List of usage examples for Canvas drawText
public void drawText(@NonNull String text, float x, float y, @NonNull Paint paint)
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/** * Draw a flag above a specific timestamp with a given value, but make sure the flag starts * after the given flagXToDrawAfter or that the flag is raised up to avoid intersecting it. * @param canvas The canvas to use//from w w w. j ava 2 s . c om * @param pointData The point data to use * @param flagMeasurements This set of measurements will be updated in-place to hold the bounds * of the flag. * @param flagXToDrawAfter The x position past which the flag may not draw. If the flag needs * this space, it must draw itself higher. */ private void drawFlagAfter(Canvas canvas, OverlayPointData pointData, FlagMeasurements flagMeasurements, float flagXToDrawAfter, boolean drawStem) { if (pointData.label == null) { pointData.label = ""; } float labelWidth = mTextPaint.measureText(pointData.label); String timeLabel = mTimeFormat.formatToTenths(pointData.timestamp - mExternalAxis.getRecordingStartTime()); float timeWidth = mTimePaint.measureText(timeLabel); // Ascent returns the distance above (negative) the baseline (ascent). Since it is negative, // negate it again to get the text height. float textSize = -1 * mTextPaint.ascent(); flagMeasurements.boxTop = mHeight - mChartHeight - mPaddingBottom - textSize; flagMeasurements.boxBottom = flagMeasurements.boxTop + textSize + mLabelPadding * 2 + 5; float width = mIntraLabelPadding + 2 * mLabelPadding + timeWidth + labelWidth; // Ideal box layout flagMeasurements.boxStart = pointData.screenPoint.x - width / 2; flagMeasurements.boxEnd = pointData.screenPoint.x + width / 2; // Adjust it if the ideal doesn't work boolean isRaised = false; if (flagMeasurements.boxStart < flagXToDrawAfter + mCropFlagBufferX) { // See if we can simply offset the flag, if it doesn't cause the notch to be drawn // off the edge of the flag. if (flagXToDrawAfter + mCropFlagBufferX < pointData.screenPoint.x - mNotchHeight * SQRT_2_OVER_2 - mCornerRadius) { flagMeasurements.boxStart = flagXToDrawAfter + mCropFlagBufferX; flagMeasurements.boxEnd = flagMeasurements.boxStart + width; } else { // We need to move the flag up! moveUpToAvoid(flagMeasurements, textSize); isRaised = true; } } if (flagMeasurements.boxEnd > mWidth) { flagMeasurements.boxEnd = mWidth; flagMeasurements.boxStart = flagMeasurements.boxEnd - width; if (!isRaised && flagXToDrawAfter + mCropFlagBufferX > flagMeasurements.boxStart) { // We need to move the flag up! moveUpToAvoid(flagMeasurements, textSize); isRaised = true; } } flagMeasurements.notchBottom = flagMeasurements.boxBottom + mNotchHeight; pointData.labelRect.set(flagMeasurements.boxStart, flagMeasurements.boxTop, flagMeasurements.boxEnd, flagMeasurements.boxBottom); canvas.drawRoundRect(pointData.labelRect, mCornerRadius, mCornerRadius, mPaint); mPath.reset(); mPath.moveTo((int) (pointData.screenPoint.x - mNotchHeight * SQRT_2_OVER_2), flagMeasurements.boxBottom); mPath.lineTo(pointData.screenPoint.x, flagMeasurements.boxBottom + mNotchHeight); mPath.lineTo((int) (pointData.screenPoint.x + mNotchHeight * SQRT_2_OVER_2), flagMeasurements.boxBottom); canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint); float textBase = flagMeasurements.boxTop + mLabelPadding + textSize; canvas.drawText(timeLabel, flagMeasurements.boxStart + mLabelPadding, textBase, mTimePaint); canvas.drawText(pointData.label, flagMeasurements.boxEnd - labelWidth - mLabelPadding, textBase, mTextPaint); float center = flagMeasurements.boxStart + mLabelPadding + timeWidth + mIntraLabelPadding / 2; canvas.drawLine(center, flagMeasurements.boxTop + mLabelPadding, center, flagMeasurements.boxBottom - mLabelPadding, mCenterLinePaint); if (drawStem) { // Draws a vertical line to the flag notch from the base. // If there is a flag to draw after, does not overlap that flag. if (pointData.screenPoint.x < flagXToDrawAfter) { canvas.drawLine(pointData.screenPoint.x, mHeight, pointData.screenPoint.x, mFlagMeasurements.boxBottom - 5 + textSize + 3 * mLabelPadding, mCropVerticalLinePaint); } else { canvas.drawLine(pointData.screenPoint.x, mHeight, pointData.screenPoint.x, mFlagMeasurements.notchBottom - 5, mCropVerticalLinePaint); } } }
