor.getColumnIndex(Tasks._ID)); if (taskId.equals(taskIdToSelect)) { return listCursor.getPosition(); } } while (listCursor.moveToNext()); } return -1; }
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private AbstractComposeFragment getComposeFragment(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Bundle args = processIntent(savedInstanceState); if (args != null) { AbstractComposeFragment f = null; Uri threadUri = args.getParcelable("data"); String action = args.getString("action"); if (ACTION_VIEW_CONVERSATION.equals(action)) { long threadId = ContentUris.parseId(threadUri); Conversation conv = Conversation.loadFromId(this, threadId); if (conv != null) { f = conv.isGroupChat() ? new GroupMessageFragment() : new ComposeMessageFragment(); }/*w ww . j av a 2s .co m*/ } else if (ACTION_VIEW_USERID.equals(action)) { String userId = threadUri.getLastPathSegment(); Conversation conv = Conversation.loadFromUserId(this, userId); f = conv != null && conv.isGroupChat() ? new GroupMessageFragment() : new ComposeMessageFragment(); } else { // default to a single user chat f = new ComposeMessageFragment(); } if (f != null) f.setArguments(args); return f; } return null; }