Example usage for android.graphics Canvas drawText

List of usage examples for android.graphics Canvas drawText


In this page you can find the example usage for android.graphics Canvas drawText.


public void drawText(@NonNull String text, float x, float y, @NonNull Paint paint) 

Source Link


Draw the text, with origin at (x,y), using the specified paint.


From source file:com.bizcom.vc.widget.cus.SubsamplingScaleImageView.java

 * Draw method should not be called until the view has dimensions so the
 * first calls are used as triggers to calculate the scaling and tiling
 * required. Once the view is setup, tiles are displayed as they are loaded.
 *//*from w  w  w  .  j  av  a2 s  .co m*/
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    // If image or view dimensions are not known yet, abort.
    if (sWidth == 0 || sHeight == 0 || decoder == null || getWidth() == 0 || getHeight() == 0) {

    // On first render with no tile map ready, initialise it and kick off
    // async base image loading.
    if (tileMap == null) {

    // If waiting to translate to new center position, set translate now
    if (sPendingCenter != null && pendingScale != null) {
        scale = pendingScale;
        vTranslate.x = (getWidth() / 2) - (scale * sPendingCenter.x);
        vTranslate.y = (getHeight() / 2) - (scale * sPendingCenter.y);
        sPendingCenter = null;
        pendingScale = null;

    // On first display of base image set up position, and in other cases
    // make sure scale is correct.

    // Everything is set up and coordinates are valid. Inform subclasses.
    if (!readySent) {
        readySent = true;
        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

    // If animating scale, calculate current scale and center with easing
    // equations
    if (anim != null) {
        long scaleElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - anim.time;
        boolean finished = scaleElapsed > anim.duration;
        scaleElapsed = Math.min(scaleElapsed, anim.duration);
        scale = ease(anim.easing, scaleElapsed, anim.scaleStart, anim.scaleEnd - anim.scaleStart,

        // Apply required animation to the focal point
        float vFocusNowX = ease(anim.easing, scaleElapsed, anim.vFocusStart.x,
                anim.vFocusEnd.x - anim.vFocusStart.x, anim.duration);
        float vFocusNowY = ease(anim.easing, scaleElapsed, anim.vFocusStart.y,
                anim.vFocusEnd.y - anim.vFocusStart.y, anim.duration);
        // Find out where the focal point is at this scale and adjust its
        // position to follow the animation path
        PointF vFocus = sourceToViewCoord(anim.sCenterEnd);
        vTranslate.x -= vFocus.x - vFocusNowX;
        vTranslate.y -= vFocus.y - vFocusNowY;

        // For translate anims, showing the image non-centered is never
        // allowed, for scaling anims it is during the animation.
        fitToBounds(finished || (anim.scaleStart == anim.scaleEnd));
        if (finished) {
            anim = null;

    // Optimum sample size for current scale
    int sampleSize = Math.min(fullImageSampleSize, calculateInSampleSize());

    // First check for missing tiles - if there are any we need the base
    // layer underneath to avoid gaps
    boolean hasMissingTiles = false;
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<Tile>> tileMapEntry : tileMap.entrySet()) {
        if (tileMapEntry.getKey() == sampleSize) {
            for (Tile tile : tileMapEntry.getValue()) {
                if (tile.visible && (tile.loading || tile.bitmap == null)) {
                    hasMissingTiles = true;

    // Render all loaded tiles. LinkedHashMap used for bottom up rendering -
    // lower res tiles underneath.
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<Tile>> tileMapEntry : tileMap.entrySet()) {
        if (tileMapEntry.getKey() == sampleSize || hasMissingTiles) {
            for (Tile tile : tileMapEntry.getValue()) {
                Rect vRect = convertRect(sourceToViewRect(tile.sRect));
                if (!tile.loading && tile.bitmap != null) {
                    canvas.drawBitmap(tile.bitmap, null, vRect, bitmapPaint);
                    if (debug) {
                        canvas.drawRect(vRect, debugPaint);
                } else if (tile.loading && debug) {
                    canvas.drawText("LOADING", vRect.left + 5, vRect.top + 35, debugPaint);
                if (tile.visible && debug) {
                            "ISS " + tile.sampleSize + " RECT " + tile.sRect.top + "," + tile.sRect.left + ","
                                    + tile.sRect.bottom + "," + tile.sRect.right,
                            vRect.left + 5, vRect.top + 15, debugPaint);

    if (debug) {
        canvas.drawText("Scale: " + String.format("%.2f", scale), 5, 15, debugPaint);
                "Translate: " + String.format("%.2f", vTranslate.x) + ":" + String.format("%.2f", vTranslate.y),
                5, 35, debugPaint);
        PointF center = getCenter();
                "Source center: " + String.format("%.2f", center.x) + ":" + String.format("%.2f", center.y), 5,
                55, debugPaint);

        if (anim != null) {
            PointF vCenterStart = sourceToViewCoord(anim.sCenterStart);
            PointF vCenterEndRequested = sourceToViewCoord(anim.sCenterEndRequested);
            PointF vCenterEnd = sourceToViewCoord(anim.sCenterEnd);
            canvas.drawCircle(vCenterStart.x, vCenterStart.y, 10, debugPaint);
            canvas.drawCircle(vCenterEndRequested.x, vCenterEndRequested.y, 20, debugPaint);
            canvas.drawCircle(vCenterEnd.x, vCenterEnd.y, 25, debugPaint);
            canvas.drawCircle(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2, 30, debugPaint);

From source file:com.andexert.calendarlistview.library.SimpleMonthView.java

protected void drawMonthNums(Canvas canvas) {
    int paddingDay = (mWidth - 2 * mPadding) / (2 * mNumDays);
    int dayOffset = findDayOffset();
    int day = 1;/* w w  w.  j ava 2s. c  o m*/
    String toDayRes = getResources().getString(R.string.today);
    while (day <= mNumCells) {
        boolean isShowTrain = true;
        int x = paddingDay * (1 + dayOffset * 2) + mPadding;
        if ((mMonth == mSelectedBeginMonth && mSelectedBeginDay == day && mSelectedBeginYear == mYear)
                || (mMonth == mSelectedLastMonth && mSelectedLastDay == day && mSelectedLastYear == mYear)) {
            if (mDrawRect) {
                RectF rectF = new RectF(x - DAY_SELECTED_CIRCLE_SIZE,
                        (y - MINI_DAY_NUMBER_TEXT_SIZE / 3) - DAY_SELECTED_CIRCLE_SIZE,
                        x + DAY_SELECTED_CIRCLE_SIZE,
                        (y - MINI_DAY_NUMBER_TEXT_SIZE / 3) + DAY_SELECTED_CIRCLE_SIZE);
                canvas.drawRoundRect(rectF, 10.0f, 10.0f, mSelectedCirclePaint);
            } else {
                canvas.drawCircle(x, y - MINI_DAY_NUMBER_TEXT_SIZE / 3, DAY_SELECTED_CIRCLE_SIZE,
            isShowTrain = false;
        if (mHasToday && (mToday == day)) {
        } else {

        if ((mMonth == mSelectedBeginMonth && mSelectedBeginDay == day && mSelectedBeginYear == mYear)
                || (mMonth == mSelectedLastMonth && mSelectedLastDay == day && mSelectedLastYear == mYear))

        if ((mSelectedBeginDay != -1 && mSelectedLastDay != -1 && mSelectedBeginYear == mSelectedLastYear
                && mSelectedBeginMonth == mSelectedLastMonth && mSelectedBeginDay == mSelectedLastDay
                && day == mSelectedBeginDay && mMonth == mSelectedBeginMonth && mYear == mSelectedBeginYear)) {
        if ((mSelectedBeginDay != -1 && mSelectedLastDay != -1 && mSelectedBeginYear == mSelectedLastYear
                && mSelectedBeginYear == mYear)
                && (((mMonth == mSelectedBeginMonth && mSelectedLastMonth == mSelectedBeginMonth)
                        && ((mSelectedBeginDay < mSelectedLastDay && day > mSelectedBeginDay
                                && day < mSelectedLastDay)
                                || (mSelectedBeginDay > mSelectedLastDay && day < mSelectedBeginDay
                                        && day > mSelectedLastDay)))
                        || ((mSelectedBeginMonth < mSelectedLastMonth && mMonth == mSelectedBeginMonth
                                && day > mSelectedBeginDay)
                                || (mSelectedBeginMonth < mSelectedLastMonth && mMonth == mSelectedLastMonth
                                        && day < mSelectedLastDay))
                        || ((mSelectedBeginMonth > mSelectedLastMonth && mMonth == mSelectedBeginMonth
                                && day < mSelectedBeginDay)
                                || (mSelectedBeginMonth > mSelectedLastMonth && mMonth == mSelectedLastMonth
                                        && day > mSelectedLastDay)))) {