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public void onDrawRectangle(Canvas canvas) { Paint paint = drawPaint;/*from w w w .jav a 2 s . c om*/ if (points[3] == null) //point4 null when user did not touch and move on screen. return; int left, top, right, bottom; left = points[0].x; top = points[0].y; right = points[0].x; bottom = points[0].y; for (int i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { left = left > points[i].x ? points[i].x : left; top = top > points[i].y ? points[i].y : top; right = right < points[i].x ? points[i].x : right; bottom = bottom < points[i].y ? points[i].y : bottom; } //draw stroke paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); // paint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#AADB1255")); paint.setStrokeWidth(5); if (finished) { Rect rect = new Rect(left + colorballs.get(0).getWidthOfBall() / 2, top + colorballs.get(0).getWidthOfBall() / 2, right + colorballs.get(2).getWidthOfBall() / 2, bottom + colorballs.get(2).getWidthOfBall() / 2); JSONObject objectProperties = new JSONObject(); String key = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); try { objectProperties.put("type", "Rectangle"); objectProperties.put("clientId", client.getClientId()); objectProperties.put("id", key); objectProperties.put("color", drawPaint.getColor()); objectProperties.put("size", 5); objectProperties.put("dimens", rect.flattenToString()); } catch (JSONException e) { } objectDrawables.put(key, objectProperties); mqtt.publishRectangle(objectProperties); //reset to start drawing again points = new Point[4]; colorballs.clear(); return; } //temporary canvas drawing on resize mode canvas.drawRect(left + colorballs.get(0).getWidthOfBall() / 2, top + colorballs.get(0).getWidthOfBall() / 2, right + colorballs.get(2).getWidthOfBall() / 2, bottom + colorballs.get(2).getWidthOfBall() / 2, paint); //draw the corners BitmapDrawable bitmap = new BitmapDrawable(); // draw the balls on the canvas paint.setTextSize(18); paint.setStrokeWidth(0); for (int i = 0; i < colorballs.size(); i++) { ColorBall ball = colorballs.get(i); canvas.drawBitmap(ball.getBitmap(), ball.getX(), ball.getY(), paint); // System.out.println("RectMode"); canvas.drawText("" + (i + 1), ball.getX(), ball.getY(), paint); } }
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public void onDraw(Canvas canvas, tfm) { // Draw page number if (mShowPageNum && mPageNumberIndicatorVisible) { int width = mPDFView.getWidth(); int height = mPDFView.getHeight(); int page_num = mPDFView.getCurrentPage(); boolean restore = false; float yOffset = 0; try {// w w w . ja v a 2 s .c om // During page sliding, PDFViewCtrl might apply extra transformation // matrix to Canvas for animation. However, page number should not // move; hence applying the inverse to offset it. if (!tfm.isIdentity()) {; restore = true; tfm.invert(mTempMtx1); canvas.getMatrix(mTempMtx2); mTempMtx2.postConcat(mTempMtx1); canvas.setMatrix(mTempMtx2); // Workaround for bug found in Android > ICS with hardware acceleration turned // ON. See for more info if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14 /*Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH*/ && mPDFView.isHardwareAccelerated()) { Rect rectangle = new Rect(); (( mPDFView.getContext()).getWindow().getDecorView() .getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame(rectangle); yOffset =; } } int page_count = mPDFView.getDoc().getPageCount(); String str = String.format(getStringFromResId(R.string.tools_misc_pagerange), page_num, page_count); Rect r = new Rect(); mPaint4PageNum.getTextBounds(str, 0, str.length(), r); float str_width = r.width(); float str_height = r.height(); float margin = str_height / 1.5f; float left = width - str_width * 1.5f - margin + mPDFView.getScrollX(); float top = mPDFView.getScrollY() + height - mPageNumPosAdjust - str_height * 3.0f + yOffset; float right = left + str_width + margin * 2; float bottom = top + str_height + margin * 2; mTempPageDrawingRectF.set(left, top, right, bottom); mPaint4PageNum.setColor( mPDFView.getContext().getResources().getColor(R.color.tools_pageindicator_background)); canvas.drawRoundRect(mTempPageDrawingRectF, margin, margin, mPaint4PageNum); mPaint4PageNum .setColor(mPDFView.getContext().getResources().getColor(R.color.tools_pageindicator_text)); left += margin; top += str_height / 2 + margin + mPaint4PageNum.descent(); canvas.drawText(str, left, top - 0.5f, mPaint4PageNum); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { if (restore) { canvas.restore(); } } } }
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/** * If the canvas is null, then only touch calculations are performed to pick the target * candidate./*from ww w . ja v a 2 s . co m*/ */ @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas != null) { super.onDraw(canvas); } mTotalWidth = 0; if (mSuggestions == null) return; if (mBgPadding == null) { mBgPadding = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); if (getBackground() != null) { getBackground().getPadding(mBgPadding); } } int x = 0; final int count = mSuggestions.size(); final int height = getHeight(); final Rect bgPadding = mBgPadding; final Paint paint = mPaint; final int touchX = mTouchX; final int scrollX = getScrollX(); final boolean scrolled = mScrolled; final int y; //= (int) ( - mPaint.ascent() + mVerticalPadding); final int y2; //= (int) (height - mPaintTRS.descent()); // (y - mVerticalPadding - mPaint.descent() - mPaintTRS.ascent()) ; final float initialTRSsize = mPaintTRS.getTextSize(); if (mOutputTRS) { y2 = (int) (-mPaintTRS.ascent() + mVerticalPadding); y = (int) (height - mPaint.descent()); } else { y = (int) (-mPaint.ascent() + mVerticalPadding); y2 = (int) (height - mPaintTRS.descent()); } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Candidate suggestion = mSuggestions.get(i); String hanji = suggestion.getWord().getHanji(); String trs = ""; switch (ROMANISATION_OUTPUT_MODE) { case 0: trs = suggestion.getWord().getTailuo(); break; case 1: trs = suggestion.getWord().getPOJ(); break; case 2: trs = suggestion.getWord().getPOJ_safe(); break; default: trs = suggestion.getWord().getTailuo(); } float textWidth; if (i == 0) { hanji = ""; trs = "";//hanji;//TODO: conversion? //if(mOutputTRS){ trs = suggestion.getWord().getBopomo(); if (trs != "") textWidth = mPaintBPM.measureText(trs); else textWidth = 3; //} //else { // hanji = suggestion.getWord().getBopomo(); // textWidth = paint.measureText(hanji); //} } else textWidth = paint.measureText(hanji); if (textWidth == 0.0) textWidth = paint.measureText(" "); final int wordWidth = (int) textWidth + X_GAP * 2; mWordX[i] = x; mWordWidth[i] = wordWidth; mPaintTRS.setTextSize(initialTRSsize); mPaintTRS.setTextSize(reduceTextSizeFromWidth(mPaintTRS, trs, textWidth)); paint.setColor(mColorNormal); if (touchX + scrollX >= x && touchX + scrollX < x + wordWidth && !scrolled) { if (canvas != null) { canvas.translate(x, 0); mSelectionHighlight.setBounds(0,, wordWidth, height); mSelectionHighlight.draw(canvas); canvas.translate(-x, 0); } mSelectedIndex = i; } if (canvas != null) { Paint activePaint = null; Paint secondPaint = null; if (mOutputTRS) { activePaint = mPaintTRS; secondPaint = paint; } else { activePaint = paint; secondPaint = mPaintTRS; } if (i == 0) { activePaint = mPaintBPM; } secondPaint.setAlpha(150); if ((i == mCursor)) { activePaint.setFakeBoldText(true); activePaint.setColor(mColorRecommended); } else if (i != 0) { activePaint.setColor(mColorOther); } if (i == 0) { canvas.drawText(trs, x + X_GAP, y2, mPaintBPM); } else { canvas.drawText(hanji, x + X_GAP, y, paint); canvas.drawText(trs, x + X_GAP, y2, mPaintTRS); } activePaint.setColor(mColorOther); canvas.drawLine(x + wordWidth + 0.5f,, x + wordWidth + 0.5f, height + 1, paint); activePaint.setFakeBoldText(false); secondPaint.setAlpha(255); } x += wordWidth; mPaintTRS.setTextSize(initialTRSsize); } mTotalWidth = x; if (mTargetScrollX != getScrollX()) { scrollToTarget(); } }
