Overloaded method declarations. - CSharp Custom Type

CSharp examples for Custom Type:overload


Overloaded method declarations.

Demo Code

using System;//from   w w  w.  java2  s.co m
class MethodOverload
   static void Main()
      Console.WriteLine($"Square of integer 7 is {Square(7)}");
      Console.WriteLine($"Square of double 7.5 is {Square(7.5)}");
   // square method with int argument
   static int Square(int intValue)
      Console.WriteLine($"Called square with int argument: {intValue}");
      return intValue * intValue;
   // square method with double argument
   static double Square(double doubleValue)
      Console.WriteLine($"Called square with double argument: {doubleValue}");
      return doubleValue * doubleValue;


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