        if ((mSelectedBeginDay != -1 && mSelectedLastDay != -1 && mSelectedBeginYear != mSelectedLastYear
                && ((mSelectedBeginYear == mYear && mMonth == mSelectedBeginMonth)
                        || (mSelectedLastYear == mYear && mMonth == mSelectedLastMonth))
                && (((mSelectedBeginMonth < mSelectedLastMonth && mMonth == mSelectedBeginMonth
                        && day < mSelectedBeginDay)
                        || (mSelectedBeginMonth < mSelectedLastMonth && mMonth == mSelectedLastMonth
                                && day > mSelectedLastDay))
                        || ((mSelectedBeginMonth > mSelectedLastMonth && mMonth == mSelectedBeginMonth
                                && day > mSelectedBeginDay)
                                || (mSelectedBeginMonth > mSelectedLastMonth && mMonth == mSelectedLastMonth
                                        && day < mSelectedLastDay))))) {

        if ((mSelectedBeginDay != -1 && mSelectedLastDay != -1 && mSelectedBeginYear == mSelectedLastYear
                && mYear == mSelectedBeginYear)
                && ((mMonth > mSelectedBeginMonth && mMonth < mSelectedLastMonth
                        && mSelectedBeginMonth < mSelectedLastMonth)
                        || (mMonth < mSelectedBeginMonth && mMonth > mSelectedLastMonth
                                && mSelectedBeginMonth > mSelectedLastMonth))) {

        if ((mSelectedBeginDay != -1 && mSelectedLastDay != -1 && mSelectedBeginYear != mSelectedLastYear)
                && ((mSelectedBeginYear < mSelectedLastYear
                        && ((mMonth > mSelectedBeginMonth && mYear == mSelectedBeginYear)
                                || (mMonth < mSelectedLastMonth && mYear == mSelectedLastYear)))
                        || (mSelectedBeginYear > mSelectedLastYear
                                && ((mMonth < mSelectedBeginMonth && mYear == mSelectedBeginYear)
                                        || (mMonth > mSelectedLastMonth && mYear == mSelectedLastYear))))) {

        if ((!isPrevDayEnabled && prevDay(day, today)) || nextDay(day)) {
        if (mHasToday && (mToday == day)) {
            canvas.drawText(toDayRes, x, y, mMonthNumPaint);
        } else {
            canvas.drawText(String.format("%d", day), x, y, mMonthNumPaint);
        if (dayOffset == mNumDays) {
            dayOffset = 0;
            y += mRowHeight;

From source file:com.am.pagergradienttab.view.PagerGradientTabStrip.java

 * //ww  w.j  a  va 2 s .  co m
 * @param canvas
private void drawTag(Canvas canvas) {
    // TODO
    if (mTagAdapter != null) {
        float canvasOffset = 0;
        int x = getPaddingLeft();
        int y = getPaddingTop();
        float textTop = 0;
        for (int position = 0; position < tabs.size(); position++) {
            canvas.translate(canvasOffset, 0);
            canvasOffset = itemWidth + intervalWidth;
            if (mTagAdapter.isEnable(position)) {
                int textWidth;
                int textHeight;
                String tag = mTagAdapter.getTag(position) == null ? "" : mTagAdapter.getTag(position);
                textWidth = (int) Math.ceil(mTextPaint.measureText(tag));
                FontMetrics fontMetrics = mTextPaint.getFontMetrics();
                textHeight = (int) Math.ceil(fontMetrics.descent - fontMetrics.ascent);
                textTop = textHeight - (-fontMetrics.ascent - fontMetrics.descent
                        + (fontMetrics.bottom - fontMetrics.descent) * density);
                textHeight += textTop;
                if ("".equals(tag)) {
                    textHeight = 0;
                final Drawable drawable = mTagAdapter.getBackground(position);
                int drawableWidth = drawable == null ? 0 : drawable.getMinimumWidth();
                int drawableHeight = drawable == null ? 0 : drawable.getMinimumHeight();
                float offsetX = Math.max(textWidth + mTagAdapter.getPaddingLeft(position)
                        + mTagAdapter.getPaddingRight(position), drawableWidth);
                float offsetTextX = (offsetX - (textWidth + mTagAdapter.getPaddingLeft(position)
                        + mTagAdapter.getPaddingRight(position))) * 0.5f;
                float offsetY = Math.max(textHeight + mTagAdapter.getPaddingBottom(position)
                        + mTagAdapter.getPaddingTop(position), drawableHeight);
                float offsetTextY = (offsetY - (textHeight + mTagAdapter.getPaddingBottom(position)
                        + mTagAdapter.getPaddingTop(position))) * 0.5f;

                mTextPaint.setTextSize(showTextScale ? textSize * (1 + magnification) : textSize);
                float myTextWidth = mTextPaint.measureText(tabs.get(position));
                TagAlign ta = mTagAdapter.getTagAlign(position);
                switch (ta) {
                case LEFTTOP:
                    canvas.translate(mTagAdapter.getMarginLeft(position), mTagAdapter.getMarginTop(position));
                case LEFTCENTER:
                            (getHeight() - underLineHeight - offsetY) / 2);
                case LEFTBOTTOM:
                            getHeight() - offsetY - underLineHeight - mTagAdapter.getMarginBottom(position));
                case RIGHTTOP:
                    canvas.translate(itemWidth - offsetX - mTagAdapter.getMarginRight(position),
                case RIGHTCENTER:
                    canvas.translate(itemWidth - offsetX - mTagAdapter.getMarginRight(position),
                            (getHeight() - underLineHeight - offsetY) / 2);
                case RIGHTBOTTOM:
                    canvas.translate(itemWidth - offsetX - mTagAdapter.getMarginRight(position),
                            getHeight() - offsetY - underLineHeight - mTagAdapter.getMarginBottom(position));
                case LEFTTOPTEXT:
                            (itemWidth - myTextWidth) / 2 - offsetX - mTagAdapter.getMarginRight(position),
                case LEFTCENTERTEXT:
                            (itemWidth - myTextWidth) / 2 - offsetX - mTagAdapter.getMarginRight(position),
                            (getHeight() - underLineHeight - offsetY) / 2);
                case LEFTBOTTOMTEXT:
                            (itemWidth - myTextWidth) / 2 - offsetX - mTagAdapter.getMarginRight(position),
                            getHeight() - offsetY - underLineHeight - mTagAdapter.getMarginBottom(position));
                case RIGHTTOPTEXT:
                    canvas.translate((itemWidth + myTextWidth) / 2 + mTagAdapter.getMarginLeft(position),
                case RIGHTCENTERTEXT:
                    canvas.translate((itemWidth + myTextWidth) / 2 + mTagAdapter.getMarginLeft(position),
                            (getHeight() - underLineHeight - offsetY) / 2);

                case RIGHTBOTTOMTEXT:
                    canvas.translate((itemWidth + myTextWidth) / 2 + mTagAdapter.getMarginLeft(position),
                            getHeight() - offsetY - underLineHeight - mTagAdapter.getMarginBottom(position));

                if (drawable != null) {
                    drawable.setBounds(x, y, (int) (x + offsetX), (int) (y + offsetY));
                canvas.drawText(tag, x + offsetTextX + mTagAdapter.getPaddingLeft(position),
                        y + offsetY - textTop - offsetTextY - mTagAdapter.getPaddingTop(position), mTextPaint);

