You use the arithmetic operators to do addition +
, subtraction -
multiplication *
, and division /
The following code shows how to use Arithmetic Operators.
let a1 = 1 + 2 let a2 = 3 - 1 let a3 = 6 * 5 let a4 = 12 / 3
All of the examples in the code above result in integer output.
If one of the values is a Float
or Double
data type, then the
result will be a floating-point data type as well.
To get the remainder part of the result, you can use the remainder operator %
The following code shows how to use Division and Remainder Operators
let r5 = 13 / 3 let r6 = 13 % 3
The unary increment operator ++
and the unary decrement operator
increase or decrease the value of a number by 1.
The following code show show to use unary plus ++.
var a1 = 5
a1 //Returns 5
++a1 //Returns 6
a1++ //Returns 6
a1 //Returns 7
In the code above we increment with the ++
as a
suffix, you still get the original value reported.
Arithmetic operators can be combined with the assignment operator to perform an arithmetic function and assign the result to the value.
var i = 0 //Declare and assign i integer equal to 0 i+=4 //Add 4 to i and assign result back to i i*=2 //Multiple i by 2 and assign result back to i
The addition operator + is also used to add strings and characters together.
let s1 = "Hello" let s2 = "World" let s3 = s1 + " " + s2 + "!"