Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010 Denis Solonenko. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Denis Solonenko - initial API and implementation * Abdsandryk - implement getAllExpenses method for bill filtering ******************************************************************************/ package ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException; import; import android.util.Log; import org.androidannotations.annotations.EBean; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.R; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.blotter.BlotterFilter; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.datetime.DateUtils; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.CategoryColumns; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.TransactionColumns; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.deleteLogColumns; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.filter.Criteria; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.filter.WhereFilter; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Account; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Attribute; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Budget; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Category; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.CategoryTree; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Currency; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Payee; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Project; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.RestoredTransaction; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.SystemAttribute; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Total; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.TotalError; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Transaction; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.TransactionAttribute; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.TransactionStatus; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.rates.ExchangeRate; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.rates.ExchangeRateProvider; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.rates.ExchangeRatesCollection; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.rates.HistoryExchangeRates; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.rates.LatestExchangeRates; import ru.orangesoftware.orb.Expressions; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.ACCOUNT_TABLE; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.AccountColumns; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.AttributeViewColumns; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.BlotterColumns; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.CATEGORY_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.CATEGORY_TABLE; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.CCARD_CLOSING_DATE_TABLE; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.CategoryAttributeColumns; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.CategoryViewColumns; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.CreditCardClosingDateColumns; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.DELETE_LOG_TABLE; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.EXCHANGE_RATES_TABLE; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.ExchangeRateColumns; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.PAYEE_TABLE; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_TABLE; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.TransactionAttributeColumns; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.V_ALL_TRANSACTIONS; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.V_ATTRIBUTES; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.V_BLOTTER; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.V_BLOTTER_FOR_ACCOUNT_WITH_SPLITS; import static ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper.V_CATEGORY; @EBean(scope = EBean.Scope.Singleton) public class DatabaseAdapter extends MyEntityManager { private final Context context; private boolean updateAccountBalance = true; public DatabaseAdapter(Context context) { super(context); this.context = context; } // =================================================================== // ACCOUNT // =================================================================== private static final String UPDATE_ORPHAN_TRANSACTIONS_1 = "UPDATE " + TRANSACTION_TABLE + " SET " + TransactionColumns.to_account_id + "=0, " + TransactionColumns.to_amount + "=0 " + "WHERE " + TransactionColumns.to_account_id + "=?"; private static final String UPDATE_ORPHAN_TRANSACTIONS_2 = "UPDATE " + TRANSACTION_TABLE + " SET " + TransactionColumns.from_account_id + "=" + TransactionColumns.to_account_id + ", " + TransactionColumns.from_amount + "=" + TransactionColumns.to_amount + ", " + TransactionColumns.to_account_id + "=0, " + TransactionColumns.to_amount + "=0, " + TransactionColumns.parent_id + "=0 " + "WHERE " + TransactionColumns.from_account_id + "=? AND " + TransactionColumns.to_account_id + ">0"; public int deleteAccount(long id) { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.beginTransaction(); try { String[] sid = new String[] { String.valueOf(id) }; Account a = load(Account.class, id); writeDeleteLog(TRANSACTION_TABLE, a.remoteKey); db.execSQL(UPDATE_ORPHAN_TRANSACTIONS_1, sid); db.execSQL(UPDATE_ORPHAN_TRANSACTIONS_2, sid); db.delete(TRANSACTION_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE, TransactionAttributeColumns.TRANSACTION_ID + " in (SELECT _id from " + TRANSACTION_TABLE + " where " + TransactionColumns.from_account_id + "=?)", sid); db.delete(TRANSACTION_TABLE, TransactionColumns.from_account_id + "=?", sid); int count = db.delete(ACCOUNT_TABLE, "_id=?", sid); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); return count; } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } // =================================================================== // TRANSACTION // =================================================================== public Transaction getTransaction(long id) { Transaction t = get(Transaction.class, id); if (t != null) { t.systemAttributes = getSystemAttributesForTransaction(id); if (t.isSplitParent()) { t.splits = getSplitsForTransaction(; } return t; } return new Transaction(); } public Cursor getBlotter(WhereFilter filter) { return getBlotter(V_BLOTTER, filter); } public Cursor getBlotterForAccount(WhereFilter filter) { WhereFilter accountFilter = enhanceFilterForAccountBlotter(filter); return getBlotter(V_BLOTTER_FOR_ACCOUNT_WITH_SPLITS, accountFilter); } public static WhereFilter enhanceFilterForAccountBlotter(WhereFilter filter) { WhereFilter accountFilter = WhereFilter.copyOf(filter); accountFilter.put(Criteria.raw(BlotterColumns.parent_id + "=0 OR " + BlotterColumns.is_transfer + "=-1")); return accountFilter; } public Cursor getBlotterForAccountWithSplits(WhereFilter filter) { return getBlotter(V_BLOTTER_FOR_ACCOUNT_WITH_SPLITS, filter); } private Cursor getBlotter(String view, WhereFilter filter) { long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { String sortOrder = getBlotterSortOrder(filter); return db().query(view, BlotterColumns.NORMAL_PROJECTION, filter.getSelection(), filter.getSelectionArgs(), null, null, sortOrder); } finally { long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); Log.i("DB", "getBlotter " + (t1 - t0) + "ms"); } } private String getBlotterSortOrder(WhereFilter filter) { String sortOrder = filter.getSortOrder(); if (sortOrder == null || sortOrder.length() == 0) { sortOrder = BlotterFilter.SORT_NEWER_TO_OLDER + "," + BlotterFilter.SORT_NEWER_TO_OLDER_BY_ID; } else { if (sortOrder.contains(BlotterFilter.SORT_NEWER_TO_OLDER)) { sortOrder += "," + BlotterFilter.SORT_NEWER_TO_OLDER_BY_ID; } else { sortOrder += "," + BlotterFilter.SORT_OLDER_TO_NEWER_BY_ID; } } return sortOrder; } public Cursor getAllTemplates(WhereFilter filter) { long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { return db().query(V_ALL_TRANSACTIONS, BlotterColumns.NORMAL_PROJECTION, filter.getSelection(), filter.getSelectionArgs(), null, null, BlotterFilter.SORT_NEWER_TO_OLDER); } finally { long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); Log.i("DB", "getBlotter " + (t1 - t0) + "ms"); } } public Cursor getBlotterWithSplits(String where) { return db().query(V_BLOTTER_FOR_ACCOUNT_WITH_SPLITS, BlotterColumns.NORMAL_PROJECTION, where, null, null, null, BlotterColumns.datetime + " DESC"); } private static final String ACCOUNT_LAST_CATEGORY_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + ACCOUNT_TABLE + " SET " + AccountColumns.LAST_CATEGORY_ID + "=? " + " WHERE " + AccountColumns.ID + "=?"; private static final String ACCOUNT_LAST_ACCOUNT_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + ACCOUNT_TABLE + " SET " + AccountColumns.LAST_ACCOUNT_ID + "=? " + " WHERE " + AccountColumns.ID + "=?"; private static final String PAYEE_LAST_CATEGORY_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + PAYEE_TABLE + " SET last_category_id=(?) WHERE _id=?"; private static final String CATEGORY_LAST_PROJECT_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + CATEGORY_TABLE + " SET last_project_id=(?) WHERE _id=?"; private void updateLastUsed(Transaction t) { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); if (t.isTransfer()) { db.execSQL(ACCOUNT_LAST_ACCOUNT_UPDATE, new Object[] { t.toAccountId, t.fromAccountId }); } db.execSQL(ACCOUNT_LAST_CATEGORY_UPDATE, new Object[] { t.categoryId, t.fromAccountId }); db.execSQL(PAYEE_LAST_CATEGORY_UPDATE, new Object[] { t.categoryId, t.payeeId }); db.execSQL(CATEGORY_LAST_PROJECT_UPDATE, new Object[] { t.projectId, t.categoryId }); } public long duplicateTransaction(long id) { return duplicateTransaction(id, 0, 1); } public long duplicateTransactionWithMultiplier(long id, int multiplier) { return duplicateTransaction(id, 0, multiplier); } public long duplicateTransactionAsTemplate(long id) { return duplicateTransaction(id, 1, 1); } private long duplicateTransaction(long id, int isTemplate, int multiplier) { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.beginTransaction(); try { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Transaction transaction = getTransaction(id); if (transaction.isSplitChild()) { id = transaction.parentId; transaction = getTransaction(id); } transaction.lastRecurrence = now; updateTransaction(transaction); = -1; transaction.isTemplate = isTemplate; transaction.dateTime = now; transaction.remoteKey = null; if (isTemplate == 0) { transaction.recurrence = null; transaction.notificationOptions = null; } if (multiplier > 1) { transaction.fromAmount *= multiplier; transaction.toAmount *= multiplier; } long transactionId = insertTransaction(transaction); Map<Long, String> attributesMap = getAllAttributesForTransaction(id); LinkedList<TransactionAttribute> attributes = new LinkedList<TransactionAttribute>(); for (long attributeId : attributesMap.keySet()) { TransactionAttribute ta = new TransactionAttribute(); ta.attributeId = attributeId; ta.value = attributesMap.get(attributeId); attributes.add(ta); } if (attributes.size() > 0) { insertAttributes(transactionId, attributes); } List<Transaction> splits = getSplitsForTransaction(id); if (multiplier > 1) { for (Transaction split : splits) { split.fromAmount *= multiplier; split.remoteKey = null; } } = transactionId; transaction.splits = splits; insertSplits(transaction); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); return transactionId; } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } public long insertOrUpdate(Transaction transaction) { return insertOrUpdate(transaction, Collections.<TransactionAttribute>emptyList()); } public long insertOrUpdate(Transaction transaction, List<TransactionAttribute> attributes) { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.beginTransaction(); try { long id = insertOrUpdateInTransaction(transaction, attributes); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); return id; } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } public long insertOrUpdateInTransaction(Transaction transaction, List<TransactionAttribute> attributes) { long transactionId; transaction.lastRecurrence = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ( == -1) { transactionId = insertTransaction(transaction); } else { updateTransaction(transaction); transactionId =; db().delete(TRANSACTION_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE, TransactionAttributeColumns.TRANSACTION_ID + "=?", new String[] { String.valueOf(transactionId) }); deleteSplitsForParentTransaction(transactionId); } if (attributes != null) { insertAttributes(transactionId, attributes); } = transactionId; insertSplits(transaction); updateAccountLastTransactionDate(transaction.fromAccountId); updateAccountLastTransactionDate(transaction.toAccountId); return transactionId; } public void insertWithoutUpdatingBalance(Transaction transaction) { updateAccountBalance = false; try { = insertTransaction(transaction); insertSplits(transaction); } finally { updateAccountBalance = true; } } private void insertAttributes(long transactionId, List<TransactionAttribute> attributes) { for (TransactionAttribute a : attributes) { a.transactionId = transactionId; ContentValues values = a.toValues(); db().insert(TRANSACTION_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE, null, values); } } private void insertAttributes(long transactionId, Map<Long, String> categoryAttributes) { if (categoryAttributes != null && categoryAttributes.size() > 0) { List<TransactionAttribute> attributes = new LinkedList<TransactionAttribute>(); for (Map.Entry<Long, String> e : categoryAttributes.entrySet()) { TransactionAttribute a = new TransactionAttribute(); a.attributeId = e.getKey(); a.value = e.getValue(); attributes.add(a); } insertAttributes(transactionId, attributes); } } private void insertSplits(Transaction parent) { List<Transaction> splits = parent.splits; if (splits != null) { for (Transaction split : splits) { = -1; split.parentId =; split.dateTime = parent.dateTime; split.fromAccountId = parent.fromAccountId; split.payeeId = parent.payeeId; split.isTemplate = parent.isTemplate; split.status = parent.status; updateSplitOriginalAmount(parent, split); long splitId = insertTransaction(split); insertAttributes(splitId, split.categoryAttributes); } } } private void updateSplitOriginalAmount(Transaction parent, Transaction split) { if (parent.originalCurrencyId > 0) { split.originalCurrencyId = parent.originalCurrencyId; split.originalFromAmount = split.fromAmount; split.fromAmount = calculateAmountInAccountCurrency(parent, split.fromAmount); } } private long calculateAmountInAccountCurrency(Transaction