From source file:com.appeaser.sublimepickerlibrary.datepicker.SimpleMonthView.java

 * Draws the month days.//from   w  ww  .  j  a v  a2 s.c o  m
private void drawDays(Canvas canvas) {
    final TextPaint p = mDayPaint;
    final int headerHeight = mMonthHeight + mDayOfWeekHeight;
    //final int rowHeight = mDayHeight;
    final float rowHeight = mDayHeight;
    //final int colWidth = mCellWidth;
    final float colWidth = mCellWidth;

    // Text is vertically centered within the row height.
    final float halfLineHeight = (p.ascent() + p.descent()) / 2f;
    //int rowCenter = headerHeight + rowHeight / 2;
    float rowCenter = headerHeight + rowHeight / 2f;

    for (int day = 1, col = findDayOffset(); day <= mDaysInMonth; day++) {
        //final int colCenter = colWidth * col + colWidth / 2;
        final float colCenter = colWidth * col + colWidth / 2f;
        //final int colCenterRtl;
        final float colCenterRtl;
        if (SUtils.isLayoutRtlCompat(this)) {
            colCenterRtl = mPaddedWidth - colCenter;
        } else {
            colCenterRtl = colCenter;

        int stateMask = 0;

        final boolean isDayEnabled = isDayEnabled(day);
        if (isDayEnabled) {
            stateMask |= SUtils.STATE_ENABLED;

        final boolean isDayInActivatedRange = mActivatedDays.isValid() && mActivatedDays.isActivated(day);
        final boolean isSelected = mActivatedDays.isSelected(day);

        if (isSelected) {
            stateMask |= SUtils.STATE_ACTIVATED;
            canvas.drawCircle(colCenterRtl, rowCenter, mDaySelectorRadius, mDaySelectorPaint);
        } else if (isDayInActivatedRange) {
            stateMask |= SUtils.STATE_ACTIVATED;

            int bgShape = DRAW_RECT;

            if (mActivatedDays.isSingleDay()) {
                if (mActivatedDays.isStartOfMonth()) {
                    bgShape = DRAW_RECT_WITH_CURVE_ON_RIGHT;
                } else {
                    bgShape = DRAW_RECT_WITH_CURVE_ON_LEFT;
            } else if (mActivatedDays.isStartingDayOfRange(day)) {
                bgShape = DRAW_RECT_WITH_CURVE_ON_LEFT;
            } else if (mActivatedDays.isEndingDayOfRange(day)) {
                bgShape = DRAW_RECT_WITH_CURVE_ON_RIGHT;

            // Use height to constrain the protrusion of the arc
            boolean constrainProtrusion = colWidth > (rowHeight - (2 * mPaddingRangeIndicator));
            float horDistFromCenter = constrainProtrusion ? rowHeight / 2f - mPaddingRangeIndicator
                    : colWidth / 2f;

            switch (bgShape) {
            case DRAW_RECT_WITH_CURVE_ON_LEFT:
                int leftRectArcLeft = (int) (colCenterRtl - horDistFromCenter) % 2 == 1
                        ? (int) (colCenterRtl - horDistFromCenter) + 1
                        : (int) (colCenterRtl - horDistFromCenter);

                int leftRectArcRight = (int) (colCenterRtl + horDistFromCenter) % 2 == 1
                        ? (int) (colCenterRtl + horDistFromCenter) + 1
                        : (int) (colCenterRtl + horDistFromCenter);

                RectF leftArcRect = new RectF(leftRectArcLeft,
                        rowCenter - rowHeight / 2f + mPaddingRangeIndicator, leftRectArcRight,
                        rowCenter + rowHeight / 2f - mPaddingRangeIndicator);

                canvas.drawArc(leftArcRect, 90, 180, true, mDayRangeSelectorPaint);

                canvas.drawRect(new RectF(leftArcRect.centerX(),
                        rowCenter - rowHeight / 2f + mPaddingRangeIndicator, colCenterRtl + colWidth / 2f,
                        rowCenter + rowHeight / 2f - mPaddingRangeIndicator), mDayRangeSelectorPaint);
                int rightRectArcLeft = (int) (colCenterRtl - horDistFromCenter) % 2 == 1
                        ? (int) (colCenterRtl - horDistFromCenter) + 1
                        : (int) (colCenterRtl - horDistFromCenter);

                int rightRectArcRight = (int) (colCenterRtl + horDistFromCenter) % 2 == 1
                        ? (int) (colCenterRtl + horDistFromCenter) + 1
                        : (int) (colCenterRtl + horDistFromCenter);

                RectF rightArcRect = new RectF(rightRectArcLeft,
                        rowCenter - rowHeight / 2f + mPaddingRangeIndicator, rightRectArcRight,
                        rowCenter + rowHeight / 2f - mPaddingRangeIndicator);

                canvas.drawArc(rightArcRect, 270, 180, true, mDayRangeSelectorPaint);

                canvas.drawRect(new RectF(colCenterRtl - colWidth / 2f,
                        rowCenter - rowHeight / 2f + mPaddingRangeIndicator, rightArcRect.centerX(),
                        rowCenter + rowHeight / 2f - mPaddingRangeIndicator), mDayRangeSelectorPaint);
                canvas.drawRect(new RectF(colCenterRtl - colWidth / 2f,
                        rowCenter - rowHeight / 2f + mPaddingRangeIndicator, colCenterRtl + colWidth / 2f,
                        rowCenter + rowHeight / 2f - mPaddingRangeIndicator), mDayRangeSelectorPaint);

        if (mTouchedItem == day) {
            stateMask |= SUtils.STATE_PRESSED;

            if (isDayEnabled) {
                canvas.drawCircle(colCenterRtl, rowCenter, mDaySelectorRadius, mDayHighlightPaint);

        final boolean isDayToday = mToday == day;
        final int dayTextColor;

        if (isDayToday && !isDayInActivatedRange) {
            dayTextColor = mDaySelectorPaint.getColor();
        } else {
            final int[] stateSet = SUtils.resolveStateSet(stateMask);
            dayTextColor = mDayTextColor.getColorForState(stateSet, 0);

        canvas.drawText(mDayFormatter.format(day), colCenterRtl, rowCenter - halfLineHeight, p);


        if (col == DAYS_IN_WEEK) {
            col = 0;
            rowCenter += rowHeight;

From source file:devlight.io.library.ArcProgressStackView.java

protected void onDraw(final Canvas canvas) {

    // Save and rotate to start angle
    canvas.save();/*from w  ww .  j a va 2 s  .c o m*/
    final float radius = mSize * 0.5F;
    canvas.rotate(mStartAngle, radius, radius);

    // Draw all of progress
    for (int i = 0; i < mModels.size(); i++) {
        final Model model = mModels.get(i);
        // Get progress for current model
        float progressFraction = mIsAnimated && !isInEditMode()
                ? (model.mLastProgress + (mAnimatedFraction * (model.getProgress() - model.mLastProgress)))
                        / MAX_PROGRESS
                : model.getProgress() / MAX_PROGRESS;
        if (i != mActionMoveModelIndex && mActionMoveModelIndex != ANIMATE_ALL_INDEX)
            progressFraction = model.getProgress() / MAX_PROGRESS;
        final float progress = progressFraction * mSweepAngle;

        // Check if model have gradient
        final boolean isGradient = model.getColors() != null;
        // Set width of progress

        // Set model arc progress
        model.mPath.addArc(model.mBounds, 0.0F, progress);

        // Draw gradient progress or solid

        if (mIsModelBgEnabled) {
            //noinspection ResourceAsColor
            mProgressPaint.setColor(isInEditMode() ? mPreviewModelBgColor : model.getBgColor());
            canvas.drawArc(model.mBounds, 0.0F, mSweepAngle, false, mProgressPaint);
            if (!isInEditMode())

        // Check if gradient for draw shadow at first and then gradient progress
        if (isGradient) {
            if (!mIsModelBgEnabled) {
                canvas.drawPath(model.mPath, mProgressPaint);

                if (!isInEditMode())

