List of usage examples for Color rgb
@ColorInt public static int rgb(float red, float green, float blue)
From source
public void reset() { L("reset");/* w w w . j a v a2s.c om*/ final Drawable sky = new GradientDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation.BOTTOM_TOP, SKIES[mTimeOfDay]); sky.setDither(true); setBackground(sky); mFlipped = frand() > 0.5f; setScaleX(mFlipped ? -1 : 1); int i = getChildCount(); while (i-- > 0) { final View v = getChildAt(i); if (v instanceof GameView) { removeViewAt(i); } } mObstaclesInPlay.clear(); mCurrentPipeId = 0; mWidth = getWidth(); mHeight = getHeight(); boolean showingSun = (mTimeOfDay == DAY || mTimeOfDay == SUNSET) && frand() > 0.25; if (showingSun) { final Star sun = new Star(getContext()); sun.setBackground(Utility.getCompatDrawable(getContext(), R.drawable.sun)); final int w = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.mland_sun_size); sun.setTranslationX(frand(w, mWidth - w)); if (mTimeOfDay == DAY) { sun.setTranslationY(frand(w, (mHeight * 0.66f))); DrawableCompat.setTint(sun.getBackground(), 0); } else { sun.setTranslationY(frand(mHeight * 0.66f, mHeight - w)); DrawableCompat.setTintMode(sun.getBackground(), PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP); DrawableCompat.setTint(sun.getBackground(), 0xC0FF8000); } addView(sun, new LayoutParams(w, w)); } if (!showingSun) { final boolean dark = mTimeOfDay == NIGHT || mTimeOfDay == TWILIGHT; final float ff = frand(); if ((dark && ff < 0.75f) || ff < 0.5f) { final Star moon = new Star(getContext()); moon.setBackground(Utility.getCompatDrawable(getContext(), R.drawable.moon)); moon.getBackground().setAlpha(dark ? 255 : 128); moon.setScaleX(frand() > 0.5 ? -1 : 1); moon.setRotation(moon.getScaleX() * frand(5, 30)); final int w = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.mland_sun_size); moon.setTranslationX(frand(w, mWidth - w)); moon.setTranslationY(frand(w, mHeight - w)); addView(moon, new LayoutParams(w, w)); } } final int mh = mHeight / 6; final boolean cloudless = frand() < 0.25; final int N = 20; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { final float r1 = frand(); final Scenery s; if (HAVE_STARS && r1 < 0.3 && mTimeOfDay != DAY) { s = new Star(getContext()); } else if (r1 < 0.6 && !cloudless) { s = new Cloud(getContext()); } else { switch (mScene) { case SCENE_ZRH: s = new Mountain(getContext()); break; case SCENE_TX: s = new Cactus(getContext()); break; case SCENE_CITY: default: s = new Building(getContext()); break; } s.z = (float) i / N; // no more shadows for these things //s.setTranslationZ(PARAMS.SCENERY_Z * (1+s.z)); s.v = 0.85f * s.z; // buildings move proportional to their distance if (mScene == SCENE_CITY) { s.setBackgroundColor(Color.GRAY); s.h = irand(PARAMS.BUILDING_HEIGHT_MIN, mh); } final int c = (int) (255f * s.z); final Drawable bg = s.getBackground(); if (bg != null) bg.setColorFilter(Color.rgb(c, c, c), PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY); } final LayoutParams lp = new LayoutParams(s.w, s.h); if (s instanceof Building) { lp.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM; } else { lp.gravity = Gravity.TOP; final float r = frand(); if (s instanceof Star) { lp.topMargin = (int) (r * r * mHeight); } else { lp.topMargin = (int) (1 - r * r * mHeight / 2) + mHeight / 2; } } addView(s, lp); s.setTranslationX(frand(-lp.width, mWidth + lp.width)); } for (Player p : mPlayers) { addView(p); // put it back! p.reset(); } realignPlayers(); if (mAnim != null) { mAnim.cancel(); } mAnim = new TimeAnimator(); mAnim.setTimeListener(new TimeAnimator.TimeListener() { @Override public void onTimeUpdate(TimeAnimator timeAnimator, long t, long dt) { step(t, dt); } }); }
From source
private void updateContentFromCursor(Cursor c) { if (c.moveToFirst()) { dateTime = c.getString(1);//from w ww .j a v a 2 m bestOf = c.getString(2); teamLeftName = c.getString(3); teamLeftFlagUrl = c.getString(4); teamRightName = c.getString(5); teamRightFlagUrl = c.getString(6); tournamentName = c.getString(7); tournamentLogo = c.getString(8); tournamentUrl = c.getString(9); mUrl = c.getString(10); mMatchStart = Long.parseLong(dateTime); mTitle.setText(teamLeftName + " vs " + teamRightName); mSubtitle.setText(TimeUtils.toReadableLocalTime(dateTime)); mBestOfView.setText(bestOf.toUpperCase()); View tournamentCard = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.card_tournament, mDetailsContainer, false); ImageView tournamentLogoView = (ImageView) tournamentCard.findViewById(; TextView tournamentNameView = (TextView) tournamentCard.findViewById(; DisplayMetrics dm = mContext.