List of usage examples for RectF RectF
public RectF(float left, float top, float right, float bottom)
From source
@Override protected void onDraw(final Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); // Save and rotate to start angle;/* w ww . j a v a2 s. c o m*/ final float radius = mSize * 0.5F; canvas.rotate(mStartAngle, radius, radius); // Draw all of progress for (int i = 0; i < mModels.size(); i++) { final Model model = mModels.get(i); // Get progress for current model float progressFraction = mIsAnimated && !isInEditMode() ? (model.mLastProgress + (mAnimatedFraction * (model.getProgress() - model.mLastProgress))) / MAX_PROGRESS : model.getProgress() / MAX_PROGRESS; if (i != mActionMoveModelIndex && mActionMoveModelIndex != ANIMATE_ALL_INDEX) progressFraction = model.getProgress() / MAX_PROGRESS; final float progress = progressFraction * mSweepAngle; // Check if model have gradient final boolean isGradient = model.getColors() != null; // Set width of progress mProgressPaint.setStrokeWidth(mProgressModelSize); // Set model arc progress model.mPath.reset(); model.mPath.addArc(model.mBounds, 0.0F, progress); // Draw gradient progress or solid resetShadowLayer(); mProgressPaint.setShader(null); mProgressPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); if (mIsModelBgEnabled) { //noinspection ResourceAsColor mProgressPaint.setColor(isInEditMode() ? mPreviewModelBgColor : model.getBgColor()); canvas.drawArc(model.mBounds, 0.0F, mSweepAngle, false, mProgressPaint); if (!isInEditMode()) mProgressPaint.clearShadowLayer(); } // Check if gradient for draw shadow at first and then gradient progress if (isGradient) { if (!mIsModelBgEnabled) { canvas.drawPath(model.mPath, mProgressPaint); if (!isInEditMode()) mProgressPaint.clearShadowLayer(); } mProgressPaint.setShader(model.mSweepGradient); } else mProgressPaint.setColor(model.getColor()); // Here we draw main progress mProgressPaint.setAlpha(255); canvas.drawPath(model.mPath, mProgressPaint); // Preview mode if (isInEditMode()) continue; // Get model title bounds mTextPaint.setTextSize(mProgressModelSize * 0.5F); mTextPaint.getTextBounds(model.getTitle(), 0, model.getTitle().length(), model.mTextBounds); // Draw title at start with offset final float titleHorizontalOffset = model.mTextBounds.height() * 0.5F; final float progressLength = (float) (Math.PI / 180.0F) * progress * model.mBounds.width() * 0.5F; final String title = (String) TextUtils.ellipsize(model.getTitle(), mTextPaint, progressLength - titleHorizontalOffset * 2, TextUtils.TruncateAt.END); canvas.drawTextOnPath(title, model.mPath, mIsRounded ? 0.0F : titleHorizontalOffset, titleHorizontalOffset, mTextPaint); // Get pos and tan at final path point model.mPathMeasure.setPath(model.mPath, false); model.mPathMeasure.getPosTan(model.mPathMeasure.getLength(), model.mPos, model.mTan); // Get title width final float titleWidth = model.mTextBounds.width(); // Create model progress like : 23% final String percentProgress = String.format("%d%%", (int) model.getProgress()); // Get progress text bounds mTextPaint.setTextSize(mProgressModelSize * 0.35f); mTextPaint.getTextBounds(percentProgress, 0, percentProgress.length(), model.mTextBounds); // Get pos tan with end point offset and check whether the rounded corners for offset final float progressHorizontalOffset = mIndicatorOrientation == IndicatorOrientation.VERTICAL ? model.mTextBounds.height() * 0.5F : model.mTextBounds.width() * 0.5F; final float indicatorProgressOffset = (mIsRounded ? progressFraction : 1.0F) * (-progressHorizontalOffset - titleHorizontalOffset - (mIsRounded ? model.mTextBounds.height() * 2.0F : 0.0F)); model.mPathMeasure.getPosTan(model.mPathMeasure.getLength() + indicatorProgressOffset, model.mPos, mIndicatorOrientation == IndicatorOrientation.VERTICAL && !mIsRounded ? new float[2] : model.mTan); // Check if there available place for indicator if ((titleWidth + model.mTextBounds.height() + titleHorizontalOffset * 2.0F) - indicatorProgressOffset < progressLength) { // Get rotate indicator progress angle for progress value float indicatorProgressAngle = (float) (Math.atan2(model.mTan[1], model.mTan[0]) * (180.0F / Math.PI)); // Get arc angle of progress indicator final float indicatorLengthProgressAngle = ((progressLength + indicatorProgressOffset) / (model.mBounds.width() * 0.5F)) * (float) (180.0F / Math.PI); // Detect progress indicator position : left or right and then rotate if (mIndicatorOrientation == IndicatorOrientation.VERTICAL) { // Get X point of arc angle progress indicator final float x = (float) (model.mBounds.width() * 0.5F * (Math.cos((indicatorLengthProgressAngle + mStartAngle) * Math.PI / 180.0F))) + model.mBounds.centerX(); indicatorProgressAngle += (x > radius) ? -90.0F : 90.0F; } else { // Get Y point of arc angle progress indicator final float y = (float) (model.mBounds.height() * 0.5F * (Math.sin((indicatorLengthProgressAngle + mStartAngle) * Math.PI / 180.0F))) + model.mBounds.centerY(); indicatorProgressAngle += (y > radius) ? 180.0F : 0.0F; } // Draw progress value; canvas.rotate(indicatorProgressAngle, model.mPos[0], model.mPos[1]); canvas.drawText(percentProgress, model.mPos[0] - model.mTextBounds.exactCenterX(), model.mPos[1] - model.mTextBounds.exactCenterY(), mTextPaint); canvas.restore(); } // Check if gradient and have rounded corners, because we must to create elevation effect // for start progress corner if ((isGradient || mIsLeveled) && mIsRounded && progress != 0) { model.mPathMeasure.getPosTan(0.0F, model.mPos, model.mTan); // Set paint for overlay rounded gradient with shadow setLevelShadowLayer(); //noinspection ResourceAsColor mLevelPaint.setColor(isGradient ? model.getColors()[0] : model.getColor()); // Get bounds of start pump final float halfSize = mProgressModelSize * 0.5F; final RectF arcRect = new RectF(model.mPos[0] - halfSize, model.mPos[1] - halfSize, model.mPos[0] + halfSize, model.mPos[1] + halfSize + 2.0F); canvas.drawArc(arcRect, 0.0F, -180.0F, true, mLevelPaint); } } // Restore after drawing canvas.restore(); }
From source
/** * Loads the optimum tiles for display at the current scale and translate, so the screen can be filled with tiles * that are at least as high resolution as the screen. Frees up bitmaps that are now off the screen. * @param load Whether to load the new tiles needed. Use false while scrolling/panning for performance. */// www . j ava 2 s . c o m private void refreshRequiredTiles(boolean load) { int sampleSize = Math.min(fullImageSampleSize, calculateInSampleSize()); RectF vVisRect = new RectF(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); RectF sVisRect = viewToSourceRect(vVisRect); // Load tiles of the correct sample size that are on screen. Discard tiles off screen, and those that are higher // resolution than required, or lower res than required but not the base layer, so the base layer is always present. for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<Tile>> tileMapEntry : tileMap.entrySet()) { for (Tile tile : tileMapEntry.getValue()) { if (tile.sampleSize < sampleSize || (tile.sampleSize > sampleSize && tile.sampleSize != fullImageSampleSize)) { tile.visible = false; if (tile.bitmap != null) { tile.bitmap.recycle(); tile.bitmap = null; } } if (tile.sampleSize == sampleSize) { if (RectF.intersects(sVisRect, convertRect(tile.sRect))) { tile.visible = true; if (!tile.loading && tile.bitmap == null && load) { BitmapTileTask task = new BitmapTileTask(this, decoder, decoderLock, tile); task.execute(); } } else if (tile.sampleSize != fullImageSampleSize) { tile.visible = false; if (tile.bitmap != null) { tile.bitmap.recycle(); tile.bitmap = null; } } } else if (tile.sampleSize == fullImageSampleSize) { tile.visible = true; } } } }
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/** * Loads the optimum tiles for display at the current scale and translate, * so the screen can be filled with tiles that are at least as high * resolution as the screen. Frees up bitmaps that are now off the screen. * /*www .j av a 2 s. c o m*/ * @param load * Whether to load the new tiles needed. Use false while * scrolling/panning for performance. */ private void refreshRequiredTiles(boolean load) { int sampleSize = Math.min(fullImageSampleSize, calculateInSampleSize()); RectF vVisRect = new RectF(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); RectF sVisRect = viewToSourceRect(vVisRect); // Load tiles of the correct sample size that are on screen. Discard // tiles off screen, and those that are higher // resolution than required, or lower res than required but not the base // layer, so the base layer is always present. for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<Tile>> tileMapEntry : tileMap.entrySet()) { for (Tile tile : tileMapEntry.getValue()) { if (tile.sampleSize < sampleSize || (tile.sampleSize > sampleSize && tile.sampleSize != fullImageSampleSize)) { tile.visible = false; if (tile.bitmap != null) { tile.bitmap.recycle(); tile.bitmap = null; } } if (tile.sampleSize == sampleSize) { if (RectF.intersects(sVisRect, convertRect(tile.sRect))) { tile.visible = true; if (!tile.loading && tile.bitmap == null && load) { BitmapTileTask task = new BitmapTileTask(this, decoder, decoderLock, tile); task.execute(); } } else if (tile.sampleSize != fullImageSampleSize) { tile.visible = false; if (tile.bitmap != null) { tile.bitmap.recycle(); tile.bitmap = null; } } } else if (tile.sampleSize == fullImageSampleSize) { tile.visible = true; } } } }
From source
protected Bitmap getMarker() { float scaledDensity = mContext.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity; int size = (int) (12 * scaledDensity); Bitmap marker = Bitmap.createBitmap(size, size, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas c = new Canvas(marker); Paint p = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); //noinspection deprecation p.setColor(mContext.getResources().getColor(R.color.accent)); p.setAlpha(128);/* w w w . j av a 2 s. c om*/ c.drawOval(new RectF(0, 0, size * 3 / 4, size * 3 / 4), p); return marker; }
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protected RectF getAnnotRect() { if (mAnnot != null) { double[] pts1 = mPDFView.convPagePtToScreenPt(mAnnotBBox.left, mAnnotBBox.bottom, mAnnotPageNum); double[] pts2 = mPDFView.convPagePtToScreenPt(mAnnotBBox.right,, mAnnotPageNum); return new RectF((float) pts1[0], (float) pts1[1], (float) pts2[0], (float) pts2[1]); } else {//from w w w .j a v a 2 s .c om return null; } }
From source