        } else

        // Here we draw main progress
        canvas.drawPath(model.mPath, mProgressPaint);

        // Preview mode
        if (isInEditMode())

        // Get model title bounds
        mTextPaint.setTextSize(mProgressModelSize * 0.5F);
        mTextPaint.getTextBounds(model.getTitle(), 0, model.getTitle().length(), model.mTextBounds);

        // Draw title at start with offset
        final float titleHorizontalOffset = model.mTextBounds.height() * 0.5F;
        final float progressLength = (float) (Math.PI / 180.0F) * progress * model.mBounds.width() * 0.5F;
        final String title = (String) TextUtils.ellipsize(model.getTitle(), mTextPaint,
                progressLength - titleHorizontalOffset * 2, TextUtils.TruncateAt.END);
        canvas.drawTextOnPath(title, model.mPath, mIsRounded ? 0.0F : titleHorizontalOffset,
                titleHorizontalOffset, mTextPaint);

        // Get pos and tan at final path point
        model.mPathMeasure.setPath(model.mPath, false);
        model.mPathMeasure.getPosTan(model.mPathMeasure.getLength(), model.mPos, model.mTan);

        // Get title width
        final float titleWidth = model.mTextBounds.width();

        // Create model progress like : 23%
        final String percentProgress = String.format("%d%%", (int) model.getProgress());
        // Get progress text bounds
        mTextPaint.setTextSize(mProgressModelSize * 0.35f);
        mTextPaint.getTextBounds(percentProgress, 0, percentProgress.length(), model.mTextBounds);

        // Get pos tan with end point offset and check whether the rounded corners for offset
        final float progressHorizontalOffset = mIndicatorOrientation == IndicatorOrientation.VERTICAL
                ? model.mTextBounds.height() * 0.5F
                : model.mTextBounds.width() * 0.5F;
        final float indicatorProgressOffset = (mIsRounded ? progressFraction : 1.0F)
                * (-progressHorizontalOffset - titleHorizontalOffset
                        - (mIsRounded ? model.mTextBounds.height() * 2.0F : 0.0F));
        model.mPathMeasure.getPosTan(model.mPathMeasure.getLength() + indicatorProgressOffset, model.mPos,
                mIndicatorOrientation == IndicatorOrientation.VERTICAL && !mIsRounded ? new float[2]
                        : model.mTan);

        // Check if there available place for indicator
        if ((titleWidth + model.mTextBounds.height() + titleHorizontalOffset * 2.0F)
                - indicatorProgressOffset < progressLength) {
            // Get rotate indicator progress angle for progress value
            float indicatorProgressAngle = (float) (Math.atan2(model.mTan[1], model.mTan[0])
                    * (180.0F / Math.PI));
            // Get arc angle of progress indicator
            final float indicatorLengthProgressAngle = ((progressLength + indicatorProgressOffset)
                    / (model.mBounds.width() * 0.5F)) * (float) (180.0F / Math.PI);

            // Detect progress indicator position : left or right and then rotate
            if (mIndicatorOrientation == IndicatorOrientation.VERTICAL) {
                // Get X point of arc angle progress indicator
                final float x = (float) (model.mBounds.width() * 0.5F
                        * (Math.cos((indicatorLengthProgressAngle + mStartAngle) * Math.PI / 180.0F)))
                        + model.mBounds.centerX();
                indicatorProgressAngle += (x > radius) ? -90.0F : 90.0F;
            } else {
                // Get Y point of arc angle progress indicator
                final float y = (float) (model.mBounds.height() * 0.5F
                        * (Math.sin((indicatorLengthProgressAngle + mStartAngle) * Math.PI / 180.0F)))
                        + model.mBounds.centerY();
                indicatorProgressAngle += (y > radius) ? 180.0F : 0.0F;

            // Draw progress value
            canvas.rotate(indicatorProgressAngle, model.mPos[0], model.mPos[1]);
            canvas.drawText(percentProgress, model.mPos[0] - model.mTextBounds.exactCenterX(),
                    model.mPos[1] - model.mTextBounds.exactCenterY(), mTextPaint);

        // Check if gradient and have rounded corners, because we must to create elevation effect
        // for start progress corner
        if ((isGradient || mIsLeveled) && mIsRounded && progress != 0) {
            model.mPathMeasure.getPosTan(0.0F, model.mPos, model.mTan);

            // Set paint for overlay rounded gradient with shadow
            //noinspection ResourceAsColor
            mLevelPaint.setColor(isGradient ? model.getColors()[0] : model.getColor());

            // Get bounds of start pump
            final float halfSize = mProgressModelSize * 0.5F;
            final RectF arcRect = new RectF(model.mPos[0] - halfSize, model.mPos[1] - halfSize,
                    model.mPos[0] + halfSize, model.mPos[1] + halfSize + 2.0F);
            canvas.drawArc(arcRect, 0.0F, -180.0F, true, mLevelPaint);

    // Restore after drawing

From source file:com.miuhouse.yourcompany.student.view.widget.date.datepicker.SimpleMonthView.java

 * Draws the month days./* ww w  .  j  a va 2 s.  c  o m*/
private void drawDays(Canvas canvas) {
    final TextPaint p = mDayPaint;
    final int headerHeight = mMonthHeight + mDayOfWeekHeight;

    final float rowHeight = mDayHeight;

    final float colWidth = mCellWidth;

    // Text is vertically centered within the row height.
    final float halfLineHeight = (p.ascent() + p.descent()) / 2f;
    //        int rowCenter = headerHeight + rowHeight / 2;
    float rowCenter = headerHeight + rowHeight / 2f;
    for (int day = 1, col = findDayOffset(); day <= mDaysInMonth; day++) {
        final float colCenter = colWidth * col + colWidth / 2f;
        //final int colCenterRtl;
        final float colCenterRtl;
        if (SUtils.isLayoutRtlCompat(this)) {
            colCenterRtl = mPaddedWidth - colCenter;
        } else {
            colCenterRtl = colCenter;

        int stateMask = 0;

        final boolean isDayEnabled = isDayEnabled(day);
        if (isDayEnabled) {
            stateMask |= SUtils.STATE_ENABLED;

        final boolean isDayInActivatedRange = mActivatedDays.isValid() && mActivatedDays.isActivated(day);
        final boolean isSelected = mActivatedDays.isSelected(day);
        final boolean isSelectedAndTogether = mActivatedDays.isSelectedAndTogether(day);
        if (isSelectedAndTogether) {
            if ((!disable && !isDisable) || isFill) {
                stateMask |= SUtils.STATE_ACTIVATED;
                canvas.drawCircle(colCenterRtl, rowCenter, mDaySelectorRadius, mDaySelectorPaint);
        if (!isSelected && isDayInActivatedRange) {

            stateMask |= SUtils.STATE_ACTIVATED;
            int bgShape = DRAW_RECT;
            if (mActivatedDays.isSingleDay()) {
                if (mActivatedDays.isStartOfMonth()) {
                    bgShape = DRAW_RECT_WITH_CURVE_ON_RIGHT;
                } else {
                    bgShape = DRAW_RECT_WITH_CURVE_ON_LEFT;
            } else if (mActivatedDays.isStartingDayOfRange(day)) {
                bgShape = DRAW_RECT_WITH_CURVE_ON_LEFT;
            } else if (mActivatedDays.isEndingDayOfRange(day)) {
                bgShape = DRAW_RECT_WITH_CURVE_ON_RIGHT;

            // Use height to constrain the protrusion of the arc
            boolean constrainProtrusion = colWidth > (rowHeight - (2 * mPaddingRangeIndicator));

            float horDistFromCenter = constrainProtrusion ? rowHeight / 2f - mPaddingRangeIndicator
                    : colWidth / 2f;
            switch (bgShape) {
            case DRAW_RECT_WITH_CURVE_ON_LEFT:

                int leftRectArcLeft = (int) (colCenterRtl - horDistFromCenter) % 2 == 1
                        ? (int) (colCenterRtl - horDistFromCenter) + 1
                        : (int) (colCenterRtl - horDistFromCenter);

                int leftRectArcRight = (int) (colCenterRtl + horDistFromCenter) % 2 == 1
                        ? (int) (colCenterRtl + horDistFromCenter) + 1
                        : (int) (colCenterRtl + horDistFromCenter);

