List of usage examples for PackageManager resolveActivity
public abstract ResolveInfo resolveActivity(Intent intent, @ResolveInfoFlags int flags);
From source
@SuppressWarnings("Convert2streamapi") @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1) private void updateRecentApps(final boolean firstRefresh) { SharedPreferences pref = U.getSharedPreferences(this); final PackageManager pm = getPackageManager(); final List<AppEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>(); List<LauncherActivityInfo> launcherAppCache = new ArrayList<>(); int maxNumOfEntries = U.getMaxNumOfEntries(this); int realNumOfPinnedApps = 0; boolean fullLength = pref.getBoolean("full_length", false); PinnedBlockedApps pba = PinnedBlockedApps.getInstance(this); List<AppEntry> pinnedApps = pba.getPinnedApps(); List<AppEntry> blockedApps = pba.getBlockedApps(); List<String> applicationIdsToRemove = new ArrayList<>(); // Filter out anything on the pinned/blocked apps lists if (pinnedApps.size() > 0) { UserManager userManager = (UserManager) getSystemService(USER_SERVICE); LauncherApps launcherApps = (LauncherApps) getSystemService(LAUNCHER_APPS_SERVICE); for (AppEntry entry : pinnedApps) { boolean packageEnabled = launcherApps.isPackageEnabled(entry.getPackageName(), userManager.getUserForSerialNumber(entry.getUserId(this))); if (packageEnabled) entries.add(entry);// www. j a v a 2 s. c o m else realNumOfPinnedApps--; applicationIdsToRemove.add(entry.getPackageName()); } realNumOfPinnedApps = realNumOfPinnedApps + pinnedApps.size(); } if (blockedApps.size() > 0) { for (AppEntry entry : blockedApps) { applicationIdsToRemove.add(entry.getPackageName()); } } // Get list of all recently used apps List<AppEntry> usageStatsList = realNumOfPinnedApps < maxNumOfEntries ? getAppEntries() : new ArrayList<>(); if (usageStatsList.size() > 0 || realNumOfPinnedApps > 0 || fullLength) { if (realNumOfPinnedApps < maxNumOfEntries) { List<AppEntry> usageStatsList2 = new ArrayList<>(); List<AppEntry> usageStatsList3 = new ArrayList<>(); List<AppEntry> usageStatsList4 = new ArrayList<>(); List<AppEntry> usageStatsList5 = new ArrayList<>(); List<AppEntry> usageStatsList6; Intent homeIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); homeIntent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_HOME); ResolveInfo defaultLauncher = pm.resolveActivity(homeIntent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); // Filter out apps without a launcher intent // Also filter out the current launcher, and Taskbar itself for (AppEntry packageInfo : usageStatsList) { if (hasLauncherIntent(packageInfo.getPackageName()) && !packageInfo.getPackageName().contains(BuildConfig.BASE_APPLICATION_ID) && !packageInfo.getPackageName().equals(defaultLauncher.activityInfo.packageName)) usageStatsList2.add(packageInfo); } // Filter out apps that don't fall within our current search interval for (AppEntry stats : usageStatsList2) { if (stats.getLastTimeUsed() > searchInterval || runningAppsOnly) usageStatsList3.add(stats); } // Sort apps by either most recently used, or most time used if (!runningAppsOnly) { if (sortOrder.contains("most_used")) { Collections.sort(usageStatsList3, (us1, us2) ->, us1.getTotalTimeInForeground())); } else { Collections.sort(usageStatsList3, (us1, us2) ->, us1.getLastTimeUsed())); } } // Filter out any duplicate entries List<String> applicationIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (AppEntry stats : usageStatsList3) { if (!applicationIds.contains(stats.getPackageName())) { usageStatsList4.add(stats); applicationIds.add(stats.getPackageName()); } } // Filter out the currently running foreground app, if requested by the user if (pref.getBoolean("hide_foreground", false)) { UsageStatsManager mUsageStatsManager = (UsageStatsManager) getSystemService( USAGE_STATS_SERVICE); UsageEvents events = mUsageStatsManager.queryEvents(searchInterval, System.currentTimeMillis()); UsageEvents.Event eventCache = new UsageEvents.Event(); String currentForegroundApp = null; while (events.hasNextEvent()) { events.getNextEvent(eventCache); if (eventCache.getEventType() == UsageEvents.Event.MOVE_TO_FOREGROUND) { if (!