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); int rpx = Math.round(UIUtils.dpToPx(dm, 3f)); tournamentLogoView.setColorFilter(Color.rgb(123, 123, 123),; Picasso.with(this).load(teamLeftFlagUrl).transform(new RoundedTransformation(rpx, 0)).fit() .into(mMatchTeamOneImageView); Picasso.with(this).load(teamRightFlagUrl).transform(new RoundedTransformation(rpx, 0)).fit() .into(mMatchTeamTwoImageView); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { Picasso.with(this).load(tournamentLogo).transform(new TopRoundedTransformation(rpx)).fit() .centerCrop().into(tournamentLogoView); } else { Picasso.with(this).load(tournamentLogo).into(tournamentLogoView); } tournamentNameView.setText(tournamentName); final Uri tournamentLink = Uri.parse(tournamentUrl); tournamentCard.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, tournamentLink); startActivity(intent); } }); mDetailsContainer.addView(tournamentCard); mAddReminderButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); final boolean isReminderSet = c.getInt(11) != 0; showStarredDeferred(mInitStarred = isReminderSet, false); getLoaderManager().initLoader(GGNET_LOADER, null, mMatchCallbacks); getLoaderManager().initLoader(STEAM_LOADER, null, mLiveGameLoaderCallbacks); } else { return; } }
From source
private void initVisualTrace(boolean previousRoute) { PolylineOptions traceOptions = new PolylineOptions(); int color = (!previousRoute) ? Color.BLUE : Color.rgb(255, 255, 153); //light green traceOptions.color(color);/*from ww w .j av a2 s . co m*/ Polyline routeTrace = mMap.addPolyline(traceOptions); if (!previousRoute) visualRouteTrace = routeTrace; else previousVisualRouteTrace = routeTrace; routeTrace.setVisible(true); }
From source
private LineAndPointFormatter getDrainFormatter() { LineAndPointFormatter drainFormatter = new LineAndPointFormatter(); drainFormatter.setPointLabelFormatter(new PointLabelFormatter()); drainFormatter.setPointLabeler(new PointLabeler() { @Override//from w w w . j a va2s. c o m public String getLabel(XYSeries xySeries, int i) { return ""; } }); drainFormatter.getLinePaint().setStrokeWidth(0); drainFormatter.getLinePaint().setColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); drainFormatter.getVertexPaint().setColor(Color.rgb(0x00, 0x44, 0x00)); drainFormatter.getVertexPaint().setStrokeWidth(4); drainFormatter.getFillPaint().setColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); drainFormatter.getPointLabelFormatter().getTextPaint().setColor(Color.WHITE); return drainFormatter; }
From source
private XYMultipleSeriesRenderer getRenderer() { XYMultipleSeriesRenderer renderer = new XYMultipleSeriesRenderer(); XYSeriesRenderer r = new XYSeriesRenderer(); TypedValue outValue1 = new TypedValue(); TypedValue outValue2 = new TypedValue(); TypedValue outValue3 = new TypedValue(); TypedValue outValue4 = new TypedValue(); mContext.getResources().getValue(R.dimen.xy_chart_text_size_value, outValue1, true); mContext.getResources().getValue(R.dimen.xy_labels_text_size_value, outValue2, true); mContext.getResources().getValue(R.dimen.xy_axis_title_text_size_value, outValue3, true); mContext.getResources().getValue(R.dimen.xy_legend_text_size_value, outValue4, true); float xyChartTextSizeValue = outValue1.getFloat(); float xyLabelsTextSizeValue = outValue1.getFloat(); float xyAxisTitleTextSizeValue = outValue1.getFloat(); float xyLegendTextSizeValue = outValue1.getFloat(); r = new XYSeriesRenderer(); r.setColor(Color.rgb(255, 124, 0)); r.setFillPoints(true);//from w w w. jav a2 s . co m r.setLineWidth(2.5f); r.setDisplayChartValues(true); r.setChartValuesTextSize(xyChartTextSizeValue); renderer.addSeriesRenderer(r); renderer.setAxesColor(Color.WHITE); renderer.setLabelsColor(Color.LTGRAY); renderer.setBackgroundColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); renderer.setTextTypeface("sans_serif", Typeface.BOLD); renderer.setLabelsTextSize(xyLabelsTextSizeValue); renderer.setAxisTitleTextSize(xyAxisTitleTextSizeValue); renderer.setLegendTextSize(xyLegendTextSizeValue); renderer.setXTitle(FunctionUtils.capitalizeFirtsLetter(getString(R.string.minutes))); renderer.setYTitle(getString(; renderer.setXLabels(20); renderer.setYLabels(20); renderer.setYLabelsAlign(Align.LEFT); renderer.setShowGrid(false); renderer.setXAxisMin((timeList.get(0) / 60)); renderer.setXAxisMax((float) ((float) timeList.get(timeList.size() - 1) / 60)); renderer.setYAxisMin(min_hr); renderer.setYAxisMax(max_hr); return renderer; }
From source