                RectF leftArcRect = new RectF(leftRectArcLeft,
                        rowCenter - rowHeight / 2f + mPaddingRangeIndicator, leftRectArcRight,
                        rowCenter + rowHeight / 2f - mPaddingRangeIndicator);

                canvas.drawArc(leftArcRect, 90, 180, true, mDayRangeSelectorPaint);

                canvas.drawRect(new RectF(leftArcRect.centerX(),
                        rowCenter - rowHeight / 2f + mPaddingRangeIndicator, colCenterRtl + colWidth / 2f,
                        rowCenter + rowHeight / 2f - mPaddingRangeIndicator), mDayRangeSelectorPaint);
                int rightRectArcLeft = (int) (colCenterRtl - horDistFromCenter) % 2 == 1
                        ? (int) (colCenterRtl - horDistFromCenter) + 1
                        : (int) (colCenterRtl - horDistFromCenter);

                int rightRectArcRight = (int) (colCenterRtl + horDistFromCenter) % 2 == 1
                        ? (int) (colCenterRtl + horDistFromCenter) + 1
                        : (int) (colCenterRtl + horDistFromCenter);

                RectF rightArcRect = new RectF(rightRectArcLeft,
                        rowCenter - rowHeight / 2f + mPaddingRangeIndicator, rightRectArcRight,
                        rowCenter + rowHeight / 2f - mPaddingRangeIndicator);

                canvas.drawArc(rightArcRect, 270, 180, true, mDayRangeSelectorPaint);

                canvas.drawRect(new RectF(colCenterRtl - colWidth / 2f,
                        rowCenter - rowHeight / 2f + mPaddingRangeIndicator, rightArcRect.centerX(),
                        rowCenter + rowHeight / 2f - mPaddingRangeIndicator), mDayRangeSelectorPaint);
                canvas.drawRect(new RectF(colCenterRtl - colWidth / 2f,
                        rowCenter - rowHeight / 2f + mPaddingRangeIndicator, colCenterRtl + colWidth / 2f,
                        rowCenter + rowHeight / 2f - mPaddingRangeIndicator), mDayRangeSelectorPaint);

        final boolean isDayToday = mToday == day;
        final int dayTextColor;
        if (isDayToday) {
            if (mActivatedDays.isClick && isSelected) {
                final int[] stateSet = SUtils.resolveStateSet(stateMask);
                dayTextColor = mDayTextColor.getColorForState(stateSet, 0);
            } else {
                dayTextColor = mDaySelectorPaint.getColor();
        } else {
            final int[] stateSet = SUtils.resolveStateSet(stateMask);
            if (!mActivatedDays.isSingleDay()) {
                if (stateMask == 1) {
                    dayTextColor = mContext.getResources().getColor(R.color.textDarkfour);
                } else {
                    dayTextColor = mDayTextColor.getColorForState(stateSet, 0);
            } else {
                dayTextColor = mDayTextColor.getColorForState(stateSet, 0);

        canvas.drawText(mDayFormatter.format(day), colCenterRtl, rowCenter - halfLineHeight, p);


        if (col == DAYS_IN_WEEK) {
            col = 0;
            rowCenter += rowHeight;
        if (mDaysInMonth == day)
            mOnRangeClickListener.onRangeSelected(calendars, position);

From source file:net.toload.main.hd.candidate.CandidateView.java

private void doDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    if (mSuggestions == null)
        return;/*from   w w w .ja  va 2 s . co  m*/
    if (DEBUG)
        Log.i(TAG, "CandidateView:doDraw():Suggestion mCount:" + mCount + " mSuggestions.size:"
                + mSuggestions.size());
    mTotalWidth = 0;


    if (mBgPadding == null) {
        mBgPadding = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
        if (getBackground() != null) {

    final int height = mHeight;
    final Rect bgPadding = mBgPadding;
    final Paint candidatePaint = mCandidatePaint;
    final Paint candidateEmojiPaint = mCandidatePaint;
    candidateEmojiPaint.setTextSize((float) (candidateEmojiPaint.getTextSize() * 0.9));

    final Paint selKeyPaint = mSelKeyPaint;
    final int touchX = mTouchX;
    final int scrollX = getScrollX();
    final boolean scrolled = mScrolled;

    final int textBaseLine = (int) (((height - mCandidatePaint.getTextSize()) / 2) - mCandidatePaint.ascent());

    // Modified by jeremy '10, 3, 29.  Update mselectedindex if touched and build wordX[i] and wordwidth[i]
    int x = 0;
    final int count = mCount; //Cache count here '11,8,18
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        if (count != mCount || mSuggestions == null || count != mSuggestions.size() || mSuggestions.size() == 0
                || i >= mSuggestions.size())
            return; // mSuggestion is updated, force abort

        String suggestion = mSuggestions.get(i).getWord();
        if (i == 0 && mSuggestions.size() > 1 && mSuggestions.get(1).isRuntimeBuiltPhraseRecord()
                && suggestion.length() > 8) {
            suggestion = suggestion.substring(0, 2) + "..";
        float base = (suggestion == null) ? 0 : candidatePaint.measureText("");
        float textWidth = (suggestion == null) ? 0 : candidatePaint.measureText(suggestion);

        if (textWidth < base) {
            textWidth = base;

        final int wordWidth = (int) textWidth + X_GAP * 2;

        mWordX[i] = x;

        mWordWidth[i] = wordWidth;

        if (touchX + scrollX >= x && touchX + scrollX < x + wordWidth && !scrolled) {
            mSelectedIndex = i;
        x += wordWidth;

    mTotalWidth = x;

    if (DEBUG)
                "CandidateView:doDraw():mTotalWidth :" + mTotalWidth + "  this.getWidth():" + this.getWidth());

    //Jeremy '11,8,11. If the candidate list is within 1 page and has more records, get full records first.
    if (mTotalWidth < this.getWidth())

    // Paint all the suggestions and lines.
    if (canvas != null) {

        // Moved from above by jeremy '10 3, 29. Paint mSelectedindex in highlight here
        if (count > 0 && mSelectedIndex >= 0) {
            //    candidatePaint.setColor(mColorComposingCode);
            //    canvas.drawRect(mWordX[mSelectedIndex],bgPadding.top, mWordWidth[mSelectedIndex] , height, candidatePaint);

            canvas.translate(mWordX[mSelectedIndex], 0);
            mDrawableSuggestHighlight.setBounds(0, bgPadding.top, mWordWidth[mSelectedIndex], height);
            canvas.translate(-mWordX[mSelectedIndex], 0);

        if (mTransparentCandidateView) {
            canvas.drawColor(Color.TRANSPARENT, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR);

            Paint backgroundPaint = new Paint();
            backgroundPaint.setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(mContext, R.color.third_background_light));

            canvas.drawRect(0.5f, bgPadding.top, mScreenWidth, height, backgroundPaint);