(eventCache.getPackageName().contains(BuildConfig.BASE_APPLICATION_ID) && !eventCache.getClassName().equals(MainActivity.class.getCanonicalName()) && !eventCache.getClassName().equals(HomeActivity.class.getCanonicalName()) && !eventCache.getClassName() .equals(InvisibleActivityFreeform.class.getCanonicalName()))) currentForegroundApp = eventCache.getPackageName(); } } if (!applicationIdsToRemove.contains(currentForegroundApp)) applicationIdsToRemove.add(currentForegroundApp); } for (AppEntry stats : usageStatsList4) { if (!applicationIdsToRemove.contains(stats.getPackageName())) { usageStatsList5.add(stats); } } // Truncate list to a maximum length if (usageStatsList5.size() > maxNumOfEntries) usageStatsList6 = usageStatsList5.subList(0, maxNumOfEntries); else usageStatsList6 = usageStatsList5; // Determine if we need to reverse the order boolean needToReverseOrder; switch (U.getTaskbarPosition(this)) { case "bottom_right": case "top_right": needToReverseOrder = sortOrder.contains("false"); break; default: needToReverseOrder = sortOrder.contains("true"); break; } if (needToReverseOrder) { Collections.reverse(usageStatsList6); } // Generate the AppEntries for TaskbarAdapter int number = usageStatsList6.size() == maxNumOfEntries ? usageStatsList6.size() - realNumOfPinnedApps : usageStatsList6.size(); UserManager userManager = (UserManager) getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE); LauncherApps launcherApps = (LauncherApps) getSystemService(Context.LAUNCHER_APPS_SERVICE); final List<UserHandle> userHandles = userManager.getUserProfiles(); for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { for (UserHandle handle : userHandles) { String packageName = usageStatsList6.get(i).getPackageName(); List<LauncherActivityInfo> list = launcherApps.getActivityList(packageName, handle); if (!list.isEmpty()) { // Google App workaround if (!packageName.equals("")) launcherAppCache.add(list.get(0)); else { boolean added = false; for (LauncherActivityInfo info : list) { if (info.getName() .equals("")) { launcherAppCache.add(info); added = true; } } if (!added) launcherAppCache.add(list.get(0)); } AppEntry newEntry = new AppEntry(packageName, null, null, null, false); newEntry.setUserId(userManager.getSerialNumberForUser(handle)); entries.add(newEntry); break; } } } } while (entries.size() > maxNumOfEntries) { try { entries.remove(entries.size() - 1); launcherAppCache.remove(launcherAppCache.size() - 1); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { /* Gracefully fail */ } } // Determine if we need to reverse the order again if (U.getTaskbarPosition(this).contains("vertical")) { Collections.reverse(entries); Collections.reverse(launcherAppCache); } // Now that we've generated the list of apps, // we need to determine if we need to redraw the Taskbar or not boolean shouldRedrawTaskbar = firstRefresh; List<String> finalApplicationIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (AppEntry entry : entries) { finalApplicationIds.add(entry.getPackageName()); } if (finalApplicationIds.size() != currentTaskbarIds.size() || numOfPinnedApps != realNumOfPinnedApps) shouldRedrawTaskbar = true; else { for (int i = 0; i < finalApplicationIds.size(); i++) { if (!finalApplicationIds.get(i).equals(currentTaskbarIds.get(i))) { shouldRedrawTaskbar = true; break; } } } if (shouldRedrawTaskbar) { currentTaskbarIds = finalApplicationIds; numOfPinnedApps = realNumOfPinnedApps; UserManager userManager = (UserManager) getSystemService(USER_SERVICE); int launcherAppCachePos = -1; for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { if (entries.get(i).getComponentName() == null) { launcherAppCachePos++; LauncherActivityInfo appInfo = launcherAppCache.get(launcherAppCachePos); String packageName = entries.get(i).getPackageName(); entries.remove(i); AppEntry newEntry = new AppEntry(packageName, appInfo.getComponentName().flattenToString(), appInfo.getLabel().toString(), IconCache.getInstance(TaskbarService.this) .getIcon(TaskbarService.this, pm, appInfo), false); newEntry.setUserId(userManager.getSerialNumberForUser(appInfo.getUser())); entries.add(i, newEntry); } } final int numOfEntries = Math.min(entries.size(), maxNumOfEntries); -> { if (numOfEntries > 0 || fullLength) { ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = scrollView.getLayoutParams(); DisplayMetrics metrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); int recentsSize = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.icon_size) * numOfEntries; float maxRecentsSize = fullLength ? Float.MAX_VALUE : recentsSize; if (U.getTaskbarPosition(TaskbarService.this).contains("vertical")) { int maxScreenSize = metrics.heightPixels - U.getStatusBarHeight(TaskbarService.this) - U.getBaseTaskbarSize(TaskbarService.this); params.height = (int) Math.min(maxRecentsSize, maxScreenSize) + getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.divider_size); if (fullLength && U.getTaskbarPosition(this).contains("bottom")) { try { Space whitespace = (Space) layout.findViewById(; ViewGroup.LayoutParams params2 = whitespace.getLayoutParams(); params2.height = maxScreenSize - recentsSize; whitespace.setLayoutParams(params2); } catch (NullPointerException e) { /* Gracefully fail */ } } } else { int maxScreenSize = metrics.widthPixels - U.getBaseTaskbarSize(TaskbarService.this); params.width = (int) Math.min(maxRecentsSize, maxScreenSize) + getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.divider_size); if (fullLength && U.getTaskbarPosition(this).contains("right")) { try { Space whitespace = (Space) layout.findViewById(; ViewGroup.LayoutParams params2 = whitespace.getLayoutParams(); params2.width = maxScreenSize - recentsSize; whitespace.setLayoutParams(params2); } catch (NullPointerException e) { /* Gracefully fail */ } } } scrollView.setLayoutParams(params); taskbar.removeAllViews(); for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { taskbar.addView(getView(entries, i)); } isShowingRecents = true; if (shouldRefreshRecents && scrollView.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) { if (firstRefresh) scrollView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); else scrollView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } if (firstRefresh && scrollView.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) new Handler().post(() -> { switch (U.getTaskbarPosition(TaskbarService.this)) { case "bottom_left": case "bottom_right": case "top_left": case "top_right": if (sortOrder.contains("false")) scrollView.scrollTo(0, 0); else if (sortOrder.contains("true")) scrollView.scrollTo(taskbar.getWidth(), taskbar.getHeight()); break; case "bottom_vertical_left": case "bottom_vertical_right": case "top_vertical_left": case "top_vertical_right": if (sortOrder.contains("false")) scrollView.scrollTo(taskbar.getWidth(), taskbar.getHeight()); else if (sortOrder.contains("true")) scrollView.scrollTo(0, 0); break; } if (shouldRefreshRecents) { scrollView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } }); } else { isShowingRecents = false; scrollView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } }); } } else if (firstRefresh || currentTaskbarIds.size() > 0) { currentTaskbarIds.clear(); -> { isShowingRecents = false; scrollView.setVisibility(View.GONE); }); } }
From source
private void updateShortcutsAndWidgetsPerUser(ArrayList<AppInfo> apps, final UserHandleCompat user) { // Create a map of the apps to test against final HashMap<ComponentName, AppInfo> appsMap = new HashMap<ComponentName, AppInfo>(); final HashSet<String> pkgNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (AppInfo ai : apps) { appsMap.put(ai.componentName, ai); pkgNames.add(ai.componentName.getPackageName()); }//w ww . j ava 2 s . c om final HashSet<ComponentName> iconsToRemove = new HashSet<ComponentName>(); mapOverItems(MAP_RECURSE, new ItemOperator() { @Override public boolean evaluate(ItemInfo info, View v, View parent) { if (info instanceof ShortcutInfo && v instanceof BubbleTextView) { ShortcutInfo shortcutInfo = (ShortcutInfo) info; ComponentName cn = shortcutInfo.getTargetComponent(); AppInfo appInfo = appsMap.get(cn); if (user.equals(shortcutInfo.user) && cn != null && LauncherModel.isShortcutInfoUpdateable(info) && pkgNames.contains(cn.getPackageName())) { boolean promiseStateChanged = false; boolean infoUpdated = false; if (shortcutInfo.isPromise()) { if (shortcutInfo.hasStatusFlag(ShortcutInfo.FLAG_AUTOINTALL_ICON)) { // Auto install icon PackageManager pm = getContext().getPackageManager(); ResolveInfo matched = pm .resolveActivity( new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN).setComponent(cn) .addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER), PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); if (matched == null) { // Try to find the best match activity. Intent intent = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage(cn.getPackageName()); if (intent != null) { cn = intent.getComponent(); appInfo = appsMap.get(cn); } if ((intent == null) || (appsMap == null)) { // Could not find a default activity. Remove this item. iconsToRemove.add(shortcutInfo.getTargetComponent()); // process next shortcut. return false; } shortcutInfo.promisedIntent = intent; } } // Restore the shortcut. shortcutInfo.intent = shortcutInfo.promisedIntent; shortcutInfo.promisedIntent = null; shortcutInfo.status &= ~ShortcutInfo.FLAG_RESTORED_ICON & ~ShortcutInfo.FLAG_AUTOINTALL_ICON & ~ShortcutInfo.FLAG_INSTALL_SESSION_ACTIVE; promiseStateChanged = true; infoUpdated = true; shortcutInfo.updateIcon(mIconCache); LauncherModel.updateItemInDatabase(getContext(), shortcutInfo); } if (appInfo != null) { shortcutInfo.updateIcon(mIconCache); shortcutInfo.title = appInfo.title.toString(); shortcutInfo.contentDescription = appInfo.contentDescription; infoUpdated = true; } if (infoUpdated) { BubbleTextView shortcut = (BubbleTextView) v; shortcut.applyFromShortcutInfo(shortcutInfo, mIconCache, true, promiseStateChanged); if (parent != null) { parent.invalidate(); } } } } // process all the shortcuts return false; } }); if (!iconsToRemove.isEmpty()) { removeItemsByComponentName(iconsToRemove, user); } if (user.equals(UserHandleCompat.myUserHandle())) { restorePendingWidgets(pkgNames); } }
