Example usage for android.content ServiceConnection interface-usage

List of usage examples for android.content ServiceConnection interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.content ServiceConnection interface-usage.


From source file org.libreoffice.impressremote.fragment.slides.SlidesGridFragment.java

public class SlidesGridFragment extends AbstractSlideFragment
        implements ServiceConnection, AdapterView.OnItemClickListener {
    // We need to keep track of this in order to know which slide needs 'resetting' when we change
    // slides (i.e. the previously selected slide needs to have its highlighting removed,
    // and the new selected slide needs to be highlighted -- there is nowhere else to retrieve which
    // slide was previously selected for now).

From source file com.sharky.BillingService.java

public class BillingService extends Service implements ServiceConnection {
    private static IMarketBillingService mService;

    private static LinkedList<BillingRequest> mPendingRequests = new LinkedList<BillingRequest>();

    private static HashMap<Long, BillingRequest> mSentRequests = new HashMap<Long, BillingRequest>();

From source file org.aankor.animenforadio.NowPlaying.java

public class NowPlaying extends Fragment implements ServiceConnection, AnfoService.OnSongChangeListener {
    private TextView artistView;
    private TextView titleView;
    private TextView albumView;
    private TextView seriesView;
    private TextView genreView;

From source file org.retroshare.android.ProxiedFragmentActivityBase.java

 * This class is aimed to be inherited by FragmentActivityes that needs to communicate with RsService
 * provide out of the box almost all needed stuff to communicate with RsService
 * so each activity doesn't need to handle all this common stuff
public abstract class ProxiedFragmentActivityBase extends FragmentActivity

From source file wseemann.media.fmpdemo.FMPDemo.java

public class FMPDemo extends FragmentActivity implements ServiceConnection {

    private IMediaPlaybackService mService = null;
    private ServiceToken mToken;


From source file org.aankor.animenforadio.RadioNotification.java

public class RadioNotification implements ServiceConnection, AnfoService.OnSongPosChangedListener,
        AnfoService.OnSongChangeListener, AnfoService.OnPlayerStateChangedListener {
     * The unique identifier for this type of notification.
    private static final String NOTIFICATION_TAG = "AnfoRadio";

From source file eu.faircode.adblocker.IAB.java

public class IAB implements ServiceConnection {
    private static final String TAG = "NetGuard.IAB";

    private Context context;
    private Delegate delegate;
    private IInAppBillingService service = null;

From source file org.libreoffice.impressremote.fragment.slides.PointerFragment.java

public class PointerFragment extends AbstractSlideFragment implements ServiceConnection, View.OnTouchListener {
    private CommunicationService mCommunicationService;
    private BroadcastReceiver mIntentsReceiver;
    private int displayheight, displaywidth, xoffset, yoffset;
    private long nextUpdate = 0;
    private static final int REFRESH_MILLIS = 40; //25 fps refresh

From source file com.commonsware.android.advservice.remotebinding.client.DownloadFragment.java

public class DownloadFragment extends Fragment implements OnClickListener, ServiceConnection {
    private static final String TO_DOWNLOAD = "https://commonsware.com/Android/excerpt.pdf";
    private IDownload binding = null;
    private Button btn = null;
    private Application appContext = null;

From source file butter.droid.tv.activities.base.TVTorrentBaseActivity.java

public abstract class TVTorrentBaseActivity extends FragmentActivity
        implements TorrentListener, TorrentActivity, ServiceConnection {

    protected Handler mHandler;
    protected TorrentService mService;