List of usage examples for android.content ContentValues remove
public void remove(String key)
From source
@Nullable @Override/*w w w . j av a 2 s.c om*/ public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { Bundle arguments = getArguments(); if (arguments != null) { mUri = arguments.getParcelable(MovieDetailFragment.DETAIL_URI); } View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_detail, container, false); /* * Yes yes my master, we have the Precious handle to the Layout!! * * NOTE: now obsolete - moved to the Constraint system for layout */ // mTheMasterGridLayout = (GridLayout) rootView.findViewById(; // mTheMasterGridLayout = (ConstraintLayout) // rootView.findViewById(; mMDSynopsis = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDTitleView = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDPosterView = (ImageView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDYear = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDRunningtime = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDRatingAndVotes = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDSynopsis = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDLoadProgress = (ProgressBar) rootView.findViewById(; // cache up all the Trailer and Review UX views - // these will get toggled into visibility based on their // rather random presence in TheMovieDB... mMDTrailers = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDPlay1 = (ImageView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDPlay2 = (ImageView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDPlay3 = (ImageView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDTrailer1 = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDTrailer2 = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDTrailer3 = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDTrailer1.setOnClickListener(mTrailerClickListener); mMDTrailer2.setOnClickListener(mTrailerClickListener); mMDTrailer3.setOnClickListener(mTrailerClickListener); mMDReviews = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDRev1 = (ImageView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDRev2 = (ImageView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDRev3 = (ImageView) rootView.findViewById(; mMovieReview1 = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(; mMovieReview2 = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(; mMovieReview3 = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(; mMovieReview1.setOnClickListener(mReviewClickListener); mMovieReview2.setOnClickListener(mReviewClickListener); mMovieReview3.setOnClickListener(mReviewClickListener); mMDFavoriteButton = (ImageView) rootView.findViewById(; mMDFavoriteButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { int favorite_state; // Snackbar.make(v, "clicky", Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT) // .setAction("Action", null).show(); if (mCursor == null || !mCursor.moveToFirst()) { return; } // pull the favorite table entry if it exists int movie_id = mCursor.getInt(COL_MOVIE_ID); Uri uri = MovieFavorites.buildMovieDetailsUri(movie_id); Cursor fav_cursor = getContext().getContentResolver().query(uri, null, null, null, null); // debugging ContentValues testValues = new ContentValues(); if (fav_cursor.moveToFirst()) { DatabaseUtils.cursorRowToContentValues(fav_cursor, testValues); } // dump in the current movie table entry into the new // favorite row info ContentValues favoriteValues = new ContentValues(); DatabaseUtils.cursorRowToContentValues(mCursor, favoriteValues); // OK if the favorite row already exists, then toggle its state // otherwise set it to "1" or true - it IS a favorite now int fav_status = 0; if (fav_cursor.moveToFirst()) { fav_status = fav_cursor.getInt(COL_FAVORITE); } favoriteValues.put(MovieFavorites.COLUMN_MYNAME, "favorites"); if (fav_status == 0) { favorite_state = 1; favoriteValues.remove(MovieFavorites.COLUMN_FAVORITE); favoriteValues.put(MovieFavorites.COLUMN_FAVORITE, 1); favoriteValues.put(MovieFavorites.COLUMN_FAVORITE_TIMESTAMP, mCalendar.getTimeInMillis()); Timber.i("favorites - added " + movie_id + " to favorites"); } else { favorite_state = 0; favoriteValues.remove(MovieFavorites.COLUMN_FAVORITE); favoriteValues.put(MovieFavorites.COLUMN_FAVORITE, 0); Timber.i("favorites - removed " + movie_id + " from favorites"); } /* * stuff this favorite row into the favorites table * but first remove the _id key or sqlite will crash */ favoriteValues.remove("_id"); Uri updated = getContext().getContentResolver().insert(MovieFavorites.CONTENT_URI, favoriteValues); ContentValues movieValues = new ContentValues(); if (favorite_state == 1) { mMDFavoriteButton.