Java PackageManager fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java PackageManager fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for PackageManager.

The text is from its open source code.


PackageInfo flag: return information about activities in the package in PackageInfo#activities .
PackageInfo flag: return information about intent receivers in the package in PackageInfo#receivers .
PackageInfo flag: return information about services in the package in PackageInfo#services .
PackageInfo flag: return information about content providers in the package in PackageInfo#providers .
PackageInfo flag: return information about instrumentation in the package in PackageInfo#instrumentation .
PackageInfo flag: return information about the intent filters supported by the activity.
PackageInfo flag: return information about the signatures included in the package.
ResolveInfo flag: return the IntentFilter that was matched for a particular ResolveInfo in ResolveInfo#filter .
ComponentInfo flag: return the ComponentInfo#metaData data android.os.Bundle s that are associated with a component.
PackageInfo flag: return the PackageInfo#gids group ids that are associated with an application.
PackageInfo flag: include disabled components in the returned info.
ApplicationInfo flag: return the ApplicationInfo#sharedLibraryFiles paths to the shared libraries that are associated with an application.
ProviderInfo flag: return the ProviderInfo#uriPermissionPatterns URI permission patterns that are associated with a content provider.
PackageInfo flag: return information about permissions in the package in PackageInfo#permissions .
Flag parameter to retrieve some information about all applications (even uninstalled ones) which have data directories.
PackageInfo flag: return information about hardware preferences in PackageInfo#configPreferences PackageInfo.configPreferences , and requested features in PackageInfo#reqFeatures and PackageInfo#featureGroups .
Resolution and querying flag: if set, only filters that support the android.content.Intent#CATEGORY_DEFAULT will be considered for matching.
Querying flag: if set and if the platform is doing any filtering of the results, then the filtering will not happen.
Permission check result: this is returned by #checkPermission if the permission has been granted to the given package.
Permission check result: this is returned by #checkPermission if the permission has not been granted to the given package.
Signature check result: this is returned by #checkSignatures if all signatures on the two packages match.
Signature check result: this is returned by #checkSignatures if neither of the two packages is signed.
Signature check result: this is returned by #checkSignatures if either of the packages are not valid.
Flag for #setApplicationEnabledSetting(String,int,int) and #setComponentEnabledSetting(ComponentName,int,int) : This component or application is in its default enabled state (as specified in its manifest).
Flag for #setApplicationEnabledSetting(String,int,int) and #setComponentEnabledSetting(ComponentName,int,int) : This component or application has been explictily enabled, regardless of what it has specified in its manifest.
Flag for #setApplicationEnabledSetting(String,int,int) and #setComponentEnabledSetting(ComponentName,int,int) : This component or application has been explicitly disabled, regardless of what it has specified in its manifest.
Flag for #setApplicationEnabledSetting(String,int,int) only: The user has explicitly disabled the application, regardless of what it has specified in its manifest.
Flag for #setApplicationEnabledSetting(String,int,int) only: This application should be considered, until the point where the user actually wants to use it.
Flag parameter for #setComponentEnabledSetting(android.content.ComponentName,int,int) to indicate that you don't want to kill the app containing the component.
Installation return code: this is passed in the PackageInstaller#EXTRA_LEGACY_STATUS on success.
Installation return code: this is passed in the PackageInstaller#EXTRA_LEGACY_STATUS if the package archive file is invalid.
Installation return code: this is passed in the PackageInstaller#EXTRA_LEGACY_STATUS if the URI passed in is invalid.
Installation return code: this is passed in the PackageInstaller#EXTRA_LEGACY_STATUS if the new package failed because the current SDK version is older than that required by the package.
Installation parse return code: this is passed in the PackageInstaller#EXTRA_LEGACY_STATUS if the parser encountered a bad or missing package name in the manifest.
Installation parse return code: tthis is passed in the PackageInstaller#EXTRA_LEGACY_STATUS if the parser encountered a bad shared user id name in the manifest.
Installation parse return code: this is passed in the PackageInstaller#EXTRA_LEGACY_STATUS if the parser encountered some structural problem in the manifest.
Installation parse return code: this is passed in the PackageInstaller#EXTRA_LEGACY_STATUS if the parser did not find any actionable tags (instrumentation or application) in the manifest.
