Photoshop Wordpress Elegant Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Wordpress Elegant
Create a clean elegant wordpress theme design using adobe photoshop. Photoshop,34 Images, 883 words
Create new document 1360px x 1500px 72dpi. Background color: #000, ( Black ) Note: Width is 960px out 1360. Leaving 200px on each side. So What I am saying is leave 200px space on both sides of your layer and the middle should come out to 960px. Sele..
Create a clean and elegant wordpress theme in Photoshop Photoshop,20 Images, 951 words
In this tutorial I will show you a very simple way to create great looking layouts. Even if you use simple techniques you can create a wonderful wordpress themes. You will need to register for a VIP account in order to download all PSD layouts includ..
Design an elegant wordpress layout Photoshop,23 Images, 337 words
In this tutorial, I will show you how to create an elegant WordPress layout for your corporate website. This layout can be used also for agency templates, services websites, marketing website templates, business website templates and more. This is th..
Design an elegant wordpress theme Photoshop,22 Images, 1177 words
I have'had this web design Photoshop tutorial for an elegant WordPress theme'in mind for quite sometime now, so'I got things together and finally finished the article.? You will be designing this WordPress'theme from scratch with Photoshop. 'Every Ph..
Elegant/Portfolio Wordpress PSD Template Photoshop,19 Images, 839 words
Let' begin! Create a new document : width 900px, height 950 and as a background color use #191919. To create a nice effect for header, along with our color #191919 chosen for background I will use an texture also. Please go to: SXC and here look for ..
Create an elegant web layout for Wordpress Photoshop,13 Images, 949 words
Let' begin! Create a new document : width 1020px, height 1869 and as a background color use #1b0e03. Please note that you don't need to have this height. It can vary, but to obtain a similar template you will need to use this height Once you have set..