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_favorite_selected); movieValues.put(MoviePopular.COLUMN_FAVORITE, 1); mTM.addFavoriteID(movie_id); } else { mMDFavoriteButton.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_favorite_unselected); movieValues.put(MoviePopular.COLUMN_FAVORITE, 0); mTM.removeFavoriteID(movie_id); } /* * do an update selecting on the movie_id in BOTH popular and top_rated * tables. The same movie_id might be in both tables. */ String myMode = MoviePopular.getMovieModeFromUri(mUri); int result; uri = MoviePopular.buildMovieDetailsUri(movie_id); result = getContext().getContentResolver().update(uri, movieValues, MoviePopular.COLUMN_MOVIE_ID + " = " + String.valueOf(movie_id), null); uri = MovieTopRated.buildMovieDetailsUri(movie_id); result = getContext().getContentResolver().update(uri, movieValues, MoviePopular.COLUMN_MOVIE_ID + " = " + String.valueOf(movie_id), null); } }); mTM = TrafficManager.getInstance(getContext()); return rootView; }
From source
private Uri insertUser(ContentValues values, boolean offline, boolean discardName) { SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); String table = offline ? TABLE_USERS_OFFLINE : TABLE_USERS; long id = 0;/*from w w w .j a va 2s . c o m*/ try { id = db.insertOrThrow(table, null, values); } catch (SQLException e) { String jid = values.getAsString(Users.JID); if (jid != null) { // discard display_name if requested if (discardName) { values.remove(Users.DISPLAY_NAME); values.remove(Users.NUMBER); } db.update(table, values, Users.JID + "=?", new String[] { jid }); } } if (id >= 0) return ContentUris.withAppendedId(Users.CONTENT_URI, id); return null; }
From source
private int updateSource(@NonNull final Uri uri, final ContentValues values, final String selection, final String[] selectionArgs) { Context context = getContext(); if (context == null) { return 0; }//from w w w . j av a2s . c om // Only Muzei can set the IS_SELECTED field if (values.containsKey(MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_IS_SELECTED)) { if (!context.getPackageName().equals(getCallingPackage())) { Log.w(TAG, "Only Muzei can set the " + MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_IS_SELECTED + " column. Ignoring the value in " + values); values.remove(MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_IS_SELECTED); } } final SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); String finalWhere = selection; String[] finalSelectionArgs = selectionArgs; if (MuzeiProvider.uriMatcher.match(uri) == SOURCE_ID) { // If the incoming URI matches a single source ID, does the update based on the incoming data, but // modifies the where clause to restrict it to the particular source ID. finalWhere = DatabaseUtils.concatenateWhere(finalWhere, BaseColumns._ID + " = " + uri.getLastPathSegment()); } String callingPackageName = getCallingPackage(); if (!context.getPackageName().equals(callingPackageName)) { // Only allow other apps to update their own source finalWhere = DatabaseUtils.concatenateWhere(finalWhere, MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_COMPONENT_NAME + " LIKE ?"); finalSelectionArgs = DatabaseUtils.appendSelectionArgs(finalSelectionArgs, new String[] { callingPackageName + "/%" }); } int count = db.update(MuzeiContract.Sources.TABLE_NAME, values, finalWhere, finalSelectionArgs); if (count > 0) { notifyChange(uri); } else if (values.containsKey(MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_COMPONENT_NAME)) { insertSource(MuzeiContract.Sources.CONTENT_URI, values); count = 1; } return count; }
From source
private void saveRateInTransaction(SQLiteDatabase db, ExchangeRate r) { ContentValues values = r.toValues(); values.remove("updated_on"); values.put(, System.currentTimeMillis()); db.insert(EXCHANGE_RATES_TABLE, null, values); }
From source
/** * Write.//from w w w . j a v a2 s. c o m * * @param dbHelper * the db helper * @param values * the values * @param id * the id * @param fromServer * the from server * @return true, if successful */ public boolean write(BaseDBHelper dbHelper, ContentValues values, int id, boolean fromServer) { // Handling many2one records HashMap<String, Object> many2onecols = dbHelper.getMany2OneColumns(); // Handling Many2Many Records HashMap<String, Object> many2manycols = dbHelper.getMany2ManyColumns(); for (String key : many2manycols.keySet()) { try { JSONArray m2mArray = new JSONArray(values.getAsString(key)); Many2Many m2m = (Many2Many) many2manycols.get(key); updateM2MRecords(values.getAsString("id"), m2mArray, key, dbHelper, m2m, values); } catch (Exception e) { } values.remove(key); } // Handling many2one records. [id, "name"] to id for (String key : many2onecols.keySet()) { try { String tempVals = values.getAsString(key); if (!tempVals.equals("false")) { JSONArray m2oArray = new JSONArray(values.getAsString(key)); int m2oid = m2oArray.getInt(0); values.put(key, m2oid); } else { values.put(key, "false"); } } catch (Exception e) { } } boolean flag = false; SQLiteDatabase db = getWritableDatabase(); try { if (OpenERPServerConnection.isNetworkAvailable(context)) { String table = modelToTable(dbHelper.getModelName()); try { JSONObject arguments = new JSONObject(); for (String key : values.keySet()) { try { int keyid = Integer.parseInt(values.getAsString(key)); arguments.put(key, keyid); } catch (Exception e) { String temp = values.getAsString(key); if (temp.equals("true") || temp.equals("false")) { arguments.put(key, ((temp.equals("true")) ? true : false)); } else { arguments.put(key, values.get(key).toString()); } } } if (fromServer) { int res = db.update(table, values, "id = " + id, null); flag = true; } else { if (oe_obj.updateValues(dbHelper.getModelName(), arguments, id)) { int res = db.update(table, values, "id = " + id, null); flag = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); flag = false; } } else { Toast.makeText(context, "Unable to Connect server ! Please Try again Later. ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); flag = false; } } catch (Exception e) { } db.close(); return flag; }
From source
/** * Creates the.//from w w w . ja v a2 s . c o m * * @param dbHelper * the db helper * @param values * the values * @return the int */ public int create(BaseDBHelper dbHelper, ContentValues data_values) { int newId = 0; ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); if (data_values.containsKey("id")) { newId = data_values.getAsInteger("id"); } else { newId = createRecordOnserver(dbHelper, data_values); data_values.put("id", newId); } for (Fields field : dbHelper.getColumns()) { values.put(field.getName(), data_values.getAsString(field.getName())); } values.put("oea_name", OpenERPAccountManager.currentUser(context).getAndroidName()); // Handling Many2Many Records HashMap<String, Object> many2manycols = dbHelper.getMany2ManyColumns(); for (String key : many2manycols.keySet()) { try { JSONArray m2mArray = new JSONArray(values.getAsString(key)); Many2Many m2m = (Many2Many) many2manycols.get(key); createM2MRecords(values.getAsString("id"), m2mArray, key, dbHelper, m2m, values); } catch (Exception e) { } values.remove(key); } // Handling Many2One Record HashMap<String, Object> many2onecols = dbHelper.getMany2OneColumns(); for (String key : many2onecols.keySet()) { try { if (!values.getAsString(key).equals("false")) { JSONArray m2oArray = new JSONArray(values.getAsString(key)); values.put(key, many2oneRecord(m2oArray)); List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int m2o_id = Integer.parseInt(many2oneRecord(m2oArray)); list.add(m2o_id); BaseDBHelper m2oDb = ((Many2One) many2onecols.get(key)).getM2OObject(); if (!m2oDb.hasRecord(m2oDb, m2o_id)) { oe_obj.syncReferenceTables(m2oDb, list, false); } } } catch (Exception e) { } } SQLiteDatabase db = getWritableDatabase(); db.insert(modelToTable(dbHelper.getModelName()), null, values); db.close(); return newId; }
From source
@Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case toggleStar(item);//from w w w .j a v a 2 return true; case if (DirectoryContactUtil.isDirectoryContact(mContactData)) { // This action is used to launch the contact selector, with the option of // creating a new contact. Creating a new contact is an INSERT, while selecting // an exisiting one is an edit. The fields in the edit screen will be // prepopulated with data. final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT_OR_EDIT); intent.setType(Contacts.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); ArrayList<ContentValues> values = mContactData.getContentValues(); // Only pre-fill the name field if the provided display name is an nickname // or better (e.g. structured name, nickname) if (mContactData.getDisplayNameSource() >= DisplayNameSources.NICKNAME) { intent.putExtra(Intents.Insert.NAME, mContactData.getDisplayName()); } else if (mContactData.getDisplayNameSource() == DisplayNameSources.ORGANIZATION) { // This is probably an organization. Instead of copying the organization // name into a name entry, copy it into the organization entry. This // way we will still consider the contact an organization. final ContentValues organization = new ContentValues(); organization.put(Organization.COMPANY, mContactData.getDisplayName()); organization.put(Data.MIMETYPE, Organization.