Installation failed return code: this is passed in the PackageInstaller#EXTRA_LEGACY_STATUS if the system failed to install the package because the user is restricted from installing apps.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device's audio pipeline is low-latency, more suitable for audio applications sensitive to delays or lag in sound input or output.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device includes at least one form of audio output, as defined in the Android Compatibility Definition Document (CDD) section 7.8 Audio.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device has professional audio level of functionality and performance.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device is capable of communicating with other devices via Bluetooth.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device is capable of communicating with other devices via Bluetooth Low Energy radio.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device has a camera facing away from the screen.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device's camera supports auto-focus.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device has at least one camera pointing in some direction, or can support an external camera being connected to it.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device can support having an external camera connected to it.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device's camera supports flash.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device has a front facing camera.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : At least one of the cameras on the device supports the android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL full hardware capability level.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : At least one of the cameras on the device supports the android.hardware.camera2.CameraMetadata#REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES_MANUAL_SENSOR manual sensor capability level.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : At least one of the cameras on the device supports the android.hardware.camera2.CameraMetadata#REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES_MANUAL_POST_PROCESSING manual post-processing capability level.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : At least one of the cameras on the device supports the android.hardware.camera2.CameraMetadata#REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES_RAW RAW capability level.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device is capable of communicating with consumer IR devices.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports one or more methods of reporting current location.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device has a Global Positioning System receiver and can report precise location.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device can report location with coarse accuracy using a network-based geolocation system.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device can record audio via a microphone.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device can communicate using Near-Field Communications (NFC).
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports host- based NFC card emulation.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports the OpenGL ES Android Extension Pack.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device includes an accelerometer.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device includes a barometer (air pressure sensor.)
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device includes a magnetometer (compass).
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device includes a gyroscope.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device includes a light sensor.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device includes a proximity sensor.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device includes a hardware step counter.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device includes a hardware step detector.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device includes a heart rate monitor.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The heart rate sensor on this device is an Electrocardiogram.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device includes a relative humidity sensor.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device includes an ambient temperature sensor.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports high fidelity sensor processing capabilities.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device has a telephony radio with data communication support.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device has a CDMA telephony stack.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device has a GSM telephony stack.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports connecting to USB devices as the USB host.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports connecting to USB accessories.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The SIP API is enabled on the device.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports SIP-based VOIP.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The Connection Service API is enabled on the device.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device's display has a touch screen.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device's touch screen supports multitouch sufficient for basic two-finger gesture detection.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device's touch screen is capable of tracking two or more fingers fully independently.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device's touch screen is capable of tracking a full hand of fingers fully independently -- that is, 5 or more simultaneous independent pointers.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device does not have a touch screen, but does support touch emulation for basic events.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device does not have a touch screen, but does support touch emulation for basic events that supports distinct tracking of two or more fingers.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device does not have a touch screen, but does support touch emulation for basic events that supports tracking a hand of fingers (5 or more fingers) fully independently.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device has biometric hardware to detect a fingerprint.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports portrait orientation screens.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports landscape orientation screens.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports live wallpapers.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports app widgets.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports a home screen that is replaceable by third party applications.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports adding new input methods implemented with the android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService API.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports device policy enforcement via device admins.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports leanback UI.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports live TV and can display contents from TV inputs implemented with the API.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports WiFi (802.11) networking.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports Wi-Fi Direct networking.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : This is a device dedicated to showing UI on a vehicle headunit.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : This is a device dedicated to showing UI on a television.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : This is a device dedicated to showing UI on a watch.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : This is a device for IoT and may not have an UI.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports printing.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device can perform backup and restore operations on installed applications.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports picture-in-picture multi-window mode.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports creating secondary users and managed profiles via DevicePolicyManager .
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports verified boot.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device supports secure removal of users.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device has a full implementation of the android.webkit.* APIs.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device has all of the inputs necessary to be considered a compatible game controller, or includes a compatible game controller in the box.
Feature for #getSystemAvailableFeatures and #hasSystemFeature : The device has a full implementation of the* APIs.


intcheckPermission(String permName, String pkgName)
Check whether a particular package has been granted a particular permission.
intcheckSignatures(String pkg1, String pkg2)
Compare the signatures of two packages to determine if the same signature appears in both of them.
intcheckSignatures(int uid1, int uid2)
Like #checkSignatures(String,String) , but takes UIDs of the two packages to be checked.
voidclearPackagePreferredActivities(String packageName)
Remove all preferred activity mappings, previously added with #addPreferredActivity , from the system whose activities are implemented in the given package name.
voiddeletePackage(String packageName, IPackageDeleteObserver observer, @DeleteFlags int flags)
Attempts to delete a package.
DrawablegetActivityIcon(ComponentName activityName)
Retrieve the icon associated with an activity.
DrawablegetActivityIcon(Intent intent)
Retrieve the icon associated with an Intent.
ActivityInfogetActivityInfo(ComponentName component, @ComponentInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular activity class.
DrawablegetActivityLogo(ComponentName activityName)
Retrieve the logo associated with an activity.
DrawablegetActivityLogo(Intent intent)
Retrieve the logo associated with an Intent.
ListgetAllPermissionGroups(@PermissionGroupInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve all of the known permission groups in the system.
intgetApplicationEnabledSetting(@NonNull String packageName)
Return the enabled setting for an application.
DrawablegetApplicationIcon(ApplicationInfo info)
Retrieve the icon associated with an application.
DrawablegetApplicationIcon(String packageName)
Retrieve the icon associated with an application.
ApplicationInfogetApplicationInfo(String packageName, @ApplicationInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular package/application.