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

            if (count != mCount || mSuggestions == null || count != mSuggestions.size()
                    || mSuggestions.size() == 0 || i >= mSuggestions.size())

            boolean isEmoji = mSuggestions.get(i).isEmojiRecord();
            String suggestion = mSuggestions.get(i).getWord();
            if (i == 0 && mSuggestions.size() > 1 && mSuggestions.get(1).isRuntimeBuiltPhraseRecord()
                    && suggestion.length() > 8) {
                suggestion = suggestion.substring(0, 2) + "..";

            int c = i + 1;
            switch (mSuggestions.get(i).getRecordType()) {
            case Mapping.RECORD_COMPOSING_CODE:
                if (mSelectedIndex == 0) {

                    if (mTransparentCandidateView) {
                    } else {
                } else
            case Mapping.RECORD_RELATED_PHRASE:
                if (i == mSelectedIndex)
            case Mapping.RECORD_EXACT_MATCH_TO_CODE:
            case Mapping.RECORD_PARTIAL_MATCH_TO_CODE:
            case Mapping.RECORD_RUNTIME_BUILT_PHRASE:
            case Mapping.RECORD_ENGLISH_SUGGESTION:
                if (i == mSelectedIndex)


            if (isEmoji) {
                canvas.drawText(suggestion, mWordX[i] + X_GAP, Math.round(textBaseLine * 0.95),
            } else {
                canvas.drawText(suggestion, mWordX[i] + X_GAP, textBaseLine, candidatePaint);
            if (mShowNumber) {
                //Jeremy '11,6,17 changed from <=10 to mDisplaySelkey length. The length maybe 11 or 12 if shifted with space.
                if (c <= mDisplaySelkey.length()) {
                    //Jeremy '11,6,11 Drawing text using relative font dimensions.
                    canvas.drawText(mDisplaySelkey.substring(c - 1, c),
                            mWordX[i] + mWordWidth[i] - height * 0.3f, height * 0.4f, selKeyPaint);
            //Draw spacer
            canvas.drawLine(mWordX[i] + mWordWidth[i] + 0.5f, bgPadding.top + (mVerticalPadding / 2),
                    mWordX[i] + mWordWidth[i] + 0.5f, height - (mVerticalPadding / 2), candidatePaint);


        if (mTargetScrollX != getScrollX()) {
            if (DEBUG)
                Log.i(TAG, "CandidateView:doDraw():mTargetScrollX :" + mTargetScrollX + "  getScrollX():"
                        + getScrollX());



From source file:p5e610.graphview.series.BarGraphSeries.java

 * draws the bars on the canvas/*w w  w . j a v a2  s  .  co m*/
 * @param graphView corresponding graphview
 * @param canvas canvas
 * @param isSecondScale whether we are plotting the second scale or not
public void draw(GraphView graphView, Canvas canvas, boolean isSecondScale) {
    if (mValuesOnTopSize == 0) {
        mValuesOnTopSize = graphView.getGridLabelRenderer().getTextSize();


    // get data
    double maxX = graphView.getViewport().getMaxX(false);
    double minX = graphView.getViewport().getMinX(false);

    double maxY;
    double minY;
    if (isSecondScale) {
        maxY = graphView.getSecondScale().getMaxY(false);
        minY = graphView.getSecondScale().getMinY(false);
    } else {
        maxY = graphView.getViewport().getMaxY(false);
        minY = graphView.getViewport().getMinY(false);

    // Iterate through all bar graph series
    // so we know how wide to make our bar,
    // and in what position to put it in
    int numBarSeries = 0;
    int currentSeriesOrder = 0;
    int numValues = 0;
    boolean isCurrentSeries;
    SortedSet<Double> xVals = new TreeSet<Double>();
    for (Series inspectedSeries : graphView.getSeries()) {
        if (inspectedSeries instanceof BarGraphSeries) {
            isCurrentSeries = (inspectedSeries == this);
            if (isCurrentSeries) {
                currentSeriesOrder = numBarSeries;

            // calculate the number of slots for bars based on the minimum distance between
            // x coordinates in the series.  This is divided into the range to find
            // the placement and width of bar slots
            // (sections of the x axis for each bar or set of bars)
            Iterator<E> curValues = inspectedSeries.getValues(minX, maxX);
            if (curValues.hasNext()) {
                if (isCurrentSeries) {
                while (curValues.hasNext()) {
                    if (isCurrentSeries) {
    if (numValues == 0) {

    double minGap = 0;

    if (mDataWidth > 0.0) {
        minGap = mDataWidth;
    } else {
        Double lastVal = null;

        for (Double curVal : xVals) {
            if (lastVal != null) {
                double curGap = Math.abs(curVal - lastVal);
                if (minGap == 0 || (curGap > 0 && curGap < minGap)) {
                    minGap = curGap;
            lastVal = curVal;

    int numBarSlots = (minGap == 0) ? 1 : (int) Math.round((maxX - minX) / minGap) + 1;

    Iterator<E> values = getValues(minX, maxX);

    // Calculate the overall bar slot width - this includes all bars across
    // all series, and any spacing between sets of bars
    int barSlotWidth = numBarSlots == 1 ? graphView.getGraphContentWidth()
            : graphView.getGraphContentWidth() / (numBarSlots - 1);

    // Total spacing (both sides) between sets of bars
    double spacing = Math.min(barSlotWidth * mSpacing / 100, barSlotWidth * 0.98f);
    // Width of an individual bar
    double barWidth = (barSlotWidth - spacing) / numBarSeries;
    // Offset from the center of a given bar to start drawing
    double offset = barSlotWidth / 2;

    double diffY = maxY - minY;
    double diffX = maxX - minX;
    double contentHeight = graphView.getGraphContentHeight();
    double contentWidth = graphView.getGraphContentWidth();
    double contentLeft = graphView.getGraphContentLeft();
    double contentTop = graphView.getGraphContentTop();

    // draw data
    int i = 0;
    while (values.hasNext()) {
        E value = values.next();

        double valY = value.getY() - minY;
        double ratY = valY / diffY;
        double y = contentHeight * ratY;

        double valY0 = 0 - minY;
        double ratY0 = valY0 / diffY;
        double y0 = contentHeight * ratY0;

        double valueX = value.getX();
        double valX = valueX - minX;
        double ratX = valX / diffX;
        double x = contentWidth * ratX;

        // hook for value dependent color
        if (getValueDependentColor() != null) {
        } else {

        double left = x + contentLeft - offset + spacing / 2 + currentSeriesOrder * barWidth;
        double top = (contentTop - y) + contentHeight;
        double right = left + barWidth;
        double bottom = (contentTop - y0) + contentHeight
                - (graphView.getGridLabelRenderer().isHighlightZeroLines() ? 4 : 1);

        boolean reverse = top > bottom;

        if (mAnimated) {
            if ((Double.isNaN(mLastAnimatedValue) || mLastAnimatedValue < valueX)) {
                long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                if (mAnimationStart == 0) {
                    // start animation
                    mAnimationStart = currentTime;
                    mAnimationStartFrameNo = 0;
                } else {
                    // anti-lag: wait a few frames
                    if (mAnimationStartFrameNo < 15) {
                        // second time
                        mAnimationStart = currentTime;
                float timeFactor = (float) (currentTime - mAnimationStart) / ANIMATION_DURATION;
                float factor = mAnimationInterpolator.getInterpolation(timeFactor);
                if (timeFactor <= 1.0) {
                    double barHeight = bottom - top;
                    barHeight = barHeight * factor;
                    top = bottom - barHeight;
                } else {
                    // animation finished
                    mLastAnimatedValue = valueX;

        if (reverse) {
            double tmp = top;
            top = bottom + (graphView.getGridLabelRenderer().isHighlightZeroLines() ? 4 : 1);
            bottom = tmp;

        // overdraw
        left = Math.max(left, contentLeft);
        right = Math.min(right, contentLeft + contentWidth);
        bottom = Math.min(bottom, contentTop + contentHeight);
        top = Math.max(top, contentTop);

        mDataPoints.put(new RectD(left, top, right, bottom), value);

        Paint p;
        if (mCustomPaint != null) {
            p = mCustomPaint;
        } else {
            p = mPaint;
        canvas.drawRect((float) left, (float) top, (float) right, (float) bottom, p);

        // set values on top of graph
        if (mDrawValuesOnTop) {
            if (reverse) {
                top = bottom + mValuesOnTopSize + 4;
                if (top > contentTop + contentHeight)
                    top = contentTop + contentHeight;
            } else {
                top -= 4;
                if (top <= contentTop)
                    top += contentTop + 4;

                    graphView.getGridLabelRenderer().getLabelFormatter().formatLabel(value.getY(), false),
                    (float) (left + right) / 2, (float) top, mPaint);


