Overloading and Resolution - CSharp Custom Type

CSharp examples for Custom Type:overload


Consider the following two overloads:

static void Foo (Item a) { }
static void Foo (Company h) { }

When an overload is called, the most specific type has precedence:

Company h = new Company (...);
Foo(h);                      // Calls Foo(Company)

The overload to call is determined at compile time rather than at runtime.

The following code calls Foo(Item), even though the runtime type of a is Company:

public class Item
  public string Name;

public class Stock : Item   // inherits from Item
  public long SharesOwned;

public class Company : Item   // inherits from Item
  public decimal Mortgage;
Item a = new Company (...);
Foo(a);                      // Calls Foo(Item)

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