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/** * draws the horizontal steps/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * vertical lines and horizontal labels * * @param canvas canvas */ protected void drawHorizontalSteps(Canvas canvas) { // draw horizontal steps (vertical lines and horizontal labels) mPaintLabel.setColor(getHorizontalLabelsColor()); int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> e : mStepsHorizontal.entrySet()) { // draw line if (mStyles.highlightZeroLines) { if (e.getValue() == 0d) { mPaintLine.setStrokeWidth(5); } else { mPaintLine.setStrokeWidth(0); } } if (mStyles.gridStyle.drawVertical()) { canvas.drawLine(mGraphView.getGraphContentLeft() + e.getKey(), mGraphView.getGraphContentTop(), mGraphView.getGraphContentLeft() + e.getKey(), mGraphView.getGraphContentTop() + mGraphView.getGraphContentHeight(), mPaintLine); } // draw label if (isHorizontalLabelsVisible()) { if (mStyles.horizontalLabelsAngle > 0f && mStyles.horizontalLabelsAngle <= 180f) { if (mStyles.horizontalLabelsAngle < 90f) { mPaintLabel.setTextAlign((Paint.Align.RIGHT)); } else if (mStyles.horizontalLabelsAngle <= 180f) { mPaintLabel.setTextAlign((Paint.Align.LEFT)); } } else { mPaintLabel.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); if (i == mStepsHorizontal.size() - 1) mPaintLabel.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.RIGHT); if (i == 0) mPaintLabel.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); } // multiline labels String label = mLabelFormatter.formatLabel(e.getValue(), true); if (label == null) { label = ""; } String[] lines = label.split("\n"); // If labels are angled, calculate adjustment to line them up with the grid int labelWidthAdj = 0; if (mStyles.horizontalLabelsAngle > 0f && mStyles.horizontalLabelsAngle <= 180f) { Rect textBounds = new Rect(); mPaintLabel.getTextBounds(lines[0], 0, lines[0].length(), textBounds); labelWidthAdj = (int) Math .abs(textBounds.width() * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(mStyles.horizontalLabelsAngle))); } for (int li = 0; li < lines.length; li++) { // for the last line y = height float y = (canvas.getHeight() - mStyles.padding - getHorizontalAxisTitleHeight()) - (lines.length - li - 1) * getTextSize() * 1.1f + mStyles.labelsSpace; float x = mGraphView.getGraphContentLeft() + e.getKey(); if (mStyles.horizontalLabelsAngle > 0 && mStyles.horizontalLabelsAngle < 90f) {; canvas.rotate(mStyles.horizontalLabelsAngle, x + labelWidthAdj, y); canvas.drawText(lines[li], x + labelWidthAdj, y, mPaintLabel); canvas.restore(); } else if (mStyles.horizontalLabelsAngle > 0 && mStyles.horizontalLabelsAngle <= 180f) {; canvas.rotate(mStyles.horizontalLabelsAngle - 180f, x - labelWidthAdj, y); canvas.drawText(lines[li], x - labelWidthAdj, y, mPaintLabel); canvas.restore(); } else { canvas.drawText(lines[li], x, y, mPaintLabel); } } } i++; } }
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public void drawCCI(Canvas canvas, JSONObject quoteData, int begin, int count, double shapeWidth, double spaceWidth, double highPrice, double lowPrice, double highVolume, int actualDataLen) throws JSONException { if (quoteData.isNull("CCI") || quoteData.getJSONArray("CCI").length() < 1) { isNetworkErrorDisplay();//from w ww .j a va 2s . c o m return; } //this.shapeWidth = shapeWidth; //this.spaceWidth = spaceWidth; double max = 0.001; double min = -0.001; for (int i = begin; i < (begin + count); i++) { double cci = quoteData.getJSONArray("CCI").getJSONArray(i).getDouble(1); max = Math.max(cci, max); min = Math.min(cci, min); } double scale = this.volumeHeight / (Math.max(100, max) + Math.max(Math.abs(min), 100)); int axisY100 = (int) (klineY + volumeHeight - (100 + Math.abs(min)) * scale); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.clrLine); Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, klineX, axisY100, width, axisY100, paint); int axisY0 = (int) (klineY + volumeHeight - (0 + Math.abs(min)) * scale); Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, klineX, axisY0, width, axisY0, paint); int axisYM100 = (int) (klineY + volumeHeight - (Math.abs(min) - 100) * scale); Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, klineX, axisYM100, width, axisYM100, paint); if (isTrackStatus == false) { tPaint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorKlabel); canvas.drawText("100.00", klineX - tips / 4, axisY100 + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint); canvas.drawText("0.00", klineX - tips / 4, axisY0 + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint); canvas.drawText("-100.00", klineX - tips / 4, axisYM100 + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint); } canvas.drawLine(klineX, height - axisLabelHeight, width, height - axisLabelHeight, paint); if (quoteData != null) { double axisX = 0; double difx = 0; //double deax = 0; //double jx = 0; int kHeight = 0; int ky = 0; //int dHeight = 0; //int dy = 0; //int jHeight = 0; //int jy = 0; paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorM5); for (int i = begin; i < (begin + count); i++) { double cci = quoteData.getJSONArray("CCI").getJSONArray(i).getDouble(1); //klineX = 0; if ((i - begin) == 0) axisX = axisX + klineX + spaceWidth; else axisX = axisX + spaceWidth + shapeWidth; if ((i - begin) == 0) { difx = difx + klineX + spaceWidth + shapeWidth / 2; kHeight = (int) ((cci + Math.abs(min)) * scale); //kHeight = cci * scale; ky = klineY + volumeHeight - kHeight; } else { double x1 = difx; int y1 = ky; difx = difx + spaceWidth + shapeWidth; kHeight = (int) ((cci + Math.abs(min)) * scale); ky = klineY + volumeHeight - kHeight; canvas.drawLine((int) x1, y1, (int) difx, ky, paint); } if (i == (begin + count - 1)) { //labelDif.text = "CCI:" + Utils.StockFormat(exchange+stockCode, cci); } } // end for } // end if }
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@Override protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.dispatchDraw(canvas); drawDivider(canvas);/*from ww w .j a va2 s. c om*/ if (DEBUG) { switch (mLayoutDirectly) { case LAYOUT_DIRECTLY_HORIZONTAL: canvas.drawLine(getXSel(), 0, getXSel(), getHeight(), mDebugPaint); break; case LAYOUT_DIRECTLY_VERTICAL: canvas.drawLine(0, getYSel(), getWidth(), getYSel(), mDebugPaint); break; } canvas.drawText(String.valueOf(mFirstPosition), 100, 100, mDebugPaint); } }
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@Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); //Calculate views bounds ArrayList<RectF> bounds = calculateAllBounds(mPaintText); final int count = mViewPager.getAdapter().getCount(); final int countMinusOne = count - 1; final float halfWidth = getWidth() / 2f; final int left = getLeft(); final float leftClip = left + mClipPadding; final int width = getWidth(); final int height = getHeight(); final int right = left + width; final float rightClip = right - mClipPadding; int page = mCurrentPage; float offsetPercent; if (mCurrentOffset <= halfWidth) { offsetPercent = 1.0f * mCurrentOffset / width; } else {/*from w w w .j a va2 s.c o m*/ page += 1; offsetPercent = 1.0f * (width - mCurrentOffset) / width; } final boolean currentSelected = (offsetPercent <= SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE); final boolean currentBold = (offsetPercent <= BOLD_FADE_PERCENTAGE); final float selectedPercent = (SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE - offsetPercent) / SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE; //Verify if the current view must be clipped to the screen RectF curPageBound = bounds.get(mCurrentPage); float curPageWidth = curPageBound.right - curPageBound.left; if (curPageBound.left < leftClip) { //Try to clip to the screen (left side) clipViewOnTheLeft(curPageBound, curPageWidth, left); } if (curPageBound.right > rightClip) { //Try