From source
public void showActions(final PersonaItemInfo info, final View view) { int[] xy = new int[2]; // fills the array with the computed coordinates view.getLocationInWindow(xy);/*from w ww .ja v a2 s . com*/ // rectangle holding the clicked view area Rect rect = new Rect(xy[0], xy[1], xy[0] + view.getWidth(), xy[1] + view.getHeight()); // a new PersonaQuickActionWindow object final PersonaQuickActionWindow qa = new PersonaQuickActionWindow(this, view, rect); view.setTag(, qa); // adds an item to the badge and defines the quick action to be // triggered // when the item is clicked on qa.addItem(getResources().getDrawable(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_delete), R.string.menu_delete, new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { final PersonaLauncherModel model = PersonaLauncher.getModel(); if (info.container == PersonaLauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP) { if (info instanceof PersonaLauncherAppWidgetInfo) { model.removeDesktopAppWidget((PersonaLauncherAppWidgetInfo) info); } else { model.removeDesktopItem(info); } } else { // in a folder? PersonaFolderInfo source = sModel.getFolderById(PersonaLauncher.this, info.container); if (source instanceof PersonaUserFolderInfo) { final PersonaUserFolderInfo personaUserFolderInfo = (PersonaUserFolderInfo) source; model.removeUserFolderItem(personaUserFolderInfo, info); } } if (info instanceof PersonaUserFolderInfo) { final PersonaUserFolderInfo personaUserFolderInfo = (PersonaUserFolderInfo) info; PersonaLauncherModel.deleteUserFolderContentsFromDatabase(PersonaLauncher.this, personaUserFolderInfo); model.removeUserFolder(personaUserFolderInfo); } else if (info instanceof PersonaLauncherAppWidgetInfo) { final PersonaLauncherAppWidgetInfo personaLauncherAppWidgetInfo = (PersonaLauncherAppWidgetInfo) info; final PersonaLauncherAppWidgetHost appWidgetHost = PersonaLauncher.this .getAppWidgetHost(); PersonaLauncher.this.getWorkspace() .unbindWidgetScrollableId(personaLauncherAppWidgetInfo.appWidgetId); if (appWidgetHost != null) { appWidgetHost.deleteAppWidgetId(personaLauncherAppWidgetInfo.appWidgetId); } } PersonaLauncherModel.deleteItemFromDatabase(PersonaLauncher.this, info); if (view instanceof PersonaActionButton) ((PersonaActionButton) view).UpdateLaunchInfo(null); else ((ViewGroup) view.getParent()).removeView(view); qa.dismiss(); } }); if (info instanceof PersonaApplicationInfo) { qa.addItem(getResources().getDrawable(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_edit), R.string.menu_edit, new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { editShirtcut((PersonaApplicationInfo) info); qa.dismiss(); } }); } else if (info instanceof PersonaLauncherAppWidgetInfo) { qa.addItem(getResources().getDrawable(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_edit), R.string.menu_edit, new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { editWidget(view); qa.dismiss(); } }); } if (info instanceof PersonaApplicationInfo || info instanceof PersonaLauncherAppWidgetInfo) { qa.addItem(getResources().getDrawable(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_manage), R.string.menu_uninstall, new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { String UninstallPkg = null; if (info instanceof PersonaApplicationInfo) { try { final PersonaApplicationInfo appInfo = (PersonaApplicationInfo) info; if (appInfo.iconResource != null) UninstallPkg = appInfo.iconResource.packageName; else { PackageManager mgr = PersonaLauncher.this.getPackageManager(); ResolveInfo res = mgr.resolveActivity(appInfo.intent, 0); UninstallPkg = res.activityInfo.packageName; } // Dont uninstall ADW ;-) if (this.getClass().getPackage().getName().equals(UninstallPkg)) UninstallPkg = null; } catch (Exception e) { PersonaLog.w(LOG_TAG, "Could not load shortcut icon: " + info); UninstallPkg = null; } } else if (info instanceof PersonaLauncherAppWidgetInfo) { PersonaLauncherAppWidgetInfo appwidget = (PersonaLauncherAppWidgetInfo) info; final AppWidgetProviderInfo aw = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(PersonaLauncher.this) .getAppWidgetInfo(appwidget.appWidgetId); if (aw != null) UninstallPkg = aw.provider.getPackageName(); } if (UninstallPkg != null) { Intent uninstallIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DELETE, Uri.parse("package:" + UninstallPkg)); PersonaLauncher.this.startActivity(uninstallIntent); } qa.dismiss(); } }); } // shows the quick action window on the screen; }