/** * Create a textView and add it to the given layout (game content). Used to add custom texts * to a game. This also sets the text apperance to AppCompat and the gravity to center. * The width and height is also measured, so you can use it directly. * * @param width The width to apply to the * @param layout he textView will be added to this layout * @param context Context to create view *//*from w w w . j a v a2 s .c o m*/ protected void addTextViews(int count, int width, RelativeLayout layout, Context context) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { TextView textView = new TextView(context); textView.setWidth(width); TextViewCompat.setTextAppearance(textView,; textView.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); textView.setTextColor(Color.rgb(0, 0, 0)); layout.addView(textView); textView.measure(0, 0); textViews.add(textView); } }
From source
private void paintData(int sql_option, int activity) { boolean isMetric = FunctionUtils.checkIfUnitsAreMetric(mContext); sum_distance = 0;//from ww w.j av a2s .c om sum_kcal = 0; sum_time = 0; sum_up_accum_altitude = 0; sum_down_accum_altitude = 0; sum_avg_speed = 0; sum_steps = 0; sum_avg_hr = 0; practices_counter = 0; hr_practices_counter = 0; int[] colors = { Color.rgb(111, 183, 217), Color.rgb(54, 165, 54), Color.rgb(246, 103, 88), Color.rgb(234, 206, 74), Color.rgb(246, 164, 83), Color.LTGRAY, Color.rgb(35, 142, 36), Color.rgb(0, 129, 125), Color.rgb(0, 0, 220), Color.rgb(255, 255, 0), Color.rgb(255, 215, 0), Color.rgb(184, 134, 11), Color.rgb(245, 245, 220), Color.rgb(139, 137, 137), Color.rgb(96, 57, 138), Color.rgb(176, 0, 103), Color.rgb(77, 19, 106), Color.rgb(218, 0, 0), Color.rgb(252, 115, 0), Color.rgb(243, 42, 0), Color.rgb(255, 202, 44), Color.rgb(176, 214, 7), Color.rgb(255, 235, 44), Color.rgb(255, 255, 255), Color.rgb(186, 29, 29), Color.rgb(146, 436, 20), Color.rgb(245, 175, 209), Color.rgb(29, 91, 139), Color.rgb(128, 128, 0), Color.rgb(128, 0, 128), Color.rgb(0, 128, 128), Color.rgb(246, 233, 207), Color.rgb(231, 56, 142), Color.rgb(173, 141, 193), Color.rgb(191, 199, 32), Color.rgb(0, 128, 0), Color.rgb(4, 136, 125), Color.rgb(140, 0, 255), Color.rgb(135, 0, 118), Color.rgb(2, 132, 132), Color.rgb(0, 127, 204), Color.rgb(128, 250, 255), Color.rgb(192, 192, 192), Color.rgb(207, 94, 97), Color.rgb(137, 189, 199), Color.rgb(138, 168, 161), Color.rgb(171, 166, 191), Color.rgb(199, 153, 125) }; DBManager = null; cursor = null; distance_distribution = null; kcal_distribution = null; time_distribution = null; DBManager = new DataManager(mContext); DBManager.Open(); cursor = DBManager.CustomQuery(getString(R.string.checking_routes), "SELECT * FROM routes"); cursor.moveToFirst(); if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { between_dates_query_part = ""; DatesTypes whichDate = DatesTypes.values()[sql_option]; switch (whichDate) { case ALL_DATES: removeCustomDataValues(); if (activity > 0) { cursor = DBManager.CustomQuery( getString(R.string.selecting_all_routes) + " " + getString(R.string.filter_by_activity) + " " + getString(R.string.and) + " " + getString(R.string.group_by_activities), "SELECT category_id, COUNT(*) AS count_practices, SUM(distance) AS sum_distance, " + "SUM(kcal) AS sum_kcal, SUM(time) AS sum_time, SUM(avg_speed) AS sum_avg_speed, " + "SUM(up_accum_altitude) AS sum_up_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(down_accum_altitude) AS sum_down_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(steps) AS sum_steps " + "FROM routes " + "WHERE category_id = '" + activity + "' " + "GROUP BY category_id"); } else { cursor = DBManager.CustomQuery( getString(R.string.selecting_all_routes) + " " + getString(R.string.group_by_activities), "SELECT category_id, COUNT(*) AS count_practices, SUM(distance) AS sum_distance, " + "SUM(kcal) AS sum_kcal, SUM(time) AS sum_time, SUM(avg_speed) AS sum_avg_speed, " + "SUM(up_accum_altitude) AS sum_up_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(down_accum_altitude) AS sum_down_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(steps) AS sum_steps " + "FROM routes GROUP BY category_id"); } break; case THIS_YEAR: removeCustomDataValues(); if (activity > 0) { cursor = DBManager.CustomQuery( getString(R.string.selecting_this_year_routes) + " " + getString(R.string.filter_by_activity) + " " + getString(R.string.and) + " " + getString(R.string.group_by_activities), "SELECT category_id, COUNT(*) AS count_practices, SUM(distance) AS sum_distance, " + "SUM(kcal) AS sum_kcal, SUM(time) AS sum_time, SUM(avg_speed) AS sum_avg_speed, " + "SUM(up_accum_altitude) AS sum_up_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(down_accum_altitude) AS sum_down_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(steps) AS