List of usage examples for PackageManager getApplicationInfo
public abstract ApplicationInfo getApplicationInfo(String packageName, @ApplicationInfoFlags int flags) throws NameNotFoundException;
From source
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_crash); // Reads the crash information Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras(); if (bundle != null) { if (bundle.containsKey(EXTRA_FLAG_CRASH_MESSAGE)) mCrashMessage = bundle.getString(EXTRA_FLAG_CRASH_MESSAGE); if (bundle.containsKey(EXTRA_FLAG_CRASH_LOG)) mCrashLog = bundle.getString(EXTRA_FLAG_CRASH_LOG); } else {/*from www.j av a 2 s . c om*/ // No information; close activity finish(); return; } try { // Get the PackageManager to load information about the app PackageManager packageManager = getPackageManager(); // Loads the ApplicationInfo with meta data ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); if (applicationInfo.metaData != null) { // Reads the crash handler settings from meta data if (applicationInfo.metaData.containsKey("")) mMetaDataEmail = applicationInfo.metaData.getString(""); if (applicationInfo.metaData.containsKey("crashhandler.supporturl")) mMetaDataSupportURL = applicationInfo.metaData.getString("crashhandler.supporturl"); } // Gets the app name mAppName = packageManager.getApplicationLabel(applicationInfo).toString(); // Gets the launch intent for the restart mLaunchIntent = packageManager.getLaunchIntentForPackage(getPackageName()); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException ex) { // If this occurs then god must be already dead Logger.getInstance().logError("CrashHandler", ex.toString()); } // Set the action bar title ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar(); if (actionBar != null) { actionBar.setTitle(getString(R.string.crashhandler_app_has_stopped_working, mAppName)); } // Set the message TextView textViewMessage = (TextView) findViewById(; if (textViewMessage != null) { textViewMessage.setText(mCrashLog); } }
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@Override public void onAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) { String notifyPackage = (String) event.getPackageName(); if (!event.getClassName().equals(NOTIFICATION_CLASS)) return;//from w w w. ja v a 2s . c o m if (notifyPackage.equals(SYSTEMUI_PACKAGE) || notifyPackage.equals(THIS_PACKAGE) || notifyPackage.equals(ANDROID_PACKAGE)) return; PackageManager pm = getPackageManager(); String notifyAppName = null; try { notifyAppName = (String) pm.getApplicationLabel(pm.getApplicationInfo(notifyPackage, 0)); } catch (NameNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } if (notifyAppName == null) return; if (notifyPackage.equals(GMAPS_PACKAGE)) notifyAppName = getString(R.string.nav_appname); if (notifyPackage.equals(GNOW_PACKAGE)) notifyAppName = "Google Now"; List<CharSequence> textList = event.getText(); String notifyText = ""; if (textList.size() > 0) notifyText = textList.get(0).toString(); if (notifyText.equals("") || notifyPackage.equals(GMAIL_PACKAGE)) { Notification eventNotification = (Notification) event.getParcelableData(); RemoteViews notifyView = eventNotification.contentView; LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); ViewGroup localView = null; try { localView = (ViewGroup) inflater.inflate(notifyView.getLayoutId(), null); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); return; } try { notifyView.reapply(getApplicationContext(), localView); } catch (NotFoundException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } View tv = localView.findViewById(; if (tv != null && tv instanceof TextView) { if (notifyPackage.equals(GNOW_PACKAGE) || notifyPackage.equals(PANDORA_PACKAGE)) notifyText = ((TextView) tv).getText().toString(); else notifyAppName += ": " + ((TextView) tv).getText().toString(); } if (!notifyPackage.equals(GNOW_PACKAGE)) { tv = localView.findViewById(16908358); if (tv != null && tv instanceof TextView) if (notifyPackage.equals(PANDORA_PACKAGE)) notifyAppName += ": " + ((TextView) tv).getText().toString(); else notifyText = (String) ((TextView) tv).getText().toString(); } if (notifyPackage.equals(GMAIL_PACKAGE)) { tv = localView.findViewById(; if (tv != null && tv instanceof TextView) notifyText = (String) ((TextView) tv).getText().toString(); } } Intent localIntent = new Intent(PodModeService.NOTIFYACTION); localIntent.putExtra("package", notifyPackage); localIntent.putExtra("appname", notifyAppName); localIntent.putExtra("text", notifyText); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).sendBroadcast(localIntent); }