public boolean showMenu(List<MenuEntry> menu_titles, RectF anchor_rect, List<MenuEntry> overflow_menu_titles) { if (anchor_rect == null) { return false; }// w ww . j ava 2 m int menu_sz = menu_titles.size(); if (menu_sz > 0) { if (mQuickMenu != null) { closeMenu(); mQuickMenu = null; } RectF client_r = new RectF(0, 0, mPDFView.getWidth(), mPDFView.getHeight()); if (!client_r.intersect(anchor_rect)) { return false; } View anchor = new View(mPDFView.getContext()); anchor.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); RectF anchorRect = calculateQMAnchor(anchor_rect); int atop = (int); int abottom = (int) anchorRect.bottom; int aright = (int) anchorRect.right; int aleft = (int) anchorRect.left; anchor.layout(aleft, atop, aright, abottom); ToolManager toolManager = (ToolManager) mPDFView.getToolManager(); toolManager.setQuickMenuJustClosed(false); mQuickMenu = new QuickMenu(anchor, atop, aleft, abottom, aright, menu_titles, overflow_menu_titles, toolManager, new PopupWindow.OnDismissListener() { public void onDismiss() { if (mPDFView.getToolManager() instanceof ToolManager) { ((ToolManager) mPDFView.getToolManager()).setQuickMenuJustClosed(true); } // When dismissed, trigger the menu-clicked call-back function. mMenuShown = false; if (mQuickMenu != null) { int selected = mQuickMenu.getSelectedId(); if (selected >= 0) { com.pdftron.pdf.utils.AnalyticsHandlerAdapter.getInstance().sendEvent( AnalyticsHandlerAdapter.CATEGORY_QUICKTOOL, mQuickMenu.getSelectedType() + " selected"); onQuickMenuClicked(selected, mQuickMenu.getSelectedType()); } } } }, mPDFView.isHardwareAccelerated()); //adriaan if (!ToolManager.isPenMarkActive && !ToolManager.isRedHighlight && !ToolManager.isGreenHighlight) {; mMenuShown = true; return true; } else { ToolManager.isRedHighlight = false; ToolManager.isGreenHighlight = false; return false; } } return false; }
From source
/** * Configure the necessary {@link Matrix} transformation to `mTextureView`, * and start/restart the preview capture session if necessary. * <p/>// ww w . j av a 2 s. c o m * This method should be called after the camera state has been initialized in * setUpCameraOutputs. * * @param viewWidth The width of `mTextureView` * @param viewHeight The height of `mTextureView` */ private void configureTransform(int viewWidth, int viewHeight) { Activity activity = getActivity(); synchronized (mCameraStateLock) { if (null == mTextureView || null == activity) { return; } StreamConfigurationMap map = mCharacteristics .get(CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP); // For still image captures, we always use the largest available size. Size largestJpeg = Collections.max(Arrays.asList(map.getOutputSizes(ImageFormat.JPEG)), new CompareSizesByArea()); // Find the rotation of the device relative to the native device orientation. int deviceRotation = activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation(); Point displaySize = new Point(); activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getSize(displaySize); // Find the rotation of the device relative to the camera sensor's orientation. int totalRotation = sensorToDeviceRotation(mCharacteristics, deviceRotation); // Swap the view dimensions for calculation as needed if they are rotated relative to // the sensor. boolean swappedDimensions = totalRotation == 90 || totalRotation == 270; int rotatedViewWidth = viewWidth; int rotatedViewHeight = viewHeight; int maxPreviewWidth = displaySize.x; int maxPreviewHeight = displaySize.y; if (swappedDimensions) { rotatedViewWidth = viewHeight; rotatedViewHeight = viewWidth; maxPreviewWidth = displaySize.y; maxPreviewHeight = displaySize.x; } // Preview should not be larger than display size and 1080p. if (maxPreviewWidth > MAX_PREVIEW_WIDTH) { maxPreviewWidth = MAX_PREVIEW_WIDTH; } if (maxPreviewHeight > MAX_PREVIEW_HEIGHT) { maxPreviewHeight = MAX_PREVIEW_HEIGHT; } // Find the best preview size for these view dimensions and configured JPEG size. Size previewSize = chooseOptimalSize(map.getOutputSizes(SurfaceTexture.class), rotatedViewWidth, rotatedViewHeight, maxPreviewWidth, maxPreviewHeight, largestJpeg); if (swappedDimensions) { mTextureView.setAspectRatio(previewSize.getHeight(), previewSize.getWidth()); } else { mTextureView.setAspectRatio(previewSize.getWidth(), previewSize.getHeight()); } // Find rotation of device in degrees (reverse device orientation for front-facing // cameras). int rotation = (mCharacteristics .get(CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING) == CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING_FRONT) ? (360 + ORIENTATIONS.get(deviceRotation)) % 360 : (360 - ORIENTATIONS.get(deviceRotation)) % 360; Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); RectF viewRect = new RectF(0, 0, viewWidth, viewHeight); RectF bufferRect = new RectF(0, 0, previewSize.getHeight(), previewSize.getWidth()); float centerX = viewRect.centerX(); float centerY = viewRect.centerY(); // Initially, output stream images from the Camera2 API will be rotated to the native // device orientation from the sensor's orientation, and the TextureView will default to // scaling these buffers to fill it's view bounds. If the aspect ratios and relative // orientations are correct, this is fine. // // However, if the device orientation has been rotated relative to its native // orientation so that the TextureView's dimensions are swapped relative to the // native device orientation, we must do the following to ensure the output stream // images are not incorrectly scaled by the TextureView: // - Undo the scale-to-fill from the output buffer's dimensions (i.e. its dimensions // in the native device orientation) to the TextureView's dimension. // - Apply a scale-to-fill from the output buffer's rotated dimensions // (i.e. its dimensions in the current device orientation) to the TextureView's // dimensions. // - Apply the rotation from the native device orientation to the current device // rotation. if (Surface.ROTATION_90 == deviceRotation || Surface.ROTATION_270 == deviceRotation) { bufferRect.offset(centerX - bufferRect.centerX(), centerY - bufferRect.centerY()); matrix.setRectToRect(viewRect, bufferRect, Matrix.ScaleToFit.FILL); float scale = Math.max((float) viewHeight / previewSize.getHeight(), (float) viewWidth / previewSize.getWidth()); matrix.postScale(scale, scale, centerX, centerY); } matrix.postRotate(rotation, centerX, centerY); mTextureView.setTransform(matrix); // Start or restart the active capture session if the preview was initialized or // if its aspect ratio changed significantly. if (mPreviewSize == null || !checkAspectsEqual(previewSize, mPreviewSize)) { mPreviewSize = previewSize; if (mState != STATE_CLOSED) { createCameraPreviewSessionLocked(); } } } }
From source
public RectF calculateQMAnchor(RectF anchor_rect) { if (anchor_rect != null) { int left = (int) anchor_rect.left; int top = (int); int right = (int) anchor_rect.right; int bottom = (int) anchor_rect.bottom; try {/*from www . j av a 2 s .co m*/ // normalize the rect com.pdftron.pdf.Rect rect = new com.pdftron.pdf.Rect((double) anchor_rect.left, (double), (double) anchor_rect.right, (double) anchor_rect.bottom); rect.normalize(); left = (int) rect.getX1(); top = (int) rect.getY1(); right = (int) rect.getX2(); bottom = (int) rect.getY2(); } catch (PDFNetException e) { } int[] location = new int[2]; mPDFView.getLocationInWindow(location); int atop = top + location[1]; int aleft = left + location[0]; int aright = right + location[0]; int abottom = bottom + location[1]; RectF qmAnchor = new RectF(aleft, atop, aright, abottom); return qmAnchor; } return null; }