sum_steps " + "FROM routes " + "WHERE substr(date,7) = '" + Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) + "' " + "AND category_id = '" + activity + "' " + "GROUP BY category_id"); } else { cursor = DBManager.CustomQuery( getString(R.string.selecting_this_year_routes) + " " + getString(R.string.group_by_activities), "SELECT category_id, COUNT(*) AS count_practices, SUM(distance) AS sum_distance, " + "SUM(kcal) AS sum_kcal, SUM(time) AS sum_time, SUM(avg_speed) AS sum_avg_speed, " + "SUM(up_accum_altitude) AS sum_up_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(down_accum_altitude) AS sum_down_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(steps) AS sum_steps " + "FROM routes " + "WHERE substr(date,7) = '" + Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) + "' " + "GROUP BY category_id"); } between_dates_query_part = "substr(date,7) = '" + Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) + "' "; break; case THIS_MONTH: removeCustomDataValues(); int month = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; String sMonth = String.valueOf(month); if (month < 10) sMonth = "0" + sMonth; if (activity > 0) { cursor = DBManager.CustomQuery( getString(R.string.selecting_this_month_routes) + " " + getString(R.string.filter_by_activity) + " " + getString(R.string.and) + " " + getString(R.string.group_by_activities), "SELECT category_id, COUNT(*) AS count_practices, SUM(distance) AS sum_distance, " + "SUM(kcal) AS sum_kcal, SUM(time) AS sum_time, SUM(avg_speed) AS sum_avg_speed, " + "SUM(up_accum_altitude) AS sum_up_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(down_accum_altitude) AS sum_down_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(steps) AS sum_steps " + "FROM routes " + "WHERE substr(date,4,2) = '" + sMonth + "' " + "AND substr(date,7) = '" + Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) + "' " + "AND category_id = '" + activity + "' " + "GROUP BY category_id"); } else { cursor = DBManager.CustomQuery( getString(R.string.selecting_this_month_routes) + " " + getString(R.string.group_by_activities), "SELECT category_id, COUNT(*) AS count_practices, SUM(distance) AS sum_distance, " + "SUM(kcal) AS sum_kcal, SUM(time) AS sum_time, SUM(avg_speed) AS sum_avg_speed, " + "SUM(up_accum_altitude) AS sum_up_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(down_accum_altitude) AS sum_down_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(steps) AS sum_steps " + "FROM routes " + "WHERE substr(date,4,2) = '" + sMonth + "' " + "AND substr(date,7) = '" + Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) + "' " + "GROUP BY category_id"); } between_dates_query_part = "substr(date,4,2) = '" + sMonth + "' AND substr(date,7) = '" + Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) + "' "; break; case THIS_WEAK: removeCustomDataValues(); Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance(); c1.setFirstDayOfWeek(Calendar.MONDAY); c1.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.MONDAY); int y = c1.get(Calendar.YEAR); int m = c1.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; int d = c1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); String sYear1 = String.valueOf(y); String sMonth1 = String.valueOf(m); if (m < 10) sMonth1 = "0" + sMonth1; String sDay1 = String.valueOf(d); if (d < 10) sDay1 = "0" + sDay1; c1.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.SUNDAY); int y2 = c1.get(Calendar.YEAR); int m2 = c1.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; int d2 = c1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); String sYear2 = String.valueOf(y2); String sMonth2 = String.valueOf(m2); if (m2 < 10) sMonth2 = "0" + sMonth2; String sDay2 = String.valueOf(d2); if (d2 < 10) sDay2 = "0" + sDay2; if (activity > 0) { cursor = DBManager.CustomQuery( getString(R.string.selecting_this_weak_routes) + " " + getString(R.string.filter_by_activity) + " " + getString(R.string.and) + " " + getString(R.string.group_by_activities), "SELECT category_id, COUNT(*) AS count_practices, SUM(distance) AS sum_distance, " + "SUM(kcal) AS sum_kcal, SUM(time) AS sum_time, SUM(avg_speed) AS sum_avg_speed, " + "SUM(up_accum_altitude) AS sum_up_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(down_accum_altitude) AS sum_down_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(steps) AS sum_steps " + "FROM routes " + "WHERE substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) " + "BETWEEN '" + sYear1 + sMonth1 + sDay1 + "' AND '" + sYear2 + sMonth2 + sDay2 + "' " + "AND category_id = '" + activity + "' " + "GROUP BY