parent, long amount) { double rate = getRateFromParent(parent); return (long) (rate * amount); } private double getRateFromParent(Transaction parent) { if (parent.originalFromAmount != 0) { return Math.abs(1.0 * parent.fromAmount / parent.originalFromAmount); } return 0; } private long insertTransaction(Transaction t) { t.updatedOn = System.currentTimeMillis(); long id = db().insert(TRANSACTION_TABLE, null, t.toValues()); if (updateAccountBalance) { if (!t.isTemplateLike()) { if (t.isSplitChild()) { if (t.isTransfer()) { updateToAccountBalance(t, id); } } else { updateFromAccountBalance(t, id); updateToAccountBalance(t, id); updateLastUsed(t); } } } return id; } private void updateFromAccountBalance(Transaction t, long id) { updateAccountBalance(t.fromAccountId, t.fromAmount); insertRunningBalance(t.fromAccountId, id, t.dateTime, t.fromAmount, t.fromAmount); } private void updateToAccountBalance(Transaction t, long id) { updateAccountBalance(t.toAccountId, t.toAmount); insertRunningBalance(t.toAccountId, id, t.dateTime, t.toAmount, t.toAmount); } private void updateTransaction(Transaction t) { Transaction oldT = null; if (t.isNotTemplateLike()) { oldT = getTransaction(; updateAccountBalance(oldT.fromAccountId, oldT.fromAmount, t.fromAccountId, t.fromAmount); updateAccountBalance(oldT.toAccountId, oldT.toAmount, t.toAccountId, t.toAmount); updateRunningBalance(oldT, t); } t.updatedOn = System.currentTimeMillis(); db().update(TRANSACTION_TABLE, t.toValues(), TransactionColumns._id + "=?", new String[] { String.valueOf( }); if (oldT != null) { updateAccountLastTransactionDate(oldT.fromAccountId); updateAccountLastTransactionDate(oldT.toAccountId); } } public void updateTransactionStatus(long id, TransactionStatus status) { Transaction t = getTransaction(id); t.status = status; updateTransaction(t); } public void deleteTransaction(long id) { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.beginTransaction(); try { deleteTransactionNoDbTransaction(id); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } public void deleteTransactionNoDbTransaction(long id) { Transaction t = getTransaction(id); if (t.isNotTemplateLike()) { revertFromAccountBalance(t); revertToAccountBalance(t); updateAccountLastTransactionDate(t.fromAccountId); updateAccountLastTransactionDate(t.toAccountId); } String[] sid = new String[] { String.valueOf(id) }; SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.delete(TRANSACTION_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE, TransactionAttributeColumns.TRANSACTION_ID + "=?", sid); db.delete(TRANSACTION_TABLE, TransactionColumns._id + "=?", sid); writeDeleteLog(TRANSACTION_TABLE, t.remoteKey); deleteSplitsForParentTransaction(id); } private void deleteSplitsForParentTransaction(long parentId) { List<Transaction> splits = getSplitsForTransaction(parentId); SQLiteDatabase db = db(); for (Transaction split : splits) { if (split.isTransfer()) { revertToAccountBalance(split); } db.delete(TRANSACTION_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE, TransactionAttributeColumns.TRANSACTION_ID + "=?", new String[] { String.valueOf( }); writeDeleteLog(TRANSACTION_TABLE, split.remoteKey); } db.delete(TRANSACTION_TABLE, TransactionColumns.parent_id + "=?", new String[] { String.valueOf(parentId) }); } private void revertFromAccountBalance(Transaction t) { updateAccountBalance(t.fromAccountId, -t.fromAmount); deleteRunningBalance(t.fromAccountId,, t.fromAmount, t.dateTime); } private void revertToAccountBalance(Transaction t) { updateAccountBalance(t.toAccountId, -t.toAmount); deleteRunningBalance(t.toAccountId,, t.toAmount, t.dateTime); } private void updateAccountBalance(long oldAccountId, long oldAmount, long newAccountId, long newAmount) { if (oldAccountId == newAccountId) { updateAccountBalance(newAccountId, newAmount - oldAmount); } else { updateAccountBalance(oldAccountId, -oldAmount); updateAccountBalance(newAccountId, newAmount); } } private static final String ACCOUNT_TOTAL_AMOUNT_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + ACCOUNT_TABLE + " SET " + AccountColumns.TOTAL_AMOUNT + "=" + AccountColumns.TOTAL_AMOUNT + "+(?) " + " WHERE " + AccountColumns.ID + "=?"; private void updateAccountBalance(long accountId, long deltaAmount) { if (accountId <= 0) { return; } db().execSQL(ACCOUNT_TOTAL_AMOUNT_UPDATE, new Object[] { deltaAmount, accountId }); } private static final String INSERT_RUNNING_BALANCE = "insert or replace into running_balance(account_id,transaction_id,datetime,balance) values (?,?,?,?)"; private static final String UPDATE_RUNNING_BALANCE = "update running_balance set balance = balance+(?) where account_id = ? and datetime > ?"; private static final String DELETE_RUNNING_BALANCE = "delete from running_balance where account_id = ? and transaction_id = ?"; private void insertRunningBalance(long accountId, long transactionId, long datetime, long amount, long deltaAmount) { if (accountId <= 0) { return; } long previousTransactionBalance = fetchAccountBalanceAtTheTime(accountId, datetime); SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.execSQL(INSERT_RUNNING_BALANCE, new Object[] { accountId, transactionId, datetime, previousTransactionBalance + amount }); db.execSQL(UPDATE_RUNNING_BALANCE, new Object[] { deltaAmount, accountId, datetime }); } private void updateRunningBalance(Transaction oldTransaction, Transaction newTransaction) { deleteRunningBalance(oldTransaction.fromAccountId,, oldTransaction.fromAmount, oldTransaction.dateTime); insertRunningBalance(newTransaction.fromAccountId,, newTransaction.dateTime, newTransaction.fromAmount, newTransaction.fromAmount); deleteRunningBalance(oldTransaction.toAccountId,, oldTransaction.toAmount, oldTransaction.dateTime); insertRunningBalance(newTransaction.toAccountId,, newTransaction.dateTime, newTransaction.toAmount, newTransaction.toAmount); } private void deleteRunningBalance(long accountId, long transactionId, long amount, long dateTime) { if (accountId <= 0) { return; } SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.execSQL(DELETE_RUNNING_BALANCE, new Object[] { accountId, transactionId }); db.execSQL(UPDATE_RUNNING_BALANCE, new Object[] { -amount, accountId, dateTime }); } private long fetchAccountBalanceAtTheTime(long accountId, long datetime) { return DatabaseUtils.rawFetchLongValue(this, "select balance from running_balance where account_id = ? and datetime <= ? order by datetime desc, transaction_id desc limit 1", new String[] { String.valueOf(accountId), String.valueOf(datetime) }); } // =================================================================== // CATEGORY // =================================================================== // public long insertOrUpdate(Category category, List<Attribute> attributes) { // SQLiteDatabase db = db(); // db.beginTransaction(); // try { // long id; // if ( == -1) { // id = insertCategory(category); // } else { // updateCategory(category); // id =; // } // addAttributes(id, attributes); // = id; // db.setTransactionSuccessful(); // return id; // } finally { // db.endTransaction(); // } // } public void addAttributes(long categoryId, List<Attribute> attributes) { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.delete(CATEGORY_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE, CategoryAttributeColumns.CATEGORY_ID + "=?", new String[] { String.valueOf(categoryId) }); if (attributes != null && attributes.size() > 0) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(CategoryAttributeColumns.CATEGORY_ID, categoryId); for (Attribute a : attributes) { values.put(CategoryAttributeColumns.ATTRIBUTE_ID,; db.insert(CATEGORY_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE, null, values); } } } // private long insertCategory(Category category) { // CategoryTree tree = getCategoriesTree(false); // long parentId = category.getParentId(); // if (parentId == Category.NO_CATEGORY_ID) { //// if (!tree.isEmpty()) { //// return insertAsLast(category, tree); //// } // } else { // LongSparseArray<Category> map = tree.asIdMap(); // Category parent = map.get(parentId); // if (parent != null && parent.hasChildren()) { // //CategoryTree children = parent.children; // //return insertAsLast(category, children); // } // } // return insertChildCategory(parentId, category); // } // private long insertAsLast(Category category, CategoryTree tree) { //// long mateId = tree.getAt(tree.size() - 1).id; //// return insertMateCategory(mateId, category); // return 0; // } // private long updateCategory(Category category) { // Category oldCategory = getCategory(; // if (oldCategory.getParentId() == category.getParentId()) { // updateCategory(, category.title, category.type); // updateChildCategoriesType(category.type, category.left, category.right); // } else { // moveCategory(category); // } // return; // } // private void moveCategory(Category category) { // CategoryTree tree = getCategoriesTree(false); // LongSparseArray<Category> map = tree.asIdMap(); // Category oldCategory = map.get(; // if (oldCategory != null) { // Category oldParent = map.get(oldCategory.getParentId()); // if (oldParent != null) { // oldParent.removeChild(oldCategory); // } else { // //tree.remove(oldCategory); // } // Category newParent = map.get(category.getParentId()); // int newCategoryType = category.type; // if (newParent != null) { // newParent.addChild(oldCategory); // newCategoryType = newParent.type; // } else { // //tree.add(oldCategory); // } // tree.reIndex(); // updateCategoryTreeInTransaction(tree); // updateCategory(, category.title, newCategoryType); // updateChildCategoriesType(newCategoryType, oldCategory.left, oldCategory.right); // } // } // public Category getCategory(long id) { // if (id == Category.NO_CATEGORY_ID) return Category.noCategory(context); // if (id == Category.SPLIT_CATEGORY_ID) return Category.splitCategory(context); // Category category = getCategoryNoParent(id); // if (category != null) { // if (category.parentId > 0) { // Category parent = getCategoryNoParent(category.parentId); // if (parent != null) { // category.parent = parent; // } else { // category.parent = new Category(category.parentId); // } // }; // return category; // } // return new Category(-1); // } // // protected Category getCategoryNoParent(long id) { // return get(Category.class, id); // } // // public Category getCategoryByLeft(long left) { // Category category = createQuery(Category.class).where(Expressions.eq("left", left)).uniqueResult(); // if (category != null) { // return category; // } else { // return new Category(-1); // } // } // // public CategoryTree getCategoriesTree(boolean includeNoCategory) { // return null; //// Cursor c = getCategories(includeNoCategory); //// try { //// return CategoryTree.createFromCursor(c, new NodeCreator<Category>() { //// @Override //// public Category createNode(Cursor c) { //// return Category.formCursor(c); //// } //// }); //// } finally { //// c.close(); //// } // } // public CategoryTree getAllCategoriesTree() { // return null; //// Cursor c = getAllCategories(); //// try { //// return CategoryTree.createFromCursor(c, new NodeCreator<Category>() { //// @Override //// public Category createNode(Cursor c) { //// return Category.formCursor(c); //// } //// }); //// } finally { //// c.close(); //// } // } // public LongSparseArray<Category> getAllCategoriesMap() { // return getAllCategoriesTree().asIdMap(); // } // // public List<Category> getCategoriesList(boolean includeNoCategory) { // Cursor c = getCategories(includeNoCategory); // return categoriesAsList(c); // } // // public Cursor getAllCategories() { // return db().query(V_CATEGORY, CategoryViewColumns.NORMAL_PROJECTION, // null, null, null, null, null); // } // // public List<Category> getAllCategoriesList() { // Cursor c = getAllCategories(); // return categoriesAsList(c); // } // // private List<Category> categoriesAsList(Cursor c) { // ArrayList<Category> list = new ArrayList<Category>(); // try { // while (c.moveToNext()) { // Category category = Category.formCursor(c); // list.add(category); // } // } finally { // c.close(); // } // return list; // } // // public Cursor getCategories(boolean includeNoCategory) { // return db().query(V_CATEGORY, CategoryViewColumns.NORMAL_PROJECTION, // includeNoCategory ? CategoryViewColumns._id + ">=0" : CategoryViewColumns._id + ">0", null, null, null, null); // } // // public Cursor getCategoriesWithoutSubtree(long id) { // SQLiteDatabase db = db(); // long left = 0, right = 0; // Cursor c = db.query(CATEGORY_TABLE, new String[]{,}, // CategoryColumns._id + "=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(id)}, null, null, null); // try { // if (c.moveToFirst()) { // left = c.getLong(0); // right = c.getLong(1); // } // } finally { // c.close(); // } // return db.query(V_CATEGORY, CategoryViewColumns.NORMAL_PROJECTION, // "(NOT (" + CategoryViewColumns.left + ">=? AND " + CategoryColumns.right + "<=?)) AND " + CategoryViewColumns._id + ">=0", // new String[]{String.valueOf(left), String.valueOf(right)}, null, null, null); // } // // public List<Category> getCategoriesWithoutSubtreeAsList(long categoryId) { // List<Category> list = new ArrayList<Category>(); // Cursor c = getCategoriesWithoutSubtree(categoryId); // try { // while (c.moveToNext()) { // Category category = Category.formCursor(c); // list.add(category); // } // return list; // } finally { // c.close(); // } // } // // private static final String INSERT_CATEGORY_UPDATE_RIGHT = "UPDATE " + CATEGORY_TABLE + " SET " + CategoryColumns.right + "=" + CategoryColumns.right + "+2 WHERE " + CategoryColumns.right + ">?"; // private static final String INSERT_CATEGORY_UPDATE_LEFT = "UPDATE " + CATEGORY_TABLE + " SET " + CategoryColumns.left + "=" + CategoryColumns.left + "+2 WHERE " + CategoryColumns.left + ">?"; // // public long insertChildCategory(long parentId, Category category) { // //DECLARE v_leftkey INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0; // //SELECT l INTO v_leftkey FROM `nset` WHERE `id` = ParentID; // //UPDATE `nset` SET `r` = `r` + 2 WHERE `r` > v_leftkey; // //UPDATE `nset` SET `l` = `l` + 2 WHERE `l` > v_leftkey; // //INSERT INTO `nset` (`name`, `l`, `r`) VALUES (NodeName, v_leftkey + 1, v_leftkey + 2); // int type = getActualCategoryType(parentId, category); // return insertCategory(, parentId, category.title, type); // } // // public long insertMateCategory(long categoryId, Category category) { // //DECLARE v_rightkey INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0; // //SELECT `r` INTO v_rightkey FROM `nset` WHERE `id` = MateID; // //UPDATE ` nset` SET `r` = `r` + 2 WHERE `r` > v_rightkey; // //UPDATE `nset` SET `l` = `l` + 2 WHERE `l` > v_rightkey; // //INSERT `nset` (`name`, `l`, `r`) VALUES (NodeName, v_rightkey + 