From source file:com.jjoe64.graphview.series.BarGraphSeries.java

 * draws the bars on the canvas/*from   ww w. j  a  v  a  2s .  c  om*/
 * @param graphView corresponding graphview
 * @param canvas canvas
 * @param isSecondScale whether we are plotting the second scale or not
public void draw(GraphView graphView, Canvas canvas, boolean isSecondScale) {
    if (mValuesOnTopSize == 0) {
        mValuesOnTopSize = graphView.getGridLabelRenderer().getTextSize();


    // get data
    double maxX = graphView.getViewport().getMaxX(false);
    double minX = graphView.getViewport().getMinX(false);

    double maxY;
    double minY;
    if (isSecondScale) {
        maxY = graphView.getSecondScale().getMaxY(false);
        minY = graphView.getSecondScale().getMinY(false);
    } else {
        maxY = graphView.getViewport().getMaxY(false);
        minY = graphView.getViewport().getMinY(false);

    // Iterate through all bar graph series
    // so we know how wide to make our bar,
    // and in what position to put it in
    int numBarSeries = 0;
    int currentSeriesOrder = 0;
    int numValues = 0;
    boolean isCurrentSeries;
    SortedSet<Double> xVals = new TreeSet<Double>();
    for (Series inspectedSeries : graphView.getSeries()) {
        if (inspectedSeries instanceof BarGraphSeries) {
            isCurrentSeries = (inspectedSeries == this);
            if (isCurrentSeries) {
                currentSeriesOrder = numBarSeries;

            // calculate the number of slots for bars based on the minimum distance between
            // x coordinates in the series.  This is divided into the range to find
            // the placement and width of bar slots
            // (sections of the x axis for each bar or set of bars)
            // TODO: Move this somewhere more general and cache it, so we don't recalculate it for each series
            Iterator<E> curValues = inspectedSeries.getValues(minX, maxX);
            if (curValues.hasNext()) {
                if (isCurrentSeries) {
                while (curValues.hasNext()) {
                    if (isCurrentSeries) {
    if (numValues == 0) {

    double minGap = 0;

    if (mDataWidth > 0.0) {
        minGap = mDataWidth;
    } else {
        Double lastVal = null;

        for (Double curVal : xVals) {
            if (lastVal != null) {
                double curGap = Math.abs(curVal - lastVal);
                if (minGap == 0 || (curGap > 0 && curGap < minGap)) {
                    minGap = curGap;
            lastVal = curVal;

    int numBarSlots = (minGap == 0) ? 1 : (int) Math.round((maxX - minX) / minGap) + 1;

    Iterator<E> values = getValues(minX, maxX);

    // Calculate the overall bar slot width - this includes all bars across
    // all series, and any spacing between sets of bars
    int barSlotWidth = numBarSlots == 1 ? graphView.getGraphContentWidth()
            : graphView.getGraphContentWidth() / (numBarSlots - 1);

    // Total spacing (both sides) between sets of bars
    double spacing = Math.min(barSlotWidth * mSpacing / 100, barSlotWidth * 0.98f);
    // Width of an individual bar
    double barWidth = (barSlotWidth - spacing) / numBarSeries;
    // Offset from the center of a given bar to start drawing
    double offset = barSlotWidth / 2;

    double diffY = maxY - minY;
    double diffX = maxX - minX;
    double contentHeight = graphView.getGraphContentHeight();
    double contentWidth = graphView.getGraphContentWidth();
    double contentLeft = graphView.getGraphContentLeft();
    double contentTop = graphView.getGraphContentTop();

    // draw data
    int i = 0;
    while (values.hasNext()) {
        E value = values.next();

        double valY = value.getY() - minY;
        double ratY = valY / diffY;
        double y = contentHeight * ratY;

        double valY0 = 0 - minY;
        double ratY0 = valY0 / diffY;
        double y0 = contentHeight * ratY0;

        double valueX = value.getX();
        double valX = valueX - minX;
        double ratX = valX / diffX;
        double x = contentWidth * ratX;

        // hook for value dependent color
        if (getValueDependentColor() != null) {
        } else {

        double left = x + contentLeft - offset + spacing / 2 + currentSeriesOrder * barWidth;
        double top = (contentTop - y) + contentHeight;
        double right = left + barWidth;
        double bottom = (contentTop - y0) + contentHeight
                - (graphView.getGridLabelRenderer().isHighlightZeroLines() ? 4 : 1);

        boolean reverse = top > bottom;

        if (mAnimated) {
            if ((Double.isNaN(mLastAnimatedValue) || mLastAnimatedValue < valueX)) {
                long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                if (mAnimationStart == 0) {
                    // start animation
                    mAnimationStart = currentTime;
                    mAnimationStartFrameNo = 0;
                } else {
                    // anti-lag: wait a few frames
                    if (mAnimationStartFrameNo < 15) {
                        // second time
                        mAnimationStart = currentTime;
                float timeFactor = (float) (currentTime - mAnimationStart) / ANIMATION_DURATION;
                float factor = mAnimationInterpolator.getInterpolation(timeFactor);
                if (timeFactor <= 1.0) {
                    double barHeight = bottom - top;
                    barHeight = barHeight * factor;
                    top = bottom - barHeight;
                } else {
                    // animation finished
                    mLastAnimatedValue = valueX;

        if (reverse) {
            double tmp = top;
            top = bottom + (graphView.getGridLabelRenderer().isHighlightZeroLines() ? 4 : 1);
            bottom = tmp;

        // overdraw
        left = Math.max(left, contentLeft);
        right = Math.min(right, contentLeft + contentWidth);
        bottom = Math.min(bottom, contentTop + contentHeight);
        top = Math.max(top, contentTop);

        mDataPoints.put(new RectD(left, top, right, bottom), value);

        Paint p;
        if (mCustomPaint != null) {
            p = mCustomPaint;
        } else {
            p = mPaint;
        canvas.drawRect((float) left, (float) top, (float) right, (float) bottom, p);

        // set values on top of graph
        if (mDrawValuesOnTop) {
            if (reverse) {
                top = bottom + mValuesOnTopSize + 4;
                if (top > contentTop + contentHeight)
                    top = contentTop + contentHeight;
            } else {
                top -= 4;
                if (top <= contentTop)
                    top += contentTop + 4;

                    graphView.getGridLabelRenderer().getLabelFormatter().formatLabel(value.getY(), false),
                    (float) (left + right) / 2, (float) top, mPaint);


From source file:com.example.firstocr.ViewfinderView.java

@Override/*w w w  .  j ava2  s  .c o m*/
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    Rect frame = cameraManager.getFramingRect();
    if (frame == null) {
    int width = canvas.getWidth();
    int height = canvas.getHeight();

    // Draw the exterior (i.e. outside the framing rect) darkened
    canvas.drawRect(0, 0, width, frame.top, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(0, frame.top, frame.left, frame.bottom + 1, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(frame.right + 1, frame.top, width, frame.bottom + 1, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(0, frame.bottom + 1, width, height, paint);

    // If we have an OCR result, overlay its information on the viewfinder.
    if (resultText != null) {

