Android Utililty Methods Binomial Coefficient

List of utility methods to do Binomial Coefficient


The list of methods to do Binomial Coefficient are organized into topic(s).


longbinomialCoefficient(final int n, final int k)
Returns an exact representation of the Binomial Coefficient, " n choose k ", the number of k -element subsets that can be selected from an n -element set.
ArithmeticUtils.checkBinomial(n, k);
if ((n == k) || (k == 0)) {
    return 1;
if ((k == 1) || (k == n - 1)) {
    return n;
if (k > n / 2) {
doublebinomialCoefficientDouble(final int n, final int k)
Returns a double representation of the Binomial Coefficient, " n choose k ", the number of k -element subsets that can be selected from an n -element set.
ArithmeticUtils.checkBinomial(n, k);
if ((n == k) || (k == 0)) {
    return 1d;
if ((k == 1) || (k == n - 1)) {
    return n;
if (k > n / 2) {
doublebinomialCoefficientLog(final int n, final int k)
Returns the natural log of the Binomial Coefficient, " n choose k ", the number of k -element subsets that can be selected from an n -element set.
ArithmeticUtils.checkBinomial(n, k);
if ((n == k) || (k == 0)) {
    return 0;
if ((k == 1) || (k == n - 1)) {
    return FastMath.log(n);
if (n < 67) {
voidcheckBinomial(final int n, final int k)
Check binomial preconditions.
if (n < k) {
    throw new NumberIsTooLargeException(
            LocalizedFormats.BINOMIAL_INVALID_PARAMETERS_ORDER, k,
            n, true);
if (n < 0) {
    throw new NotPositiveException(
            LocalizedFormats.BINOMIAL_NEGATIVE_PARAMETER, n);