1, v_rightkey + 2); // Category mate = getCategory(categoryId); // long parentId = mate.getParentId(); // int type = getActualCategoryType(parentId, category); // return insertCategory(, categoryId, category.title, type); // } // // private int getActualCategoryType(long parentId, Category category) { // int type = category.type; // if (parentId > 0) { // Category parent = getCategory(parentId); // type = parent.type; // } // return type; // } // // private long insertCategory(String field, long categoryId, String title, int type) { // int num = 0; // SQLiteDatabase db = db(); // Cursor c = db.query(CATEGORY_TABLE, new String[]{field}, // CategoryColumns._id + "=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(categoryId)}, null, null, null); // try { // if (c.moveToFirst()) { // num = c.getInt(0); // } // } finally { // c.close(); // } // String[] args = new String[]{String.valueOf(num)}; // db.execSQL(INSERT_CATEGORY_UPDATE_RIGHT, args); // db.execSQL(INSERT_CATEGORY_UPDATE_LEFT, args); // ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); // values.put(, title); // int left = num + 1; // int right = num + 2; // values.put(, left); // values.put(, right); // values.put(, type); // long id = db.insert(CATEGORY_TABLE, null, values); // updateChildCategoriesType(type, left, right); // return id; // } // // private static final String CATEGORY_UPDATE_CHILDREN_TYPES = "UPDATE " + CATEGORY_TABLE + " SET " + CategoryColumns.type + "=? WHERE " + CategoryColumns.left + ">? AND " + CategoryColumns.right + "<?"; // // private void updateChildCategoriesType(int type, int left, int right) { // db().execSQL(CATEGORY_UPDATE_CHILDREN_TYPES, new Object[]{type, left, right}); // } // // private static final String DELETE_CATEGORY_UPDATE1 = "UPDATE " + TRANSACTION_TABLE // + " SET " + TransactionColumns.category_id + "=0 WHERE " // + TransactionColumns.category_id + " IN (" // + "SELECT " + CategoryColumns._id + " FROM " + CATEGORY_TABLE + " WHERE " // + CategoryColumns.left + " BETWEEN ? AND ?)"; // private static final String DELETE_CATEGORY_UPDATE2 = "UPDATE " + CATEGORY_TABLE // + " SET " + CategoryColumns.left + "=(CASE WHEN " + CategoryColumns.left + ">%s THEN " // + CategoryColumns.left + "-%s ELSE " + CategoryColumns.left + " END)," // + CategoryColumns.right + "=" + CategoryColumns.right + "-%s" // + " WHERE " + CategoryColumns.right + ">%s"; // // public void deleteCategory(long categoryId) { // //DECLARE v_leftkey, v_rightkey, v_width INT DEFAULT 0; // // // //SELECT // // `l`, `r`, `r` - `l` + 1 INTO v_leftkey, v_rightkey, v_width // //FROM `nset` // //WHERE // // `id` = NodeID; // // // //DELETE FROM `nset` WHERE `l` BETWEEN v_leftkey AND v_rightkey; // // // //UPDATE `nset` // //SET // // `l` = IF(`l` > v_leftkey, `l` - v_width, `l`), // // `r` = `r` - v_width // //WHERE // // `r` > v_rightkey; // SQLiteDatabase db = db(); // int left = 0, right = 0; // Cursor c = db.query(CATEGORY_TABLE, new String[]{,}, // CategoryColumns._id + "=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(categoryId)}, null, null, null); // try { // if (c.moveToFirst()) { // left = c.getInt(0); // right = c.getInt(1); // } // } finally { // c.close(); // } // db.beginTransaction(); // try { // Category category = load(Category.class, categoryId); // writeDeleteLog(CATEGORY_TABLE, category.remoteKey); // int width = right - left + 1; // String[] args = new String[]{String.valueOf(left), String.valueOf(right)}; // db.execSQL(DELETE_CATEGORY_UPDATE1, args); // db.delete(CATEGORY_TABLE, CategoryColumns.left + " BETWEEN ? AND ?", args); // db.execSQL(String.format(DELETE_CATEGORY_UPDATE2, left, width, width, right)); // db.setTransactionSuccessful(); // } finally { // db.endTransaction(); // } // } // // private void updateCategory(long id, String title, int type) { // ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); // values.put(, title); // values.put(, type); // values.remove("updated_on"); // values.put(, System.currentTimeMillis()); // db().update(CATEGORY_TABLE, values, CategoryColumns._id + "=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(id)}); // } // // public void insertCategoryTreeInTransaction(CategoryTree tree) { // db().delete("category", "_id > 0", null); // insertCategoryInTransaction(tree); // updateCategoryTreeInTransaction(tree); // } // // private void insertCategoryInTransaction(CategoryTree tree) { //// for (Category category : tree) { //// reInsertCategory(category); //// if (category.hasChildren()) { //// insertCategoryInTransaction(category.children); //// } //// } // } // // public void updateCategoryTree(CategoryTree tree) { // SQLiteDatabase db = db(); // db.beginTransaction(); // try { // updateCategoryTreeInTransaction(tree); // db.setTransactionSuccessful(); // } finally { // db.endTransaction(); // } // } // // private static final String WHERE_CATEGORY_ID = CategoryColumns._id + "=?"; // // private void updateCategoryTreeInTransaction(CategoryTree tree) { // int left = 1; // int right = 2; // ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); // String[] sid = new String[1]; //// for (Category c : tree) { //// values.put(, c.left); //// values.put(, c.right); //// sid[0] = String.valueOf(; //// db().update(CATEGORY_TABLE, values, WHERE_CATEGORY_ID, sid); //// if (c.hasChildren()) { //// updateCategoryTreeInTransaction(c.children); //// } //// if (c.left < left) { //// left = c.left; //// } //// if (c.right > right) { //// right = c.right; //// } //// } // values.put(, left - 1); // values.put(, right + 1); // sid[0] = String.valueOf(Category.NO_CATEGORY_ID); // db().update(CATEGORY_TABLE, values, WHERE_CATEGORY_ID, sid); // } // =================================================================== // ATTRIBUTES // =================================================================== public List<Attribute> getAttributesForCategory(long categoryId) { LongSparseArray<Attribute> attributesMap = getAllAttributesMap(); Cursor c = db().query(V_ATTRIBUTES, AttributeViewColumns.NORMAL_PROJECTION, AttributeViewColumns.CATEGORY_ID + "=?", new String[] { String.valueOf(categoryId) }, null, null, AttributeViewColumns.NAME); return collectAttributesFromCursor(attributesMap, c); } public List<Attribute> getAllAttributesForCategory(Category category) { LongSparseArray<Attribute> attributesMap = getAllAttributesMap(); Cursor c = db().query(V_ATTRIBUTES, AttributeViewColumns.NORMAL_PROJECTION, AttributeViewColumns.CATEGORY_LEFT + "<= ? AND " + AttributeViewColumns.CATEGORY_RIGHT + " >= ?", new String[] { String.valueOf(category.left), String.valueOf(category.right) }, null, null, AttributeViewColumns.NAME); return collectAttributesFromCursor(attributesMap, c); } protected List<Attribute> collectAttributesFromCursor(LongSparseArray<Attribute> attributesMap, Cursor c) { try { ArrayList<Attribute> list = new ArrayList<Attribute>(c.getCount()); while (c.moveToNext()) { long attributeId = c.getLong(AttributeViewColumns.Indicies.ID); Attribute a = attributesMap.get(attributeId); if (a != null) { list.add(a); } } return list; } finally { c.close(); } } public Map<Long, String> getAttributesMapping() { Cursor c = db().query(V_ATTRIBUTES, AttributeViewColumns.NORMAL_PROJECTION, null, null, null, null, AttributeViewColumns.CATEGORY_ID + ", " + AttributeViewColumns.NAME); try { HashMap<Long, String> attributes = new HashMap<Long, String>(); StringBuilder