category_id"); } else { cursor = DBManager.CustomQuery( getString(R.string.selecting_this_weak_routes) + " " + getString(R.string.group_by_activities), "SELECT category_id, COUNT(*) AS count_practices, SUM(distance) AS sum_distance, " + "SUM(kcal) AS sum_kcal, SUM(time) AS sum_time, SUM(avg_speed) AS sum_avg_speed, " + "SUM(up_accum_altitude) AS sum_up_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(down_accum_altitude) AS sum_down_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(steps) AS sum_steps " + "FROM routes " + "WHERE substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) " + "BETWEEN '" + sYear1 + sMonth1 + sDay1 + "' AND '" + sYear2 + sMonth2 + sDay2 + "' " + "GROUP BY category_id"); } between_dates_query_part = "substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) " + "BETWEEN '" + sYear1 + sMonth1 + sDay1 + "' AND '" + sYear2 + sMonth2 + sDay2 + "' "; break; case BETWEEN_TWO_DATES: String mYear1 = String.valueOf(year1); String mMonth1 = String.valueOf(month1); if (month1 < 10) mMonth1 = "0" + mMonth1; String mDay1 = String.valueOf(day1); if (day1 < 10) mDay1 = "0" + mDay1; String mYear2 = String.valueOf(year2); String mMonth2 = String.valueOf(month2); if (month2 < 10) mMonth2 = "0" + mMonth2; String mDay2 = String.valueOf(day2); if (day2 < 10) mDay2 = "0" + mDay2; customDay1 = mDay1; customDay2 = mDay2; customMonth1 = mMonth1; customMonth2 = mMonth2; customYear1 = mYear1; customYear2 = mYear2; if (activity > 0) { cursor = DBManager.CustomQuery("Seleccionando las rutas de este mes agrupadas por actividad", "SELECT category_id, COUNT(*) AS count_practices, SUM(distance) AS sum_distance, " + "SUM(kcal) AS sum_kcal, SUM(time) AS sum_time, SUM(avg_speed) AS sum_avg_speed, " + "SUM(up_accum_altitude) AS sum_up_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(down_accum_altitude) AS sum_down_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(steps) AS sum_steps " + "FROM routes " + "WHERE substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) " + "BETWEEN '" + customYear1 + customMonth1 + customDay1 + "' AND '" + customYear2 + customMonth2 + customDay2 + "' " + "AND category_id = '" + activity + "' " + "GROUP BY category_id"); } else { cursor = DBManager.CustomQuery("Seleccionando las rutas de este mes agrupadas por actividad", "SELECT category_id, COUNT(*) AS count_practices, SUM(distance) AS sum_distance, " + "SUM(kcal) AS sum_kcal, SUM(time) AS sum_time, SUM(avg_speed) AS sum_avg_speed, " + "SUM(up_accum_altitude) AS sum_up_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(down_accum_altitude) AS sum_down_accum_altitude, " + "SUM(steps) AS sum_steps " + "FROM routes " + "WHERE substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) " + "BETWEEN '" + customYear1 + customMonth1 + customDay1 + "' AND '" + customYear2 + customMonth2 + customDay2 + "' " + "GROUP BY category_id"); } between_dates_query_part = "substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) " + "BETWEEN '" + customYear1 + customMonth1 + customDay1 + "' AND '" + customYear2 + customMonth2 + customDay2 + "' "; break; } cursor.moveToFirst(); base_layout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); scrollView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); layout1.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); layout2.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); layout3.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); layout4.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); distance_distribution = new float[cursor.getCount()]; kcal_distribution = new int[cursor.getCount()]; time_distribution = new int[cursor.getCount()]; int i = 0; mTableLayout.removeAllViews(); while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { TextView color = new TextView(mContext); TextView label = new TextView(mContext); TextView value = new TextView(mContext); LinearLayout.LayoutParams colorLayoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( new LayoutParams(FunctionUtils.calculateDpFromPx(mContext, 20), FunctionUtils.calculateDpFromPx(mContext, 20))); colorLayoutParams.setMargins(0, 1, 5, 1); color.setLayoutParams(colorLayoutParams); label.setLayoutParams( new LayoutParams(FunctionUtils.calculateDpFromPx(mContext, 95), LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); label.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD); label.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("#b5b5b5")); value.