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/** * PeerCast for Android??????//from www. j a v a 2 s. c om * * @return "org.peercast.core" ?????true */ public boolean isInstalled() { PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); try { pm.getApplicationInfo(PKG_PEERCAST, 0); return true; } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { return false; } }
From source
@Override public void addBuildVersionInfo() { String versionName = ""; int buildVersion = 0; PackageManager packageManager = this.getActivity().getPackageManager(); String packageName = this.getActivity().getPackageName(); try {//from w ww.j a va 2s .com versionName = packageManager.getPackageInfo(packageName, 0).versionName; ApplicationInfo ai = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(packageName, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); buildVersion = ai.metaData.getInt("buildVersion"); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { mPresenter.logException("Failed to load meta-data, NameNotFound: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { mPresenter.logException("Failed to load meta-data, NullPointer: " + e.getMessage()); } mListItem.add(new SettingsListItemDTO(getResources().getString(R.string.settings_about), getResources().getString(R.string.app_name), versionName + " Build: " + buildVersion)); }
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private void updateContent() { PreferenceScreen root = getPreferenceScreen(); if (McsService.isConnected()) { root.findPreference(PREF_GCM_STATUS).setSummary(getString(R.string.gcm_state_connected, DateUtils .getRelativeTimeSpanString(McsService.getStartTimestamp(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0))); } else {// w w w.ja v a 2 s. c o m root.findPreference(PREF_GCM_STATUS).setSummary(getString(R.string.gcm_state_disconnected)); } PreferenceCategory appList = (PreferenceCategory) root.findPreference(PREF_GCM_APPS); appList.removeAll(); List<GcmDatabase.App> list = database.getAppList(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { List<Preference> appListPrefs = new ArrayList<>(); PackageManager pm = getContext().getPackageManager(); for (GcmDatabase.App app : list) { try { pm.getApplicationInfo(app.packageName, 0); appListPrefs.add(new GcmAppPreference(getPreferenceManager().getContext(), app)); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { final List<GcmDatabase.Registration> registrations = database .getRegistrationsByApp(app.packageName); if (registrations.isEmpty()) { database.removeApp(app.packageName); } else { appListPrefs.add(new GcmAppPreference(getPreferenceManager().getContext(), app)); } } } addPreferencesSorted(appListPrefs, appList); } else { // If there's no item to display, add a "None" item. Preference banner = new Preference(getPreferenceManager().getContext()); banner.setLayoutResource(R.layout.list_no_item); banner.setTitle(R.string.list_no_item_none); banner.setSelectable(false); appList.addPreference(banner); } }
From source
public void sendViaBluetooth(Activity activity, int resultCode, String packageName) { if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) return;/*from w w w. ja v a2 s.c o m*/ String bluetoothPackageName = null; String className = null; boolean found = false; Intent sendBt = null; try { PackageManager pm = getPackageManager(); ApplicationInfo appInfo = pm.getApplicationInfo(packageName, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); sendBt = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); // The APK type is blocked by stock Android, so use zip // sendBt.setType("application/"); sendBt.setType("application/zip"); sendBt.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.parse("file://" + appInfo.publicSourceDir)); // not all devices have the same Bluetooth Activities, so // let's find it for (ResolveInfo info : pm.queryIntentActivities(sendBt, 0)) { bluetoothPackageName = info.activityInfo.packageName; if ("".equals(bluetoothPackageName) || "com.mediatek.bluetooth".equals(bluetoothPackageName)) { className =; found = true; break; } } } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not get application info to send via bluetooth", e); found = false; } if (sendBt != null) { if (found) { sendBt.setClassName(bluetoothPackageName, className); activity.startActivity(sendBt); } else { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.bluetooth_activity_not_found, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); activity.startActivity(Intent.createChooser(sendBt, getString(R.string.choose_bt_send))); } } }