sb = null; long prevCategoryId = -1; while (c.moveToNext()) { long categoryId = c.getLong(AttributeViewColumns.Indicies.CATEGORY_ID); String name = c.getString(AttributeViewColumns.Indicies.NAME); if (prevCategoryId != categoryId) { if (sb == null) { sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); } else { attributes.put(prevCategoryId, sb.append("]").toString()); sb.setLength(1); } prevCategoryId = categoryId; } if (sb.length() > 1) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(name); } if (sb != null) { attributes.put(prevCategoryId, sb.append("]").toString()); } return attributes; } finally { c.close(); } } public Map<Long, String> getAllAttributesForTransaction(long transactionId) { Cursor c = db() .query(TRANSACTION_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE, TransactionAttributeColumns.NORMAL_PROJECTION, TransactionAttributeColumns.TRANSACTION_ID + "=? AND " + TransactionAttributeColumns.ATTRIBUTE_ID + ">=0", new String[] { String.valueOf(transactionId) }, null, null, null); try { HashMap<Long, String> attributes = new HashMap<Long, String>(); while (c.moveToNext()) { long attributeId = c.getLong(TransactionAttributeColumns.Indicies.ATTRIBUTE_ID); String value = c.getString(TransactionAttributeColumns.Indicies.VALUE); attributes.put(attributeId, value); } return attributes; } finally { c.close(); } } public EnumMap<SystemAttribute, String> getSystemAttributesForTransaction(long transactionId) { Cursor c = db() .query(TRANSACTION_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE, TransactionAttributeColumns.NORMAL_PROJECTION, TransactionAttributeColumns.TRANSACTION_ID + "=? AND " + TransactionAttributeColumns.ATTRIBUTE_ID + "<0", new String[] { String.valueOf(transactionId) }, null, null, null); try { EnumMap<SystemAttribute, String> attributes = new EnumMap<SystemAttribute, String>( SystemAttribute.class); while (c.moveToNext()) { long attributeId = c.getLong(TransactionAttributeColumns.Indicies.ATTRIBUTE_ID); String value = c.getString(TransactionAttributeColumns.Indicies.VALUE); attributes.put(SystemAttribute.forId(attributeId), value); } return attributes; } finally { c.close(); } } /** * Sets status=CL (Cleared) for the selected transactions * * @param ids selected transactions' ids */ public void clearSelectedTransactions(long[] ids) { String sql = "UPDATE " + TRANSACTION_TABLE + " SET " + TransactionColumns.status + "='" + TransactionStatus.CL + "'," + TransactionColumns.updated_on + "='" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "' "; runInTransaction(sql, ids); } /** * Sets status=RC (Reconciled) for the selected transactions * * @param ids selected transactions' ids */ public void reconcileSelectedTransactions(long[] ids) { String sql = "UPDATE " + TRANSACTION_TABLE + " SET " + TransactionColumns.status + "='" + TransactionStatus.RC + "'," + TransactionColumns.updated_on + "='" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "' "; runInTransaction(sql, ids); } /** * Deletes the selected transactions * * @param ids selected transactions' ids */ public void deleteSelectedTransactions(long[] ids) { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.beginTransaction(); try { for (long id : ids) { deleteTransactionNoDbTransaction(id); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } private void runInTransaction(String sql, long[] ids) { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.beginTransaction(); try { int count = ids.length; int bucket = 100; int num = 1 + count / bucket; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { int x = bucket * i; int y = Math.min(count, bucket * (i + 1)); String script = createSql(sql, ids, x, y); db.execSQL(script); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } private String createSql(String updateSql, long[] ids, int x, int y) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(updateSql).append(" WHERE ").append(TransactionColumns.is_template) .append("=0 AND ").append(TransactionColumns.parent_id).append("=0 AND ") .append(TransactionColumns._id).append(" IN ("); for (int i = x; i < y; i++) { if (i > x) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(ids[i]); } sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } private static final String UPDATE_LAST_RECURRENCE = "UPDATE " + TRANSACTION_TABLE + " SET " + TransactionColumns.last_recurrence + "=? WHERE " + TransactionColumns._id + "=?"; public long[] storeMissedSchedules(List<RestoredTransaction> restored, long now) { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.beginTransaction(); try { int count = restored.size(); long[] restoredIds = new long[count]; HashMap<Long, Transaction> transactions = new HashMap<Long, Transaction>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { RestoredTransaction rt = restored.get(i); long transactionId = rt.transactionId; Transaction t = transactions.get(transactionId); if (t == null) { t = getTransaction(transactionId); transactions.put(transactionId, t); } = -1; t.dateTime = rt.dateTime.getTime(); t.status = TransactionStatus.RS; t.isTemplate = 0; restoredIds[i] = insertOrUpdate(t); = transactionId; } for (Transaction t : transactions.values()) { db.execSQL(UPDATE_LAST_RECURRENCE, new Object[] { now, }); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); return restoredIds; } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } /** * @param accountId * @param period * @return */ public int getCustomClosingDay(long accountId, int period) { String where = CreditCardClosingDateColumns.ACCOUNT_ID + "=? AND " + CreditCardClosingDateColumns.PERIOD + "=?"; Cursor c = db().query(CCARD_CLOSING_DATE_TABLE, new String[] { CreditCardClosingDateColumns.CLOSING_DAY }, where, new String[] { Long.toString(accountId), Integer.toString(period) }, null, null, null); int res = 0; try { if (c != null) { if (c.getCount() > 0) { c.moveToFirst(); res = c.getInt(0); } else { res = 0; } } else { // there is no custom closing day in database for the given account id an period res = 0; } } catch (SQLiteException e) { res = 0; } finally { if (c != null) c.close(); } return res; } public void setCustomClosingDay(long accountId, int period, int closingDay) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(CreditCardClosingDateColumns.ACCOUNT_ID, Long.toString(accountId)); values.put(CreditCardClosingDateColumns.PERIOD, Integer.toString(period)); values.put(CreditCardClosingDateColumns.CLOSING_DAY, Integer.toString(closingDay)); db().insert(CCARD_CLOSING_DATE_TABLE, null, values); } public void deleteCustomClosingDay(long accountId, int period) { String where = CreditCardClosingDateColumns.ACCOUNT_ID + "=? AND " + CreditCardClosingDateColumns.PERIOD + "=?"; String[] args = new String[] { Long.toString(accountId), Integer.toString(period) }; db().delete(CCARD_CLOSING_DATE_TABLE, where, args); } public void updateCustomClosingDay(long accountId, int period, int closingDay) { // delete previous content deleteCustomClosingDay(accountId, period); // save new value setCustomClosingDay(accountId, period, closingDay); } /** * Re-populates running_balance table for all accounts */ public void rebuildRunningBalances() { List<Account> accounts = getAllAccountsList(); for (Account account : accounts) { rebuildRunningBalanceForAccount(account); } } /** * Re-populates running_balance for specific account * * @param account selected account */ public void