From source
/** * Gets a rectangle to use when selecting text. *//*w ww. j av a2 s . c o m*/ protected RectF getTextSelectRect(float x, float y) { float delta = 0.5f; float x2 = x + delta; float y2 = y + delta; delta *= 2; float x1 = x2 - delta >= 0 ? x2 - delta : 0; float y1 = y2 - delta >= 0 ? y2 - delta : 0; return new RectF(x1, y1, x2, y2); }
From source
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { int i;/*w w w . j av a2s.c o m*/ int j; if (mainpage == -1 && event.getAction() == 1) { this.touchx = (int) event.getX(); this.touchy = (int) event.getY(); if (new Rect(screenW / 16, (int) (((double) ((screenH * 5) / 8)) - (1.5d * ((double) ExitGame.exittextsize))), (int) (((float) (screenW / 6)) + (ExitGame.pcolored.measureText(ctx.getString(R.string.yes)) / 2.0f)), (int) (((double) ((screenH * 5) / 8)) + (0.5d * ((double) ExitGame.exittextsize)))) .contains((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY())) { System.exit(0); } if (new Rect( (int) (((float) (screenW - (screenW / 5))) - (ExitGame.pcolored.measureText(ctx.getString(R.string.cancel)) / 2.0f)), (int) (((double) ((screenH * 5) / 8)) - (1.5d * ((double) ExitGame.exittextsize))), screenW - (screenW / 16), (int) (((double) ((screenH * 5) / 8)) + (0.5d * ((double) ExitGame.exittextsize)))) .contains((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY())) { mainpage = 1; reset(); } if (new Rect( (int) (((float) (screenW / 2)) - (ExitGame.pcolored.measureText(ctx.getString(R.string.rateit)) / 2.0f)), (int) (((double) ((screenH * 5) / 8)) - (1.5d * ((double) ExitGame.exittextsize))), (int) (((float) (screenW / 2)) + (ExitGame.pcolored.measureText(ctx.getString(R.string.rateit)) / 2.0f)), (int) (((double) ((screenH * 5) / 8)) + (0.5d * ((double) ExitGame.exittextsize)))) .contains((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY())) { ctx.startActivity(new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW", Uri.parse(DefaultData.RateUrl))); } } if (!bak2) { if (mainpage == 1) { errorcircle = false; linecounter = NoOfInitialLines - 1; for (i = 0; i < NoOfInitialLines; i++) { blinedraw[i] = true; } for (i = 0; i < rotation.length; i++) { rotation[i] = 0.0f; } for (i = 0; i < NoOfInitialLines; i++) { rotation[i] = (float) ((i + 1) * (360 / NoOfInitialLines)); if (rotation[i] > 360.0f) { rotation[i] = rotation[i] - 360.0f; } } if (!bak4 && event.getAction() == 0) { this.touchx = (int) event.getX(); this.touchy = (int) event.getY(); if (new RectF(, F.hf(175.0f), + ((float) ((int), F.hf(175.0f) + ((float) ((int) this.touchx, (float) this.touchy)) { levelcounter = GameActivity.gameLevel; mainpage = 3; // GameActivity.vimapad.isBottomAdVisible(true); // GameActivity.vimapad.isTopAdVisible(false); Circle.bak1 = true; } } } if (!bak4 && mainpage == 1 && event.getAction() == 0) { this.touchx = (int) event.getX(); this.touchy = (int) event.getY(); if (new Rect((int), (int) F.hf(340.0f), ((int) + ((int), ((int) F.hf(340.0f)) + ((int), this.touchy)) { ctx.startActivity(new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW", Uri.parse(DefaultData.defaultUrl))); } } } if (!bak4 && mainpage == 1 && event.getAction() == 0) { this.touchx = (int) event.getX(); this.touchy = (int) event.getY(); if (new Rect((int), (int) F.hf(340.0f), ((int) + ((int), ((int) F.hf(340.0f)) + ((int), this.touchy)) { mainpage = 5; } } if (!bak4 && mainpage == 1 && event.getAction() == 0) { this.leaderx = (int) event.getX(); this.leadery = (int) event.getY(); if (new Rect((int), (int) F.hf(340.0f), ((int) + ((int), ((int) F.hf(340.0f)) + ((int), this.leadery)) { GameActivity start = (GameActivity) ctx; // start.checkGooglPlayService(); // start.beginUserInitiatedSignIn(); // start.onShowLeaderboardsRequested(); } } if (Levelfailedanimation.holdanim >= 5 && mainpage == 6) { if (event.getAction() == 0) { this.animx = (int) event.getX(); this.animy = (int) event.getY(); if (new Rect((int), (int) F.hf(210.0f), (int), (int) F.hf(260.0f)) .contains(this.animx, this.animy)) { mainpage = 3; // GameActivity.vimapad.isBottomAdVisible(true); // GameActivity.vimapad.isTopAdVisible(false); circleblink = false; reset(); errorcircle = false; linecounter = NoOfInitialLines - 1; for (j = 0; j < NoOfInitialLines; j++) { blinedraw[j] = true; } for (j = 0; j < rotation.length; j++) { rotation[j] = 0.0f; } for (j = 0; j < NoOfInitialLines; j++) { rotation[j] = (float) ((j + 1) * (360 / NoOfInitialLines)); if (rotation[j] > 360.0f) { rotation[j] = rotation[j] - 360.0f; } baka = true; this.bakc = true; } } } if (event.getAction() == 1) { this.choosex = (int) event.getX(); this.choosey = (int) event.getY(); if (new Rect((int), (int) F.hf(290.0f), (int), (int) F.hf(310.0f)) .contains(this.choosex, this.choosey)) { // GameActivity.vimapad.isBottomAdVisible(true); // GameActivity.vimapad.isTopAdVisible(false); Levelfailedanimation.showtransparencyflag = false; Levelfailedanimation.holdlevelanim = 0; Levelfailedanimation.holdanim = 0; for (i = 0; i < Levelfailedanimation.animboolean.length; i++) { Levelfailedanimation.animboolean[i] = false; } Levelfailedanimation.showtransparencyflag = false; mainpage = 7; baka = true; this.bakc = true; } } } if (!(baka || circleblink || colcircle || mainpage != 3 || Circle.bak1 || event.getAction() != 0)) { this.downx = (int) event.getX(); this.downy = (int) event.getY(); if (new RectF(0.0f, 0.0f, (float) (screenW + 0), ((float) (screenH / 2)) + F.hf(200.0f)) .contains((float) this.downx, (float) this.downy)) { GameActivity mainActivity; linecounter++; if (!levelfailed) { circledrawboolean[linecounter] = true; } if (Circle.counter > (-Circle.var)) { Circle.value--; } if (linecounter > 0) { j = 0; while (j < linecounter) { if ((rotation[j] >= 0.0f && ((rotation[j] < 180.0f && getDistance(Math.abs((F.hf(272.0f) - F.hf(105.0f)) - F.hf(272.0f)) +, rotation[j]) < ((double) (2.0f * || (rotation[j] > 180.0f && getDistance( Math.abs((F.hf(272.0f) - F.hf(105.0f)) - F.hf(272.0f)) +, 360.0f - rotation[j]) < ((double) (2.0f * || (rotation[j] < 0.0f && ((rotation[j] > -180.0f && getDistance( Math.abs((F.hf(272.0f) - F.hf(105.0f)) - F.hf(272.0f)) +, Math.abs(rotation[j])) < ((double) (2.0f * || (rotation[j] < -180.0f && getDistance( Math.abs((F.hf(272.0f) - F.hf(105.0f)) - F.hf(272.0f)) +, 360.0f - Math .abs(rotation[j])) < ((double) (2.0f * { errorcircle = true; circleblink = true; } mainActivity = (GameActivity) ctx; mainActivity.saveState(); mainActivity.getState(); j++; } } if (!circleblink && Circle.value == (-Circle.var)) { errorcircle = true; colcircle = true; // GameActivity.vimapad.isBottomAdVisible(true); // GameActivity.vimapad.isTopAdVisible(false); Circle.blink = true; if (levelcounter == 202) { levelcounter = 1; } mainActivity = (GameActivity) ctx; mainActivity.saveState(); mainActivity.getState(); } bak2 = true; } } if (mainpage == 7 && !this.bakc) { this.level.onTouchEvent(event); } return true; }