to clip to the screen (right side) clipViewOnTheRight(curPageBound, curPageWidth, right); } //Left views starting from the current position if (mCurrentPage > 0) { for (int i = mCurrentPage - 1; i >= 0; i--) { RectF bound = bounds.get(i); //Is left side is outside the screen if (bound.left < leftClip) { float w = bound.right - bound.left; //Try to clip to the screen (left side) clipViewOnTheLeft(bound, w, left); //Except if there's an intersection with the right view RectF rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1); //Intersection if (bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) { bound.left = rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding; bound.right = bound.left + w; } } } } //Right views starting from the current position if (mCurrentPage < countMinusOne) { for (int i = mCurrentPage + 1; i < count; i++) { RectF bound = bounds.get(i); //If right side is outside the screen if (bound.right > rightClip) { float w = bound.right - bound.left; //Try to clip to the screen (right side) clipViewOnTheRight(bound, w, right); //Except if there's an intersection with the left view RectF leftBound = bounds.get(i - 1); //Intersection if (bound.left - mTitlePadding < leftBound.right) { bound.left = leftBound.right + mTitlePadding; bound.right = bound.left + w; } } } } //Now draw views for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { //Get the title RectF bound = bounds.get(i); //Only if one side is visible if ((bound.left > left && bound.left < right) || (bound.right > left && bound.right < right)) { final boolean currentPage = (i == page); //Only set bold if we are within bounds mPaintText.setFakeBoldText(currentPage && currentBold && mBoldText); //Draw text as unselected mPaintText.setColor(mColorText); canvas.drawText(mTitleProvider.getTitle(i), bound.left, bound.bottom, mPaintText); //If we are within the selected bounds draw the selected text if (currentPage && currentSelected) { mPaintText.setColor(mColorSelected); mPaintText.setAlpha((int) ((mColorSelected >>> 24) * selectedPercent)); canvas.drawText(mTitleProvider.getTitle(i), bound.left, bound.bottom, mPaintText); } } } //Draw the footer line mPath = new Path(); mPath.moveTo(0, height - mFooterLineHeight); mPath.lineTo(width, height - mFooterLineHeight); mPath.close(); canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterLine); switch (mFooterIndicatorStyle) { case Triangle: mPath = new Path(); mPath.moveTo(halfWidth, height - mFooterLineHeight - mFooterIndicatorHeight); mPath.lineTo(halfWidth + mFooterIndicatorHeight, height - mFooterLineHeight); mPath.lineTo(halfWidth - mFooterIndicatorHeight, height - mFooterLineHeight); mPath.close(); canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator); break; case Underline: if (!currentSelected) { break; } RectF underlineBounds = bounds.get(page); mPath = new Path(); mPath.moveTo(underlineBounds.left - mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding, height - mFooterLineHeight); mPath.lineTo(underlineBounds.right + mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding, height - mFooterLineHeight); mPath.lineTo(underlineBounds.right + mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding, height - mFooterLineHeight - mFooterIndicatorHeight); mPath.lineTo(underlineBounds.left - mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding, height - mFooterLineHeight - mFooterIndicatorHeight); mPath.close(); mPaintFooterIndicator.setAlpha((int) (0xFF * selectedPercent)); canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator); mPaintFooterIndicator.setAlpha(0xFF); break; } }
From source
@Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); //Calculate views bounds ArrayList<RectF> bounds = calculateAllBounds(mPaintText); final int count = mViewPager.getAdapter().getCount(); final int countMinusOne = count - 1; final float halfWidth = getWidth() / 2f; final int left = getLeft(); final float leftClip = left + mClipPadding; final int width = getWidth(); final int height = getHeight(); final int right = left + width; final float rightClip = right - mClipPadding; int page = mCurrentPage; float offsetPercent; if (mCurrentOffset <= halfWidth) { offsetPercent = 1.0f * mCurrentOffset / width; } else {/*from w w w .j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ page += 1; offsetPercent = 1.0f * (width - mCurrentOffset) / width; } final boolean currentSelected = (offsetPercent <= SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE); final boolean currentBold = (offsetPercent <= BOLD_FADE_PERCENTAGE); final float selectedPercent = (SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE - offsetPercent) / SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE; //Verify if the current view must be clipped to the screen RectF curPageBound = bounds.get(mCurrentPage); float curPageWidth = curPageBound.right - curPageBound.left; if (curPageBound.left < leftClip) { //Try to clip to the screen (left side) clipViewOnTheLeft(curPageBound, curPageWidth, left); } if (curPageBound.right > rightClip) { //Try to clip to the screen (right side) clipViewOnTheRight(curPageBound, curPageWidth, right); } //Left views starting from the current position if (mCurrentPage > 0) { for (int i = mCurrentPage - 1; i >= 0; i--) { RectF bound = bounds.get(i); //Is left side is outside the screen if (bound.left < leftClip) { float w = bound.right - bound.left; //Try to clip to the screen (left side) clipViewOnTheLeft(bound, w, left); //Except if there's an intersection with the right view RectF rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1); //Intersection if (bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) { bound.left = rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding; bound.right = bound.left + w; } } } } //Right views starting from the current position if (mCurrentPage < countMinusOne) { for (int i = mCurrentPage + 1; i < count; i++) { RectF bound = bounds.get(i); //If right side is outside the screen if (bound.right > rightClip) { float w = bound.right - bound.left; //Try to clip to the screen (right side) clipViewOnTheRight(bound, w, right); //Except if there's an intersection with the left view RectF leftBound = bounds.get(i - 1); //Intersection if (bound.left - mTitlePadding < leftBound.right) { bound.left = leftBound.right + mTitlePadding; bound.right = bound.left + w; } } } } //Now draw views for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { //Get the title RectF bound = bounds.get(i); //Only if one side is visible if ((bound.left > left && bound.left < right) || (bound.right > left && bound.right < right)) { final boolean currentPage = (i == page); //Only set bold if we are within bounds mPaintText.setFakeBoldText(currentPage && currentBold && mBoldText); //Draw text as unselected mPaintText.setColor(mColorText); canvas.drawText(mTitleProvider.getTitle(i), bound.left, bound.bottom + mTopPadding, mPaintText); //If we are within the selected bounds draw the selected text if (currentPage && currentSelected) { mPaintText.setColor(mColorSelected); mPaintText.setAlpha((int) ((mColorSelected >>> 24) * selectedPercent)); canvas.drawText(mTitleProvider.getTitle(i), bound.left, bound.bottom + mTopPadding, mPaintText); } } } //Draw the footer line mPath = new Path(); mPath.moveTo(0, height - mFooterLineHeight / 2f); mPath.lineTo(width, height - mFooterLineHeight / 2f); mPath.close(); canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterLine); switch (mFooterIndicatorStyle) { case Triangle: mPath = new Path(); mPath.moveTo(halfWidth, height - mFooterLineHeight - mFooterIndicatorHeight); mPath.lineTo(halfWidth + mFooterIndicatorHeight, height - mFooterLineHeight); mPath.lineTo(halfWidth - mFooterIndicatorHeight, height - mFooterLineHeight); mPath.close(); canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator); break; case Underline: if (!currentSelected) { break; } RectF underlineBounds = bounds.get(page); mPath = new Path(); mPath.moveTo(underlineBounds.left - mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding, height - mFooterLineHeight); mPath.lineTo(underlineBounds.right + mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding, height - mFooterLineHeight); mPath.lineTo(underlineBounds.right + mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding, height - mFooterLineHeight - mFooterIndicatorHeight); mPath.lineTo(underlineBounds.left - mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding, height - mFooterLineHeight - mFooterIndicatorHeight); mPath.close(); mPaintFooterIndicator.setAlpha((int) (0xFF * selectedPercent)); canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator); mPaintFooterIndicator.setAlpha(0xFF); break; } }
From source
@Override public void draw(GraphView graphView, Canvas canvas, boolean isSecondScale) { paint.setColor(getColor());/*from ww w . ja va2s. c om*/ paint.setStrokeWidth(thickness); paintBackground.setColor(backgroundColor); pathBackground.reset(); resetDataPoints(); // get data double maxX = graphView.getViewport().getMaxX(false); double minX = graphView.getViewport().getMinX(false); double maxY; double minY; if (isSecondScale) { maxY = graphView.getSecondScale().getMaxY(); minY = graphView.getSecondScale().getMinY(); } else { maxY = graphView.getViewport().getMaxY(false); minY = graphView.getViewport().getMinY(false); } // draw data double diffY = maxY - minY; double diffX = maxX - minX; float graphHeight = graphView.getGraphContentHeight(); float graphWidth = graphView.getGraphContentWidth(); float graphLeft = graphView.getGraphContentLeft(); float graphTop = graphView.getGraphContentTop(); // draw background double lastEndY = 0; double lastEndX = 0; double titleY = 0; double lastUsedEndX = 0; float firstX = 0; int i = 0; Iterator<E> values = getValues(minX, maxX); while (values.hasNext()) { E value =; double valY = value.getY() - minY; double ratY = valY / diffY; double y = graphHeight * ratY; double valX = value.getX() - minX; double ratX = valX / diffX; double x = graphWidth * ratX; double orgX = x; double orgY = y; if (i > 0) { // overdraw if (x > graphWidth) { // end right double b = ((graphWidth - lastEndX) * (y - lastEndY) / (x - lastEndX)); y = lastEndY + b; x = graphWidth; } if (y < 0) { // end bottom double b = ((0 - lastEndY) * (x - lastEndX) / (y - lastEndY)); x = lastEndX + b; y = 0; } if (y > graphHeight) { // end top double b = ((graphHeight - lastEndY) * (x - lastEndX) / (y - lastEndY)); x = lastEndX + b; y = graphHeight; } if (lastEndY < 0) { // start bottom double b = ((0 - y) * (x - lastEndX) / (lastEndY - y)); lastEndX = x - b; lastEndY = 0; } if (lastEndX < 0) { // start left double b = ((0 - x) * (y - lastEndY) / (lastEndX - x)); lastEndY = y - b; lastEndX = 0; } if (lastEndY > graphHeight) { // start top double b = ((graphHeight - y) * (x - lastEndX) / (lastEndY - y)); lastEndX = x - b; lastEndY = graphHeight; } float startX = (float) lastEndX + (graphLeft + 1); float startY = (float) (graphTop - lastEndY) + graphHeight; float endX = (float) x + (graphLeft + 1); float endY = (float) (graphTop - y) + graphHeight; registerDataPoint(endX, endY, value); path.reset(); path.moveTo(startX, startY); path.lineTo(endX, endY); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); if (i == 1) { firstX = startX; pathBackground.moveTo(startX, startY); } pathBackground.lineTo(endX, endY); lastUsedEndX = endX; } lastEndY = orgY; lastEndX = orgX; titleY = Math.max(titleY, orgY); i++; } pathBackground.lineTo((float) lastUsedEndX, graphHeight + graphTop); pathBackground.lineTo(firstX, graphHeight + graphTop); pathBackground.close(); canvas.drawPath(pathBackground, paintBackground); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getTitle()) && lastUsedEndX > 0) { float x = (float) (lastUsedEndX + firstX) / 2; float y = (float) (graphTop - titleY) + graphHeight - 10; paintTitle.setColor(getColor()); paintTitle.setTextSize(graphView.getLegendRenderer().getTextSize()); paintTitle.setFakeBoldText(textBold); canvas.drawText(getTitle(), x, y, paintTitle); } }