rebuildRunningBalanceForAccount(Account account) { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.beginTransaction(); try { String accountId = String.valueOf(account.getId()); db.execSQL("delete from running_balance where account_id=?", new Object[] { accountId }); WhereFilter filter = new WhereFilter(""); filter.put(Criteria.eq(BlotterFilter.FROM_ACCOUNT_ID, accountId)); filter.asc("datetime"); filter.asc("_id"); Cursor c = getBlotterForAccountWithSplits(filter); Object[] values = new Object[4]; values[0] = accountId; try { long balance = 0; while (c.moveToNext()) { long parentId = c.getLong(BlotterColumns.parent_id.ordinal()); int isTransfer = c.getInt(BlotterColumns.is_transfer.ordinal()); if (parentId > 0) { if (isTransfer >= 0) { // we only interested in the second part of the transfer-split // which is marked with is_transfer=-1 (see v_blotter_for_account_with_splits) continue; } } long fromAccountId = c.getLong(BlotterColumns.from_account_id.ordinal()); long toAccountId = c.getLong(BlotterColumns.to_account_id.ordinal()); if (toAccountId > 0 && toAccountId == fromAccountId) { // weird bug when a transfer is done from an account to the same account continue; } balance += c.getLong(DatabaseHelper.BlotterColumns.from_amount.ordinal()); values[1] = c.getString(DatabaseHelper.BlotterColumns._id.ordinal()); values[2] = c.getString(DatabaseHelper.BlotterColumns.datetime.ordinal()); values[3] = balance; db.execSQL( "insert into running_balance(account_id,transaction_id,datetime,balance) values (?,?,?,?)", values); } } finally { c.close(); } updateAccountLastTransactionDate(; db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } private static final String[] SUM_FROM_AMOUNT = new String[] { "sum(from_amount)" }; public long fetchBudgetBalance(LongSparseArray<Category> categories, LongSparseArray<Project> projects, Budget b) { String where = Budget.createWhere(b, categories, projects); Cursor c = db().query(V_BLOTTER_FOR_ACCOUNT_WITH_SPLITS, SUM_FROM_AMOUNT, where, null, null, null, null); try { if (c.moveToNext()) { return c.getLong(0); } } finally { c.close(); } return 0; } public void recalculateAccountsBalances() { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.beginTransaction(); try { Cursor accountsCursor = db.query(ACCOUNT_TABLE, new String[] { AccountColumns.ID }, null, null, null, null, null); try { while (accountsCursor.moveToNext()) { long accountId = accountsCursor.getLong(0); recalculateAccountBalances(accountId); } } finally { accountsCursor.close(); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } private void recalculateAccountBalances(long accountId) { long amount = fetchAccountBalance(accountId); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(AccountColumns.TOTAL_AMOUNT, amount); db().update(ACCOUNT_TABLE, values, AccountColumns.ID + "=?", new String[] { String.valueOf(accountId) }); Log.i("DatabaseImport", "Recalculating amount for " + accountId); } private long fetchAccountBalance(long accountId) { Cursor c = db().query(V_BLOTTER_FOR_ACCOUNT_WITH_SPLITS, new String[] { "SUM(" + BlotterColumns.from_amount + ")" }, BlotterColumns.from_account_id + "=? and (" + BlotterColumns.parent_id + "=0 or " + BlotterColumns.is_transfer + "=-1)", new String[] { String.valueOf(accountId) }, null, null, null); try { if (c.moveToFirst()) { return c.getLong(0); } return 0; } finally { c.close(); } } public void saveRate(ExchangeRate r) { replaceRate(r,; } public void replaceRate(ExchangeRate rate, long originalDate) { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.beginTransaction(); try { replaceRateInTransaction(rate, originalDate, db); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } private void replaceRateInTransaction(ExchangeRate rate, long originalDate, SQLiteDatabase db) { deleteRateInTransaction(rate.fromCurrencyId, rate.toCurrencyId, originalDate, db); saveBothRatesInTransaction(rate, db); } private void saveBothRatesInTransaction(ExchangeRate r, SQLiteDatabase db) { = DateUtils.atMidnight(; saveRateInTransaction(db, r); saveRateInTransaction(db, r.flip()); } private void saveRateInTransaction(SQLiteDatabase db, ExchangeRate r) { ContentValues values = r.toValues(); values.remove("updated_on"); values.put(, System.currentTimeMillis()); db.insert(EXCHANGE_RATES_TABLE, null, values); } public void saveDownloadedRates(List<ExchangeRate> downloadedRates) { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.beginTransaction(); try { for (ExchangeRate r : downloadedRates) { if (r.isOk()) { replaceRateInTransaction(r,, db); } } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } public ExchangeRate findRate(Currency fromCurrency, Currency toCurrency, long date) { long day = DateUtils.atMidnight(date); Cursor c = db().query(EXCHANGE_RATES_TABLE, ExchangeRateColumns.NORMAL_PROJECTION, ExchangeRateColumns.NORMAL_PROJECTION_WHERE, new String[] { String.valueOf(, String.valueOf(, String.valueOf(day) }, null, null, null); try { if (c.moveToFirst()) { return ExchangeRate.fromCursor(c); } } finally { c.close(); } return null; } public List<ExchangeRate> findRates(Currency fromCurrency) { List<ExchangeRate> rates = new ArrayList<ExchangeRate>(); Cursor c = db().query(EXCHANGE_RATES_TABLE, ExchangeRateColumns.NORMAL_PROJECTION, ExchangeRateColumns.from_currency_id + "=?", new String[] { String.valueOf( }, null, null, ExchangeRateColumns.rate_date + " desc"); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { rates.add(ExchangeRate.fromCursor(c)); } } finally { c.close(); } return rates; } public List<ExchangeRate> findRates(Currency fromCurrency, Currency toCurrency) { List<ExchangeRate> rates = new ArrayList<ExchangeRate>(); Cursor c = db().query(EXCHANGE_RATES_TABLE, ExchangeRateColumns.NORMAL_PROJECTION, ExchangeRateColumns.from_currency_id + "=? and " + ExchangeRateColumns.to_currency_id + "=?", new String[] { String.valueOf(, String.valueOf( }, null, null, ExchangeRateColumns.rate_date + " desc"); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { rates.add(ExchangeRate.fromCursor(c)); } } finally { c.close(); } return rates; } public ExchangeRateProvider getLatestRates() { LatestExchangeRates m = new LatestExchangeRates(); Cursor c = db().query(EXCHANGE_RATES_TABLE, ExchangeRateColumns.LATEST_RATE_PROJECTION, null, null, ExchangeRateColumns.LATEST_RATE_GROUP_BY, null, null); fillRatesCollection(m, c); return m; } public ExchangeRateProvider getHistoryRates() { HistoryExchangeRates m = new HistoryExchangeRates(); Cursor c = db().query(EXCHANGE_RATES_TABLE, ExchangeRateColumns.NORMAL_PROJECTION, null, null, null, null, null); fillRatesCollection(m, c); return m; } private void fillRatesCollection(ExchangeRatesCollection m, Cursor c) { try { while (c.moveToNext()) { ExchangeRate r = ExchangeRate.fromCursor(c); m.addRate(r); } } finally { c.close(); } } public void deleteRate(ExchangeRate rate) { deleteRate(rate.fromCurrencyId, rate.toCurrencyId,; } public void deleteRate(long fromCurrencyId, long toCurrencyId, long date) { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.beginTransaction(); try { deleteRateInTransaction(fromCurrencyId, toCurrencyId, date, db); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } private void deleteRateInTransaction(long fromCurrencyId, long toCurrencyId, long date, SQLiteDatabase db) { long d = DateUtils.atMidnight(date); db.delete(EXCHANGE_RATES_TABLE, ExchangeRateColumns.DELETE_CLAUSE, new