Example usage for android.content ServiceConnection interface-usage

List of usage examples for android.content ServiceConnection interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.content ServiceConnection interface-usage.


From source file com.boko.vimusic.ui.activities.AudioPlayerActivity.java

 * Apollo's "now playing" interface.
 * @author Andrew Neal (andrewdneal@gmail.com)
public class AudioPlayerActivity extends FragmentActivity

From source file com.microntek.music.fragments.AudioPlayerFragment.java

public class AudioPlayerFragment extends Fragment implements ServiceConnection {
    private static final String TAG = AudioPlayerFragment.class.getSimpleName();

     * Used to keep context menu items from bleeding into other fragments

From source file org.yaaic.activity.ConversationActivity.java

 * The server view with a scrollable list of all channels
 * @author Sebastian Kaspari <sebastian@yaaic.org>
public class ConversationActivity extends SherlockActivity

From source file com.mbientlab.metawear.tutorial.starter.DeviceSetupActivityFragment.java

 * A placeholder fragment containing a simple view.
public class DeviceSetupActivityFragment extends Fragment implements ServiceConnection {
    public interface FragmentSettings {
        BluetoothDevice getBtDevice();

From source file org.amahi.anywhere.activity.ServerFileAudioActivity.java

 * Audio activity. Shows audio, supports basic operations such as pausing, resuming, audio changing.
 * The playback itself is done via {@link org.amahi.anywhere.service.AudioService}.
 * Backed up by {@link android.media.MediaPlayer}.
public class ServerFileAudioActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener,

From source file com.spollo.player.ui.activities.AudioPlayerActivity.java

 * Apollo's "now playing" interface.
 * @author Andrew Neal (andrewdneal@gmail.com)
public class AudioPlayerActivity extends FragmentActivity

From source file org.yaaic.fragment.ConversationFragment.java

 * The server view with a scrollable pager of all conversations.
public class ConversationFragment extends Fragment
        implements ServerListener, ConversationListener, ServiceConnection {
    public static final String TRANSACTION_TAG = "fragment_conversation";

From source file org.dkf.jmule.activities.MainActivity.java

 * @author gubatron
 * @author aldenml
public class MainActivity extends AbstractActivity implements AbstractDialog.OnDialogClickListener,
        DialogInterface.OnClickListener, ServiceConnection, ActivityCompat.OnRequestPermissionsResultCallback {

From source file com.christophergs.mbientbasic.NavigationActivity.java

public class NavigationActivity extends AppCompatActivity
        implements NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener, BothFragment.OnFragTestListener,
        MotionFragment.OnFragmentInteractionListener, ServiceConnection, FragmentBus {
    public static final String EXTRA_BT_DEVICE = "EXTRA_BT_DEVICE";
    private final static String FRAGMENT_KEY = "FRAGMENT_KEY";
    private static final Map<Integer, Class<? extends ModuleFragmentBase>> FRAGMENT_CLASSES;

From source file ir.occc.android.irc.activity.ConversationActivity.java

 * The server view with a scrollable list of all channels
 * @author Sebastian Kaspari <sebastian@yaaic.org>
public class ConversationActivity extends SherlockActivity