CharSequencegetApplicationLabel(ApplicationInfo info)
Return the label to use for this application.
ChangedPackagesgetChangedPackages(@IntRange(from = 0) int sequenceNumber)
Returns the names of the packages that have been changed [eg.
Returns the runtime class of this Object .
intgetComponentEnabledSetting(@NonNull ComponentName componentName)
Return the enabled setting for a package component (activity, receiver, service, provider).
Return the generic icon for an activity that is used when no specific icon is defined.
DrawablegetDrawable(String packageName, @DrawableRes int resid, ApplicationInfo appInfo)
Retrieve an image from a package.
ListgetInstalledApplications(@ApplicationInfoFlags int flags)
Return a List of all application packages that are installed for the current user.
ListgetInstalledPackages(@PackageInfoFlags int flags)
Return a List of all packages that are installed for the current user.
StringgetInstallerPackageName(String packageName)
Retrieve the package name of the application that installed a package.
IntentgetLaunchIntentForPackage(@NonNull String packageName)
Returns a "good" intent to launch a front-door activity in a package.
StringgetNameForUid(int uid)
Retrieve the official name associated with a uid.
PackageInfogetPackageArchiveInfo(String archiveFilePath, @PackageInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve overall information about an application package defined in a package archive file
PackageInfogetPackageInfo(String packageName, @PackageInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve overall information about an application package that is installed on the system.
PackageInfogetPackageInfo(VersionedPackage versionedPackage, @PackageInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve overall information about an application package that is installed on the system.
String[]getPackagesForUid(int uid)
Retrieve the names of all packages that are associated with a particular user id.
PermissionGroupInfogetPermissionGroupInfo(String name, @PermissionGroupInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular group of permissions.
PermissionInfogetPermissionInfo(String name, @PermissionInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular permission.
intgetPreferredActivities(@NonNull List outFilters, @NonNull List outActivities, String packageName)
Retrieve all preferred activities, previously added with #addPreferredActivity , that are currently registered with the system.
ListgetPreferredPackages(@PackageInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve the list of all currently configured preferred packages.
ProviderInfogetProviderInfo(ComponentName component, @ComponentInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular content provider class.
ResourcesgetResourcesForActivity(ComponentName activityName)
Retrieve the resources associated with an activity.
ResourcesgetResourcesForApplication(ApplicationInfo app)
Retrieve the resources for an application.
ResourcesgetResourcesForApplication(String appPackageName)
Retrieve the resources associated with an application.
ServiceInfogetServiceInfo(ComponentName component, @ComponentInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular service class.
Get a list of features that are available on the system.
CharSequencegetText(String packageName, @StringRes int resid, ApplicationInfo appInfo)
Retrieve text from a package.
DrawablegetUserBadgedDrawableForDensity(Drawable drawable, UserHandle user, Rect badgeLocation, int badgeDensity)
If the target user is a managed profile of the calling user or the caller is itself a managed profile, then this returns a badged copy of the given drawable allowing the user to distinguish it from the original drawable.
DrawablegetUserBadgedIcon(Drawable icon, UserHandle user)
If the target user is a managed profile, then this returns a badged copy of the given icon to be able to distinguish it from the original icon.
booleanhasSystemFeature(String name)
Check whether the given feature name is one of the available features as returned by #getSystemAvailableFeatures() .
ListqueryBroadcastReceivers(Intent intent, @ResolveInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve all receivers that can handle a broadcast of the given intent.
ListqueryContentProviders(String processName, int uid, @ComponentInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve content provider information.
ListqueryIntentActivities(Intent intent, @ResolveInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve all activities that can be performed for the given intent.
ListqueryIntentActivityOptions(@Nullable ComponentName caller, @Nullable Intent[] specifics, Intent intent, @ResolveInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve a set of activities that should be presented to the user as similar options.
ListqueryIntentContentProviders(Intent intent, @ResolveInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve all providers that can match the given intent.
ListqueryIntentServices(Intent intent, @ResolveInfoFlags int flags)
Retrieve all services that can match the given intent.
ListqueryPermissionsByGroup(String group, @PermissionInfoFlags int flags)
Query for all of the permissions associated with a particular group.
ResolveInforesolveActivity(Intent intent, @ResolveInfoFlags int flags)
Determine the best action to perform for a given Intent.
ProviderInforesolveContentProvider(String name, @ComponentInfoFlags int flags)
Find a single content provider by its base path name.
ResolveInforesolveService(Intent intent, @ResolveInfoFlags int flags)
Determine the best service to handle for a given Intent.
voidsetApplicationEnabledSetting(@NonNull String packageName, @EnabledState int newState, @EnabledFlags int flags)
Set the enabled setting for an application This setting will override any enabled state which may have been set by the application in its manifest.
voidsetComponentEnabledSetting(@NonNull ComponentName componentName, @EnabledState int newState, @EnabledFlags int flags)
Set the enabled setting for a package component (activity, receiver, service, provider).