Swift Tutorial - Swift Comparison Operators

We use comparison operators to compare two values. We can test for equality or whether one value is greater or less than another value.

The following code describes the comparison operators available in Swift.

x == yEqual to
x != yNot equal to
x > yGreater than
x >=yGreater than or equal to
x < yLess than
x <= yLess than or equal to
x === yTwo objects are equal
x !== yTwo objects are not equal


Comparison operators return a boolean result that you can store in a boolean variable or constant.

The following code shows how to use Comparison Operators.

let x = 100
let y = 200

//Returns true
let b1 = x < y

//Returns false
let b2 = x == y

Comparison operators are often used with if statements to control program flow.

Ternary Conditional Operator

Ternary conditional operator evaluates a condition and then do one of two things based on the result of the condition.

The ternary conditional operator is written like this: condition ? action1 : action2.

The condition is an expression that returns a boolean true or false.

If the condition returns true, then the first action takes place. If the condition returns false, then the second action takes place.

The following code shows how to use Ternary Conditional Operator.

let a = 5
a == 5 ? "We're good" : "Oops, not quite"