        // Only draw text/bounding boxes on viewfinder if it hasn't been resized since the OCR was requested.
        Point bitmapSize = resultText.getBitmapDimensions();
        previewFrame = cameraManager.getFramingRectInPreview();
        if (bitmapSize.x == previewFrame.width() && bitmapSize.y == previewFrame.height()) {

            float scaleX = frame.width() / (float) previewFrame.width();
            float scaleY = frame.height() / (float) previewFrame.height();

            if (DRAW_REGION_BOXES) {
                regionBoundingBoxes = resultText.getRegionBoundingBoxes();
                for (int i = 0; i < regionBoundingBoxes.size(); i++) {
                    rect = regionBoundingBoxes.get(i);
                    canvas.drawRect(frame.left + rect.left * scaleX, frame.top + rect.top * scaleY,
                            frame.left + rect.right * scaleX, frame.top + rect.bottom * scaleY, paint);

            if (DRAW_TEXTLINE_BOXES) {
                // Draw each textline
                textlineBoundingBoxes = resultText.getTextlineBoundingBoxes();
                for (int i = 0; i < textlineBoundingBoxes.size(); i++) {
                    rect = textlineBoundingBoxes.get(i);
                    canvas.drawRect(frame.left + rect.left * scaleX, frame.top + rect.top * scaleY,
                            frame.left + rect.right * scaleX, frame.top + rect.bottom * scaleY, paint);

            if (DRAW_STRIP_BOXES) {
                stripBoundingBoxes = resultText.getStripBoundingBoxes();
                for (int i = 0; i < stripBoundingBoxes.size(); i++) {
                    rect = stripBoundingBoxes.get(i);
                    canvas.drawRect(frame.left + rect.left * scaleX, frame.top + rect.top * scaleY,
                            frame.left + rect.right * scaleX, frame.top + rect.bottom * scaleY, paint);

            if (DRAW_WORD_BOXES || DRAW_WORD_TEXT) {
                // Split the text into words
                wordBoundingBoxes = resultText.getWordBoundingBoxes();
                //      for (String w : words) {
                //        Log.e("ViewfinderView", "word: " + w);
                //      }
                //Log.d("ViewfinderView", "There are " + words.length + " words in the string array.");
                //Log.d("ViewfinderView", "There are " + wordBoundingBoxes.size() + " words with bounding boxes.");

            if (DRAW_WORD_BOXES) {
                for (int i = 0; i < wordBoundingBoxes.size(); i++) {
                    // Draw a bounding box around the word
                    rect = wordBoundingBoxes.get(i);
                    canvas.drawRect(frame.left + rect.left * scaleX, frame.top + rect.top * scaleY,
                            frame.left + rect.right * scaleX, frame.top + rect.bottom * scaleY, paint);

            if (DRAW_WORD_TEXT) {
                words = resultText.getText().replace("\n", " ").split(" ");
                int[] wordConfidences = resultText.getWordConfidences();
                for (int i = 0; i < wordBoundingBoxes.size(); i++) {
                    boolean isWordBlank = true;
                    try {
                        if (!words[i].equals("")) {
                            isWordBlank = false;
                    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

                    // Only draw if word has characters
                    if (!isWordBlank) {
                        // Draw a white background around each word
                        rect = wordBoundingBoxes.get(i);
                        if (DRAW_TRANSPARENT_WORD_BACKGROUNDS) {
                            // Higher confidence = more opaque, less transparent background
                            paint.setAlpha(wordConfidences[i] * 255 / 100);
                        } else {
                        canvas.drawRect(frame.left + rect.left * scaleX, frame.top + rect.top * scaleY,
                                frame.left + rect.right * scaleX, frame.top + rect.bottom * scaleY, paint);

                        // Draw the word in black text

                        // Adjust text size to fill rect
                        // ask the paint for the bounding rect if it were to draw this text
                        Rect bounds = new Rect();
                        paint.getTextBounds(words[i], 0, words[i].length(), bounds);
                        // get the height that would have been produced
                        int h = bounds.bottom - bounds.top;
                        // figure out what textSize setting would create that height of text
                        float size = (((float) (rect.height()) / h) * 100f);
                        // and set it into the paint
                        // Now set the scale.
                        // do calculation with scale of 1.0 (no scale)
                        // ask the paint for the bounding rect if it were to draw this text.
                        paint.getTextBounds(words[i], 0, words[i].length(), bounds);
                        // determine the width
                        int w = bounds.right - bounds.left;
                        // calculate the baseline to use so that the entire text is visible including the descenders
                        int text_h = bounds.bottom - bounds.top;
                        int baseline = bounds.bottom + ((rect.height() - text_h) / 2);
                        // determine how much to scale the width to fit the view
                        float xscale = ((float) (rect.width())) / w;
                        // set the scale for the text paint
                        canvas.drawText(words[i], frame.left + rect.left * scaleX,
                                frame.top + rect.bottom * scaleY - baseline, paint);


            //        if (DRAW_CHARACTER_BOXES || DRAW_CHARACTER_TEXT) {
            //          characterBoundingBoxes = resultText.getCharacterBoundingBoxes();
            //        }
            //        if (DRAW_CHARACTER_BOXES) {
            //          // Draw bounding boxes around each character
            //          paint.setAlpha(0xA0);
            //          paint.setColor(0xFF00FF00);
            //          paint.setStyle(Style.STROKE);
            //          paint.setStrokeWidth(1);
            //          for (int c = 0; c < characterBoundingBoxes.size(); c++) {
            //            Rect characterRect = characterBoundingBoxes.get(c);
            //            canvas.drawRect(frame.left + characterRect.left * scaleX,
            //                frame.top + characterRect.top * scaleY, 
            //                frame.left + characterRect.right * scaleX, 
            //                frame.top + characterRect.bottom * scaleY, paint);
            //          }
            //        }
            //        if (DRAW_CHARACTER_TEXT) {
            //          // Draw letters individually
            //          for (int i = 0; i < characterBoundingBoxes.size(); i++) {
            //            Rect r = characterBoundingBoxes.get(i);
            //            // Draw a white background for every letter
            //            int meanConfidence = resultText.getMeanConfidence();
            //            paint.setColor(Color.WHITE);
            //            paint.setAlpha(meanConfidence * (255 / 100));
            //            paint.setStyle(Style.FILL);
            //            canvas.drawRect(frame.left + r.left * scaleX,
            //                frame.top + r.top * scaleY, 
            //                frame.left + r.right * scaleX, 
            //                frame.top + r.bottom * scaleY, paint);
            //            // Draw each letter, in black
            //            paint.setColor(Color.BLACK);
            //            paint.setAlpha(0xFF);
            //            paint.setAntiAlias(true);
            //            paint.setTextAlign(Align.LEFT);
            //            String letter = "";
            //            try {
            //              char c = resultText.getText().replace("\n","").replace(" ", "").charAt(i);
            //              letter = Character.toString(c);
            //              if (!letter.equals("-") && !letter.equals("_")) {
            //                // Adjust text size to fill rect
            //                paint.setTextSize(100);
            //                paint.setTextScaleX(1.0f);
            //                // ask the paint for the bounding rect if it were to draw this text
            //                Rect bounds = new Rect();
            //                paint.getTextBounds(letter, 0, letter.length(), bounds);
            //                // get the height that would have been produced
            //                int h = bounds.bottom - bounds.top;
            //                // figure out what textSize setting would create that height of text
            //                float size  = (((float)(r.height())/h)*100f);
            //                // and set it into the paint
            //                paint.setTextSize(size);
            //                // Draw the text as is. We don't really need to set the text scale, because the dimensions
            //                // of the Rect should already be suited for drawing our letter. 
            //                canvas.drawText(letter, frame.left + r.left * scaleX, frame.top + r.bottom * scaleY, paint);
            //              }
            //            } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            //              e.printStackTrace();
            //            } catch (Exception e) {
            //              e.printStackTrace();
            //            }
            //          }
            //        }

    // Draw a two pixel solid border inside the framing rect
    canvas.drawRect(frame.left, frame.top, frame.right + 1, frame.top + 2, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(frame.left, frame.top + 2, frame.left + 2, frame.bottom - 1, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(frame.right - 1, frame.top, frame.right + 1, frame.bottom - 1, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(frame.left, frame.bottom - 1, frame.right + 1, frame.bottom + 1, paint);

    // Draw the framing rect corner UI elements
    canvas.drawRect(frame.left - 15, frame.top - 15, frame.left + 15, frame.top, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(frame.left - 15, frame.top, frame.left, frame.top + 15, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(frame.right - 15, frame.top - 15, frame.right + 15, frame.top, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(frame.right, frame.top - 15, frame.right + 15, frame.top + 15, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(frame.left - 15, frame.bottom, frame.left + 15, frame.bottom + 15, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(frame.left - 15, frame.bottom - 15, frame.left, frame.bottom, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(frame.right - 15, frame.bottom, frame.right + 15, frame.bottom + 15, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(frame.right, frame.bottom - 15, frame.right + 15, frame.bottom + 15, paint);

    // Request another update at the animation interval, but don't repaint the entire viewfinder mask.
    //postInvalidateDelayed(ANIMATION_DELAY, frame.left, frame.top, frame.right, frame.bottom);