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); values.add(organization); } // Last time used and times used are aggregated values from the usage stat // table. They need to be removed from data values so the SQL table can insert // properly for (ContentValues value : values) { value.remove(Data.LAST_TIME_USED); value.remove(Data.TIMES_USED); } intent.putExtra(Intents.Insert.DATA, values); // If the contact can only export to the same account, add it to the intent. // Otherwise the ContactEditorFragment will show a dialog for selecting an // account. if (mContactData.getDirectoryExportSupport() == Directory.EXPORT_SUPPORT_SAME_ACCOUNT_ONLY) { intent.putExtra(Intents.Insert.EXTRA_ACCOUNT, new Account( mContactData.getDirectoryAccountName(), mContactData.getDirectoryAccountType())); intent.putExtra(Intents.Insert.EXTRA_DATA_SET, mContactData.getRawContacts().get(0).getDataSet()); } // Add this flag to disable the delete menu option on directory contact joins // with local contacts. The delete option is ambiguous when joining contacts. intent.putExtra(ContactEditorFragment.INTENT_EXTRA_DISABLE_DELETE_MENU_OPTION, true); startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE_CONTACT_SELECTION_ACTIVITY); } else if (InvisibleContactUtil.isInvisibleAndAddable(mContactData, this)) { InvisibleContactUtil.addToDefaultGroup(mContactData, this); } else if (isContactEditable()) { editContact(); } return true; case if (isContactEditable()) { deleteContact(); } return true; case if (isContactShareable()) { shareContact(); } return true; case if (isShortcutCreatable()) { createLauncherShortcutWithContact(); } return true; case HelpUtils.launchHelpAndFeedbackForContactScreen(this); return true; default: return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } }
From source
private Uri insertSource(@NonNull final Uri uri, final ContentValues initialValues) { Context context = getContext(); if (context == null) { return null; }/*from www . jav a 2 s .c o m*/ if (!initialValues.containsKey(MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_COMPONENT_NAME) || TextUtils.isEmpty(initialValues.getAsString(MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_COMPONENT_NAME))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Initial values must contain component name " + initialValues); } ComponentName componentName = ComponentName .unflattenFromString(initialValues.getAsString(MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_COMPONENT_NAME)); if (componentName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid component name: " + initialValues.getAsString(MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_COMPONENT_NAME)); } ApplicationInfo info; try { // Ensure the service is valid and extract the application info info = context.getPackageManager().getServiceInfo(componentName, 0).applicationInfo; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid component name " + initialValues.getAsString(MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_COMPONENT_NAME), e); } // Make sure they are using the short string format initialValues.put(MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_COMPONENT_NAME, componentName.flattenToShortString()); // Only Muzei can set the IS_SELECTED field if (initialValues.containsKey(MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_IS_SELECTED)) { if (!context.getPackageName().equals(getCallingPackage())) { Log.w(TAG, "Only Muzei can set the " + MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_IS_SELECTED + " column. Ignoring the value in " + initialValues); initialValues.remove(MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_IS_SELECTED); } } // Disable network access callbacks if we're running on an API 24 device and the source app // targets API 24. This is to be consistent with the Behavior Changes in Android N if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N && initialValues.containsKey(MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_WANTS_NETWORK_AVAILABLE) && initialValues.getAsBoolean(MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_WANTS_NETWORK_AVAILABLE)) { if (info.targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { Log.w(TAG, "Sources targeting API 24 cannot receive network access callbacks. Changing " + componentName + " to false for " + MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_WANTS_NETWORK_AVAILABLE); initialValues.put(MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_WANTS_NETWORK_AVAILABLE, false); } } final SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); final long rowId = db.insert(MuzeiContract.Sources.TABLE_NAME, MuzeiContract.Sources.COLUMN_NAME_COMPONENT_NAME, initialValues); // If the insert succeeded, the row ID exists. if (rowId > 0) { // Creates a URI with the source ID pattern and the new row ID appended to it. final Uri sourceUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(MuzeiContract.Sources.CONTENT_URI, rowId); notifyChange(sourceUri); return sourceUri; } // If the insert didn't succeed, then the rowID is <= 0 throw new SQLException("Failed to insert row into " + uri); }