String[] { String.valueOf(fromCurrencyId), String.valueOf(toCurrencyId), String.valueOf(d) }); db.delete(EXCHANGE_RATES_TABLE, ExchangeRateColumns.DELETE_CLAUSE, new String[] { String.valueOf(toCurrencyId), String.valueOf(fromCurrencyId), String.valueOf(d) }); } public Total getAccountsTotalInHomeCurrency() { Currency homeCurrency = getHomeCurrency(); return getAccountsTotal(homeCurrency); } /** * Calculates total in every currency for all accounts */ public Total[] getAccountsTotal() { List<Account> accounts = getAllAccountsList(); Map<Currency, Total> totalsMap = new HashMap<Currency, Total>(); for (Account account : accounts) { if (account.shouldIncludeIntoTotals()) { Currency currency = account.currency; Total total = totalsMap.get(currency); if (total == null) { total = new Total(currency); totalsMap.put(currency, total); } total.balance += account.totalAmount; } } Collection<Total> values = totalsMap.values(); return values.toArray(new Total[values.size()]); } /** * Calculates total in home currency for all accounts */ public Total getAccountsTotal(Currency homeCurrency) { ExchangeRateProvider rates = getLatestRates(); List<Account> accounts = getAllAccountsList(); BigDecimal total = BigDecimal.ZERO; for (Account account : accounts) { if (account.shouldIncludeIntoTotals()) { if ( == { total = total.add(BigDecimal.valueOf(account.totalAmount)); } else { ExchangeRate rate = rates.getRate(account.currency, homeCurrency); if (rate == ExchangeRate.NA) { return new Total(homeCurrency, TotalError.lastRateError(account.currency)); } else { total = total.add(BigDecimal.valueOf(rate.rate * account.totalAmount)); } } } } Total result = new Total(homeCurrency); result.balance = total.longValue(); return result; } public boolean singleCurrencyOnly() { long currencyId = getSingleCurrencyId(); return currencyId > 0; } private long getSingleCurrencyId() { Cursor c = db().rawQuery( "select distinct " + AccountColumns.CURRENCY_ID + " from " + ACCOUNT_TABLE + " where " + AccountColumns.IS_INCLUDE_INTO_TOTALS + "=1 and " + AccountColumns.IS_ACTIVE + "=1", null); try { if (c.getCount() == 1) { c.moveToFirst(); return c.getLong(0); } return -1; } finally { c.close(); } } public void setDefaultHomeCurrency() { Currency homeCurrency = getHomeCurrency(); long singleCurrencyId = getSingleCurrencyId(); if (homeCurrency == Currency.EMPTY && singleCurrencyId > 0) { Currency c = get(Currency.class, singleCurrencyId); c.isDefault = true; saveOrUpdate(c); } } public void purgeAccountAtDate(Account account, long date) { long nearestTransactionId = findNearestOlderTransactionId(account, date); if (nearestTransactionId > 0) { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); db.beginTransaction(); try { Transaction newTransaction = createTransactionFromNearest(account, nearestTransactionId); breakSplitTransactions(account, date); deleteOldTransactions(account, date); insertWithoutUpdatingBalance(newTransaction); db.execSQL(INSERT_RUNNING_BALANCE, new Object[] {,, newTransaction.dateTime, newTransaction.fromAmount }); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } } private Transaction createTransactionFromNearest(Account account, long nearestTransactionId) { Transaction nearestTransaction = get(Transaction.class, nearestTransactionId); long balance = getAccountBalanceForTransaction(account, nearestTransaction); Transaction newTransaction = new Transaction(); newTransaction.fromAccountId =; newTransaction.dateTime = DateUtils.atDayEnd(nearestTransaction.dateTime); newTransaction.fromAmount = balance; Payee payee = insertPayee(context.getString(R.string.purge_account_payee)); newTransaction.payeeId = payee != null ? : 0; newTransaction.status = TransactionStatus.CL; return newTransaction; } private static final String BREAK_SPLIT_TRANSACTIONS_1 = UPDATE_ORPHAN_TRANSACTIONS_1 + " " + "AND " + TransactionColumns.datetime + "<=?"; private static final String BREAK_SPLIT_TRANSACTIONS_2 = UPDATE_ORPHAN_TRANSACTIONS_2 + " " + "AND " + TransactionColumns.datetime + "<=?"; private void breakSplitTransactions(Account account, long date) { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); long dayEnd = DateUtils.atDayEnd(date); db.execSQL(BREAK_SPLIT_TRANSACTIONS_1, new Object[] {, dayEnd }); db.execSQL(BREAK_SPLIT_TRANSACTIONS_2, new Object[] {, dayEnd }); db.delete( TRANSACTION_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE, TransactionAttributeColumns.TRANSACTION_ID + " in (SELECT _id from " + TRANSACTION_TABLE + " where " + TransactionColumns.datetime + "<=?)", new String[] { String.valueOf(dayEnd) }); } public void deleteOldTransactions(Account account, long date) { SQLiteDatabase db = db(); long dayEnd = DateUtils.atDayEnd(date); db.delete("transactions", "from_account_id=? and datetime<=? and is_template=0", new String[] { String.valueOf(, String.valueOf(dayEnd) }); db.delete("running_balance", "account_id=? and datetime<=?", new String[] { String.valueOf(, String.valueOf(dayEnd) }); } public long getAccountBalanceForTransaction(Account a, Transaction t) { return DatabaseUtils.rawFetchLongValue(this, "select balance from running_balance where account_id=? and transaction_id=?", new String[] { String.valueOf(, String.valueOf( }); } public long findNearestOlderTransactionId(Account account, long date) { return DatabaseUtils.rawFetchId(this, "select _id from v_blotter where from_account_id=? and datetime<=? order by datetime desc limit 1", new String[] { String.valueOf(, String.valueOf(DateUtils.atDayEnd(date)) }); } public long findLatestTransactionDate(long accountId) { return DatabaseUtils.rawFetchLongValue(this, "select datetime from running_balance where account_id=? order by datetime desc limit 1", new String[] { String.valueOf(accountId) }); } private static final String ACCOUNT_LAST_TRANSACTION_DATE_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + ACCOUNT_TABLE + " SET " + AccountColumns.LAST_TRANSACTION_DATE + "=? WHERE " + AccountColumns.ID + "=?"; private void updateAccountLastTransactionDate(long accountId) { if (accountId <= 0) { return; } long lastTransactionDate = findLatestTransactionDate(accountId); db().execSQL(ACCOUNT_LAST_TRANSACTION_DATE_UPDATE, new Object[] { lastTransactionDate, accountId }); } public void updateAccountsLastTransactionDate() { List<Account> accounts = getAllAccountsList(); for (Account account : accounts) { updateAccountLastTransactionDate(; } } // public void restoreNoCategory() { // Category c = getCategoryNoParent(Category.NO_CATEGORY_ID); // if (c == null) { // db().execSQL("INSERT INTO category (_id, title, left, right) VALUES (0, 'No category', 1, 2)"); // } // CategoryTree tree = getCategoriesTree(false); // tree.reIndex(); // updateCategoryTree(tree); // } public long getLastRunningBalanceForAccount(Account account) { return DatabaseUtils.rawFetchLongValue(this, "select balance from running_balance where account_id=? order by datetime desc, transaction_id desc limit 1", new String[] { String.valueOf( }); } public long writeDeleteLog(String tableName, String remoteKey) { if (remoteKey == null) { return 0; } if (remoteKey == "") { return 0; } ContentValues row = new ContentValues(); row.put(deleteLogColumns.TABLE_NAME, tableName); row.put(deleteLogColumns.REMOTE_KEY, remoteKey); row.put(deleteLogColumns.DELETED_ON, System.currentTimeMillis()); return db().insert(DELETE_LOG_TABLE, null, row); } }