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); value.setTextColor(res.getColor(R.color.white)); color.setBackgroundColor(colors[i]); label.setText(activities[cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("category_id")) - 1] + ":"); value.setText((isMetric ? String.valueOf(cursor.getFloat(cursor.getColumnIndex("sum_distance"))) + " " + getString(R.string.long_unit1_detail_1) + ", " : String.valueOf(FunctionUtils.customizedRound( ((cursor.getFloat(cursor.getColumnIndex("sum_distance")) * 1000f) / 1609f), 2)) + " " + getString(R.string.long_unit2_detail_1) + ", ") + String.valueOf((int) cursor.getFloat(cursor.getColumnIndex("sum_kcal"))) + " " + getString(R.string.tell_calories_setting_details) + ", " + String.valueOf(FunctionUtils.statisticsFormatTime(mContext, (long) cursor.getFloat(cursor.getColumnIndex("sum_time"))))); LinearLayout mLinearLayout = new LinearLayout(mContext); mLinearLayout .setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); mLinearLayout.setOrientation(0); mLinearLayout.addView(color); mLinearLayout.addView(label); mLinearLayout.addView(value); mTableLayout.addView(mLinearLayout); sum_distance = sum_distance + cursor.getFloat(cursor.getColumnIndex("sum_distance")); sum_kcal = sum_kcal + cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("sum_kcal")); sum_time = sum_time + cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("sum_time")); sum_up_accum_altitude = sum_up_accum_altitude + cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("sum_up_accum_altitude")); sum_down_accum_altitude = sum_down_accum_altitude + cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("sum_down_accum_altitude")); sum_avg_speed = sum_avg_speed + cursor.getFloat(cursor.getColumnIndex("sum_avg_speed")); sum_steps = sum_steps + cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("sum_steps")); distance_distribution[i] = cursor.getFloat(cursor.getColumnIndex("sum_distance")); kcal_distribution[i] = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("sum_kcal")); time_distribution[i] = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("sum_time")); practices_counter = practices_counter + (int) cursor.getFloat(cursor.getColumnIndex("count_practices")); i++; cursor.moveToNext(); } String activity_query_part = ""; if (activity > 0) activity_query_part = " AND category_id = '" + activity + "'"; if (between_dates_query_part.length() > 0) { cursor = DBManager.CustomQuery(getString(R.string.routes_with_hr), "SELECT avg_hr FROM routes WHERE avg_hr > 0 AND " + between_dates_query_part + activity_query_part); } else { cursor = DBManager.CustomQuery(getString(R.string.routes_with_hr), "SELECT avg_hr FROM routes WHERE avg_hr > 0" + activity_query_part); } cursor.moveToFirst(); if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { sum_avg_hr = sum_avg_hr + cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("avg_hr")); hr_practices_counter += 1; cursor.moveToNext(); } } text8.setText(""); if (between_dates_query_part.length() > 0) { if (activity > 0) activity_query_part = " AND category_id = '" + activity + "' "; cursor = DBManager.CustomQuery(getString(R.string.selecting_most_used_shoes), "SELECT shoe_id, COUNT(shoe_id) AS count_shoes " + "FROM routes " + "WHERE " + between_dates_query_part + activity_query_part + "GROUP BY shoe_id " + "ORDER BY count_shoes DESC"); } else { if (activity > 0) activity_query_part = "WHERE category_id = '" + activity + "' "; cursor = DBManager.CustomQuery(getString(R.string.selecting_most_used_shoes_in_data_range), "SELECT shoe_id, COUNT(shoe_id) AS count_shoes " + "FROM routes " + activity_query_part + "GROUP BY shoe_id " + "ORDER BY count_shoes DESC"); } cursor.moveToFirst(); if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { int shoe = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("shoe_id")); if (cursor.getCount() > 1) { int[] shoes = new int[cursor.getCount()]; int m = 0; while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { shoes[m] = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("shoe_id")); m++; cursor.moveToNext(); } if (shoe == 0 && shoes.length > 1) shoe = shoes[1]; } if (shoe > 0) { cursor = DBManager.CustomQuery(getString(R.string.shoe_name), "SELECT name FROM shoes WHERE _id = '" + shoe + "'"); cursor.moveToFirst(); text8.setText(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("name"))); } } text1.setText(String.valueOf(practices_counter)); text2.setText(String.valueOf(FunctionUtils.statisticsFormatTime(mContext, (long) sum_time))); text3.setText(isMetric ? String.valueOf(FunctionUtils.customizedRound(sum_distance, 2)) + " " + getString(R.string.long_unit1_detail_1) : String.valueOf(FunctionUtils.customizedRound(((sum_distance * 1000f) / 1609f), 