From source
private ContentValues parseObject(JsonParser parser, SQLiteDatabase tempDb, String parentId, int seq) throws JsonParseException, IOException { // TODO : Grab id of root topic here, and store it in shared prefs, in case it ever // changes. Currently we assume "root" and a change would be catastrophic. ContentValues result = new ContentValues(); ChildArrayResults childResults = null; boolean badKind = false; result.put("parentTopic_id", parentId); result.put("seq", seq); while (parser.nextValue() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { // Allows us to burn through the rest of the object once we discover it's an exercise or something else we don't care about. if (badKind) continue; String fieldName = parser.getCurrentName(); // Keys present will determine object type. if (stringFields.contains(fieldName)) { // Use getValueAsString over getText; getText returns "null" while getValueAsString returns null. String value = parser.getValueAsString(); result.put(fieldName, value); if ("id".equals(fieldName)) { if (childResults != null) { addParentIdToChildren(tempDb, childResults, value); }/*from w ww.j a va 2s .com*/ } } else if (intFields.contains(fieldName)) { result.put(fieldName, parser.getIntValue()); } else if (booleanFields.contains(fieldName)) { result.put(fieldName, parser.getBooleanValue()); } else if ("children".equals(fieldName)) { childResults = parseChildArray(parser, tempDb, result.containsKey("id") ? result.getAsString("id") : null); result.put("video_count", childResults.videoCount); result.put("child_kind", childResults.childKind); result.put("thumb_id", childResults.thumbId); } else if ("download_urls".equals(fieldName)) { parseDownloadUrls(parser, result); } else if (null == fieldName) { // Noop. Just in case. } else { JsonToken next = parser.getCurrentToken(); if (next == JsonToken.START_OBJECT || next == JsonToken.START_ARRAY) { // Skip this object or array, leaving us pointing at the matching end_object / end_array token. parser.skipChildren(); } } } // Ignore types we don't need. if (badKind) { return null; } // Having parsed this whole object, we can insert it. if (result.containsKey("kind")) { String kind = result.getAsString("kind"); if ("Topic".equals(kind)) { if (result.containsKey("id")) { result.put("_id", result.getAsString("id")); result.remove("id"); } if (result.containsKey("child_kind")) { String child_kind = result.getAsString("child_kind"); if ("Topic".equals(child_kind) || "Video".equals(child_kind)) { insertTopic(tempDb, result); } } } else if ("Video".equals(kind)) { if (result.containsKey("id")) { result.put("video_id", result.getAsString("id")); result.remove("id"); } insertTopicVideo(tempDb, result); insertVideo(tempDb, result); } } return result; }
From source
/** * Cache a column name/value pair for a given Uri * @param uriString the Uri for which the column name/value pair applies * @param columnName the column name//from ww w. j a va 2s . c om * @param value the value to be cached */ private void cacheValue(String uriString, String columnName, Object value) { // Calling this method off the UI thread will mess with ListView's reading of the cursor's // count if (offUiThread()) { LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, new Error(), "cacheValue incorrectly being called from non-UI thread"); } synchronized (mCacheMapLock) { // Get the map for our uri ContentValues map = mCacheMap.get(uriString); // Create one if necessary if (map == null) { map = new ContentValues(); mCacheMap.put(uriString, map); } // If we're caching a deletion, add to our count if (columnName.equals(DELETED_COLUMN)) { final boolean state = (Boolean) value; final boolean hasValue = map.get(columnName) != null; if (state && !hasValue) { mDeletedCount++; if (DEBUG) { LogUtils.i(LOG_TAG, "Deleted %s, incremented deleted count=%d", uriString, mDeletedCount); } } else if (!state && hasValue) { mDeletedCount--; map.remove(columnName); if (DEBUG) { LogUtils.i(LOG_TAG, "Undeleted %s, decremented deleted count=%d", uriString, mDeletedCount); } return; } else if (!state) { // Trying to undelete, but it's not deleted; just return if (DEBUG) { LogUtils.i(LOG_TAG, "Undeleted %s, IGNORING, deleted count=%d", uriString, mDeletedCount); } return; } } putInValues(map, columnName, value); map.put(UPDATE_TIME_COLUMN, System.currentTimeMillis()); if (DEBUG && (!columnName.equals(DELETED_COLUMN))) { LogUtils.i(LOG_TAG, "Caching value for %s: %s", uriString, columnName); } } }