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/** * Constructor of http client//from w w w. ja v a2 s. c o m * * @param context application context */ protected WorksHttpClient(Context context) { mContext = context.getApplicationContext(); String name = mContext.getPackageName(); try { PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager(); if (pm != null) { ApplicationInfo ai = pm.getApplicationInfo(mContext.getPackageName(), 128); if ((ai != null) && (ai.metaData != null)) { name = ai.metaData.getString("user_agent"); } PackageInfo pi = pm.getPackageInfo(mContext.getPackageName(), 0); if (pi != null) { name = name + " ver-" + pi.versionName + " build-" + pi.versionCode; } } } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { } mName = name; }
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private void setPackage(String packageName) { PackageManager pm = getActivity().getApplicationContext().getPackageManager(); // get application name and icon from package manager String appName = null;/*from w w w .j av a2 s. c o m*/ Drawable appIcon = null; try { ApplicationInfo ai = pm.getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0); appName = (String) pm.getApplicationLabel(ai); appIcon = pm.getApplicationIcon(ai); } catch (final NameNotFoundException e) { // fallback appName = packageName; } mAppNameView.setText(appName); mAppIconView.setImageDrawable(appIcon); }
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@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main_real); if (null == savedInstanceState) { DevicePolicyManager devicePolicyManager = (DevicePolicyManager) getSystemService( Context.DEVICE_POLICY_SERVICE); PackageManager packageManager = getPackageManager(); if (!devicePolicyManager.isProfileOwnerApp(getApplicationContext().getPackageName())) { // If the managed profile is not yet set up, we show the setup screen. showSetupProfile();/*w ww .ja va 2 s .c o m*/ } else { try { ApplicationInfo info = packageManager.getApplicationInfo( Constants.PACKAGE_NAME_APP_RESTRICTION_SCHEMA, PackageManager.GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES); if (0 == (info.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_INSTALLED)) { // Need to reinstall the sample app showStatusProfile(); } else if (devicePolicyManager.isApplicationHidden( EnforcerDeviceAdminReceiver.getComponentName(this), Constants.PACKAGE_NAME_APP_RESTRICTION_SCHEMA)) { // The app is installed but hidden in this profile showStatusProfile(); } else { // Everything is clear; show the main screen showMainFragment(); } } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { showStatusProfile(); } } } }
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public void sendViaBluetooth(Activity activity, int resultCode, String packageName) { if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) { return;/*from w w w . j av a 2s.c om*/ } String bluetoothPackageName = null; String className = null; boolean found = false; Intent sendBt = null; try { PackageManager pm = getPackageManager(); ApplicationInfo appInfo = pm.getApplicationInfo(packageName, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); sendBt = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); // The APK type is blocked by stock Android, so use zip // sendBt.setType("application/"); sendBt.setType("application/zip"); sendBt.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.parse("file://" + appInfo.publicSourceDir)); // not all devices have the same Bluetooth Activities, so // let's find it for (ResolveInfo info : pm.queryIntentActivities(sendBt, 0)) { bluetoothPackageName = info.activityInfo.packageName; if ("".equals(bluetoothPackageName) || "com.mediatek.bluetooth".equals(bluetoothPackageName)) { className =; found = true; break; } } } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not get application info to send via bluetooth", e); found = false; } if (sendBt != null) { if (found) { sendBt.setClassName(bluetoothPackageName, className); activity.startActivity(sendBt); } else { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.bluetooth_activity_not_found, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); activity.startActivity(Intent.createChooser(sendBt, getString(R.string.choose_bt_send))); } } }