CSharp System Math Geometry

CSharp examples for System:Math Geometry


Click the following links for the tutorial for System and Math Geometry.

  1. Calculate Distance 2D
  2. Returns Euclidean distance on a torus (self-enclosed grid e.g., 2D wraparound map).
  3. Hideously over-complicated method for drawing a line between 2 points on a 2d wrap-around map. Must be a much nicer solution for this, probably involving triangles;)
  4. Standard Euclidean distance between 2 points.
  5. Intersection Of Two Lines
  6. Returns true if the shortest line between 2 points would wrap-around on the x-axis.
  7. Returns true if the shortest line between 2 points would wrap-around on the y-axis.
  8. Calculate the distance between these two 3D points

  9. Degrees To Radians
  10. Calculates n factorial
  11. get Greatest Common Divisor
  12. Get Geography From Geometry
  13. To Meters from unit
  14. Get Fibonacci
  15. calculate how many meters in one degree at a point
  16. Calculate the distance between two places.

  17. Convert degrees to Radians
  18. Converts the specified angle from degrees to radians
  19. Calculates the distance from Point.
  20. Calculates the intersection between a line and a sphere. Warning: It does not work, if the line start is inside the sphere
  21. Checks two lines for intersection
  22. Acos
  23. Asin
  24. Atan
  25. Cos
  26. Sin
  27. Tan
  28. Absolute Cos
  29. Absolute Sin
  30. To Degrees
  31. To Radians
  32. Degree to Rad
  33. Calculate Angle from point
  34. Clamp Angle
  35. Calculates the distance between the current and the target point in pixel
  36. Average Speed
  37. Get Distance
  38. Calculate Distance for 3D points
  39. Calculate Distance for 2D points
  40. Get Distance between two vectors
  41. Euclidian Distance
  42. Distance for latitude and longitude
  43. Radians To Degrees
  44. Between two points on earth
  45. Levenshtein Distance
  46. Compute the distance between two texts
  47. Compute the distance between two strings.
  48. Convert from metre distances to user preferred units.
  49. Calculates the greatest common divisor (GCD) of given two numbers
  50. Get Greatest Common Divisor from console
  51. Distance Between Points
  52. Mid Point Of Line Segment
  53. Slope Of Line Segment
  54. Get a value from a key converted in file size format: "1gb", "10 mb", "80000"
  55. Degree To Radian
  56. Add two Rectangles
  57. Calculates the distance between to coordinates.
  58. Generates values from a triangular distribution.
  59. returns the perpendicular distance of a line from the centre of a circle
  60. does the line intersect with the given line?
  61. returns the angle subtended by three points
  62. Creates a geometry that represents a circle. Z values are set to 0.
  63. Euclidean Distance for two points
  64. Calculates the angle of a line defined by two points on a 2D surface.
  65. Finds the distance between two points on a 2D surface.
  66. Longitude Meter Per Degree
  67. Converts radians to degree.
  68. fast Atan