2)) + " " + getString(R.string.long_unit2_detail_1)); text4.setText( isMetric ? String.valueOf(sum_up_accum_altitude) + " " + getString(R.string.long_unit1_detail_4) : String.valueOf((int) (sum_up_accum_altitude * 1.0936f)) + " " + getString(R.string.long_unit2_detail_4)); text5.setText(isMetric ? String.valueOf(sum_down_accum_altitude) + " " + getString(R.string.long_unit1_detail_4) : String.valueOf((int) (sum_down_accum_altitude * 1.0936f)) + " " + getString(R.string.long_unit2_detail_4)); if ((sum_avg_speed > 0) && (practices_counter > 0)) { text6.setText((isMetric ? String.valueOf(FunctionUtils.customizedRound((sum_avg_speed / practices_counter), 2)) + " " + getString(R.string.long_unit1_detail_2) : String.valueOf(FunctionUtils .customizedRound((((sum_avg_speed * 1000f) / 1609f) / practices_counter), 2)) + " " + getString(R.string.long_unit2_detail_2))); } else { text6.setText( getString(R.string.zero_value) + " " + (isMetric ? getString(R.string.long_unit1_detail_2) : mContext.getString(R.string.long_unit2_detail_2))); } text7.setText(String.valueOf( FunctionUtils.calculateRitm(mContext, sum_time, String.valueOf(sum_distance), isMetric, false)) + " " + (isMetric ? getString(R.string.long_unit1_detail_3) : mContext.getString(R.string.long_unit2_detail_3))); text9.setText(String.valueOf(sum_kcal) + " " + getString(R.string.tell_calories_setting_details)); text10.setText(String.valueOf(sum_steps)); if ((sum_avg_hr > 0) && (hr_practices_counter > 0)) { text11.setText(String.valueOf(sum_avg_hr / hr_practices_counter) + " " + getString(R.string.beats_per_minute)); } else { text11.setText(getString(R.string.zero_value) + " " + getString(R.string.beats_per_minute)); } if (sum_kcal > 0) { text12.setText(String.valueOf(sum_kcal / Constants.CHEESE_BURGER)); } else { text12.setText(getString(R.string.zero_value)); } if (sum_distance > 0) { text13.setText(String.valueOf( FunctionUtils.customizedRound((sum_distance / Constants.ALL_THE_WAY_AROUND_THE_WORLD), 3))); } else { text13.setText(getString(R.string.zero_with_three_decimal_places_value)); } if (sum_distance > 0) { double moon_distance = ((double) sum_distance) / ((double) Constants.TO_THE_MOON); text14.setText(String.valueOf( FunctionUtils.customizedRound(Float.parseFloat(String.valueOf(moon_distance)), 1))); } else { text14.setText(getString(R.string.zero_with_one_decimal_place_value)); } layout1.removeAllViews(); layout2.removeAllViews(); layout3.removeAllViews(); mChartView1 = null; mChartView2 = null; mChartView3 = null; for (int h = 0; h < distance_distribution.length; h++) { float percent = 0; if (distance_distribution[h] > 0) percent = (distance_distribution[h] * 100) / sum_distance; if (sum_distance == 0) percent = 100 / distance_distribution.length; distance_distribution[h] = percent; } for (int b = 0; b < kcal_distribution.length; b++) { int percent = 0; if (sum_kcal > 0) percent = (kcal_distribution[b] * 100) / sum_kcal; if (sum_kcal == 0) percent = 100 / kcal_distribution.length; kcal_distribution[b] = percent; } final CategorySeries distance_distributionSeries = new CategorySeries(""); for (int g = 0; g < distance_distribution.length; g++) { if (distance_distribution.length == 1) { distance_distributionSeries.add("", 100); } else { distance_distributionSeries.add("", distance_distribution[g]); } } final CategorySeries kcal_distributionSeries = new CategorySeries(""); for (int p = 0; p < kcal_distribution.length; p++) { if (kcal_distribution.length == 1) { kcal_distributionSeries.add("", 100); } else { kcal_distributionSeries.add("", kcal_distribution[p]); } } final CategorySeries time_distributionSeries = new CategorySeries(""); for (int l = 0; l < time_distribution.length; l++) { if (time_distribution.length == 1) { time_distributionSeries.add("", 100); } else { time_distributionSeries.add("", time_distribution[l]); } } DefaultRenderer defaultRenderer = new DefaultRenderer(); DefaultRenderer defaultRenderer2 = new DefaultRenderer(); DefaultRenderer defaultRenderer3 = new DefaultRenderer(); defaultRenderer.setShowLabels(false); defaultRenderer.setZoomButtonsVisible(false); defaultRenderer.setStartAngle(180); defaultRenderer.setDisplayValues(false); defaultRenderer.setClickEnabled(true); defaultRenderer.setInScroll(true); defaultRenderer.setShowLegend(false); defaultRenderer2.setShowLabels(false); defaultRenderer2.setZoomButtonsVisible(false); defaultRenderer2.setStartAngle(180); defaultRenderer2.setDisplayValues(false); defaultRenderer2.setClickEnabled(true); defaultRenderer2.setInScroll(true); defaultRenderer2.setShowLegend(false); defaultRenderer3.setShowLabels(false); defaultRenderer3.setZoomButtonsVisible(false); defaultRenderer3.setStartAngle(180); defaultRenderer3.setDisplayValues(false); defaultRenderer3.setClickEnabled(true); defaultRenderer3.setInScroll(true); defaultRenderer3.setShowLegend(false); for (int u = 0; u < distance_distribution.length; u++) { SimpleSeriesRenderer seriesRenderer = new SimpleSeriesRenderer(); seriesRenderer.setColor(colors[u]); seriesRenderer.setDisplayChartValues(true); seriesRenderer.setHighlighted(false); defaultRenderer.addSeriesRenderer(seriesRenderer); } for (int p = 0; p < kcal_distribution.length; p++) { SimpleSeriesRenderer seriesRenderer2 = new SimpleSeriesRenderer(); seriesRenderer2.setColor(colors[p]); seriesRenderer2.setDisplayChartValues(true); seriesRenderer2.setHighlighted(false); defaultRenderer2.addSeriesRenderer(seriesRenderer2); } for (int o = 0; o < distance_distribution.length; o++) { SimpleSeriesRenderer seriesRenderer3 = new SimpleSeriesRenderer(); seriesRenderer3.setColor(colors[o]); seriesRenderer3.setDisplayChartValues(true); seriesRenderer3.setHighlighted(false); defaultRenderer3.addSeriesRenderer(seriesRenderer3); } mChartView1 = ChartFactory.getPieChartView(mContext, distance_distributionSeries, defaultRenderer); mChartView2 = ChartFactory.getPieChartView(mContext, kcal_distributionSeries, defaultRenderer2); mChartView3 = ChartFactory.getPieChartView(mContext, time_distributionSeries, defaultRenderer3); layout1.addView(mChartView1); layout2.addView(mChartView2); layout3.addView(mChartView3); } else { base_layout.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); scrollView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); layout1.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); layout2.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); layout3.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); layout4.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } cursor.close(); DBManager.Close(); }
From source
private XYMultipleSeriesRenderer getRenderer_type2(int type) { XYMultipleSeriesRenderer renderer = new XYMultipleSeriesRenderer(); XYSeriesRenderer r = new XYSeriesRenderer(); r = new XYSeriesRenderer(); r.setFillPoints(true);//w ww. ja va2 s. c om r.setLineWidth(2f); r.setDisplayChartValues(false); r.setChartValuesTextSize(10f); switch (type) { case 1: r.setColor(Color.rgb(0, 0, 188)); r.setFillBelowLine(true); break; case 2: r.setColor(Color.rgb(255, 124, 0)); break; } renderer.addSeriesRenderer(r); renderer.setAxesColor(Color.WHITE); renderer.setLabelsColor(Color.LTGRAY); renderer.setBackgroundColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); renderer.setTextTypeface("sans_serif", Typeface.BOLD); renderer.setLabelsTextSize(14f); renderer.setAxisTitleTextSize(15); renderer.setLegendTextSize(15); renderer.setXTitle(FunctionUtils.capitalizeFirtsLetter(getString(R.string.minutes))); renderer.setXLabels(20); renderer.setYLabels(20); renderer.setYLabelsAlign(Align.LEFT); renderer.setShowGrid(false); renderer.setXAxisMin((timeList.get(0) / 60)); renderer.setXAxisMax((float) ((float) timeList.get(timeList.size() - 1) / 60)); switch (type) { case 1: renderer.setYTitle( isMetric ? FunctionUtils.capitalizeFirtsLetter(getString(R.string.long_unit1_detail_10)) : FunctionUtils.capitalizeFirtsLetter(getString(R.string.long_unit2_detail_10))); renderer.setYAxisMin(min_altitude); renderer.setYAxisMax(max_altitude); break; case 2: renderer.setYTitle( isMetric ? getString(R.string.long_unit1_detail_7) : getString(R.string.long_unit2_detail_7)); renderer.setYAxisMin(min_speed); renderer.setYAxisMax(max_speed); break; } return renderer; }
From source
public int mixColors(int col1, int col2) { int r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2; int a1 = Color.alpha(col1); r1 =;/*from w w w .j a v a 2s.c o m*/ g1 =; b1 =; r2 =; g2 =; b2 =; int r3 = (r1 * a1 + r2 * (255 - a1)) / 255; int g3 = (g1 * a1 + g2 * (255 - a1)) / 255; int b3 = (b1 * a1 + b2 * (255 - a1)) / 255; return Color.rgb(r3, g3, b3); }
From source
@OnClick( void transitDay() { if (mTransitDay.isChecked()) { workLocationCard.setVisibility(View.GONE); workDescriptionCard.setVisibility(View.GONE); transitDayCard.setBackgroundColor(Color.rgb(210, 51, 224)); transitDayText.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); } else {/*from w ww.j a va m*/ workLocationCard.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); workDescriptionCard.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); transitDayCard.setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE); transitDayText.setTextColor(getResources().getColor(android.R.color.tertiary_text_dark)); } }